So I've been using this battery for four months now, it is connected to a harbor freight 2000 W inverter to run lights in my garage and two security cameras. The batteries connected to a Renogy 220w solar panel and I have a Bateria mini charge controller to recharge as needed. The batteries in a small room that gets no colder than 35°F and it has repeated every day nonstop for four months. I want to stress to the readers that for a inexpensive budget battery. This is a very solid performer and would be ideal for a pontoon boat, small, RV, or off grid shed/cabin source.. it is high-quality as some of the batteries costing close to $2000 maybe or maybe not but it is reliable so far in Michigan cool area. 4 months of steady use! ZERO issues!
@lawrencedavidson619511 ай бұрын
Nice video. Greetings from Jamaica.
@ThreeDayRV11 ай бұрын
Thanks Lawrence. How is the weather down there ?
@lawrencedavidson619511 ай бұрын
@@ThreeDayRV Overcast and rainy these last few days so solar not doing too well. But i'm enjoying the slightly cooler temps.
@alvacymelo785010 ай бұрын
Boa noite! Obrigado pelo vídeo, informações de primeira, moro no Brasil aqui os preços ainda estão caros dessa bateria, para importações mas eh um produto top para nossos sistemas solares, espero um dia poder importar uma e ficarei maravilhado ou seja muito feliz. Meus parabéns pelas informações.🎉