Long time no see! I was resting due to COVID 19. return to work|Divorced and living alone|VLOG

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NushitoNeko*Everyday life alone

NushitoNeko*Everyday life alone

Күн бұрын

Thank you for coming to see the video!
I am divorced. My husband was violent.
Occasionally, I post every day of living alone on vlog.
⭐️Instagram** / nushitoneko
I want to share it with those who suffer like me.
And I want to move on to a happy future.
Thank you very much for your warm comments 🙇‍♀️
Sorry for not catching up with your reply 💦
We have received a lot of energy.

Пікірлер: 473
@おや-r5k 10 ай бұрын
まだまだ本調子でないなか、投稿ありがとうございます。 無理し過ぎないでくださいね。 しっかり食べて、しっかり寝て、しっかり猫ちゃん達と遊んでくださいね。 ご自身へのご褒美も忘れずに。
@快晴-t1o 10 ай бұрын
先日まで 肺癌の手術で入院していました。まだまだ死ぬ年では無いですが。医師からはリンパが腫れているので転移だと末期癌かもしれません。と言われました。究極のペット検査・MRで脳の転移も検査しました。ダメかと覚悟もしました。主さんも もう少しで完全復活出来るので そこまでは見届けたいと思いました。ところが うちの猫が入院前に 右の肺癌の部分に乗り フミフミを始めました。1日に何回も。そしてベッドで寝ている顔の横でジッと見つめていました。毎日その繰り返し。そんな事しなかったのに。そして手術。転移は無くてステージ1の初期癌でした。もう少し 主さんを応援できそうです。看護婦に猫の話をしたら 「可愛い。私も飼おうかな」と。自分では猫に救われた命と実感しています。退院後は 猫のフミフミもなく いつもの猫に。今でも あの行動は信じられないです。主さんも二人の猫ちゃんが 見守って きっと助けてくれますよ。経験者として確信します。・・・快晴
@のんびりいきたい 10 ай бұрын
ステージ1で本当に良かったですね。 手術お疲れ様でした👏🏻
@快晴-t1o 10 ай бұрын
@ExLibris-Alys 10 ай бұрын
I’m glad your health is mending now 🌹
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@pami3098 9 ай бұрын
@本多明美-y1m 10 ай бұрын
コロナ大変でしたね 無理しないで下さい 猫ちゃん達、きっと心配してましたね😊 寒くなりましたから、お体大切にしてくださいね
@nonnon9072 10 ай бұрын
4:11 かわいいって言ってる飼い主さんが凄く可愛いです❤ 私も思わず愛猫たち見て『かわいい』ってナデナデするのが癖です🤭💓 コロナ大変でしたね😢 無理せず過ごしてください😊✨
@さぁちゃん-u8f 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは😊 独りだと本当に何かあった時大変ですよね😔 両親は他界していて頼れる人がいないので大変さは理解できます🥺 事故と同じで自分が気をつけていても何時何処で保菌者と接触するかわからないですが、主さんと茶トラ君、グレーちゃんが体調崩さず穏やかな毎日過ごせます様に🍀✨
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@parissnow 10 ай бұрын
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@境富佐代 10 ай бұрын
@いなお-d6i 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは😊 後遺症辛そうですが、仕事復帰出来てよかったです。 無理なく、自分に優しく😊お過ごしください。 🐱ちゃんたちへの、可愛い❤と漏れてしまう主さんの声がなんとも素敵で可愛い〜😊
@haru-h8b5u 10 ай бұрын
気をつけていても体調が悪くなったりするので、仕方ないと思います。 会社の方もわかってくれていますよ。 主さまはとても謙虚な性格なので、こうしてみんなからも愛されていると思います。 本調子ではない中での投稿でしたが、 自分のことも大事にして元気になって下さい。。 コロナの後遺症良くなりますように😢
@たす-x1f 10 ай бұрын
ご無沙汰ですー! 動画楽しみにしておりましたー❤ 私も9月にコロナかかって、身体が元気になったのは2週間後でした。食事きちんとされててすごいなと思いました。(普段からきちんとされてると思いますが😂) 私は食欲なくて食べなかったら、すぐ体力落ちて大変だったので筋トレしたり積極的に運動するように心がけてます! 主さんは体力大丈夫ですか? 寒くなってきたのでインフルもお気をつけてお過ごしくださいね!
@momo-sasa88 10 ай бұрын
動画配信ありがとうございます 大変でしたね 無理は禁物、こんなときこそ周りの方々のご好意に甘えて、しっかり体調を戻して下さい
@persaud1978 10 ай бұрын
Hello Nushito. It's wonderful to see your return here on YT. Hopefully you're feeling much better with a revived energy and spirit. I'm no stranger to falling ill during the winter so know what it feels like. Thank as always for the new upload. Your babies are the highlight of our day. Take care. 🤗🐧🐈🧡
@すずらん-x2e 10 ай бұрын
本人にしか分からない 怠さや眠気などの後遺症 時間はかかるけど治ります。ご自愛下さい。 お世話は大変だけど寄り添ってくれる、お豆さん 2匹がいて良かったですね。雪国から応援してます。
@くう-f1p 10 ай бұрын
1人で隔離、後遺症は大変でしたね。毎日お疲れさまです。美味しいものが大好きな主さんにとって、味がわからないは辛かったですよね。 寒さが厳しくなりつつありますが、猫ちゃん達も元気に見守ってくれてますね。どうか、コロナの後遺症だけでも早くなくなりますように🌟
@ありんこ-k4e 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは😊 お帰りなさい コロナ大変でしたね😮 茶トラ君、グレーちゃんの元気な姿観れて、癒しオーラ頂きました❤ 主さんも、頑張り過ぎないでね
@大-b8t 10 ай бұрын
主さん回復して良かったです^_^ フクロウになったチャトラ君に笑っちゃいました(^^) 病み上がり無理せず過ごしてくださいね! バランスの良いお弁当美味しそう❤️
@chiaki2344 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは。 主様がお元気そうで何よりです。 後遺症大変だと思いますので、無理しないで下さいね。 お休みしてからのお仕事体もきついと思いますから、ご自分にもご褒美あげて下さい。猫ちゃん達との時間ゆっくり休んでくださいね。
@ゆうねこ-n5f 10 ай бұрын
療養復帰おめでとうございます😊 療養明けは体力落ちてるのでご無理なさらず😂 猫が何もないとこ見てるの怖いですよね(笑) グレーちゃんに避けられてるところ笑ってしまいました😂
@Tomizawa_Miyuki 10 ай бұрын
ありがとうございます! お三人様でおやつを召し上がってね🥰
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは!いつも優しいお気持ちをありがとうございます🙇‍♀️3人で温かいものをいただきたいと思います😢✨猫たちはカツオスティックを少し湯煎して温めたものが好きなんです🥰 今夜も寒いですので、お風邪など引かれませんように💗
@はるママ-l5u 10 ай бұрын
季節が乱れていて、自律神経もぐちゃぐちゃでただでさえ疲れやすいこの頃、、コロナに罹患されて大変な辛い日々だったのですね😖💧でもしっかりお料理してグレーちゃんや茶とらちゃんに見守られながらお仕事もがんばっている姿に感動します❗えらいツ💖 心から応援してます。暖かくしてお出かけくださいね✨
@いとうさき-z6j 10 ай бұрын
@XxD4RK3NERGYxX 10 ай бұрын
Glad you feel better. Garlic, ginger and turmeric are great for the immune system
@別居から同居きーぬの独り言 10 ай бұрын
病後お疲れ様です。 病気は自分のせいではないので気になさらないで。 休んでいる間も仕事の事を考えてるのは責任感がある証拠です。 ファイト! 相変わらず猫ちゃん達にも癒されます。
@80_sunny_u 10 ай бұрын
後遺症も辛いですので無理なさらないでくださいね😭 動画が観られて嬉しいです🥰
@snowm057 10 ай бұрын
コロナ大変でしたよね😢 グレーちゃんと茶トラ君のお世話もしながらだとお辛かったと思います。でも、グレーちゃんと茶トラ君が一緒にいてくれてよかった〜とも😌インフルも猛烈に流行してるので気をつけて2023年乗り切りましょう!!
@LakiBonbons 10 ай бұрын
У меня тоже атопический дерматит, врач посоветовал мне крем BIODERMA Atoderm ULTRA. Через неделю от трам не осталось и следа. Есть аналоги в Cerave, LA ROCHE POSAY. I also have atopic dermatitis, the doctor advised me the cream BIODERMA Atoderm ULTRA. A week later, there was no trace of the wounds. There are analogues in Cerave, LA ROCHE POSAY
@dollface1013 10 ай бұрын
I'm glad you feel better lots of kisses and hugs for the babies!
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
I kiss my babies a lot and sleep with them☺️thank you!
@宇宙人-j6p 10 ай бұрын
コロナ回復されたようで良かったです✨ でもまだまだ本調子じゃないようなので 無理せずにお過ごし下さいね!❤ 食事と睡眠大切です 猫ちゃんが心配しますよ😉
@marystratton9769 10 ай бұрын
Welcome back! I hope you are feeling better. It took several weeks for me to completely recover my strength after my bout with Covid. Take care!
@Mika-p2b 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは♡ お元気になられて、良かったです😊 しっかり栄養をとって免疫力を上げて ご自愛下さい☺️
@snehasingh8892 10 ай бұрын
I am happy to see you back 😊❤❤❤
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
me too! thank you as always🥰
@かりん-r7w 10 ай бұрын
@captaindingbat 10 ай бұрын
I’ve had COVID twice now, the first time was worse, took me months to shake the joint pain I was feeling. The second time it was the cough that lasted for weeks, took about 14 weeks to get rid of it in the end! I hope you feel better soon ❤
@donnalewis4895 10 ай бұрын
Good to see you are well again. Lovely video.
@maren777M 10 ай бұрын
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@ナインチェ-s6t 10 ай бұрын
ボッチ主さん、こんばんは( ◠‿◠ )/🎄。昨日もWワークや家事 猫のお世話とお疲れ様です コロナにかかってしまったとの事T^T でも自炊でのご飯を召し上がり お弁当まで作られてて安心しております🍝🥤。でもコロナの後遺症が怖いから どうかお大事になさって下さいね🏥💉。茶トラ君とグレーちゃんはボッチ主さんから大事にしてもらってるからハッピーな毎日ですね😺😺。これからも好きな事をなさって下さいね💤☕️🍜🍖。
@yu-sx7uh 10 ай бұрын
段々寒くなってきましたね。 体調はいかがですか?コロナになってしまい辛かっですよね😢 あまり無茶しないでください(´。•ㅅ•。`)
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@ExLibris-Alys 10 ай бұрын
I got covid at the end of September and was ill in bed for over a week. I still haven’t got my sense of taste and smell back properly even now! 😢
@mio4022 10 ай бұрын
@모-q4z 10 ай бұрын
Get well soon
@thhseeking 10 ай бұрын
Welcome back 😻 I'm glad that you're recovering. from what I've read, it can take a while to fully recover. Please take it easy 🤗 Love and hugs to your babies 😻😻
@kurumi9313 10 ай бұрын
コロナの後遺症はなかなかしぶといですよね😢私はコロナの症状はとても軽かったのに後遺症でしばらくしんどい思いをしました。 これから冬本番⛄️無理せずほどほどに頑張りましょう😊 ドレッシングそのまま持っていってるのには笑いました😂
@jeanhopman5659 10 ай бұрын
"Long Covid" which is a variety of post Covid symptoms can linger for days, weeks or even months. Take good care of yourself, you already work hard enough!!
@lucilleturpin4991 10 ай бұрын
So glad you have recovered from Covid. I was very worried about you and I sent some prayers your way. Love your blog and your sweet cats. I also have two cats.
@kanakanacheese4284 10 ай бұрын
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@Yuka-Yuka0813 10 ай бұрын
主さん、こんばんは😊 無理はしないで下さいねっ! 今は、ゆっくり休んで猫ちゃん達と 穏やかな日々を過ごして下さい。 早く良くなりますように。
@cynthiabroussard17 10 ай бұрын
So Happy that you are doing much better, missed you,please take care of yourself ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@lth7023 10 ай бұрын
I'm glad you're better now! My husband & I are in our 70s & we didn't get it! 🙏 SO Thankful!
@cliffcoop6666 10 ай бұрын
Thanks! Missed you. I’m glad your feeling better, hope you back to full health soon. Thanks for the Instagram updates. I was thinking of you often and praying for quick return to health. You are very special and many love and care about you.
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
I'm happy to meet you too! Thank you for your kind feelings😭✨
@takapon. 10 ай бұрын
@georgew8586 10 ай бұрын
Your child was upset as you called him Garfield (infamous cartoon cat truly overweight). Sorry to hear you had Covid, I got a booster shot 6 weeks ago, don’t want it again. Take it slow and easy as much as possible until fully recovered. The asparagus and beef looked delicious 😋, you are correct as long as if you have soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, you have your basic sauce mix. Take care, your emotions sound like you’re handling everything in stride.
@nekorororo 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは✨ 動画の配信ありがとうございます😌💞 主さんも、可愛い猫ちゃんもお元気そうで良かったです🐈 寒い日が続くようですので、 お身体ご自愛くださいね😊
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@gloriarangott8803 10 ай бұрын
Christmas and New Year are going to be very very quiet. Christmas things are already set up...nu fussing as Ive been very sick too. I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease, and have a very hard time with walking and breathing. I also have COPD a breathing disease tgat that can never go away... You are young, and you will heal but you must be kind and gentle with yourself ❤
@Kuchingnamejobbye 10 ай бұрын
Feel better soon ❤
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
thank you so much😭✨
@z1rc86 10 ай бұрын
had Covid this year also, loss of smell and taste. lasted more than 2 weeks. get well
@もりか-n7t 10 ай бұрын
@zhulee14 10 ай бұрын
I am very happy you are feeling better. After recovering from Covid, I still felt very lethargic and sleepy for a little while too. For Christmas and New Year, I don't have many plans apart from eating well. I am working the whole time and my family is in another country so I can't spend it with them. Its okay though, I am grateful I can see them soon and fir the wonderful food I will get for Christmas. Lots of love to you and the furry babies 😊
@maryekyaba 10 ай бұрын
コロナ療養、大変でしたね😢 私も罹った時はかなり高熱でインフルとは違った辛さがありました🤢 ご自身にもぜひご褒美あげてくださいね!! 包丁おNEWですか?私も見習ってお野菜沢山摂らねばです😅
@sheilaj5818 10 ай бұрын
Hi there. So glad you are okay. By the way the english subtitles are too small to see. Can you make them bigger? thanks
@Pinkros11 10 ай бұрын
こんばんは♪❤、I'm so glad you've recovered❤️, gray cats and yellow cats are very cute🐈‍⬛🐈❤❤, stay healthy always ❤, Thank you for today's vlog❤
@christinecanavan7333 10 ай бұрын
Good to see your videos again. Youust be glad that your COVID is gone. I have moved into a new apt. It is a 1 bedroom and very nice. I am happy.
@chaichan329sao 10 ай бұрын
お帰りなさい!!!😭 心配しておりました😭😭😭 ご無事で何よりです。病み上がりですからまだまだご無理なさらないでくださいね。今ちょうど帰宅しました。夕飯作る前にひと休みしながら投稿見ます。大変な中、投稿ありがとうございました❤
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@ヒューップ 10 ай бұрын
お疲れ様です♪😊 コロナ治ってよかったですね!😊 体力が落ちてる時は睡眠が1番ですよ! 時間が許す時は睡眠か横になるかして身体を休ませてくださいね♪
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
お疲れ様です✨今夜も見にきてくださってありがとうございました🙇‍♀️ そうですよね!今週も休み休み、ぼちぼちのんびりぽやぽや〜っとお仕事頑張ります🤭
@domestix1 10 ай бұрын
Hope you recover fully soon.Wishing you happiness and health
@けいてぃ-y8c 10 ай бұрын
おまんじゅうちゃん達の為にも体調管理に留意して下さいね 下半身は特に冷やしちゃダメですよ 暖か靴下履いてくれー
@koto3734 10 ай бұрын
動画のアップとっても嬉しいです😉無理なさらず過ごしてくださいね🥺 猫ちゃん達も癒されました🐈💛
@missp5050 10 ай бұрын
Hello friend I'm so happy you feeling better I know how you feel I caught COVID-19 twice 😢it was horrible. I'm in the medical field, I pray I don't catch it this year and you thought Ginger baby was fat😂❤❤❤❤❤❤
@寺山肇 10 ай бұрын
後遺症も個人差があるので、1日も早い回復を願います❤️‍🩹 少数精鋭会社だと尚更お互い様でしょうから、助け合ってファイトです! 今日も雪道走行〜寝不足なので、緊張して帰りたいと思います✨
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@寺山肇 10 ай бұрын
冬は数秒で事故になるケースが多いので、特に自重と謙虚な運転します💦 主さんもいきなりフルスロットルせずに、ゆっくりいきましょう(*'▽'*)
@aliciazagelbaum8347 10 ай бұрын
Christmas Eve is my birthday so plans with my sons & family ! Be well
@carolekelsey7014 10 ай бұрын
Missed you..... Glad you are feeling better! May the Lord Jesus Christ heal you completely! Love you!☝🙏❤
@cindycheong6665 10 ай бұрын
Oh, dear! No wonder never see your video. Please take good care and rest well! Happy to see you & your adorable cute cats again. ❤
@momentsbeautiful932 10 ай бұрын
I am happy that u r btr now..❤.my mom had covid 19 ..after u recover then u need to take more care of yourself n eat v well n go to consult doctor time to time..after sometime of recovering my mom gained weight n had lot of hair fall..those r the aftereffects she had..so pls dear take v v good care n keep consulting doctor ..sending u lots of love .God bless.😊
@宿野睦子-o9c 10 ай бұрын
@TheWarriorwoman1 10 ай бұрын
It took a long time to get taste and smell back. After a year I still tire easily. But I am 68 so my age is a factor. I wish my cats would let me cut their claws easily. Take care of yourself.
@Barton4646 10 ай бұрын
Hello ❤❤ Hope you are doing good today Your videos are very inspiring to watch From a big fan of yours ❤❤
@maj0rsquish 10 ай бұрын
I love little orange boys little beard. Too cute 🥰. I have had corona twice and it makes tou SO sleepy for so long. I also have long term effects now 😢. Please take care of yourself. You have to build back up after it slowly.
@Tomizawa_Miyuki 10 ай бұрын
よくなられて安心しました🙌😍 まだまだ寒さはこれからなのでお互いに元気に過ごしたいですね😊✨ グレーちゃんのまん丸お目々❤茶トラ君の眠そうなお顔が可愛い❤ 無理なさらずにね☺
@paulcurley7727 10 ай бұрын
Hello again 😀. Hope you're well and healthy. Do you know that there is a cat Covid virus spreading out of Cyprus 😟. Stay healthy , strong and safe + your cats 😺😻✨✨
@いりえこうじ-k4v 10 ай бұрын
@のりやな 10 ай бұрын
体調どうですか?戻ってきてくれてとても嬉しいです😊 いつも楽しみにしていたから。 仕事に行くの気をつけて🙂 体力かなり消耗するから。 疲れがきっと爆発して神様が休みなさいと言ってたんでしょうね。 私もコロナで昨年苦しみました。 早く体調戻るよう祈ってます❗
@sueancell7655 10 ай бұрын
So happy you are on the road to full recovery...it takes some time! Be gentle on yourself x
@くう-f1p 10 ай бұрын
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@tynaedwards8452 10 ай бұрын
If you have it available, Nuetrogena products may help your skin. Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Water Cream, Fragrance Free. I'm glad you are feeling better and are able to get some rest.
@つまようじ-m1t 10 ай бұрын
@nushitoneko 10 ай бұрын
@美鈴白髭 10 ай бұрын
@キューピーちゃん-l2x 10 ай бұрын
主さんお元気そうで本当に良かったです〜😢 いつもいつも、頑張り屋さんの主さんには頭の下がる思いです✨ でも後遺症も辛いでしょうから、あまり無理せずのんびり過ごして下さいね〜👋😄
@kitkit5515 10 ай бұрын
I just had Covid too 😩 it was not fun and I am a lot older than you. I was off work a full week. Covid fatigue is terrible. Here in US some of us only get 5 sick days so I got a doctors note so I wouldn’t get in trouble. It’s hard when you get sick and we should be able to get time off to recover. We are not robots
@alcesar9177 10 ай бұрын
Wow 😲 It sure is good to see you. Sorry that you had COVID. Hope there are no complications. Take good care of yourself.
@geisha21 10 ай бұрын
I suffer from atopic dermatitis as well, also known as eczema. Mine is pretty severe and linked to my allergies. Is there a chance that certain products irritate yours? I like using a cleanser called Cetaphil for my face and I believe Cerave is good product as well. As far as a moisturizer I use a brand called Eucerin.
@mareeschollum2986 10 ай бұрын
So happy you are well again. You are a hard worker. Continue to eat well and may the love and kindness you give to your lovely cats come back to you as blessings.
@sallydion8127 10 ай бұрын
Hope you feel better soon and for my Christmas it’s to stay home with my mom and sister and son and brother and brother in law and nephew and celebrate Christmas Eve by eating and opening some gifts and then Christmas Day morning open more gifts and have a ham or turkey dinner and New Year’s Eve we stay home and relax and watch the ball drop on tv at midnight if we are still away most likely we will be all sleeping ha ha . Take care and feel better and love your videos 😊
@maripazvalverdechico7891 10 ай бұрын
Eres muy fuerte y valiente. Cuidate mucho ❤
@em_ily2 10 ай бұрын
I have eczema too! i live in the USA so I use Cerave but I'm not sure if they have it in Japan...if not I know that La Roche Posay is a great alternative
@ElizabethOrtiz-vf8fc 10 ай бұрын
I just watched your latest video. So glad you're feeling better. But you must focus on getting 100% better. Your health is very important.
@junjun8232 10 ай бұрын
@cristkilpatrick3970 10 ай бұрын
Hello dear! I hope you are feeling better. I had COVID in 2021. It took along time getting over it. Eat well. Get lots of rest. You are strong. ☺️☺️
@ホミ-c8s 10 ай бұрын
主様今晩は。 体調大丈夫ですか?具合悪いのに動画配信有難うございます。 茶トラ君とグレーちゃん相変わらず可愛いですね🥰お尻あげて、撫でられるの嬉しいんだね。
@momo-0222momo 10 ай бұрын
病み上がり無理なさらず。。 今日は仕事で大きなミスをして落ち込み初めて仕事休みましたが1日動画見させてもらいました💭
@littlewolf4387 10 ай бұрын
You have to take time to recover from a illness. Everyone body is different so recover time is different. Don't feel bad about it
@toniabardlabon703 10 ай бұрын
So glad to see your video this morning (USA) and that you’ve recovered. Where did you buy the BREATH cup from? A good daily reminder when I drink my daily coffee.
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