在全世界當過兵的都知道軍人看到比自己軍階高的人是一定要敬禮的!這是沒有理由的因為人家的rank就是比你高,而且軍人敬禮不是看人而是看階級,不能因為你討厭他或不喜歡他就不對他敬禮。😀 套一句Band of Brothers EP10裡Major Winters對Captain Sobel說的話「We salute the rank, not the man」😁 不過話說回來軍牧師這職業還真有點像是台灣軍隊裡心輔官之類的職務,只是與宗教無關就是了!
👍Thank you for posting this video. We have relatives in the US Airforce and US Army, but it never occurred to us to think about what personal lives soldiers need to sacrifice in order to serve and protect the country until we watched this video. They should be well-taken of even after they retire.