JACK AU 好,小鍋蓋是另一組套件的(不是SOTO),被我拿來岩燒使用,非常合適,那組套件下周我再來詳細介紹…這周要多運動,以免吃到發胖XD 等不及的話也可以詢問商鋪小客服 手機淘寶app商鋪搜尋 CCLand 户外野营社 淘寶網頁店鋪鏈接 shop121563965.taobao.com/?spm=a230r.7195193.1997079397.2.7a43782aykzs8a
Is there such a thing as a 5***** star video? Yes, and this is it! Love this grill plate and all the food, especially the seafood dishes. A few years ago, while cruising the isles at a local hardware store, I saw a genuine natural stone grill plate made in Korea. It was marketed by BOUNCE, a Korean butane stove manufacturer and gas cartridge supplier. I can not find anything like it online at this time. Perhaps they are no longer in production? I love these types of grill plates for the same reason you do. They hold a nice even heat once brought up to cooking temperature. Using it as an oven, as you did, has taken it to "the next level" for sure. I am happy to learn that a good product is available if my grill plate is damaged. Perhaps, one day, you can attempt cooking on a thick piece of slate rock out of doors with an open fire. Thank you for a beautiful video presentation.
@LifestyleCCLand2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Jack, for giving me such a high evaluation of the film! I'm very happy. I feel I'm full of power again. I will work harder and create more valuable films to share! If I have a chance, I will try to find a thick stone slab outdoors. I'm also glad that the film can help you find a possible spare slate reference ^_^
@NewHampshireJack2 жыл бұрын
@@LifestyleCCLand About finding and using a natural stone, may I offer a caution? Try to find a flat stone in a dry location. Avoid rocks that have been submerged underwater. Water may have seeped deep into the pores and fissures in the rock. When heated over the campfire, they can explode violently. Often they will simply crack apart, but when the steam builds up a lot of pressure, you and your fellow campers may become victims of serious injury. This note is not meant to scare anyone or discourage an attempt at cooking on natural stone. I simply want to educate and cation folks on the safe way to do this. Happy camping.
@圓方拆圖實業社2 жыл бұрын
你真的很會過生活 羨慕
@LifestyleCCLand2 жыл бұрын
謝謝 圓方拆圖實業社 的誇獎與觀看,我會持續努力創作有價值的影片分享^_^
@查理獅2 жыл бұрын
@LifestyleCCLand2 жыл бұрын
YUEN Chak Lau 好,是有點小重…主要是食材帶得多,還要小冰桶,交通工具能到達的營地應該還好^_^
@YuRong TV @東東(東東)@Benjamin Ben @聚散流沙 @Kwan Wilson 先謝謝聚散流沙及Kwan Wilson ,很棒的回答! 影片前段桌上的石板拍攝,其實就是我這次吃完清洗後的狀態,我只是用熱水+蘇打粉+宜家的洗碗刷子刷洗或菜瓜布也可以;這塊石板已經燒烤過十幾次了,中間有一次清洗用鐵盆開水煮過10分鐘去油效果還不錯!