Lost Metal Reactions 2 | Shardcast

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17th Shard

17th Shard

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@Tranewreck17 Жыл бұрын
Wax being the sword in the tower with his grenade launcher reminded me of Vin going to attack Cett. And the parallels of the effect of Ruin on them. Then Wax being finally done and saying this is the last time and telling Harmony that he doesn’t understand what this does to him, then Saze showing him the image of the battle of Luthadel. I thought it was great.
@Tranewreck17 Жыл бұрын
Ah, I should watch the whole thing before commenting. Joshua mentioning that same scene was great.
@tekevil1260 Жыл бұрын
I actually really liked Steris' ending. I felt like it was appropriate for her to have an ending the audience finds boring. Part of her arc in Bands was that she sees the world and finds enjoyment in a different way than most people and that's OK. So in a way her ending in this book is perfect because it's exciting for her and less for us.
@Florfilm Жыл бұрын
Her ending was exciting to me. I loved it.
@freebird6591 Жыл бұрын
It was all completely character appropriate too.
@TheCozz95 Жыл бұрын
As fot the title "The Lost Metal" I read a cool interpretation on reddit. The Alloy of Law is reffereing to Wax and Wayne and now with this book it is Wayne who is the lost metal, as in the lost part of that alloy.
@TheFelCandy Жыл бұрын
Love it
@Sgriffith610 Жыл бұрын
Spoilers: Steris saved alot of lives with her preparations. Even with the smaller explosion there was still a massive wave that hit the port at the city and her preparations there saved alot of people there.
@bubbles743 Жыл бұрын
Precisely! Steris' planning being what saved loads of people (and getting her recognition and a new job she is excited about) makes this a perfect ending to her arc. Bit of a bummer about the Bands of Mourning having to go back to the south because of setup reasons
@jharkey3 Жыл бұрын
She definitely did, though I wish I FELT that stronger. I did like the idea of seeing briefly from a PoV of someone she saved.
@benhanley4663 Жыл бұрын
She got the city to not start a war and She stoped people panicking which saved countless lives. I believe she did amazing on her own and didn’t kill anyone, I loved her whole plot.
@thatoneguysylvan Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to hear everyone's thought's and reactions to this book, and I have some thoughts I want to add to the mix. Spoilers: . . . . . . . . First, I agree that the Steris plotline would have wrapped up better with a short POV of someone who survived the tsunami, but all in all I think the fact that she was able to use her strengths and talents to save lives was really good and important. The fact that she did it without magic powers or badass fight scenes makes it stand out in a way that is more accessible to people who struggle to be heard but have things of value to contribute. It reminds me of Elend inventing a Republic in how it was not flashy but still a logical culmination of a character's traits and ambitions. Second, I respect that one of the panelists wanted more development around the civil war in the basin and the tensions with the Malwish. IMO, the Plot has always been about Wax learning more about the Set/Trell and taking them down. From the prologue of alloy of law, Wax is involved in the Harmony/Trell conflict, made personal through Lessie/Edwarn/Telsin. The civil war, the tensions with the Malwish, they are interesting but they are setting. They are the backdrop to this conflict that this book wraps up, but the book shouldn't be about them. Making the story about the civil war would be changing the focus of the overarching plot, which would be a mistake.
@davethefirstWI Жыл бұрын
My spoilery thoughts: - - - (I'm actually not sure how many lines to add) - - I've been really surprised at the discussion on "what's the Lost Metal?" Because when I finished the book & Wayne sacrificed himself, I went, "Oh man, Wayne is the lost metal." & it really added to the emotional hit of it. It didn't strike me that it could be referring to a metal itself because the metals themselves were such a lower priority.
@tekevil1260 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Discord, I think he will have more ruinous tendencies tempered by Sazed occasionally going "oh no, what have I done?!" Reason being that all the Atium burned during Hero of Ages is finally returning to Sazed in the form of Ruin intended investiture. His first hundred years were easier because the two shards were evenly matched, but now that the Ruin is returning Sazed is having problems. I think Sazed's eventual solution to protect Scadrial from himself will be to focus his Ruin on outside forces such as Roshar and Taldain
@georgebernard2002 Жыл бұрын
Or even towards the first 100 years of the basin, his actions have tended towards preservation, coddling the people in the basin and not being decisive seem like he's spending up a debt of preservation focused actions that will need to be paid off in the ruinous tendency. On a long enough timeline however, ruin wins since preservation is placed into each of scadrials spiritweb or something? (Afaik this was mentioned in era 1)
@tekevil1260 Жыл бұрын
@@georgebernard2002 My take on it was that at the time of Hero of Ages Ruin and Preservation were completely equal and the reason Ruin needed the Atium was so that he could get enough back so that he could overpower and remove Preservation. Burning the Atium made the Ruin temporarily go away and it would eventually be reabsorbed by Ruin over hundreds of years (like the Pits of Hathsin) but now that Ruin intent has to go somewhere, and it's heading for Sazed/Harmony
@Arezoo298195 Жыл бұрын
Spoilers: The Lost Metal is Wayne. The ALLOY of Law was Wax and Wayne as a lawmen Duo. 😭
@SarcasmFiend23 Жыл бұрын
I love this interpretation
@nroke1684 Жыл бұрын
What if the men of gold and red are wearing power armor of some kind? Maybe that’s why they seem like “living statues” and maybe their eyes glow red, not because they are heavily invested by autonomy, but because they have some kind of visor.
@TheFelCandy Жыл бұрын
Ohhhhh that would be intense
@jharkey3 Жыл бұрын
Solid idea.
@ViperRT99 Жыл бұрын
Spoilers: The taking of investiture from people without allomantic powers reminded me of the taking of breaths on Nalthis. It's more brutal, but in both it pretty much amounts to taking a piece of their soul.
@davidarmstrong3302 Жыл бұрын
I co-sign this, and expect Autonomy's agents on other worlds are trying something similar but within the context of that planet's magic system.
@Aldric524 Жыл бұрын
I mean, in a way you're not wrong... But in another way it's utterly different. It's basically the difference between consent and rape. On Nalthis you are consenting to give up your breath. As far as I recall, you can't STEAL it. This is completely violent theft in this book.
@MajorReynolds92 Жыл бұрын
@@Aldric524 oh yeah, it's infinitely worse, especially given the process we're shown in this book *shivers*
@Mwezi828 Жыл бұрын
I like the ambiguity...I think in terms of relevance to this narrative specifically [SPOILERS]: Lerasium is the metal that the crux of the narrative hinged on (with Wayne's sacrifice). It was Chekov's Gunned throughout the book in the little vial Harmony gave Wax, and it was specifically brought up in the epilogue - and is what Kelsier was after. In that scene, Harmony lies to keep knowledge of its rediscovery, while revealing that atium can be made by splitting harmonium. So atium is 'found' while lerasium remains lost.
@jmcott14 Жыл бұрын
I'm a fan of 17th shard. All your interpretations of YA characters and young unmarried characters are very welcome. But I wonder if the panels need some older people like me with kids to help understand the themes pertaining to middle-aged and older characters (this is just my reaction to everyone criticizing the wax/Wayne and Steris chapters so much).
@jharkey3 Жыл бұрын
For what it's worth, I'm mid-30s with three kids. :) Though I don't see how age factors much into the criticism on Wax and Steris' plots. 🤔 Wax saying goodbye to Steris and Max in ch 19 was one of my favorite moments. I was partly frustrated because I didn't feel like the story did enough with Wax as a husband/dad.
@aenea22980 Жыл бұрын
@ Jason - Agree.
@davidarmstrong3302 Жыл бұрын
As a dad I love the Wax and Max scenes.
@ducky36F Жыл бұрын
The Steris chapters were my favourite part overall tbh
@jaredpoulter6762 Жыл бұрын
When Marasi got power from the perpendicularity and was charging her grenades I was convinced that she was about to accidentally trap herself in a time bubble with the invaders for a long time and she and the army would pop out years later, but Scadrial spent that time preparing for it and is able to defend themselves.
@freebird6591 Жыл бұрын
This is neat. Have it meant to be in their 4th era future but time estimate was wrong and they pop out in 80s cyberpunk era instead.
@hubrisnxs2013 Жыл бұрын
So happy this was made! I usually get the notification instantly so I'll watch this a few hours later today
@jmcott14 Жыл бұрын
Atium and lerasium were the lost metals that can to my mind especially since splitting harmonium into those two played a role in the plot and will likely play a role of quasi-nuclear power in future eras (much less democratizing allomancy if Kelsier gets his way)
@peaceofcrap Жыл бұрын
Regarding Wax's character arc or lack thereof I really resonated with what Cheyanne was saying. I think there's plenty of good character arcs in this book and sometimes it's fine for a character to not grow or change that much even if they're a main character. Sometimes you just like hanging out with your cool friend while they do cool stuff and you don't want or need them to change meaningfully.
@Supaawesomeification Жыл бұрын
God I love that new intro so much
@_argent Жыл бұрын
1:34:47 Jess I am going to *fight* you the connection between Wayne's death scene and his mom's poetry thing, that's the best literary thing about the book!
@JessietheSleepyKoala Жыл бұрын
Oh no I don’t think I made this clear enough 🙈I have no issue with the story she told, the poetry line at the end, or that connection! I just didn’t like Wayne continuing to think he was [insert stereotypical cowboy character here] throughout the book and found it forced and cliche. Like him thinking he was the the canyon or on the plateau and connecting his current journey in Bilming to the exact story his mother told him in the prologue - it felt very ‘what are the odds!!! Surprise pikachu’ to me. It had too much of a ‘movie magic/so the movie can happen’ vibe and made the world represented in the book feel less real. So I don’t know how well this fight is going to if we’re both crying in the corner over the same connection and beautiful poetry! XD But if you insist then beware, Imma swish my petticoats at you like like a Pokémon sand attack. 👀
@JessietheSleepyKoala Жыл бұрын
It’ll probably be about as effective. 🤣
@_argent Жыл бұрын
Hmm! You are spared... for now...
@ramblingdad7764 Жыл бұрын
Brandon always talked about Era 3 being a cold war thing and when the Southern Scadrians appeared I realized that Era 3 would be about dealing with them and the Basin.
@Kabissz Жыл бұрын
Sudden hot take: instead of the dopple-douches (they could have gotten defeated in the "canyon") W&W should have fought a small contingent of red and gold men, who were under the precarious control of Telsin. This way there's more variety in fights, there's a bit more weight to Telsins Investment, and we get a bit more Cosmere goodness. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that was the plan at some point, but Brandon decided against it, because glove off-smoff he didn't want to over do it with the Cosmere connections.
@ChBrahm Жыл бұрын
One of my biggest befos with the book is that Wax never confrontes his sister. He just pointed a gun at her for a second then left. Afterwards she was just dead and Wax didn´t even spare a thought for her
@MateusAntonioBittencourt Жыл бұрын
I have to disagree in parts with Jessie about Brandon making Wayne a problematic character on purpose. I think the part about Wayne going to see the daughter of the man he killed was done to show Wayne punishing himself. The same with the jokes to hide his true feelings. This was on purpose. But I think that Brandon didn’t realized how by doing that… he was affecting the girl. And only realized after this plot point receive tons of criticism. So he fixed. And if my interpretation is right… Cudos to him by realizing he did a “problematic” and fixing it. But I think he didn’t realize how those visits would affect the girl. I think he’s intention was for the reader to go “ohhh poor Wayne punishing himself” and not “poor girl being tortured by Wayne”
@JessietheSleepyKoala Жыл бұрын
Fair point, that definitely could be the case.
@michaeljameson2132 Жыл бұрын
The kandra insisted that harmonium could not be split unless Harmony himself starts breaking down. At the time, it sounded like he was just wrong... but maybe instead, he's right. I wonder if Sazed is unintentionally (or not??) manifesting an avatar that expresses Ruin, leaving his Sazed persona more free to Preserve.
@micahlarimer155 Жыл бұрын
Allow of Law has always felt like the clear and away winner in mistborn era 2 for me. I thought all of era 2 was going to be like allow of law, no world ending threats just a lawman and his goofy sidekick solving crimes in a bit of a fish out of water situation (lawman from the roughs acting as nobility). I feel like the action in Allow of law was always as good as it gets as well, all the way up until the point that wax ends the book by crushing a building using alomancy + ferochemy (which was exactly what I wanted to read after learning he had that combo).
@ianeggleston9991 Жыл бұрын
I can understand why Harmony can be seen as a threat to Autonomy, but I hate that Autonomy’s end goal is to essentially take planets autonomy away from its citizens but guiding them down her pre determined path
@aenea22980 Жыл бұрын
I know right? She could also be the shard of Hypocrisy.
@rbkskillz Жыл бұрын
Are they maybe holding some of Ambition's intent as well? I agree, that didn't seem very Autotomy to me. Like the Shard's Intent was misunderstood.
@HandsWithLegs Жыл бұрын
If harmony flips to discord, will that mess with harmonium? Will the southerners lose access to the core of their technology as harmonium is replaced with discordium with different properties?
@bhw_ace7476 Жыл бұрын
I had no idea Wayne was such a controversial character. I assumed everyone knew that he was a damaged person using humor to cover up his wounds. Also I thought that readers and characters just understood that you can't take his jokes seriously because he himself doesn't take them seriously.
@tekevil1260 Жыл бұрын
They solve the Civil War thing in the two years between the ending and the Wayne Statue epilogue. With the Governors assistant who was a Malwish double agent out of the way they are able to steer the Governor into helping to pass policies that lower tensions between the different areas of Elendel Basin.
@tekevil1260 Жыл бұрын
I forgot if it is Bilming or in Elendel, but I think there was a mention of immigrants with Shimmering gold hair
@BlackHand531 Жыл бұрын
My favourite scene was when Wayne was talking to the two bankers. Such a great chapter!
@nalfo0956 Жыл бұрын
I clicked on that notification so fast💀, hope y’all are doing well! Keep up the great content, definitely gonna miss chaos this episode tho
@guitoscano Жыл бұрын
Spoilers!! . . . . . . . . . About the Lost Metal, there’s what VenDell says about splitting harmonium. He says it should be impossible as long as Harmony remains Harmony. Well, perhaps the trace amounts that came from Wax’s explosion actually happened because Harmony isn’t quite so harmonious anymore, as Telsin alerted and as we saw with the dark shadow beside Wayne in the end.
@EllenSmyth Жыл бұрын
What is the lost metal? Ooo, I have a big theory about that! I think we don't yet know what the lost metal is, like others have said, but it could be a 17th metal in addition to the 16 we have. Wayne drops 17 hints like crazy, starting with Pg 29 where he does his scale from 1 to 17, much to Marissi's chagrin since she insists that the scale should be 16. He later keeps that scale at 17. And then Sir Squeekins escapes 17 times from Wayne. And lastly, Wayne uses 17 bags of bendalloy to become the hero of these pages.
@ramblingdad7764 Жыл бұрын
Two thoughts: First if Era 3 is a cold war between the Basin and the Southerners then it would totally make sense if its like Southerners + Kelsier vs Basin + Harmony/Discord Second, I wonder if the successful splitting of Harmonium actually effected Harmony i.e. the creation of Atium and Lerasium from Harmonium is tied to his becoming Discord or perhaps becoming Discord allows for this splitting to occur.
@brodyot94 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has only read Mistborn and Stormlight and am now just starting Warbreaker, I was most interested in Wax and Waynes storyline.
@samthestache8 Жыл бұрын
The conversation around 38:30 just made me think of this. If they can use hemalurgy to remove some of the innate investiture of people to make spikes, how is that related to breaths? Would the people who have had this removed be like drabs? Is this a way to make artificial breaths/breath-like investiture?
@ClayInvictus Жыл бұрын
I believe that Brandon has said in a WoB that all humans on shard invested worlds (Scadrial, Roshar, Nalthis and so on) has some investiture in them, which makes them a little more durable and healthy (both physically and mentally, is my interpretation) compared to us normal humans in reality. And that when a nalthian becomes a drab, they essentially becomes like a "normal" real human. I figure that's what would happen when you remove investiture from a scadrian with hemalurgy as well.
@ClayInvictus Жыл бұрын
One of the reasons he designed it that way was that he didn't want to deal with pandemics caused by worldhoppers. Wonder why... ;)
@epee11c Жыл бұрын
Since Telsin was invested with Autonomy, ai think she gained a lot more of Autonomy's influence. Likely, she started with proving the outer cities could be independent. But knew there would be a ton of war unless she did something decisive. Likely, just declaring independence wouldn't be enough for Autonomy.
@sandrar4981 Жыл бұрын
Well Eric is a stricter boss than I would have expected 😁
@nathankloetstra5416 Жыл бұрын
47:35 so all I have read of the greater Cosmere at this point is stormlight archive. I was able to understand what was going on generally with the Ghost Bloods. I enjoyed it but was not invested/Invested in it the same way all of you seemed to be. However, the jars of pure INVESTITURE was amazing and not lost on me.
@GoErikTheRed Жыл бұрын
Maybe this is just because I’m a bit of a history nerd, but some of the technology on display is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Ignoring the fact that Dreadnaught means “fear nothing” so Pewternaught doesn’t really make sense, you can’t just build a ship that big and that advanced from nothing. In our world, it took hundreds of years of constant development between nations that were constantly at war and therefore had strong motivation to invest in technological development. A lot of the time they’re taking lessons that could really only be learned in combat. Something similar could be said for the rocket technology. I just can’t reconcile the fact that the Set was able to develop rocket technology at a comparable speed to the country of Germany. On the flip side, I absolutely loved the little nods to people having no idea how projectors work, or how they haven’t invented traffic lights yet. Would love to see more of that
@JessietheSleepyKoala Жыл бұрын
In terms of the rocket at least, I was under the assumption that Autonomy had given them a lot of information to make it possible. It definitely seems… out of place, in relation to their other tech levels.
@davidarmstrong3302 Жыл бұрын
Earlier in the series Harmony mentions that technology has not developed as he expected. So there is a reading where he has nudged certain tech into existence. Also Scadrial had weirdly advanced metallurgy in Era 1 due to metalborn. So I can see them making the leap from wooden ship to ironclad pretty quickly.
@mightyravino7069 Жыл бұрын
Wtf. I was just finishing Reactions 1 then this magically showed up.
@17thShard Жыл бұрын
Right on time, then! -Eric
@TheFelCandy Жыл бұрын
We were waiting on you to finish up before posting part 2 😉
@suhail1993 Жыл бұрын
Ah tapping Fortune I see
@fremontstaples1752 Жыл бұрын
@zlaser6868 Жыл бұрын
Lost Previews Gang!
@TheFelCandy Жыл бұрын
@Toe_Jamson Жыл бұрын
Love the new intro. Very fancy.
@freebird6591 Жыл бұрын
So i finished the book this morning. I have no idea where to start so i most likely wont... Ha. Tho the title? Im leaning to it being about Atium more than about Bavadinium. But even then it felt more like the lost metal was Lerasium as it made 2 mistborns by the end of the book. The child in me clearly sees The Lost Metal as being Wayne himself by the end. Broken from his 'alloy' with Wax and lost to the spiritual zone...
@CalaCrisp88 Жыл бұрын
Wooo more shardcast content~~
@davidarmstrong3302 Жыл бұрын
So, when Marasi goes South is when we discover the Firemothers are twinborn that can feruchemically store heat but burn Cadmium to expedite the process.
@rbkskillz Жыл бұрын
That would be too rare to have that exact combination of powers. And the whole society is based on only those people?
@mudbutt42 Жыл бұрын
As I watched this Podcast I thought several things, in the beginning I agreed with a lot of what you guys are saying, and I thought maybe I need to be a more discerning reader, But then after two hours of complaining about the title, characters, plot points, character ark, pretty much everything about the book, I do not wish to be a more discerning reader. I'm happy to actually like the books I read and not complain about them.
@17thShard Жыл бұрын
It's perfectly fine you liked the book! I imagine others wanted to like it more, and are trying to analyze why they didn't. Though I do think we liked it but didn't love it, you know? -Eric
@XavierRD Жыл бұрын
This is a good time to ask something that I've wondered by years: What's that thing that Chaos (and now FelCandy) always says at the end of the episodes? And why does he say it?
@ianberlin3214 Жыл бұрын
Spoilers and several questions and guesses because there aren't enought people I know around me who have read the books to have this nerdy of a conversation with. .... One thought I had reading is that eventually, the Ghostbloods might have internal fractions and Kel will have to take down off-planet groups. I still see Kel more as a hero, misguided and overly extreme at times yes, but I like to see him trying to help rather than becoming a classic villain. I almost wonder if he will take up Ruin some day because Sazed can't keep holding both and after he tries and that falls apart the solution will be to split it up, but I don't think that is likely. I think the Ghostbloods care about Scadrial because it can become an investiture "economic" powerhouse and thus provide them power or at least because Kel has sold them on that idea. And this team probably likes Kel and trusts him. Also with who drained the bands of mourning, it would make sense if it were the Southerners somehow emptied them, and possibly another bad Condra helped them do it? They could have fleet or city of their tech with the investure, but could it also be part of a plan that Kel used to get the bands into a place where he could more easily recover them? I wonder who the father is of the woman that Wayne left his estate to. It seemed like her daughter, mistakes, Wayne, and regrets all clustered together. I am guessing that daughter could be Wayne's. (Edit: when he is writing his will the his account managers understand ans say that several of their clients provide some "child support" to a mistress, and Wayne doesn't catch what they were thinking, because he is sending her money because he killed her dad so I think this guess is weaker) don't really want the idea to be true, but it seems foreshadowed that way and she and Wax's son could be the right age to be a main chacter in phase 3. I loved having Marsh still around. And how many times has Sazed lied to Kel and then lied saying he didn't lie? Also a broader Cosmere question but what is Hoid's goal? I feel like in the Stormlight archive he is using his position and it strikes me as selfish at the least and to some extent villainous, because he seems okay with sacrificing Roshar to Odium if he needs to. I think Hoid trying to unite the shards/hold all of them could be it, but I kind of like him not just being this wonderful helpful character, but someone with personal motivations because I feel like it would be a large twist, counted it might be too big of twist and possibly Hoid will play more of a role of guiding and shaping the future even if he doesn't do directly, but a bit like Gandalf in the Hobbit who is always there helping put things in motion and occasionally pull characters out of tight problems, but more as a story tell and observer. Lastly, I am curious how Brandon will bring together different worlds at different technological levels of advancement. It was easier to imagine when everyone used swords and their magic, but mixing technologies will be different. If it was someone else who didn't think everything through I would be worried, but he will make it work.
@jeremyscoville6972 Жыл бұрын
Just touching on one point of yours. The woman that Wayne left his estate to is Allriendre, the daughter of the man Wayne killed in his youth. It's the same lady he visited at the university pretending to be drunk, and the reason why Wayne couldn't even hold a gun for most of his life without trembling
@davidarmstrong3302 Жыл бұрын
Sixth of Dusk gives a preview of the tech/magic blend in the future of the Cosmere- there is a sort of colonial vibe to it (people from the sky with advanced tech seeking the investiture).
@oneukum Жыл бұрын
56:30 Kelsier is a nationalist. The mission statement is almost verbatim in Secret History: His ignorance almost cost them everything. Never again. 1:06:30 Wax has not forgiven Harmony. But to think that you can outguess a deity with access to Futuresight is foolish. You may refuse, but if Sazed calls for a sword, a sword is needed. He is wise enough to see that. 1:12:30 Because Autonomy wanted to wipe out the whole planet? Destroying a city seems to be a logical compromise. 1:14:00 Autonomy is inherently paradox. Is she to leave you with enough autonomy for you to remove autonomy from others? If she stops you from being a slaver, you are no longer autonomous. Even if she decided to become the godess of anarchy she would weaken herself fatally. So she turned to social darwinism. If you leave aside ethics, it is an ingenious solution. 1:47:00 personal theory: Shards ultimately do not work. So you have two options for the ultralong run: Reassembly or total splintering. I think this will be the ultimate ideological conflict of the Cosmere.
@emilyframpton9992 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the soldiers in the portal that Marasi sees, I wondered if they were Autonomy-warped Lifeless, where it references them being living statutes. There’s a few mentions of Commands (capital C) peppered in the book, so I don’t think it would unreasonable to suspect some Nalthis influence or Investiture being brought in here…
@rbkskillz Жыл бұрын
Does Nalthas have a Shard holder present?
@emilyframpton9992 Жыл бұрын
@@rbkskillz Yes. It’s a shard world, where Warbreaker is set. Endowment is the shard, Edgli is the shard holder. Endowment is not splintered
@30Huckleberry Жыл бұрын
Love the Lost Reviews
@EllenSmyth Жыл бұрын
Why is Scadriel so important? Kelsier cannot move worlds and physically exist anywhere but on the planet Scadrial, right? I'm not counting the cognitive realm. So Scadriel is currently Kelsier's only tie to the physical world, I think. I could be wrong.
@mattholland9868 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been catching up on all the episodes of this show for the last 6 months, and the only heuristic I’ve had is if Jess actively dislikes something, it’s something that I like and it makes me defensive. One of the coolest things about fandoms like this is people can like like the “thing” in different ways, including dislikes!
@17thShard Жыл бұрын
100%! Shout your love for things from the roof tops, your enjoyment is just as valid! Feeling defensive is an entirely normal reaction as well, but definitely don’t let me bring you down, I firmly believe opposing opinions can exist at the same time without overtaking each other and don’t want it to come across like my thoughts are the objective truth or anything :) - Jess (Also I’m super interested what it was you liked and I disliked, I have no recollection of what I said in this episode 😅)
@pharaoh9000 Жыл бұрын
1:43:00 on the issue of Discord being mentioned in the epigraph of the very same chapter that Sazed is introduced... I noticed the same thing in Stormlight Archive when Eshonai is introduced. The WoK chapter in which she first shows up is titled "Eshonai". Personally, I suspect Brandon is doing the same thing with Dalinar. The first chapter Dalinar is introduced in is titled "Unity"... which i think will be Dalinar's new name once he takes up the Honor, Cultivation, and Odium shards.
@vamsiampolu8438 Жыл бұрын
Unity and Discord will be naturally opposed to each other’s intents. Interesting how early was setup
@pharaoh9000 Жыл бұрын
@@vamsiampolu8438 my personal theory about Discord is that he is essentially a god-level split personality. I think Harmony will still be there alongside Discord. The problem is, when you're an infinite god who can be everywhere all at once with infinite bodies you create on the fly... that essentially means the two can co-exist simultaneously as two separate entities... each with a different balancing act of the two powers they both hold. One in harmony... one in discord. It should make for some interesting conversations between Harmony and his alt.
@peaceofcrap Жыл бұрын
1:15:00 as far as I can tell Marvin has it pretty much right from my reading.
@peaceofcrap Жыл бұрын
Jofwu is also right I think
@aharris1iOS Жыл бұрын
No spoons on wall over Veronica’s shoulder anymore?
@Kabissz Жыл бұрын
I'm only halfway through but are we going to address the pure horror of hemalurgic abominations?
@peaceofcrap Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks the men of gold and red are robots?
@Aldric524 Жыл бұрын
Probably not the only one, but one of the few? I mean, unless you're talking about the awakened-lifeless in Warbreaker being magical robots. Then sure, more people are possibly thinking about them being robots. Somebody else in comments thought it might be power armor, or magical armor. I don't personally really think it's that, but I'm not categorically poo-hooing it.
@yusraarab9910 Жыл бұрын
@buffasa1 Жыл бұрын
Trell is a whoever is the avatar on scradrial at the time. It's a title like a principal at a school. Not hard to understand
@jharkey3 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but I think whoever mentioned this was also thinking about how Taldain Trell and Ancient Scadrian Trelagism Trell fit into the picture. Plus there hasn't (so far as we know) always been "someone who is the avatar" at any given moment. Telsin is in TLM, but I don't get the sense there was a particular person operating as Autonomy's avatar directly before her. Someone she took the mantle from.
@rbkskillz Жыл бұрын
The Ghostbloods chapters really missed for me. It felt too forced, like the author talking directly with the audience instead of the characters interacting. The Ghostbloods we have seen before are very secretive, why would they share so much information with Marasi? Why are they so quick to help her before forcing her to join? New recruit shows up and you take them directly to your HQ to meet the CEO? It didn't make any sense to me.
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