Andy, thanks for the posting. Your explanation is great. My daughter’s name is also Alice. This piece is special to me.
@hiuchinghung4394 жыл бұрын
Ihre Intonation gefällt mir besonders gut, musikalisch und sprachlich. Danke für Ihre Videos, 安迪老师。---------eine damalige Chinesische Lehrerin aus der Sinology in DE.
「給愛麗斯」從小就是我最喜歡的鋼琴曲,今天聽 Andy 老師講述由來和用情感詮釋,讓我能更深層欣賞這曲子,而不再存粹以彈琴技巧純熟與否頻論演奏, 感謝🙏。
@AKLHWO4 жыл бұрын
施老師深入淺出,講故事引發學生的想像力,使對音樂和作曲家發生興趣,不是死板板的要學生跟著自己教的來彈,很好。我做學生時很喜歡弾這首曲,尤其是激情的部分。但到了自己做教琴時,却有點怕這曲,因為 1. 太多學生,尤其是女孩子都吵着要學這首,其實她們想弹的只是開頭的8小節(bar),最多想學到15小節,後面的就沒有那樣好心機學,或嫌難。因為 2. 這曲已成流行曲,學生是因為常常聽到所以要學的,很多時她們聽到和記得的並非和樂譜寫的一樣,先入為主,要改正有點困難。In England this piece is usually known as "Für Elise" and should be pronounced in German. I was often puzzled when pupils (esp. younger ones) asked to learn this piece as they pronounced the title as a word of three syllables, sounding more like "furelize" (pronounced in the English way), or worse, and I had no idea what they're talking about.