Liason 11/20 & 11/21/08 - You Mean Everything To Me

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11 жыл бұрын

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@sianaleilani Жыл бұрын
0:43 Sam pointing a gun at Jason at the same time he did to her was Magic❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@angiechambless1092 2 жыл бұрын
Lucky always thinks he knows more than Jason, and always wants his way. Jason shouldn't have backed down. The jealousy is crazy. But it's refreshing to see Elizabeth and Sam working together. Both women have individual strengths. Sam is so tough and can fight a man, and Elizabeth raising kids and a full time nursing job has tremendous stamina.
@amygeegan8620 5 жыл бұрын
Lucky should have let Jason put Sam and Liz and the boys in a safe house with guards and never left them alone they should of at least have had guards with them for protection
@ghfan51184 4 жыл бұрын
I do miss the sweeps and the days when rivals would be stuck together and have to help each other like what happened here. It’s too bad this lead to Liason Breaking up, because this clip did prove that even though Elizabeth was scared for her kids safety, she would do anything to keep them safe and she did and it also proved that she could handle Jason‘s line of work. She even told Cortney the danger she could handle it was the secrets and the fact that Jason what you said he was trying to protect her as a way to keep things from her and she didn’t need that.
@kristagerry8505 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! The reason Liason aren't together isn't because she couldn't handle the life but Because she would've taken him away from Sonny, Carly and the life! She is the only one that could have gotten him to leave the mob! Everyone Jason has been with has had a connection to Sonny in some way and gained approval from Sonny/Carly because they didn't interfere in their agenda or the mob! Robin-Sonny's little sister Courtney-Sonny's real sister Sam-Sonny's mistress mother of his child Elizabeth-His dream, safe place, his soul mate and best friend! The biggest threat to Sonny & Carly's "family" with Jason!
@marvinmoore2720 2 жыл бұрын
Uh no she couldn't, that's why they broke up
@marvinmoore2720 2 жыл бұрын
@@kristagerry8505 Elizabeth wasn't Jason's soulmate and she couldn't him to leave the mob , or leave Carly and Sonny, they didn't break up because she could get Jason to leave the mob , they broke up because she couldn't handle his mob life
@starweaver1567 Жыл бұрын
Carly & Sonny were always intimidated by the Liason bond; they were on the outside looking in. Sonny, Carly, Lucky, Sam are the ones who couldn't handle it. Liz & Jason did just fine. The writers were mobbed w/ an unreasonable CarSon/JaSam fanbase, that's why they ruined Liason.
@noreenm1947 6 жыл бұрын
I love Liason, always will, but on another note, Cameron..seriously the cutest kid ever!
@angelamorales2118 5 жыл бұрын
I agree i always love liz,jason and will till this day even if they don't want liason to have scenes together again which is so sad and not right at all i don't understand it
@kristagerry8505 3 жыл бұрын
Quote from Jason Morgan to Sonny Corinthos when discussing how dangerous their business is on January 8th 1998 "The people who want to be together should get to be together" this was Jason referring to how he felt about Elizabeth Webber! I 100% believe that Jason Morgan 100% loved Elizabeth( & still does) and only settled for Sam because she was better suited for his lifestyle! I also 100% believe that Elizabeth settled for Franco Baldwin because she can't be with Jason and because she feels that she doesn't deserve anyone better because she is broken inside due to the choices she and others around her have made! I do believe that they love Sam and Franco and their current families deeply but only because the people they truly love and want are people that they can't have or be with!
@amygeegan8620 6 жыл бұрын
Jason always saves Elizabeth he never disobeyed sonny and dropped everything like he did and does for Elizabeth that's true love
@violetrose1918 4 жыл бұрын
Jason hasn't been with Liz since 2008. He's with his true love, SAM now. He had to save Liz cuz she's always this Dasmal in Distress that can't save herself. Sam can fend for herself unlike Liz, so Jason didn't have to save her at every turn.
@amygeegan8620 3 жыл бұрын
@@violetrose1918 that's not nessacerly Liz saved the night of the b and w ball in o7 Jason saved her twice from shilo and twice from Franco and from Manny Sam's not as tough as she likes to make everyone believes she is and Liz also saved her from getting shot by one of the Russians when they were at the cabin with Liz's boys
@violetrose1918 3 жыл бұрын
@@amygeegan8620 Sam has put herself in danger WAY more than Liz has because like Jason, she has an eye for danger and she’s a PI. And yes while Liz saved Sam from the Russians once doesn’t make her equip to roll with the bad boys. If she was, she wouldn’t have spent 2008 trying to change Jason from being a mobster into a 9-5, house husband who’s life was just about her and her boys. Also, you need to realize Amy that if Liz was his true love, he would have chosen to be with her when he had the chance but he didn’t. He has chosen Sam over her many times since 2008 and is with her to this day. And at this point, if I were Liz, I wouldn’t want anything to do with Jason romantically since for years now since he’s chosen another woman over her.
@amygeegan8620 3 жыл бұрын
@@violetrose1918 Elizabeth and her her boys between them all have been kidnapped 6 times zander shot Elizabeth while he and Jason were struggling with a gun on the docks she also saved Sam and a few other the night of the b and w ball she saved Sam from the Russians she helped Sam escape from the hospital in 06 along with epiphany and helped Jason any time he asks like when he got arrested in 2012 or after he and Sam broke up in 06 and 07 and 05
@angiechambless1092 Жыл бұрын
Lucky is so ignorant. Jason could have had armed guards at the safe house, with phone service that worked. No, he has to call the shots.
@beegee1960 4 жыл бұрын
If Lucky had let Jason take them to a safe house instead of his cabin in the woods, all the stuff that followed might never have happened, And what was Lucky thinking, letting them go alone, when he told Jason he would get them to the cabin.
@kevinpham_ 5 жыл бұрын
horrible executives destroyed LIZ's house over a fake jasonDREW\JASAM STORY LINE!!! As to how this show went to reward the jasam fan base wit the jasam pairing in the fan service attempt to save this show from cancellation during 2012!! It just sucks how these executives abuse the role of liz like this! And now liz has to be paired with FRANCO the monster who destroyed michael's childhood and ruined sam's honeymoon and now LIz must be paired with franco these executive really hate LIZ it's obvious these executives treat liz like sh!t on this show and now they make liz sleep with Franco the monster who destroyed michael's childhood!! I always see how jasam fans say SAM had a hard time during 2006-2008!! Please girl was everyday heroes rewarded and then given LUCKY and then Sam gains carly as a friend to BULLY LIZ all through 2008! liz lost EMILY LIz forced herself to be in a loveless marriage just to please the SPENCER CLAN and hide the shame!! Liz carried her pregnant self and jason to hide away while Lorenzo Alcazar's men and the PCD where hunting down Jason after that cold NOV 2006!! Liz had to operate on a ROBIN who got shot in a metro court, liz risking HIV while she's pregnant! Liz had a gun pointed at the side of her pregnant belly by jerry jax! then shortly in the year of 2007 LIZ is forced to operate on JERRY JAX the same man who killed Alan Quatermaine because JAX made it happen! Liz had to risk her life and her career to save Sam from dying with the help of Patrick at the hospital after Sam got shot! Liz had to watch and learn that MAXIE and SAM slept with LUCKY in consecutive years right after the other! And out of liz's whole life, liz swore she would never go back to lucky after her sister slept with Lucky! If you think about it, that's a total of 5 times that Lucky has cheated on liz in her whole life time! And these executive made liz demanded that liz should fight for LUCKY in 2011 for what... that made liz look more ridiculous! Jasam fans act like Sam was written wrong while LIZ is thrown under a bus and left for dead as road kill in this show and now they have liz dating FRANCO! They wouldn't have to rebuild the role of liz every time if they didn't work so hard to destroy this character just to promote SAM, FRANCO, MAXIE, LULU, or whoever the hell else! I remember how lulu slapped Liz!! Man this is just BULL CRAP!! Liz deserves better than this liz may not be a saint, the virgin Mary, or mother Theresa, but liz deserves a heck of a lot better than to be tied to freaking Franco! it's wildly disturbing! sam Putting his child in danger because sam simply because jason didn't love sam enough during this time to tell sam about his new born baby and what went on with elizabeth!! that's how you know Sam is selfish and not as understanding as Jason! jason easily understood and stupidly forgave Sam for cheating on him with Sam's own's mother husband Rick who is a monster! But Sam couldn't even forgive jason for having a child with another woman and keeping it a secret! instead sam decides to believe the sins of the father must be repaid upon the children! After all that is Cassindine way of HELENA and SAM basically did the same to JASON and LIZ as if SAM was HELENA and so far Sam has gotten away with what she did to JAKE and CAMERON for now more than 13-14 years! I love it when they say, Sam saved JAKE from the RUSSIAN kidnapping!! The only reason RUSSIAN even got that far is because they identified SAM through Sam being sonny's mysterious and they tailed and followed Sam's location! Had sam been in police custody and away from LIZ and her kids! there's no way the russians would have came for LIZ and her kids!!! Liz was told to stay away from Jason and that is what she did after that hug to Jason!!! But instead Sam was around LIZ being stalked by the russians and stupid LUCKY who already knew that Sam's cover was blown said they should hide in a cabin! Meanwhile the RUSSIANS through SASAH were highly motivated to stalk SAM because of SONNY who killed KARPOV!! So with SASAHA taking over they motivation was SAM's head! And despite all that after the RUSSIANS were defeated, SASAHA wanted revenge on JASON so she then came after SAM! Which proves all along the RUSSIANS wanted SAM and SAM was the target it wasn't JAKE it was SAM! So basically instead of sam not speaking up and telling JASON and LIZ at that time that she should have been at POLICE CUSTODY in POLICE PROTECTION! That was on SAM, so her whole situation of saving JAKE is involuntarily sabotages itself she is responsible for disregarding Lucky's orders from stepping away from her cover before her cover got blown at the Karpov RUSSIAN ware house! And Sam is responsible because she knew they were after and instead of refusing to be around LIZ and the kids Sam stupidly agreed to be around them when Sam should have been in the PCD next to a squadron of COPS! Look at MAXIE in 2018 remember NATHAN and MAXIE was pregnant and she had a whole squad of COPS ready to protect MAXIE! SO what is this hypocrisy to see anyone disagree that Sam knew where she should have been but she chose to ride it out and force herself around liz and the kids which lead to the russians coming after Sam and after liz's kid jake! So that is on SAM!! Jake never would have been kidnapped in the first place had Sam just stayed away from Liz and the kids to begin with! I enjoy how youtube deleted my comments to protect the FACTS and Pain of Sam's sins during 2006 through 2009 from being ousted by us GH fans who pay attention to the content of these things that Sam did and easily got away with!!! we all know the narrative to make sam save jake was to fan service a breakage between the hatred between sam and jason with just the summer time of 2009 where christina and michael magically run away and force sam and jason to go to sonny's island which was the fan service way of forcing jasam to be together again by fall 2009!! What a way to destroy LIASON over a induced story line of fan service! Skip to 2011 Jake is taken away by HELENA another CASSIDINE attack on this child just as Sam has done so before as HELENA took a page out of Sam's handy work! Then these executives have Carly, and Maxie pressuring Sam to give jason a baby! Liz didn't even have time to mourn the alleged loss of JAKE with JASON for more than 5-7 scenes among Jan 2011 through JULY 2011! In fact in July 2011 they have Jason who just lost his child more concerned of putting a ring over sam's finger! then when liz finally has the chance to talk to jason about the loss of Jake, Liz goes to the pent house and sam has a ring on her finger giving Liz a glass of water and the ring shines through the glass indicating to Liz that Sam has won!!! What was the point of that!!! Jake has been alleged dead for more than 6-7 months not even up to a year and they have jason marrying sam and then talks of having a new baby to replace Jake! Disgusting!! That was a very difficult year to watch GH the lengths these executive took to erode the role of liz as if it is completely okay because as long as JASAM is being pushed out it's magically a HIT right... shaking my head (smh)...!!!! Meanwhile the concept of that story line was about a new baby that jason wasn't ready for but despite all that michael is getting messed up over because sam introduced abby to michael's life! Which didn't help much other than to force michael to acknowledge what franco did to him! And now in 2019 FRANCO that monster is raising jake in jason morgan's face as Franco is with LIz!! the same monster who kidnapped AIden the first 5 minutes Aiden was born is now in a relationship with Liz, how terrible!! Do you see how the past and present executive of GH has destroyed ELIZABETH and they want us to keep watching general hospital!! thank god for LIASONSTECKYCHANNEL a channel that just shows the truth for what it is
@kevinpham_ 5 жыл бұрын
4:01 the only reasons karpov's men were at liz's house is because they were ordered by Sasha to follow SAM... remember that always and then think to yourself if that's the case why didn't same speak up and say she should hide in police custody! because if not, why did Sasha continue coming after sam after the whole chaotic night was over! that's because sasha intended to come after sam to avenge Karpov's death she is the closet individual to Sasha's mind to believe that it would affect Jason and Sonny if something was to happen to Sam! that is why after Sasha attempted to use Sam as bargaining chip through jason to escape port charles!! when Sasha kidnapped Sam! therefore proves sam was the target it was not jake, jake getting kidnapped was bait to lure Sam to get Jason to come out and he did! so that whole situation is all because of sam! Sam saving Jake is her saving grace to escape the guilt of what she caused she claims to know better the jasam fan base claims Sam understands Jason's business! but at the very least i wish the executives allowed Liz to question what sam was doing inside liz's house in 2016 before it blew up! Just i like wish the past executives allowed Liz to ask sam why she refused to take Lucky's advice to end her cover as it is easily blown to reveal that Sam was one of Sonny's past mistresses!! Which evidently turned sam into an instant target the moment Sonny killed Karpov, if sam understand the business she should have said she is the new target and she shouldn't be around anyone!! that's what someone who is responsible for their life and others is supposed to behave! But hey this is sam, she didn't even go to KIKI JEROME's funeral so why are we surprised by this past transgression! The least we can call this is FAN SERVICE Jasam writing the forceful ridiculous way to end LIASON to begin the jasam fan service writing that has stretched upon this show like a curse for over a decade its time let it go! And let Gh become something new before real GH audiences member abandon this show like the rest of us GH fans who still held on to dear life of improvement of this production all this time! Never have we seen that many actresses and actors leave GH under this small window of time since may 2015 through 2019 that is too many to lose over bad story lines that led to no where! And that's how we know the executives of today's GH has failed the real GH audiences!! Good day!
@ghfan51184 4 жыл бұрын
Kevin Pham completely well said and I completely agree.
@kevinpham_ 5 жыл бұрын
if liz was supposed to be safe jason should have sent liz and the boys on a plane ticket to California to with guards to where sarah is!! And lucky should have had sam gone under police protection custody!!
@amygeegan8620 5 жыл бұрын
No one can tell me that Jason doesn't love Elizabeth he's loved her for 20 years first as friends than as lovers and still to this day they would do anything for each other no matter what
@JazMere93 9 ай бұрын
I started watching 2006 and loved Liason. Went back and watched their history in its entirety. Jasam fans told me to go watch Jason and Sam story, I did. Sam is the first woman (with the exception of Carly) to fully love and accept Jason. Liz never did that. Ive been a Jasam fan every sence. Yes Jason loved Liz. But true love does not have you lying to everyone and going against who you are. Jason wanted to protect his baby. He told Sam he's never loved anyone the way he loves her. Liz is a love of Jason's life. Sam is thee love of Jason's life.
@dawnr5158 2 ай бұрын
@@JazMere93thank you so very much for your amazing comment because it’s nothing further than the actual true facts. Lizard and Jason’s relationship was over before it even started, because she could never except his lifestyle nor his job. Lizard could never ever except Jason for who he truly is, she kept trying to change Jason into someone who he isn’t nor whom he’ll ever be, because In her sick and twisted little brain she fantasized about them having this perfect life together. Jason told Lizard from the beginning that they could never ever be together, especially when she went behind his back and being shady, and she lost all his trust. Even when they found out that she was pregnant, Jason still decided to go back with Sam and it wasn’t until Lizard started using his unborn child against him that he started wagging his tail every single time she called his name. Lizard is a horrible and disgusting human being for everything that she has ever done to hurt people. It was okay for Lizard to switch the blood test on Sam’s baby, or to constantly lie to Jason, because she always came up with an excuse,but Sam was the bad guy for mistakenly watching her baby get kidnapped. However the worst is how Lizard got bored going from Lucky to Jason to Nick to Drew then finally settled for the man who in fact put her-son in danger, as well as did so many horrific things to many people including Jason (Franco). I mean come on now Lizard, are you that damn desperate, oh wait she is because Lizard has to be the center of everyone’s attention. Jason only liked the fact of being a father to his biological son, like he said many times “he has to protect his child” not Lizard face.
@kevinpham_ 5 жыл бұрын
ya know the show would have been more interesting if the pairing stayed this way between LUSAM and LIASON!!! danger and mystery first half of the week and then a little stormy weather in the middle of th week and love scenes and cliff hanger at the end of the week! LUSAM and LIASON would have been good that way keep GH interesting and preventing this LONG LINE CULT of JASAM fans to have this much priority on GH today! if only this show had executives with tough WOMEN who are ready to end JASAM! And then unite LUSAM or DREAM i guess and then give the rest of the GH the LIASON fan base back and kill off FRANCO once and for all! that would be a good way to welcome something like this kind of scene back into the new age of GH!! because clearly what GH is now is completely unrecognizable and upsetting discouraging! 1:14
@marvinmoore2720 2 жыл бұрын
Sam and Lucky were never meant to be, Elizabeth's couldn't handle his life, because his life put Elizabeth and her family in danger, all the time
@sarahswomley2580 Жыл бұрын
@@marvinmoore2720 Sam feels the same way now
@angelamorales2118 6 жыл бұрын
I like that jason wanted to get to liz and said that she means everything to him his eyes showed it.i liked that jason give liz a look before leaving her house.I liked the scene with sam,liz,cam,jake in the car
@Mama_x2014 7 жыл бұрын
He's so fine !!!!!
@blackpanter9572 5 жыл бұрын
I like when these girls get along. Both beautiful gorgegous ladies. I love liason but I like Kemo too.
@meld8829 11 жыл бұрын
If they would of ever just let Jason protect them like we all know he can this wouldn't of happened. Should of done things with his rules. She already was okay with the guards ect... They really did this couple wrong. Jake wouldn't of been taken if Jason was in charge!!! The only reason Michael was shot was because Jason wasn't around and there was no guards there too. Stupid writers!!!! Oh but Thank you so much for posting this today, they are great!!
@kevinpham_ 5 жыл бұрын
no jason, you should have questioned SAM more on what she was doing in there! she did't even explain to you what she was doing in there! had you know you would known that SAM is a target and keeping her around liz and the kids is dangerous!! Even LIz was wondering is that okay for Sam to be wit us! wasn't her cover blown! therefore which proved sasah still came for SAM after the whole chaos was nearly over! Sam was the intented target that's why Karpov's men' were still coming for SAM they followed her all the way to LIZ house! And the fact that SAM stayed quiet about it makes sam very suspicious she knew what was happening and refused to ask for POLICE CUSTODY! MAXIE asked for POLICE CUSTODY when she knew FAISON was coming for her and her baby! So what stops SAM from asking to be placed in the PCD to be protected by the POLICE CUSTODY that's right question that everytime you wonder why jason sked SAM at KARPOV's ware house! Jason: what are you doing here! Being in how SASHA already knew sam was Sonny's mistress her cover was blown but they kept her to keep eyes on her and if things got awkward with SAM, they could use SAM to send a message to sonny! But Sonny killed off KARPOV then SASHA retaliated which resulted the MOB WAR! we can blame SONNY for the MOB WAR! But we blame SAM for not speaking up and asking to be kept somewhere else instead being around Liz and the kids! because of sam's continuous case of NEGLIGENCE that sam has derived to have all this time with herself and others that is why JAKE was kidnapped she refused to say she sould not be around the BOYS! Sam even confirms she knows how dodge a tail when LUCKY was after her during 2006 because of RICK's orders to follow sam to find jason! And yet here we go again Sasha's men were able to tail SAM and Sam led them to LIZ's house with LUCKY! When sam should have told JASON she needs to turn herself into the police, to protect herself and others from coming after her! If i'm wrong, why did SASHA continue coming after Sam because Sam was the intended target to get to SONNY and SASHA used the point of coming after Sam as leverage to flee PORT CHARLES! SO therefore JAKE's kidnapping by the Russians is basically sam's fault! Sam saving Jake wasn't heroism it was Sam doing it out of GUILT! The jasam fan base fan service of scenarist fans and people are free to forgive sam, but the rest of us REAL GH fans have every right to disregard Sam's heroism she's the reason why JAKE was kidnapped in the first place! It just sucks that LIZ was never allowed to ask SAM why she didn't listen to LUCKY stop tailing KARPOV! And notice after this whole thing was over, Sam left LUCKY....So therefore Lucky was just keeping Sam while Sam hung back waiting for Jason and LIz to break up because Sam knew that jason would push LIz away for good and Sam was ready for jason to settle for her!! All sam had to do was hang around and be good person from now on so Jason can see that sam will change! And she did and so Jason gave in and settled for Sam!! that's how it goes! She accepted that jason will continue to lie to her, she accepted that jason will never put her first, and Sam accepted that jason didn't want kids! And then 2011 the show had to change due to concept of it likely being cancelled! And SB was leaving in advance during this time! so the best way to secure GH raitings was to promote JASAM and give the jasam fan base something to hold on to which was a baby for JASAM! Then SB LEFT! Come 2014 the nonsense of a fake jason returns and then the JASAM fan base attacks LIASON CHANNELS and controls the airwaves send death threats to Rebecca Herbst and her family on sociial media! All over a fake jason morgan story line!! the audacity not one single apology to Rebecca Herbst from the ever so loving jassam fan base that is overly rewared so much on this show by these cowardly executives! It's amazing and then they pair LIZ with FRANCO while soon enough the real JASON played by SB returns! It's amazing that these executive actually believe we will continue watching this show in the year of 2025!! There out of their minds not only was liz destroyed and turned into a punching bag for sam but they have destroyed liz to corrupt the very respect most of us still had for this character on this show! Thank God for Liason channel at least it being here is one way we know these horrible executives will never ruin the memory of this saga because it's been played and done! The new gh by these horrible executives doesn't deserves Liason, let them have their JASAM show and FRANCO nonsense that is what Gh should be for this saga among thiis point in time from May 2015 through 2019 that is fake general hospital and we real GH fans should always refer to GH that way from now on!!!
@leydenpennycook 8 жыл бұрын
This scene just goes to show that no matter the good intentions Jason has he is only human and can't always protect Liz and/or her kids. If he's not dealing with an enemy he's dealing with the police which is a major distraction that leaves Liz and her boys vulnerable. If Liz is gonna be with Jason she has to be able to protect herself. As much as I love liason Liz is woefully under prepared to deal with Jason and his life.
@devylanny.9146 7 жыл бұрын
unprepared is the correct term to use. if jason taught liz assassin survival skills, i'm positive she could protect herself. she's used guns in the past and was fine with it. protecting oneself is instinctive but using weapons to perfection has to be learnt. if you have never held a gun and pulled the trigger before, you won't even know where to begin.
@jennifermilkowski1105 7 жыл бұрын
They wouldnt have been followed if Jason had taken them to the safe house or cabin, he wouldnt have left until he knew they were safe before going after the Russians.
@yaniramartinez3857 5 жыл бұрын
Please Elizabeth can't even change a flat tire...that is a basic survival skill for a single mom. If we want to be treated equally and be respected by men. We need to stop the nonsense of making excuses for not knowing basic survival skills. Especially, when your kids depend on you. We need to be honest and be real. She made us look bad as a whole. We need to stop defending the undefendable. It is just plain ridiculous that with two kids she is not more independent and self reliant. Seriously, in our case we were taught how to care of our cars by our Mom. She was the one that taught our Dad how to drive. So, we really don't appreciate the writers making Elizabeth so weak and dependent on men. It is an insult to women every where. Also, she should know how to defend herself. By the way when she shot the guy in the Cabin she couldn't get rid of the gun fast enough because she was scared. Again, at least Sam knew exactly what to do and she was able to take charge of the situation. Granted Elizabeth helped. But she had to be told. She is a single mom. She should be ready to defend her kids always. Like Olivia or Carly. That they just know what to do. Again, shame on the writers.
@mayzo51184 11 жыл бұрын
Maybe so, but it would have been a matter of time before they had been found. Even when Jason and Sam were on the run at the safe house, they were found. If it weren't the Russians, it would have been someone else.
@dawnr5158 2 ай бұрын
So she doesn’t want Sam coming into her house around her kids, but it’s okay for Jason to be around them. Sam’s not in the mob Jason is!!
@deliday5172 Жыл бұрын
Anyone knows the name of the bald headed actor with Jason? I've seen him in something I just can't remember.
@blackbutterfly233ify Жыл бұрын
I am wondering the same thing
@kristagerry8505 Жыл бұрын
Characters name is Cody Paul played by Graham Shiels.....his most recent credits are. 911 Lonestar and Magnum PI
@user-ck6ly5ib9g Ай бұрын
Why is sam there my question
@kevinpham_ 6 жыл бұрын
Sam should have asked LUCKY to put herself under POLICE PROTECTION CUSTODY that way SAM never would have been SEEN anyhere in any distance under the new orders from SASHA to go after SAM! But no instead SAM kept her mouth shut and her silence led to violence b\c SAM knew all along that SASHA would come after her any means necessary to avenge KARPOV and to get revenge on SAM for infiltrating their organization! And yet SASHA knew in advance who sam was as SONNY's mistress and SAM knew her cover was blown and she continued working for these people sam knew that if all hell broke loose, then SAM would be in SASHA's radar for revenge and yet SASHA despite the death of KARPVO, SASHA had russian men come after SAM and spy on SAM all that time and right now! This means it was all personal and SAM knew about it and kept her mouth shut, had SAM revealed this info sooner, SAM would have been told by LUCKY that SAM should go under POLICE PROTECTION CUSTODY and logically SAM would have went under police protection custody and SAM never would have been anywhere near LIZ and the kids to be attacked by RUSSIANS that led to jake's kidnapping!! we all know this whole story line was basically SAM's redemption tour to then revisit and bring about the almighty JASAM PAIRING and then the role of LIZ since then was turned into WRITERS CRUTCH AGENDA to throw LIZ under a BUS YEAR after YEAR making liz looks foolish while SAM becomes this OVERLY REDEEMED AUDIENCE Revisionist MISUNDERSTOOD DARK ANGEL to all the little jasam fans out there who continue this cycle of BULL CRAP pretending that it's okay for the role of LIZ to be treated this way just to make SAM look good!!! meanwhile through this grandiose involuntary sabotage not only was the role of LIZ destroyed, it was also abused to such an extreme level to destroy the memories and strenghts of the role of LIZ's character year after year! These Executives complied such an elaborate scheme to not only destroy the memory of ELIZABETH WEBBER, but they destroyed her HOUSE, destroyed the albums and family portraits of all of her friends and family in that house all gone and the house that emily and the real jason got for LIZ all gone! And to that end, let me just say how disgusting it is that they threw liz under a bus for a FAKE JASAM REUNION and then the real jason is back and LIZ can't even have the fake jason and liz is forcefully paired with that murderous sex offender franco who made JASON's life a living hell and scarred michael and sam's life forever!! And liz paired with this monster franco is just the tipping point of the realization of how HORRIBLE THESE EXECUTIVES are just to make liz become and be revered as a FOOL who has no loyalty to JASON a loyalty that all of us GH\LIZ\EX-LIZ\LIASON fans have always known that LIZ has always had for jason!! And to see liz defend franco over jason in regards over of little jake, is the most biggest BOWL of feckless astatine the lot of us have ever seen!! Let that be remembered her!! Never forget how these executives abused this fan base for years just to PROMOTE THE JASAM fan base and now they want us to support LIZ being with that murderous sex offender.. that just goes to show you how LITTLE RESPECT this executive has for this fan base. STOP BOWING DOWN to FRANK VALENITI they don't deserve your praise when they work this hard to desecerate a LONG TIME GH VETERAN CHARACTER all for in the name to overly promote such a FAN SERVICE WRITERS CRUTCH RIDICULOUS PAIRING!! Never be played again by this executive they don't care about this fan base and they never will!! we are disposable!! GOOD DAY!!
@glendasmith9032 8 жыл бұрын
for fact liason ended when jason got with Courtney and that is where they should have left it. point end of story......
@marvadawes5343 6 жыл бұрын
Glenda Smith then why are you on all these Liason videos? It takes a fool to keep watching something they don’t like. Lol
@darc2406 5 жыл бұрын
Glenda Smith I agree. They just keep making liz look stupid trying to be with jason when she is not durable enough for jason in the long run. Look how sam handle herself against the bad men compare to liz, she is better off with lucky.
@ahseeuh 4 жыл бұрын
Another fact: Glenda hates Liason but comments on every single video! Point end of story.......
@angelamorales2118 6 жыл бұрын
If lucky would have let jason put them in a safe house Jake would have not been kidnapped again and more
@tinashowers672 9 жыл бұрын
Yeppers he always saves Sam
@marvadawes5343 6 жыл бұрын
Tina Showers because her stupid ass is always putting herself in Jason’s business and in danger so he’ll have to save her.
@amygeegan8620 5 жыл бұрын
He drops everything for Elizabeth not same Sam is a side chick Liz is his one true love
@violetrose1918 4 жыл бұрын
Amy Geegan If Liz was Jason’s one true love, he would’ve taken the opportunity to be with her years ago. But he didn’t. The true love of Jason’s life is SAM. Sam got the home, the ring, the marriage and a kid that was purposely conceived and not the result of a defected condom.
@brendasanders4039 2 жыл бұрын
what's with the guts hair, standing up in front. 😅
@kevinpham_ 5 жыл бұрын
no jason you could have put SAM in police custody Lucky your a cop use your head.... Sheesh!!!! in fact jason never should have even brought sam to liz's house had sam open her mouth and said something there would be no reason for Karpvos men to have followed Sam this far... smh 2:07
@yaniramartinez3857 5 жыл бұрын
The issue with this whole situation is that it was self inflicted because Jason fell asleep at the wheel. In his attempt to have a so called "relationship" with Elizabeth so he could fulfilled his infatuation with her. We identify Jason's feelings for Elizabeth as an infatuation because that is exactly what she felt for him too. It was mutual. The interesting factor here was that the basis for Jason's infatuation was his overwhelming love for his son. Let's remember that quite often infatuations take a life on their own and the people involved get stuck on stupid because they confuse the feelings with love. In the process, the people infatuated with each other forget the essence of who they are and usually constantly compromised themselves just to seek satisfaction. Until something terrible happens that snaps them back to reality. In the case at hand, Jason lost all perspective, focus and he constantly compromised himself because he was trying to go against his core beliefs by pursuing the so called "relationship" that he knew very well from the beginning it was a non started. But Jason was so overwhelmed by his love for Jake that those feelings kept on feeding his infatuation for Elizabeth until it took over his better judgement and he caved. For, he decided to try to make it work with Elizabeth. We are not arguing that he didn't love Elizabeth. What we are arguing is that Jason was truly infatuated with Elizabeth just as much as she was with him (See Definition of Infatuation @ the end). The basis for his infatuation was his love for Jake. Nonetheless, all of those feelings and the fact that he was trying so hard to make it work with her when he knew all along it would never work out distracted him from the business which eventually led to all the problems he later on had to face: 1. Jason didn't tell Carly that Michael was playing around with guns. 2. Michael shot Kate by accident and then Michael ran away because he was afraid of Sonny's reaction. 3. Carly went after Michael and lost her baby. 4. TMK grabbed Sam. Elizabeth was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 5. Jason hurt his hands 6. Sonny is out of control 7. The Russian Syndicate moved to Town 8. A counterfeit drug ring got established and Jerry is part of it. Sam is undercover but Jason doesn't know it. 9. Michael got shot. 10. Kate got shot 11. Sonny joined the Zacchara Organization. He married Claudia Zacchara. 12. Mob War got started 13. Sam, Elizabeth and the kids were attacked by the Russians 14. Jake was kidnapped Interesting enough, It was Sam who told him that because of his choices his son was going to pay. Truth be told that is exactly what happened, Jake got kidnapped by the Russians during the Mob War. None of it would have happened if Jason would have been paying attention to his job like he always did before he decided to live a life based on lies and without a moral compass. Lesson to be learned. #### DEFINITIONS: INFATUATION: An intense but short lived passion or admiration for someone or something. It is based on what you want the person to be NOT on who the person really is. While being in love is about you accepting the person exactly for who they really are instead of who you wanted them to be. It's about accepting the good, the bad and the in between
@imunetwork8514 4 жыл бұрын
Wow Elizabeth is concern about gunfire and Sam coming to her house with the Kids upstairs- but no concern about Jason being there with Sam when she knows the shooting was all about the Mob. Lucky even said “this is a mob war”. Will Elizabeth adapt to gunfire and killing?
@aleeh247 Жыл бұрын
Years later and I still think Elizabeth was desperate and was still the same girl that cane I to town. Very calculating. She always stalked Jason no matter what relationship he was in. She's a tramp that sits and waits. She never wanted a family with Jason just dangled it in his face whenever he had enough of knocking boots with her. Of course they felt love for each other. Because they always snuck around and kept their time in what ifs and wouldn't it be nice. Never real life. Ugh. Watching this makes me not like Jason's flip floppy ass. Telling Sam that in his life he has never loved someone like he loves her. The best thing that happened to Elizabeth was a faulty condom. Let's not forget her first baby is from Emily's man
@sarahswomley2580 7 ай бұрын
Emily was off with Nikolas. She only married Zander b/c she thought she was dying. She loved Nikolas.
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