Thanks for uploading also this last video finishing with what you said 👍🏻. Really helpful. Thanks once again.
@ChrisGR93_TxS4 күн бұрын
The problem with liquid metal on portable devices is not the application or the amount but simply the vibrations and movements that break the connection between the coldplate and the heat source. I've been using lm almost to all of my cpus and the performance is the same as day one. The only issue is separating copper to copper surfaces with liquid metal. But on direct die contact its not an issue, even with copper coldplate. (Avoid lm applications on gpus, its a mess to clean and if some escape, its a gonner) *The application is simple but important to do. First you lap both surfaces (not the die ofc only if you don't want to remove the ihs) to achieve the best contact using regular thermal paste as an indicator (paste spread and pattern) spread the thermal paste all across the die or ihs and then mount the cooler on it. Then remove the cooler and check for imperfections and dial. Once you achieved the best paste spread you clean it with isopropyl alcohol and let it dry. You apply a thin layer on the die or ihs and mount the coldplate on it. Then removing again the coldplate (careful to not spill anything while pulling out) and check the pattern it left on the coldplate/cooler. That way you know where to apply on the other side. A smaller amount of liquid metal on the coldplate and focused more towards the center should be good. Same the die/ihs but with a bit more volume and important to have a big masking around to protect it from any possible spilling during the mounting. If the liquid metal does not crack open due to vibrations and movements. There's no way the thermal transfer will degrade. Its like soldering the coldplate to the heat source. Cheers Edit: yes liquid metal does defuse it's gallium into the copper but it stops after a while. If the copper is too thin it might cause issues. But years now with copper waterblocks it doesn't effect performance at all. if you mirror finish the copper it doesn't make any uneven rough corrosion. it simply refuses into it and stops there. trying to remove it its completely unnecessary.
@jigglypuff422725 күн бұрын
Good video and finally a real test, so a real usage on pure copper is a waste. You need nickel on it or even better titanium to apply liquid metal it seems. I heard that Roman der8auer is putting titanium on his coolers now just for the liquid metal, lol