Life After Death - Scientific Approaches | An In-depth-interview with Kim Penberthy

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Kim Penberthy is a professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences. She was born and raised in West Virginia where she developed a strong tie to the natural world. As a scientist, she is involved in studies of consciousness phenomena such as after-death contacts. She is co-author of the book "Living Mindfully Across the Lifespan".
This in-depth-interview is about her scientific work, her book but also about very personal spiritual experiences.
00:00:32 Introduction of Kim Penberthy
00:03:24 What kind of after death communications do people experience?
00:06:37 What's your general view on near-death experiences?
00:10:42 Near-death experiences in the context of paranormal, transcendental, mystical experiences
00:13:07 When the brain goes, when we die, consciousness is gone?
00:14:57 Is it possible to generate some extraordinary states of consciousness?
00:17:48 The results of using psychedelics in psychotherapy in the US
00:25:36 Studies about replication of extraordinary experiences during meditation
00:30:02 How does mindfulness contemplative practices help diseased people?
00:34:12 How do patients find you?
00:36:13 Why do you think death and dying is such a taboo topic in general?
00:41:12 Have you found ways to help people in the last three weeks of their life?
00:45:42 How do you get the right balance between qualitative and quantitative approaches?
00:48:13 Can you outline the study that you're involved with regarding after-death communication?
00:52:50 Where does your enthusiasm come from?
00:56:12 Experiences in Kim's house
00:59:54 The experience at the beach
01:04:59 What are your plans for the future?
Interview: Jens Rohrbeck
Editor: Werner Huemer
℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2022 Thanatos TV EN

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@ilaannwhite3094 2 жыл бұрын
I had an experience with a friend appearing before me about 2 days after her suicide. Nothing in the world can convince me that it did not happen. One can't prove it. I told her husband, and he found great comfort in what I told him, and he shared it with the rest of the family. I received a message from her, and that was that she was completely OK.
@Anna_Fortunka 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. May I ask, was this a visual apparition or some other form?
@juan33k74 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this ❤️
@ilaannwhite3094 2 жыл бұрын
@@Anna_Fortunka It was visual. No words were spoken. It was vibratory as well. I felt a very strong vibration throughout my entire body, as well has in my hearing. It was as if a door opened.
@Wugawamp 2 жыл бұрын
Mr Rohrbeck conducted a great interview, as usual. Glad that more medical professionals are becoming involved in this area. Inspires hope. Well done.
@ellemoore5994 2 жыл бұрын
My sister-in-law died and a short time I saw her in a dream. She wanted her family to know that she was ok. She had peace and was in a good place. I only dreamed of her once. I have noticed that the dead when they come to you may not talk yet you can get the message that they are relaying. My uncle also came to me after he passed.His message was that we are eternal and it’s all about love.
@kevmodee1866 2 жыл бұрын
Great interview! She has so much to offer with her knowledge and experiences. Bless
@rikard4711 5 ай бұрын
I too have had that experience of feeling total oneness with everything, like this woman had on the lake. It's life changing. It's completely different to 'just' having the best day ever where you in total harmony. This is so different and I wish everyone got to experience. Thanks for the interview. Kim is tuned in.
@Theheadless1858 2 жыл бұрын
The issue with psychedelics is that they alter detectable consciousness to a point where these experiences lose objective validity - and objective validity is important for research. This runs contrary to the experiences recounted by near death experience survivors who report a full sense of consciousness and continued control of their faculties and understanding of themselves. Research into ketamine seems to be the best next move as it does allow for similar experiences to NDEs without the degradation of the conscious experience and control reported by people using psychedelics.
@dmcarden 2 жыл бұрын
Nelson Garcia, absolutely not think that is the best way forward..muddies the waters scientifically
@nivekvb 2 жыл бұрын
I wish they would leave off the psychedelics. As for therapy, they can cause Perception Persistent Hallucinogen Disorder, HPPD, which many sufferers find traumatic, inducing severe chronic anxiety.
@OzmaOfOzz 2 жыл бұрын
I wish she wouldn't have mentioned that. There's a chance people go psychotic after such drugs. And never recover. Look at Syd Berret, for example. Just one of many.
@wesboundmusic 2 жыл бұрын
I've been dying to see this! Prof. Penberthy seems to be the exact kind of person you'd want to have as an academic institution to study these kinds of phenomena and especially attend to terminal patients! If I had a chance to "reinvent myself" all over - for the 4th time in life...- I think I'd formally apply for a spot in one of their programs. Should be interesting and I'd be able to bring some pre-existing knowledge paired with personal experience to the table. But alas... no idea how to make that a reality for now. About her experience on the SUP: She may have had an experience of Samadhi. Noetic Sciences founder, the late Ed Mitchell, one former crew member of the earlier Apollo missions, reported a similar experience of unity and oneness after coming back from his trip to the moon's orbit. I think he reported the experience in the context of capturing the photo that has become known as "Earth Rise". Quite fascinating, his account thereof. (what a lovely person Prof. K. seems to be in addition to the greatly interesting studies she conducts)
@Z-Diode 2 жыл бұрын
Good interview with a serious and reputable scientist. We need more reports backed by an academic level.
@PythagorasHyperborea 2 жыл бұрын
I was shown ten years into the future when I took ayahuasca. I was shown the biggest event of my life (thus far) that wasn’t going to occur for another decade. You have to be careful with drugs, but there’s definitely something to ayahuasca.
@lizwiz6434 2 жыл бұрын
But illegal so impossible to get hold of at least where I live.
@E-Kat 2 жыл бұрын
Has this event happened in your life already? Is it a good event?
@PythagorasHyperborea 2 жыл бұрын
@@lizwiz6434 I did a lot of research and just made it myself with the highest quality ingredients I could find and then got to enjoy the experiences in the comfort of my own home. None of the ingredients are illegal and no law body is going around looking for ayahuasca.
@PythagorasHyperborea 2 жыл бұрын
@@E-Kat Yes. It already happened and it was the best event of my life. I was pretty blown away by experiencing the event and then also realizing that I was already shown all of the things that were happening. The only real takeaway for me though is that now I know for a fact that certain aspects of the future can not only be known but also intelligently transmitted to us. I assume our guides and God adaptively react to our free will decisions and tweak things to ensure that certain important chapters in our life take place almost no matter what life decisions we make before that.
@E-Kat 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so impatient and keep forward winding to hear of any cases of contact between the deceased and this world. So far there’s a lot of talk I have no patience for because of my state of mind. But I’m sure it’s a wonderful interview, thank you. ♥️🤗🥀
@graveyardghost2603 2 жыл бұрын
I have communicated with benevolent entities on my ouija/spirit board for over 13 years, and never had an experience that wasn't positive. I love what this Dr. had to say, she seems ahead of most. Wonderful video!
@E-Kat 2 жыл бұрын
Who were these entities? Thank you.
@graveyardghost2603 2 жыл бұрын
@@E-Kat my guardian angels.
@OzmaOfOzz 2 жыл бұрын
I'd never trust that thing ever. Even benevolent spirits might be in disguise. You've been lucky. But be careful, something negative might creep in once the portal is open. 🥺
@silviadelsur5690 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview!!! Thank you all for bringing this topic to light
@mirgrande7683 2 жыл бұрын
Such a sincerely, lovely and intelligent woman. Past fear. The ignorance of purely materialistic views. True science - an endless search for truth. "Now Voyager set thou forth to seek and find..." (Walt Whitman)
@eriknorberg6154 2 жыл бұрын
This professors explanation and conclusion of the phenomena when a sudden expansion of awareness occur, was the best I have seen or heard so far. I think she is an excellent human being, who is not feeling ashamed, as so many other so-called scientist seem to be when this subject is touched. I have read and seen, probably, as many as 300-500 interviews with people who have had an NDE, and read many, many books about those experiences, that often are described as more real than the reality we are observing daily in our daily or ordinary life. Some use the term ultra real. One of the best books on this subject is Dr. Eben Alexander III:s book "Proof of Heaven", in which he among other things is giving an interesting view on the topic of the quantum theory. But one of the more interesting things he described, was how difficult it is to translate the telepathic communication (which is very common that NDE:ers refer to), to a spoken language, and how to explain what you have experienced 'on the other side'. In his case he was not clinically dead, but in a comatose stage, but he still had a near-death-experience. He compared to if you as a monkey had the opportunity to one day together with human beings experience how it actually is to be a human being with the same clarity of mind and awareness as a human being, and then come back to his art friends to try to explain what he has experienced, while the other monkeys look at him as he is some kind of nut, keeping eating their bananas (it was a long time since I read the book, so I might have paraphrased a little!). Anyway, according to me, in this case, if you transfer this story to an allegory with a person who for one day will have the opportunity to experience something that is seen as abnormal, namely an NDE, an out-of-body experience, et cetera, then, in thus case, the NDE-person is the monkey who got to experience a heighten awareness, ridiculed by his fellow beings, the scientists, as telling stories out of his imagination, or a crazy liar. This is not something I am making up, but the actual situation (anyway not so long ago), which refer to when I saw a discussion between some scientists (Nobel laureates, among others) and Rupert Sheldrake, who was seen as the crazy one because he said that telepathic communication between animals and humans is real, etc. It is remarkable, since we today know so much more about the the universe in a more expanded way, where 'we' have gone from a reality, less than 4-500 years ago when people thought that the planet earth was the center of the universe, to the reverse picture, that the the planet earth is jus an insignificant dust particle in a universe consisting of approximately 200 billion galaxies containing approximately 200 billion solar systems each. And NOW there are even speculations of that this universe might be just one among infinitely, uncountable other universes. And as it is also said, which is worth of saying, the seen (observable by telescope) universe, is only a manifestation of 4 percent of the total mass, which we know almost nothing about. So, how can we be so ignorant, arrogant et cetera, to not want to listen to people who have had an experience, more real than the one we, usually have while awake, during our ordinary daily activities? I suggest that all of us take this 'subject' more seriously and try to pick up and learn as much as possible, which I think will gain the whole world (and compare with old Indian knowledge from thousands of years before the birth of Jesus!) Try to find more information of the universe, other dimensions, etc., in the Upanishads, or the Vedic literature (you can learn more by listening to people like Sadguru, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, to mention a few!.
@tillyvickers2721 2 жыл бұрын
So very interesting! 👌👌👌 Once again, thank you all for these excellent interviews.🙏❤
@jesusfan8504 2 жыл бұрын
I know there are a lot of people hurting ...The continuation of Life is REAL indeed. We have Hope on this earth, for the Light and Love of Jesus and our loved ones who do await us after crossing over as well...nothing to fear.
@juliabarker6913 2 жыл бұрын
A well-versed and balanced interview thank you.
@professordigorykirke3570 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful discussion.
@Marvelous771 2 жыл бұрын
Nice interview and I appreciate her honesty. I agree with her about the possibility of achieving a similar state closer to NDE in various ways . I have similar experiences during meditation a couple of times..
@razony 2 жыл бұрын
I love the integration of Science & Spirituality in trying to locate the commonality of the metaphysical and the spiritual. Even though humanity is in its infancy in understanding the NDE's, Reincarnation and the Paranormal experiences. (Paranormal is NEVER addressed as much as it should. It a direct part of the spiritual experience.) I don't think Science will find drugs/psychedelics found in the body (DMT or others) to reproduce the experience one has during an NDE, OBE, paranormal, regression therapy... We will see commonalities it creates. Joy, Ephoria, Visions, Love... but not the common experiences NDE'rs have. The overwhelming physical, emotional observations of color, sound, awareness, perception...on a whole other level, than what drugs can create. Science will show one day, these experiences can only be a Divine experience and nothing else can explain it. It will happen that humanity will one day see this as it is. A Divine experience and nothing less. Thanks Dr. Penberthy and Thanatos TV EN.
@Wombat-pv5eb 2 жыл бұрын
I had an spontaneous "mystical" experience in nature when I was 33 years old. If anyone is interested in knowing all details on how it happened, what whats happening in my Life in the days before etc...feel free to contact me. Sadly when it happened I didnt know what it was or what it meant, I was not spiritually aware yet at the time but I never forgot what I felt and now many years later I know how blessed I was although I still haven´t figured out why I experienced it or what for.
@richakumari3146 2 жыл бұрын
Please reply what happened
@alexandrina...966 2 жыл бұрын
I love that someone wants finaly answers-🥳🥳
@cooking_innovations 2 жыл бұрын
From my experiences the lady's claim wouldn't be true. And this is why? In the 80s I took psychedelic drugs, Acid or known as Trip. Took LSD, and so on. In the 90s I didn't take these then did Transcendental Meditation, 2011 I had an NDE. 2016 I did mindfulness Meditation and Transcendental Meditation. Also did hypnotherapy. I also had general anesthetic. And can assure you from my experiences, that a near death experience is not the same as any of these.
@pubg3188 2 жыл бұрын
Can you tell me about your NDE
@silentbullet2023 10 ай бұрын
After listening to an NDE, I imagined Buddha's smile as the universe itself. Half an hour later, I clicked on this video, and there he is.
@bonnibonni6863 2 жыл бұрын
Hallo Herr Rohrbeck, gibt es dieses Interview auch in deutsch? Danke 🙏
@ThanatosTVEN 2 жыл бұрын
Noch nicht, aber wir haben eine deutsche Voice-over-Fassung geplant. Werner Huemer
@tomm856 2 жыл бұрын
Einstein and Tesla said think vibrations, so that's what I do. I believe matter vibrates at a certain band of frequencies and the mind at another frequency outside that band, so is not subject to destruction at death. I'm watching this video now, and I know the video is not being generated inside my compute, but my computer is just converting the information coming from the internet into a physical form, just like the brain converts information from the mind to interact with the physical world. And of course, if my computer dies on me, the information of the video is still there, it's not effected by the death of my computer.
@cocothetrouble 2 жыл бұрын
@vinny-lp5qv 2 жыл бұрын
reminds me of the sci fi Logans Run !
@bradleymosman8325 2 жыл бұрын
After my dad passed I had three dreams about him. This happens because I lived around him for fifty-eight years.
@rajeshbarya9938 2 жыл бұрын
In India, the after death communication between humans and the departed is made through the ritual known as Shraddha and in which Jal Tarpan - offering of water(liquid) and Pind Daan - offerings of rice balls(food), after such ceremonies usually the Manes or discarnate ancestors would come in the dream of the performer of the ritual whether s/he was satisfied with the prayers and the ritual. Indian scripture Garud Puran describes this ceremony in detail. ------------------------------ Why Spirit of the Dead Person Needs Offering of Food And water. --------------------- According to Garuda Purana - Like the human fetus in the womb of the mother needs nourishment for its proper growth so, in the same way, the Spirit of the recently dead person will only take full and complete shape if only its living family members offer nourishment in the form of food and water. Initially, it takes on the form of a Pinda (A Ball), when the family member offers him a rice ball made from cooked rice, from then onward each day when this Rice Ball is offered then from Head to Toe the whole Astral/Subtle Body is formed. When this whole body comes into existence on Astral Plane then only, when further rice balls, when offered then the Spirit begins to eat ( since they have a body made of three subtle elements ie. fire, air and the akasha - space, so these Spirits only take in the essence of the offered through the sense of smell) In literature and in the movies, the Spirits are shown with deformed bodies and scary faces, that is because these beings never received any nourishment from their living family members. The same thing we also see during the Halloween festival when children dress up in scary costumes, this thing is particularly indicative of how the dead spirits are living or existing on other planes without any happiness. In Tibet they have a very Tantric method of feeding the Spirits of the Dead - this is called Sky Burial. In this Crushed body parts are mixed with BARLEY flour and then given the shape of a ball and these balls are offered to vultures who hover around. It is believed that the spirit of the dead person/ancestors takes on the form of the vulture to partake the offering. In India, the worship of the Ancestors takes place only after the Summer Solstice - when the Sun moves towards the South. According to the scriptures, the Abode of Lord Yama (Lord of Death) is in the direction of the South. Where his palace is on Astral Plane. -------------------------- The whole of Garuda Puran is available at this website,-- --.Garun Puran can be recited to a person who is terminally ill and will be facing the transition from the physical world to the Astral world, at any time soon. It can be also be read after the person has passed away.It can be also recited during the period of Halloween and All Saints Day, When ancestors come to visit their descendants and on such occasions, if Garuda Puran is read and recited then Ancestors are very much pleased and bring blessings to their descendants. These ancient practices are very useful because by reading such scriptures Ancestors of the previous 49 generations can attain redemption and salvation. If Ancestors are not in a good position or still exist as ghosts and spirits or have taken birth in the animal realm, then they are in miserable conditions, and such recitations bring great Merit - Punya to such beings. Any ancestors who died, of accidents, of alcoholism and in any other condition where before death, they were in great mental and psychic anguish . Then their situation after death is not positive at all, such being attains great help if such text like Garuda Puran is recited for them. Though one can all spiritual text bring benefit to ancestors if recited, but it is like technology also in the spiritual field, each text has its own benefit in a particular way, so for dead forefathers -manes, Garuda Puran brings faster and immediate benefit. During the recitation, one can include the recently dead people from one neighbourhood, those who died in a plane crash and who died in a terrorist attack
@mikeq5807 2 жыл бұрын
Drugs are not going to enlighten you. Try meditation, introspection to gain insight from your experiences.
@henstanti 2 жыл бұрын
@marcosbatista1029 2 жыл бұрын
yeah physicalism cannot deal with qualia , materialism is baloney ..
@royzlatanestevez9843 2 жыл бұрын
A few years ago, I put so much hope in the NDEs because was so impressed by them. But I'm so sad to learn that it is produced when people take saychidelic drugs to the brain. It makes me feel hopeless about it. But I know that once I died, I will not be there anymore to notice it because of forever unconscious eternity blackness and forever sleep. Also I didn't understand at all the story about the lifeguard and carrying her mother. What was going on? Did anyone understand and can explain to me? She hallucinated it? Or was her mother real?
@Anna_Fortunka 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, from what I understand, the mother was saved from drowning by a lifeguard and her dead grandfather spirit. From what she says, she did not recognize the old man so asked her mom who that was. Her mom answered that that was her grandpa.
@sonjastahlhut 2 жыл бұрын
No, psychedelics and NDEs are not the same experience at all. Listen to the researchers at UVA, and others as well - doctors who are cardiologists, or intensive care doctors - anyone who deals with the very ill or dying. Many are doing their own research, recording stories their patients have told them while at the same time making note of what the patient’s physical circumstances were at the time. One orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Mary Neal, has quite the story of her own to tell. Look her up on KZbin, and maybe your hope will return. Her personal experience is really quite amazing, well documented, and very hard to argue with.
@lizwiz6434 2 жыл бұрын
Always puzzles me that Americans say “of course” when someone thanks them!
@umang6771 2 жыл бұрын
Saying "of course" after someone thanks you is a way of saying "it's my pleasure" or "don't mention it". 😉
@chop3625 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t, you’re welcome.
@arnevajsing7120 2 жыл бұрын
I have to be honest: This 'scientist' felt like she was expressing her beliefs more than anything scientific.
@wardygrub 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Penberthy: “I’ve been there since 1998”… Me: Err we’re you like TEN when you were there? That was 24 years ago! You look WAY too young! Tell me your secret!!! 😄
@Pegasus4213 2 жыл бұрын
I seemed a bit wooly to me. Where is the convincing scientifically acceptable proof?
@ooorfeo 2 жыл бұрын
Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century 1st Edition by Edward Kelly (Author) Available on Amazon. Whether it is convincing or acceptable depends on each individual: his/her intelligence, life experencies, openess of mind, ability to think critically etc. If you need the approval of main stream science before you can consider these emperical facts, then you'll have to wait another 40 or 50 years. If you're made of sterner stuff, then go for it, get the book.
@Diane-xh7vl Жыл бұрын
I like talking about death but most people around me don't want to🥴 and I'm not joking either seriously
@kristenwilliams9123 2 жыл бұрын
Dr. Joe Dispenza is doing the very research she is inquiring about
@ifitsfreeitsforme1852 2 жыл бұрын
This area of study is fascinating and yet somehow I feel people need to be careful with it also. Clearly there are malevolent entities or energies that exist and to pretend they're harmless or toy with them for thrills is inviting potential disaster. I'm not a strong religious person but speaking from personal experience , when unexplained things are happening and you invoke the name of Jesus and command them to stop, and they do..that says something about the source of those unexplained things. I have friends that use a ouija board and their 10 year old daughter told me they have a "ghost" that speaks through the board and uses bad words. I'm not sure I would be comfortable having a child interacting with such things. I've read where "spirits" are drawn to children because of their high energy level and innocence. It could all be BS , but is it worth taking a chance???
@cdp200442 2 жыл бұрын
As rational people? Sorry these people are rational.. just because you have a piece of paper saying your a scientist doesn’t make you anymore rational than others.
@alenkratohvil3859 2 жыл бұрын
The larger consciousness system isn't the universe. The universe is a virtual world. It's a subset of the larger consciousness system.
@kellyjames4658 2 жыл бұрын
Great content, just need to drop the constant um's
@alenkratohvil3859 2 жыл бұрын
Actually larger was a better word than infinite. It is a larger consciousness system and has to be finite to be a real thing. Infinite is a mathematical abstract, not a real thing.
@america8918 2 жыл бұрын
I believe there is life after death ( NDE) experience the Bible talks about it . To be absent from the body is to to be prescient with the Lord .. but to seek a medium or a physic is a abomination to God, the Old Testament talks about those who seek and practice this kind of readings .. read your Bible if your looking for answers before turning this kind of logic.
@createone100 2 жыл бұрын
This interviewee is very tentative. Lots of pauses and ‘um’ s make her hard to listen to.
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