I've heard a few people say the service intervals are every 3600 miles but It is actually every 7600 miles. If you look at what needs checked at 3600 miles it's inspection of the evaporative emission control system, brake pad wear inspection and brake light switch inspection, thats all. I highly doubt you need to check the emission control system every 3600 miles. Brake pads you can visually just look in the caliper and see how much pad you have left and the brake light is simple does the light come on when you press either the front or rear brake. Oil, air filter and spark plugs are every 7600 miles and the valve clearences are every 26250 miles. This is a very light maintenance motorcycle.
@dbharrold2 жыл бұрын
Thanks you are absolutely right. I change the oil every 1500 miles myself so it's a bit immaterial for me.
@jpdaddy678 Жыл бұрын
I change my oil once a year probably 4000 miles..and chain maintenance every couple of weeks..third set of tires original brakes second chain and battery at 17000..running Dunlap road smart 5000 miles and still good..I did put a led headlight in cost me 29 dollars for more visible ..brilliant bike for the money..I ride mine every day it's weather permitting..running Kawasaki conventional 10/40 and a Kawasaki filter
@gasman61632 жыл бұрын
A couple of points from my ride - brakes are very good, front inspires confidence. Foot pegs feel cramped compared to a bigger bikes but not really an issue
@whatwhatohno2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. This was very informative
@bench175 Жыл бұрын
Review starts at 2:25 if you want to get to the point
@kennykamensky87722 жыл бұрын
I have the 20 black and green edition and luv it......it's comfortable plenty of power and just a great all around bike