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We're looking at another unique line in Switzerland in this video.
During the railway boom of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, railways were not only built between major cities and industrial hubs, but also to smaller profile regions. This seemed to have been the case worldwide, with most of the smaller railways being phased out when larger investments were needed, or when cars and trucks gained prominence.
Switzerland too lost a few of it's smaller railways, but no where near as many as other European countries. This is one of those railways, that may have been abandoned in favour of other services in another country, but it continues to be maintained and optimised to meet the demands of the present.
The major portion of the two railways we'll see in this video, used to share the road with other traffic, however over the years, as you'll see labelled in the video, the tracks have been moved to reduce crossings and increase the overall safety of the line. As a result, we will actually be travelling on two former SBB trackbeds, one between Aarau and Suhr, the other between Reinach and Menziken (the former line from Seetal to Beromünster).
The line was formally also used to freight traffic, with special facilities that allowed normal gauge wagons to "piggy back" on narrow gauge bogies. The stations Suhr & Oberentfelden both had the necessary equipment to allow these transfers. There are still some remaining narrow gauge railways that continue the practice today.
For anybody wondering, the two blinking lights inside of a Rhombus tell the driver that somebody would like to board at the upcoming station. Some stations are request stops only, and have buttons to press near the platform to stop the train.
Another little note, the inclines shown in the top right corner are the maximum inclines on the line until the next station - unlike in other videos, where they usually only apply to the section of track following the signal.
The other lines we have looked at that operate in a similar fashion (in close proximity to the road) are listed here for those who are interested:
Seetalbahn: • ★ 4K 🇨🇭Lenzburg - Seet...
• ★ 4K 🇨🇭 Luzern - Seeta...
Waldenburgerbahn: • ★ 4K 🇨🇭 Liestal - Wald...
• ★ 🇨🇭4K Cab ride Walden...
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