My Experience With Peripheral Neuropathy

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Lifey Health

Lifey Health

Күн бұрын My Experience With Peripheral Neuropathy.

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@sachawilkins5839 Жыл бұрын
Mahalo Nui Loa for sharing your story, I am 45 years old, and was told I have Peripheral Neurothopy, they are still running more and more tests, but over 2 years ago, I feel like it’s getting worse. I too take Gabapentin to help with the burning pain, but now I have numbness from my knees down, I still do feel my feet, but at times it’s hard for me to walk, my feet is always cold, I too have sharp stabbing pains all day everyday. Feels like an electrical shock going through my body. I too have good days and bad days. I pray for everyone who suffered through this terrible disease 🙏🏽♥️🤙🏽
@stradag21 7 жыл бұрын
I suffer from this and it's torture! I feel for those that suffer from this as well!
@paiiininthebutt7209 6 жыл бұрын
Feels like my feet are on fire 🔥
@ozzyoz5210 5 жыл бұрын
I have constant pins and needles in my feet. It hurt really bad, especially when I walk. I Barely tolerate standing or sitting. Plus my back is jacked up terribly.
@MsShellybell12 4 жыл бұрын
Swelling and hella worse at night the pain is real and I feel sorry for anyone who has this.
@fatimafernandes2660 4 жыл бұрын
I just get the tingling sensation nd numbness, no pain by the grace of God. I'm doing the feet exercises nd food to b eaten as mentioned. No medication so far. I just feel cold nd cold my feet I mean I put socks at night.
@musicofnote1 5 жыл бұрын
Neuropathy doesn't have one set of symptoms. I've had idiopathic peripheral neuropathy since at least 1999. My symptoms have changed over time. First basically simply a numbness. But after a few years, the numbness was expanded to include sharp pains, cramping. Now I have it in my feet and my hands. The pain related, tactile sensory symptoms are only in my feet. I have no pain whatsoever in my hands, but I do have a tendency, for some reason, probably neuropathy related, to drop things. With my feet, I experience pain where there is no external reason for it. But I also will NOT experience pain where there should be. Or it's not where it should be. For example I will almost never experience the pain of the formation of a toe blister, but may, a couple of days later feel a pain two toes away. Only with careful examination, will I see, that a blister has formed, popped and the raw flesh underneath is red and inflamed. I now have an exam once a year. At the last exam, my neurologist determined, that I only have 25% of the sensitivety I had had the year before. I have fewer really, really bad days, but I've also had some falls, where afterwards I realised, that my feet had either been dragging and caught on something or I didn't raise my foot high enough over a barrier, that ordinarily would be no problem, usually after I've been doing something for a couple of hours. I have a definite limit as to how much energy I can mobilize to do ANYTHING. I'm usually done it around 2-4 pm. That's it. Don't expect anything from me after that. Since this is a 24/7 condition, I am never without the discomfort, which means I'm always fighting a mental battle to do normal stuff despite the discomfort or outright pain. This is mentally exhausting. Plus the problem, that I don't LOOK sick, but am. So in my mind, since no one can see my symptoms, they think I'm faking. Or could think that. So it's good to get other peoples' experiences with this out there. It's a thing, it's real and it sucks, but ... I do as much as I can and enjoy that.
@Rosie-gt5yc 3 жыл бұрын
This was really insightful, thanks.
@JohnDoe-xu2vx Жыл бұрын
It's ruined my life. I used to be a lifelong great athlete/golfer/walker....its all over now. Just going to Costco is a huge task for me being on my feet and walking.....I have it bad in my hands too.
@agrey2986 6 жыл бұрын
i can feel her pain from the screen
@julies5515 4 жыл бұрын
I have had numbness and tingling in my hands for a long time. Lately have had crazy things going on with my feet. Numbness, tightness, buring in toes almost electric shock like at times, some swelling off and on. I too have fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism. I have been to several of my doctors and they can't figure out whats going on with my feet. I see my neurologist Thursday. I am a ride it out kind of person when it comes to pain. The mess going on with my feet has really slowed me down it is so exhausting. I wake up with pain and it is so much worse at night. Hopefully I can get some insight to this when I see my neurologist.
@kg4st 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you have found relief 🙏
@cindysaunders6428 2 жыл бұрын
@@kg4st get a b12 blood test you might be deficient
@cindysaunders6428 2 жыл бұрын
Alot of doctors do get it wrong sometimes, have you been checked for b12 deficiency and MS, because many people had gotten alot of these painful symptoms and alot of doctors do not check your b12 levels much it gets over looked alot, so when we have really low leveles of b12 it causes us to become deficient in it, and our myelin sheeth that is covering qnd protecting our nerves gets damaged, and that causes mix signals also same as MS does to the myelin sheeth, I'm just saying you could very well be vitamin b12 deficient I would look it up it do cause peripheral neuropathy please look it up, cause if you have it you can take b12 injections for the rest of your life qnd it will make things better
@Trista4120 5 жыл бұрын
This is new to me PN. I am struggling with the pain just like you mentioned. I have it all over and today it was in my wrist this morning making it hard to use the steering wheel and i woke up with low back spine pain. My feet ARE on fire all day and night along with pins and needles very hard to walk or stand. Worse at night I dont sleep. I get fatigue often. I recently was diagnosed 6 days ago but pending to see neurologist. I also get chest pain and numbness on my left side of face, was given a 24 hrs heart monitor harness to day. I too have felt pain in stomach but now that I think about it I think it's my ribs. Its mild. I also have RA and Fybromyslgia so I'm a hot mess. I am currently on no meds for the PN. This is my worse nightmare.
@shellw1276 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video. Appreciated. Also, you can have nerve pain and neuropathy in your feet WITHOUT Diabetes.
@marger5905 4 жыл бұрын
I have peripheral Neuropathy for about 6 years coming on gradually and getting worse. I have the pins and needles and burning in my feet. I have the feeling that my feet are encased in wax! I started Gabapentin a couple of years ago and that took away the burning feeling. Still have the pins and needles yet. I don't know if this is related but my balance is way off. I also have fibromyalgia. I started Alpha Liopic Acid about a week ago (600 mg). Haven't felt any improvement as yet. My doc told me to wait 2 weeks, if no change, take 1200 mg/day. I have been to a podiatrist, cardiologist, neurologist that have tested me. The podiatrist was no help, cardiologist says my arteries and heart are good, neurologist says yes, I have neuropathy. Can't fix it.
@dawngross1489 4 жыл бұрын
I have erosive and pretty untreatable Rhuematoid Arthiritis that has dislocated ten toes and looks like all the damage has caused peripheral neuropathy? My symptoms seem to match all of yours as I’m in the midst of finding out through the typical test so I feel for you all as I have so much destruction and now all the nerve damage head to toe and small fiber skin disease another possible diagnosis as the nerve damage has created havoc there too I’m beside myself in pain head to toe inside out? I’m trying to find a better way to stay in it? I’m doing it for my grandkids as it’s to painful and I’ve lost everything due to sickness to do this pain liver this pain for just me? I need to become almost bionic with all loss or destruction of joints now different neuropathies are most likely ravishing my body , elevated White blood cell with organ involvement too 200 plus appointments cancelled wrist shoulder foot surgeries the last 18 months? Any advice of hope this can get better is appreciate ll because I only exist this isn’t living I’ve lost everything but I’m still breathing as life is going on without me? I’m sorry for all of your pain know I get it big time! 🙏❤️🙏❤️
@davidvetrano5910 2 жыл бұрын
Most people don't understand your condition so they look at you weird they can't see that you look normal but you're dying inside of pain. If you're a man it's even worse they just tell you to suck it up and go on. There has been many of times where I asked God that can I just come home because the pain is too much.
@lynneburrell676 Жыл бұрын
I have that too, im so sorry. I totally understand. God bless you
@timh5168 Жыл бұрын
100% get it. I wish I could just disappear sometimes.
@Mark-fr2eb Жыл бұрын
It is worse if your a man as people think you can just suck it up when inside you sometimes wish for death. I've been suffering since 2011 with this in my feet and its horrible. People think you are drug seeking too because you just want to relieve the pain,but can't. I've tried almost everything these wacko doctors ask to no avail, but still suffer in bed most of time these days. Nights are worse, I feel my life is on hold and don't see a end to this nightmare.
@nfoquest5738 5 жыл бұрын
ive done everything right. lost 30 lbs, well controlled blood sugar, exercise . why is my DN suddenly getting worse? Pins and needles and burning.
@CharletteG 6 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I hear someone mention their pain is located in their ribs, I’ve been having my pain in the rib and abdominal area had been checked for everything gallbladder and other areas and everything comes back perfect I’ve been asking my DR to see a neurologist for over a year and am not listen to I get stabbing pains in my rib snd abdomen pins and needles in my legs and electric shocks in my head and body and get dizzy and foggy it’s really frustrating I wanted to get checks for Neuropathy since my head CT and MRI came back fine 🤷🏻‍♀️
@AR-jr2eo 4 жыл бұрын
Same unfortunately.
@davidbradford38 4 жыл бұрын
God how I hate my neuropathy I’ve been suffering with it since 2008 meds work for a little while but my body builds a tolerance to the meds I’ve been on gabapentin lyrica and now cymbalta
@cindysaunders6428 2 жыл бұрын
Please get b12 blood test you get alot of this pain qnd same symptoms with vitamin b12 deficiency
@brickjames7631 Жыл бұрын
My left side hands to feet feels 4 pounds heavier…I trip a lot when walking I drop things … numbness very hard to walk .. can’t run to save my life
@fatimafernandes2660 4 жыл бұрын
Pls keep your feet higher I use pillows to elevate them nd I feel better.
@cannotwaittoseedavanteadam4301 6 жыл бұрын
I have peripheral neuropathy, among other medical conditions. I am physically unable to walk anymore. I was in a wheelchair within 6 months of first getting the pain on my legs and feet. Also, I can barely use my right arm and my right hand is next to useless. I am in constant pain. Meds barely do anything for me.
@LiFeeIsSMusicC 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the video! So I thought I could share my story here, sorry for the big text... I am 24 and have been taking a drug that has caused peripheral neuropathy to my arms and legs (whose symptoms are very similar to fibromyalgia except that it mainly affects the limps farthest away from the main body and is caused by damage to those neurons ). I had to stop my course of therapy due to the side effects of the drug, which was for a latent desease and not so important to take it.(but I didn't know at the time sinse I was trusting that 'doctor'). It looks like I was taking a far bigger dose than the one recommended for my body weight and even though it was recommended, my doctor didn't advice me to take the vitamin B supplements which could have prevented the problem. Now I am left the last 3 months with pins and needles sensations, as well as dull muscle aches on arms and legs, together with joint pain on fingers , which won't let me sleep or play the piano without getting me frustrated.. I am so worried I am going to have this for the rest of my life as it's been 3 months and still, it's not getting better, at least to a noticeable extent... My neurologist said that it usually takes 6 to 12 months for it to go away but I am having suicidal thoughts to the possibility it stays with me forever.. I still haven' t tried any pain management treatments.. So do any of you think CBD actually helps with pain? Any other medicine? Thanx for reading this far! lol
@moyapacheco 4 жыл бұрын
The only thing doctors prescribe is gabapentin, pregabalin, duloxetin, etc. For the pain. You should take thiocticacid also know as alpha lipoic acid 600 to 1200 g a day drink lost of water and get rid of sugar in your diet Also B complex and there is a medicine made in Spain called Nucleo CMP Forte that is said to regenerate the mieline and regenerate nervs
@Joe-lc7ce 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear about what you're experiencing. I am dealing with small fiber PN, and so far have been prescribed pregabalin and venlafaxine. Venlafaxine really messed me up, but pregabalin seems to help a little. I tried CBD oil (ordered from Charlotte's Web) and it didn't help me.. made me kind of moody, maybe even depressed, but it could be worth it for you to try. I am sorry to hear about the suicidal thoughts.. while I was on the venlafaxine I had them as well. I just try to remind myself that this issue could be worse - it could be something that could take my life. So far I am able to live a normal life, just in a constant state of discomfort. Hang in there.
@AR-jr2eo 4 жыл бұрын
Same boat. But wow your doc said it could go away. I’m 33 and terrified I’ll have this rest of my life. I don’t wanna go on meds this young but 3 months and constant tingling and weakness in limbs
@joannaspieszna6863 Жыл бұрын
Any update on your neuropathy?
@allbec11 4 жыл бұрын
God bless you and I pray the Lord will ease your suffering.
@elijahangel2473 2 жыл бұрын
Hey anyone else suffering from this randomly at a young age? If so ? Tattoos might be the cause because the chemicals in the inks.
@hygqueensav 2 жыл бұрын
It may be a form of a hereditary neuropathy which there are a few of. Check with your Neurologist, they can test for it
@TracyTodd2199 7 жыл бұрын
I developed this garbage through out the years of having fibromyalgia. My first disease was Ulcerative Colitis. That was a cake walk compared to this. Not to mention the mess I've gone through with Drs. My primary has tried to help me but I need more than what they or insurance (probably) is willing to help rehabiltate me after 3 yrs bedridden. I cant walk or even stand for a few minutes or I get ill. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. It tops Irritable Bowel any day.
@videogtgart 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Tracey, I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet, going on 3 and half years. Dr's said no cure but have found Ozone therapy injections are reversing the disease. I read your comment and just had to share what I have found to be working. I am seeing Dr Dulitsky in Australia and he has found about 90% success rate of cure of this terrible disease. Not sure where you are located but look into Ozone therapy - it works.
@michelboudot2882 3 жыл бұрын
So young to get that. I,v got mine at 87"""
@star68438 4 жыл бұрын
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