You have a wide range of interests to choose from. Take a look at each interest. One at a time. Take the day or a week to look and think of the advantages and disadvantages of each one. You set up your free time. Remember time is everything and it is on your side. So, don't rush yourself. I am going to go back and say have a pad and paper with you to make notes. That is a habit I have, and I will always have. I have gone back and have read my notes from before. Form yourself a habit{s} if you already don't have one. They come in handy and useful. Once you have your interests together. I would look for the strongest suit that you feel good about and start with that as your main focus. Get comfortable with your thinking if it was about directing. Then you can work your story into the form or action on how you want it to go forward. Once you can get one aspect your comfortable working with. Your next strong suit will mesh into the form you had envisioned. You can do it! Remember just relax and take your time. Enjoy yourself. Enlist some of your buddies to help you.