タイムスタンプ/Time stamp⏱ 0:00←瓶のポコポコ音と共に挨拶/Greetings with the sound of bottles 2:22←ちょっと溶けた氷の音/The sound of slightly melted ice 4:32←陶器のコップに入った氷の音/The sound of ice in a ceramic cup 5:53←水を飲んだり氷を食べる音/Sounds of drinking water or eating ice 8:35←噛み砕く音/sound of crushing chew 9:57←非力でペットボトルを開けられないアンシア/She's so cute when she's impotent and can't open a plastic bottle. 11:28 12:44←コップに炭酸を注ぐ音/Sound of soda being poured into a cup 14:46 18:19←飲む音/sound of something being drunk 15:40←ペットボトルを振った時の音/Sound when shaking a plastic bottle 17:10←コップに氷を入れて揺らす/Sound of shaking ice in a glass 20:00←アイスの音/Scooping ice cream with a spoon 21:28←サクレアイスを食べる音/Sound of eating sherbet 32:02←食べ終わったカップのタッピング/Tapping of empty cups 38:01←小さい氷を食べる音/Sound of eating small ice cubes 40:58←霧吹きの音/Fogging sound 44:34←耳の近くで指をスリスリする音/Sound of fingers rubbing near the ear 45:04←お水のポコポコ音/Sound of water in a bottle 47:05←ポコポコ音と、口でぱっぱっ/The sound of water in a bottle and the sound of lips 50:31←瓶に入ったお水を振る音/The sound of shaking water in a bottle 52:05←ボトルの音/Sounds of fingers scratching bottles 57:25←ちょっと大きめのお酒の瓶の音/The sound of a slightly larger bottle of alcohol 耳ふ〜 右/Breathe into the right ear 7:49 7:58 16:55 18:50 26:27 26:59 27:58 1:00:16 1:00:37 1:00:45 1:02:19 耳ふ〜 左/Breathe into the left ear 8:05 16:51 26:14 28:27 1:00:20 1:00:29 1:00:53 1:02:11 オノマトペ/onomatopoeia ぱちぱち、からから、くるくる、ぱたぱた、ぽこぽこ、ぱっぱっ、ちゃぱちゃぱ、とぷとぷ