视频3:53 至 4:12说了如下的话: 【7岁通过哈佛大学医学院的解剖学测试,在4岁和8岁之间写了四本书包含天文徐,解剖学,语言学,数学。8岁时通过MIT的大学测试。到这时他已学会八国语言,并可以流利地使用德语,拉丁语,希腊与,发育,俄语,希伯来与,土耳其与和亚美尼亚语】但是,到了5:11处,阿史又说了如下的话:【同样在8岁时威廉花不到一年时间就完成了小学课程,高中课程只花了6周。】。。。阿史不觉得【不到一年时间的小学课程】与【在4岁和8岁之间写了四本书包含天文徐,解剖学,语言学,数学。8岁时通过MIT的大学测试。到这时他已学会八国语言,并可以流利地使用德语,拉丁语,希腊与,发育,俄语,希伯来与,土耳其与和亚美尼亚语】之间太不相称?莫非阿史讲到5:11处忘了前面4:12处说的话? 不知有过威廉的报导有多少是社会故意进行恶意“捧杀”造谣。。。。不过我们不排除少年天才的可能,比如发明智商(IQ)的Galton(达尔文的表兄)有如下的记录: Galton was a child prodigy - he was reading by the age of two; at age five he knew some Greek, Latin and long division, and by the age of six he had moved on to adult books, including Shakespeare for pleasure, and poetry, which he quoted at length.[13] Galton attended King Edward's School, Birmingham, but chafed at the narrow classical curriculum and left at 16.[14] His parents pressed him to enter the medical profession, and he studied for two years at Birmingham General Hospital and King's College London Medical School. He followed this up with mathematical studies at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1840 to early 1844.[15] 不可Galton后来很牛。。。。发明了IQ,数值拟合,并被认为是近代心理学的奠基人。。。。