@@VirgoINFP NO WAY, EVERY YR UP 25% IS TOTALLY CRAZILY ABNORMAL AND UNHEALTHY。 IT WILL DROP BACK FAST SOON。 THE WHOLE IDEA IS HOUSTON OR TX HAS TOO MUCH LAND and they can EXPAND BUILD MORE AND MORE HOMES THEN DILUTED its value thus housing in TX CANNOT GO UP TOO MUCH b/c they can build and have too many land they can build more. ANY MARKET CANNOT GO UP 25%/YR FOREVER because even THE WORLD RICHEST, SMARTEST, BEST INVESTOR GENIUS WARREN BUFFETT EDU U AND TELL U DO NOT BUY HOUSE/REAL ESTATE because normally 200+ yrs HISTORY EDU/TEACH U/DATE SHOW/PROOF TO YOU STOCK MARKET UP 7%-8% PER YR FOR LAST 200+ YRS,$1 INVESTED 200 yrs ago becomes $1M today, that's THE HIGHEST return of all investment, way better than housing (probably max at 3%-6% return/yr even in SF,CA over 30-40 yrs; in JAPAN HOUSING/R.E. MARKET NEVER BOUNCE BACK OVER 30+ YRS, GIRLS, ANYONE TOLD YOU REAL ESTATE/HOUSE IS SO GOOD SO GOOD ARE R.E. BROKER/AGENT OR MORTGAGE BANKERS LIARS/crooks), better than gold/silver and crypto currency will go to ZER, SAID BY WARREN bUFFETT THE WORLD RICHEST SMARTEST BEST GENIUS INVESTOR with 80+ yrs EXPERIENCES. You can go sub to my channel let me teach u alot about invest in R.E., stock, etc. BUFETT AND I TEACH U SAID R.E IS 1 OF THE WORST BUSINESS THERE IS, DON'T LET OTHER STUPID R.E BROKER/MORTGAGE BROKERS LIE TO U b/c they make $ from COMMISSIONS or bankers want u buy house borrow their $ EARN HIS commissions as 1 of my video "Sand floor, random teach fake R.E. gurus" said. R.E. GOOD OR BAD INVESTMENT IS BASED ON THE LAWS - there is a 18 months RENT Memortorium (?don't waste time to check spelling LOL, my fast typing habit lol) law/regulation SO YOU LOSS 18 MO OF RENTS BUT U STILL HAVE TO PAY 1.5 YRS=18MO MORTGAGE AND PROPERTY TAX, U ASK WHY there is NO MORTGAGE Memoritum and property tax Memotorium help THE INVESTOR/LL (=LandLord)?Then you'll see R.E. IS WORST THAN INVEST IN STOCK b/c 18m stock goes up 100% or 300% = Tesla, AMD, AMAZON, FB, APPLE, ZOOM those ppl takes only 20 yrs from NOBODY AVG JOE TO A WORLD BILLIONAIRE RICH +FAMOUSE ALL IN 20 YRS compare to the KING/BEST OF R.E. WOULD BE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP STILL TAKES 75+ YRS from 2+ generation of Trump families to earn his SLOW $10B; 75 yrs INVEST IN REAL ESTATE SLOW (+ CANNOT COLLECT RENT-CONTROLLED/EVICTION CONTROL/RENT MEMOROTIUM buildings or 20k families from 20k buildings must hire teams of lawyers babysit/sue 9M-19M tenants loss their jobs how to PAY RENT w/ some % are CRIMINALS/DRUGGIES/ILLEGALS bf gf pops out 4 kids still pay SF, CA RENT CONTROLLED SAME RENT FOREVER) to earn $10B vs 20 yrs earn $300B invest in STOCK make TROUBLE FREE EASY FAST $ AS WARREN BUFFETT/MARK Z/ELON MUSK/JEFF BESOZ ALL HAPPY TO MAKE 90% OF THEIR $ FROM BUSINESS NOT FROM R.E. STUPID RENTAL BUSINESS b/c all laws are AGAINST R.E.... why there is no law like mortgage and property tax MEMOROTIRUM?! EVEN IRS TAX LAW IS AGAINST R.E. = it takes 27.5-39 yrs to SLOW DEPRECIATE HALF OF your HOUSE = Land Value cannot DEPRECIATE so u loss about 50% value, then the other 50% , say, is STRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT but it takes only 27.5 to 39 yrs to DEPRECIATE so slow means IRS TAX LAW PUNISH U INVEST IN R.E. SO U CANNOT OFFSET MOR EINCOME while all other business takes 5 yrs to depreciate to OFFSET MORE OTHER INCOME SO U PAY LESS TAX in other business. WARREN BUFFETT WON'T INVEST $30B buy 30k of $1M BUILDING BABSIT/TRY TO COLLECT/DEAL WITH 30K FAMLIES HIRE TEAM OF LAWYERS TO BABYSIT tenants is NO FUN, but he is HAPPY TO BUY $30B INVEST IN APPLE/GOOD CO. LIKE COKE, BANKS OR SEE'S CANDY HAPPY GOOD STOCKS earn 3.5%/yr div after stock goes up 10x or TESLA/AMAZON/APPLE GOES UP OVERE 00X in 20 yrs, his 3.5%/yr div also up 10x to 900x, and IRS TAX LAW WELCOME U INVEST B/C LONG TERM CAPITAL GAIN IS ONLY 20% MAX or u make less than $400k=pay 0% tax, while all RENTAL INCOME IS SAME HIGHEST TAX A ORDINARY INCOME, u nee to pay me edu u or sub or buy me dinner or my friends said lucky young beautiful girl are welcome to chase single rich smart honest successful man me LOL hahaha. DON'T look at his words but JUDGE/LOOK AT HIS ACTION=BUFETT IS HAPPY TO INVEST $0B buy APPLE/BANK/COKE STOCKS EASY+HAPPY MONEY but WILL NOT spend $30b BUY 30k of $1M buildings babsit 30k families and fix 30k buildings IS NO FUN and the LAWS WRITTEN AGAINST R.E. AND FAVOR/HELP ALL OTHER BUSINESS so R.E. RENTAL IZ IS 1 OF THE WORST why 50 states has 18m tenants DO N'T HAVE TO PAY RENT? and ask this easy Q: A PIECE OF R.E./HOME IS PRICE BASED ON ITS INCOME, HOW MANY YRS DOES IT TAKES FOR RENTAL INCOME OF $2K/MO becomes $8k/mo=400% up then your house value also go? 20 YRS U STILL CANNOT CHARGE $2K/MO BECOMES $8K/Mo while STOCK/ALL OTHER BUSINESS EARN 400% in 5-10yrs ARE EASY + ALL POSSIBLE AND THERE IS NO RENT CONTROLLED/1.5 YRS TENANTS/CUSTOMERS DO NOT PAY RENT SO FORCE U HIRE LAWYERS GO TO SMALL CLAIM COURT SUE THEIR 18M RENT BACK BUT ONLY capped at $10k and OAKLAND, CA GHOST-SHIP warehosue illegal modify causes killing 30+ people party die will DRAG LL U IN COURT ask if tenants modify your house grow marijuana, be a whorehouse, sell drugs, do illegal acts or illegal modify our electric meters causes fire kill ppl, LL=LANDLORD/INVESTOR U SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE=u SHOULD know something about their illegal acts so drag u in court fight 3+ YRS or if flood/hurricane/earthquake/fire damage your building, how MANY YRS U NEED GOV GIVE U PERMIT + TO REBUILD the house? MINE U, OAKLAND-SF BAYBRIDGE ALL FREEWAY OR PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION TAKES 25 YRS ONLY FINISH HALF OF BRIDGE, so rebuild a house need govt permit and inspection takes MANY YRS=U PAY MORTGAGE+PROP TAX AND NO INCOME FOR YRS until rebuild house=NO FUN; only liars tell the world said R.E IS THE BEST investment; that's why u need to pay me or WARREN BUFFETT LUNCH WITH HIM/BETTER YET, BUFFETT SAID the best INVESTMENT IS NOT BUY CO. OR STOCK BUT INVEST IN HUMAN/BUILD RELATIONSHIP. IT'S WONDERFUL BORN TO BE pretty YOUNG GIRL so she can marry a smart, rich, honest superman=build relationship/friendship is THE BEST; be-friends/marry BUFFETT EVEN AFTER HE DIE, HE GIVES 90% ALL OF HIS $ BILL GATES CHARITY=the BEST INVESTMENT=be friends/marry superman u get THE BEST ALMOST ALL OF WARREN BUFFETT'S LIFETIME$; be a good girl refuse date/sleep w/ other man, only marry/date superman will get the best return, he said that, ALSO 2K YRS AGO LIU BEI also believe that=he ONLY be friends w/ 2 bro + VISIT genius ZhuGe Liange 3x knee down cry for help=he DIDN'T SLEEP/FRIENDS W/ BIG,TALL,HANDSOME SOLIDERS OR ANY OTHER MEN, but only worship+respect+love superman:) 大家好!我住在旧金山很讨厌这里有出租管制,对富人征税太多,就是惩罚努力工作和投资者。我正在考虑不知要搬去德州或者佛州的几个大城市哪个最好,作为房产投资和家人自住?有没有人给点意见分享啊!谢谢
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
@@nimo3006 NO, do NOT forget FLORIDA HAS TOO MANY BEACHES, it's wonderful to let cold ocean COOLS U DOWN AND ALSO you live every day just like on a VACATION and MOST ASIANS LOVE TO EAT FISH FROM THE WILD OCEAN that can prolong LIFE like the Japanese... personally my whole family (Chinese) love to eat wild fish from the OCEAN. Every day/night u bring some fish from the ocean to cook, eat very health and next to ocean is NOT that hot and land is more limited than BIG TX - too big TX LAND MEANS your HOUSE VALUE WILL NOT GO UP MUCH; only limited land with USA TOP #3 MOST POPULATED STATES, FL should be good; population capita per sq-ft is higher than TX=29M VS 21M or 20M with 1/2 TO 1/4 OF TX LAND and all surrounded with OCEAN = FISH prolong your life. TX PROPERTY TAX IS 2X that of CA and FL = both about 1.3% vs TX is 2.6%-3%. BOTH HAVE GOOD OR BAD IN TX, FL, VS CA. CA stupid Lib makes too many help the poor/illegal/lazy/druggies/Zombies/tenants laws to punish the LL/rich by tax more, so it drives smart, rich, honest people away even Elon Musk flock to TX hate CA stupid Lib policies tax the rich. SADLY, WISH FL HAS MORE BETTER UNIVERSITIES AND HIGH TECH co. then it's PERFECT - vacation with ocean and plenty of fish/meals/healthy foods; HOUSTON OCEAN IS NOT THAT WHITE SAND BEACH THAT NICE LIKE IN FL.
@123xy Жыл бұрын
informative, thank you, you're smart and beautiful!
當然可以啦,只要在加州居住低於半年就不是加州籍。另外內華達州也是零卅稅并且離加州很近,來來去去會更方便。 我下一個視頻討論關於為什麼離開加州,會有一些具體例子,有興趣敬請關注 in January。 感謝你的關注及留言!
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
@@cathybyd9to540 very good topic. I was also planning to either move to FL or TX both have 0% state income tax. NV, WA also has 0% but NV is mostly dessert, not much going on besides casino/show/gaming/etc. FL has the ocean + vacation destination and eating wild fish from the ocean prolongs life. TX has tons of pros too, lower cost of living, cheaper labor but housing will not go up due to having too much big land so they can build more housing to lower the price. It's so hard to decide to move out CA head to TX OR FL or WA. Wish u give some advice b/c I never move to FL or TX/WA.
@jessetan40793 жыл бұрын
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
DO NOT worry about these, all of these hurricanes, tornados can be warned ahead of time so u can move out before they arrive; while CA has earthquakes which it's NOT prepare ahead of time. If most people in FL are okay living or dealing with these, that means U R OK too. Don't worry too much. FL is wonderful but NOT just live in Miami one city only for n yrs. AND ORGET ABOUT those MUSIC/CULTURAL/ARTIST bs, that's only a bonus, focus on the most important thing is JOB GROWTH. As long as people have jobs, crime will be lower and ppl eventually live a better happy life then bring CULTURAL/MUSIC/ART those bs back LOL. Don't ask Warren Buffett or any smart genius like Stephew Hawking what's ART/MUSIC/CULTURAL bs b/c they're genius with rational mindset NOT artistic b/c they will said ART IS FOR BS MENTAL FUN or NOT practical, enginerings, physicists, pure rational smart genius we care most is logic, math, science and job grow with LOW crime rate and okay no natural diasters that's more important than Hollywood/Korean bs movies or art/music/stupid culture/Picasso bs painting = those are good for dating the girls b/c girls are more into art/music/museum while genius like them use logic/math/science/job/low crime/less natural disasters are major key points:) Just fast saying, don't be a weak snowflake -easily broken hearts cannot take tough words:)!
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
Why do old ppl love to move to FL? TX prop tax is 2x of FL/CA, that's only a few downsides. TX housing will not go up easily due to has big land that can build more housing to lower its price. FL has about 1/2-1/3 of TX land with about 20M population as 3rd largest state, more ppl density than in TX means housing can go up, but I wish there are more high tech jobs in FL then it's a paradise - daily eat wild fish from ocean prolong life:).
NO, do NOT forget FLORIDA HAS TOO MANY BEACHES, it's wonderful to let cold ocean COOLS U DOWN AND ALSO you live every day just like on a VACATION and MOST ASIANS LOVE TO EAT FISH FROM THE WILD OCEAN that can prolong LIFE like the Japanese... personally my whole family (Chinese) love to eat wild fish from the OCEAN. Every day/night u bring some fish from the ocean to cook, eat very healthy and next to the ocean is NOT that hot and land is more limited than BIG TX - too big TX LAND MEANS your HOUSE VALUE WILL NOT GO UP MUCH; only limited land with USA TOP #3 MOST POPULATED STATES, FL should be good; population capita per sq-ft is higher than TX=29M VS 21M or 20M with 1/2 TO 1/4 OF TX LAND and all surrounded with OCEAN = FISH prolong your life. TX PROPERTY TAX IS 2X that of CA and FL = both about 1.3% vs TX is 2.6%-3%. BOTH HAVE GOOD OR BAD IN TX, FL, VS CA. CA stupid Lib makes too many help the poor/illegal/lazy/druggies/Zombies/tenants laws to punish the LL/rich by tax more, so it DRIVES smart, rich, honest people away (more than 100k companies left CA in last 10 yrs also bring w/ their employees & CRAZY CA EARLY RELEASE criminals/be KIND TO THE ILLEGALS/LGBTQ/HOMELESS/DRUGGIES/ZOMBIES at the cost of TAXPAYERS pay more tax/parking fee, all kinds of fines and keeping those UNDESIRED homeless, illegals, Zoombies, druggies and CRIMINALS IN CA AND HOW DO YOU KEEP CA GREAT AGAIN?! Drive the good smart rich honest best people out & keep the undesired bad citizens/illegals/criminals/druggies in CA? How can u make CA great again) even Elon Musk flocks to TX and hates CA's stupid Lib policies tax the rich. SADLY, I WISH FL HAS MORE BETTER UNIVERSITIES AND HIGH TECH co. then it's PERFECT - vacation with ocean and plenty of fish/meals/healthy foods; HOUSTON OCEAN IS NOT THAT WHITE SAND BEACH THAT NICE LIKE IN FL. JUST NOT SURE WHICH METRO CITY IN FL is better for me: Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Ft Myer, Naples, etc Any input, thx:)
@linayang90222 жыл бұрын
@sailorborabora18892 жыл бұрын
@@alexl932 I am looking forward to living Florida. But not sure which metro area to live too
DO NOT worry about these, all of these hurricanes, tornados can be warned ahead of time so u can move out before they arrive; while CA has earthquakes which it's NOT prepare ahead of time. If most people in FL are okay living or dealing with these, that means U R OK too. Don't worry too much. FL is wonderful but NOT just live in Miami one city only for n yrs. AND ORGET ABOUT those MUSIC/CULTURAL/ARTIST bs, that's only a bonus, focus on the most important thing is JOB GROWTH. As long as people have jobs, crime will be lower and ppl eventually live a better happy life then bring CULTURAL/MUSIC/ART those bs back LOL. Don't ask Warren Buffett or any smart genius like Stephen Hawking what's ART/MUSIC/CULTURAL bs b/c they're genius with rational mindset NOT artistic b/c they will said ART IS FOR BS MENTAL FUN or NOT practical, engineering, physicists, pure rational smart genius we care most is logic, math, science and job growth with LOW crime rate and okay no natural disasters that's more important than Hollywood/Korean bs movies or art/music/stupid culture/Picasso bs painting = those are good for dating the girls b/c girls are more into art/music/museum while genius like them use logic/math/science/job/low crime/less natural disasters are major key points:) Just fast saying, don't be a weak snowflake -easily broken hearts cannot take tough words:)!
Oh, but most people are MIDDLE CLASS EARNING below that; yes, that's why ONLY THE RICH LIARS AND POOR WOULD VOTE FOR BLUE/DEMOCRAT=Communist=they're the same roots if u have wisdom to see thru:). ANYWAY for MOST RICH OR MID CLASS OR UPPER CLASS, if you want to buy a home or invest, YOU NEED TO REPORT FULL TAXABLE INCOME PAY MORE TAX LIVING IN CA, so the bank will lend your money to buy home or fund your investment. EVEN THE RICH FAMILY HATE CA - you have to SPEND EXTRA TONS OF MONEY HIRE TAX ATTORNEY/PROFESSIONAL (they do NOT charge cheap, what's why I told/educate you ONLY THE RICH LIARS like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Amazon CEO, APPLE CEO Steve Jobs, GOOGLE FOUNDERS/ETC they SUPPORT TAX THE RICH LAWS=BUFFETT'S RULE because they're the LIBERAL=DEMOCRAT=RICH LIARS LIKE CCP=Mao's dad is a rich farmer owns lands, why he did NOT ATTACK HIS OWN DAD? LOL. These rich liars CAN SPEND 10% OF THEIR $B INCOME OR $2M HIRE TAX ATTORNEY OR PROF find loopholes while the MIDDLE CLASS/POOR CANNOT AFFORD to play those games; that's why I said ONLY THE RICH LIARS OR POOR DUMB ONES WOULD VOTE CCP/DEMOCRAT/LIBERALS b/c the RICH can HAVE $ HIRE PROF FIND LOOPHOLES)... even the rich people are LEAVING CA AND HATE CA TAX THE RICH even they can hire prof find loopholes b/c a) hire prof WASTE THEIR $ = feed the lawyers/judge/unnecessary spending; b) WHEN U REALLY WANT TO BORROW $ FROM BANKERS TO BUY INVESTMENT LIKE HOUSE OR BUY BUSINESS, YOU NEED TO FULLY REPORT ALL TAXABLE INCOME so you have to pay MORE TAX this last 2-3 yrs IN ORDER TO SHOW U MAKE GOOD INCOME ABLE TO BORROW $ AND PAY OFF BANK'S DEBT; if you keep on hire prof find loopholes report LESS TAXABLE INCOME TO PAY LESS TAX EVERY YR THEN BANKERS DO NOT LEND YOUR MONEY b/c they DO NOT SEE your income is high enough to pay off the debt. SO THE RICH LIBERALS ARE LIARS/CROOKS TRY TO MAKE MORE TAX LAWS PUNISH/TAX/HURT EVERY ONE BUT AT THE END, the laws hurt themselves - the poor and middle class DO NOT EARN $1.1M so pays NO 12.3% + now this yr 1%=13.3% =tax the RICH; those smart rich makes over $1M/yr EITHER HAVE 2 CHOICE: PAY 13.3% TAX BE ING A HONEST ONE B/C THIS 2-3 YRS THEY NEED TO BORROW $ FROM BANKERS TO INVEST; B)WASTE $ HIRE PROF FIND LOOPHOLES play this gam THIS YR only, every time they WANT BANKERS TRUST THEM LEND THEM MONEY, THEY NEED TO REPORT MAX TAXABLE INCOME FOR LAST 2+ YRS=have NO CHOICE BUT MUST PAY 2+ YR MORE TAX to get bankers TRUST you make good income able to pay off debt; ... so PRESIDENT TRUMP SHOULD BE LOVED BY MOST SMART BUSINESS MAN OR MIDDLE CLASS b/c he lowers C CORP TAX TO 21% from over 35+% or WW2 era it's over 70%-90% TAX wow. GOP=CONSERVATIVE IS GOOD FOR MIDDLE CLASS ORDINAR PPL who cannot afford pay too much $ hire professional find loopholes to play DIRTY TRICK GAMES. IN FACT, if u look at who pays most tax is indeed about 50% ppl=THE POOR ONES= DO NOT PAY TAX and the rich ones pay MOST TAX. U CANNOT ESCAPE pay TAX EVERY YEAR.X. IN SHORT, DO BE LIBEAL CROOKS and your daughters must NOT marry Lib b/c Lib=Dem do NOT believe in God so the 3 world richest men Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Amazon Jeff Bezos all DIVORCED=after be world rich, they kick u divorce u away b/c LIB DON'T BELIEVE THERE'S A GOD=THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT ESP WHEN THEY'VE $100B OR $1B=able to spend $1M/yr HIRE PORN ACTOR/NEW GF/WIFE FOR 1,000yrs=10 LIFETIMES b/c u only can live 100 yrs=every THROW AWAY $1M HIRE A HOT GF/MISSTRESS/LOVER * 50 YRS LATER THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ONLY COST $1M*50YRS=$50M have 50 yrs of new 18-22 yrs HOT babe new gf IS WAY CHEAPER THAN MARRY TO 1 old grandma (if u r 68 yrs old, your wife is 65y/o grandma; if $ is NOT AN OBJECT, IF THERE'S NO GOD=U ONLY LIVE ONCE=YOLO=$ CAN BUY ANY SEXY TALL 18-20 Y/O MODEL HAVE HOT SEX EVERY NIGHT IS BETTER THAN SLEEP WITH 65 yrs old NAGGING GRANDMA WIFE ALWAYS COMPLAINT, old fat nagging u; most men have $1B or more if ccp/Dem/Libs DON'T in God=they can do WHATEVER THEY WANT=HOW TO LIVE A HAPPY LIFE is up to them: LIVE WITH A 65Y/O GRANDMA THAT'S FAT, OLD, UGLY/WRINCKE ALWAYS NAGGING U OR THREATEN TO DIVORCE U GET 50% of HIS $200B WEALTH or NEVER GET MARRY JUST SPEND $1M/YR GET A 18Y/O HOT MODEL SEXY GF ENJOY HOT SEX EVERY NIGHT FOR 100yrs only cost $1M*100yr=$100M or 10% of $1B only or $1b=1M for $1k yrs=10 lifetimes, so Lib have $=HAVE CHOICE HOW TO LIFE THE REST OF HIS LIFE=KEEP AN OLD, FAT, UGLY AND NAGGING GRANDMA WIFE OR every yr spend $1M or $2M/yr hire a 18y/o mistress/sugar baby enjoy young crazy happy sex every night until die only cost $2M/yr * 50y=$100M or the billionaire pays usually over 20%on $1B/yr income=$20M tax alone. SO IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO BELIEVE IN GOD and NO, U CANNOT DO WHATEVER U WISH EVEN U R WORLD RICHEST, that's why most relatives from China ask me since when u believe in God or God is so important in USA ppl's life?! ALL TRUST COMES FROM GOD like NYSE STOCK TRADING, Judge/Jury service & voters vote/hand power to politicians hand are all come from God-God is watching like USD bill has an eye looking down:)
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/e2S5mqqGYsasZ7c 其实我一早就说了,大部分在网上做节目的都是告诉你房地产投资是最好的,他们如何的赚大钱都是只说好不说坏骗人的,骗子总是给人千万个,几百万个无知的人、贫穷愚蠢的人有一个赚大钱的希望,然后就很多人称赞、点赞,加入他就可变成网红赚广告钱,这与房地产出租无关。而大部分的房产中介不是真正为你着想的,因为真正为你着想的经纪人一定会告诉你所有出租的法律,加州还有纽约州、很多法律都是针对业主的,就连国税局报税法律都是针对投资房地产的,因为他要27年半折损,这么慢节奏要你交多点税,而其他所有生意大概五年折损缴税更少一点!所以报税法律是惩罚投资房地产的,除了1031法律之外。但是拜登现在也想修改这个法律。第三,大部分的银行、贷款人都说房地产是好的投资,因为他们想你借钱。想赚你们的佣金,而不是站在你的角度为你思考,关心你的,所以只有我和她一小部分真正投资过的人才告诉你,房地产不一定是最好的!你看世界最聪明富贵天才投资者股神巴菲特他为啥没有拿四百多亿美金去买房地产出租而买苹果或者银行,或者可口可乐等等的公司股票就知道。他的内心告诉你,他用行动告诉你,他用最多的钱去买好的公司股票,而讨厌买屋出租,因为你要像小孩一样照顾(babysit)你的租客。现在那么多千万人失业还有就快100万人失去了生命疫情期间,人家丢了工作,甚至家里死人了,你又如何逼他们交租啊?还有为啥只有18个月租个不用缴租的法律,但是为什么没有法律帮助业主18个月就是1.5年不用缴地税,还有不用交银行借款啊!?所以你终于明白,听了我们聪明的投资者真正聪明,富贵,幽默,诚实的人是太小了。所以欢迎你加入墨镜,结合我的视频,以后我有空教育你们如何赚钱。房地产也有好的,但是一定要等到没有人想买,就是价钱最便宜的时候很好才可以买。为什么没有人要呢?因为不是最好的投资。经济不好的时候,所有的法律就针对业主,例如三番市的出租管制。要请很多律师逼比他们走,太复杂,太头疼了,就很多人卖掉房子,那时候没有人几乎要的。因为三番四或者加州,纽约州规定65岁以上的老人家是受保护的租客不能逼走。所以又不可以加租,又不可以逼他走,死都是在你的房子,真是很头痛。法律也没帮你1.5年不用交地税。所以坏的时候,几乎没有人要的,那时候你才买。希望你非常谨慎找到好的租客就省去很多麻烦了,因为什么事情都要请律师。如果你租客找到一个非法移民、吸毒的、同居生了三个小孩,你都不能加租,这是加州的法律。所有民主党就是共产党就是左派的州都是这样的趋势.我广东人国语不好,对着翻译器已经翻译很多错字,敬请原谅,爱你的,关心你的我。就这样了。好了你明白一半就好了反正没交学费哈。 THE VALUE OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY BUSINESS IS ALL DEPENDS ON INCOME。 How MANY YRS does it take to increase your rent from $2k to $8k/month so your house value goes up ACCORDINGLY? It takes over 70+ yrs for the KING OF REAL ESTATE PRESIDENT TRUMP 2+ generations to earn his $10B maximum wealth so SLOW=how many 70 yrs can u have in your life? While invest $ in stocks like Buffett buys COKE, APPLE, or most good stocks like Amazon, FB, AMD, GOOGLE, ZOOM, TESLA ALL GET 4X TO 900% RICH ALL WITHIN 20 YRS. Good or bad is all DEPENDS ON THE LAW, my last name is Law, NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW. But the laws SAID REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT IS NO GOOD BECAUSE 1) IT TAKES forever OR JAPANESE HOUSING MARKET TAKES 30+ YRS NEVER BOUNCE BACK, WHO TOLD YOU R.E. ALWAS GO UP IS STUPID + LIARS,u need to pay me be my student or buddies or WARREN BUFETT said it's wonderful born to be a young, beautiful kind girl so she can marry smart, rich, honest man because the BEST INVETMENT IN LIFE IS NOT BUY WHAT STOCKS OR HOUSES BUT TO BUILD RELATIONSHIP - marry or be friends with superman like Bill Gates friends w/ Buffett, even after die, he will donate 90% all of his $ to BUDDY BILL GATES FOUNDATION=GIVE THEM MOST OF HIS $ b/c u cannot carry $ to heaven, might as well give it to the best people u know who can MANAGE IT GROW IT EVEN FOR A BETTER USE, THE SAME FOR Liu Bei刘备一生只爱了不起的人,包括桃园结义还有三顾茅庐,跪下哭着求诸葛孔明出山帮他打天下,所以生出来就是女儿漂亮年轻乖巧就可以嫁个了不起的富贵,聪明,幽默诚实了不起的男人,将来生出来的孩子都是有了不起的DNA传受他的财富,还有经营人生之道,所有那些是天经地义!钱带不走的,都交给家人和情人。人生最好的投资,巴菲特说就是建立好的关系,包括建立家庭。漂亮,年轻,处女乖巧的女孩是男人的最爱,嫁给优秀富贵聪明诚实的男人是天经地义的,那是最好的投资,比所有什么股票,房地产,北大,清华名校女博士找工作,啥投资更有用,所以人生最好的投资就是建立好的关系,包括趁着年轻漂亮,处女乖巧,知书达理的时候,就找个了不起的聪明幽默,诚实的男人嫁人,就是最好的投资。我们男人不可嫁了不起的英雄好汉,那我们只能是桃园结义,还有三拜茅庐跪下请他帮,或者我愿意用几百亿美金买他的股票就是拥有了超人的公司,就可以永久分红,就好像两个人结婚一样,两个公司合并也叫结婚!成为他的一份子,与了不起人的公司一起成长有好处从来都没坏处。所以生出来是个女儿,趁着年轻漂亮,处女乖巧是每个男人的最爱的时候是最好的投资就是嫁对了不起的人。千万不要信左派控制了的媒体说你的成功是女权主义自我奋斗的,不需要男人帮助,瞧不起男人,我的成功是属于女权主义,自我奋斗获得的与身边的男人无关,不需要人帮助,不需感恩谢神。右派教育你信神懂感恩,有阳光,有水,有空气,有了不起的各种人脉在身边,神照顾你,然后努力,你才可成功了!不要相信左派所有媒体都撒谎,美国其实最保守超过一半人信神,不信神,做人没底线,没有公德心,选民不会选你做总统把权利/信任,甚至女儿给你。所有信任都是来自于神,包括法官,总统要向天发誓为神做不偏不差的决定判决人的生死与自由。啥左派的无神论人定胜天真是愚蠢,是愚民政策。就随便说说,反正都是免费教育你,改变你一生的,哈哈。你可以加入我的视频,等我有空花时间做视频。但是语言不是我的强项,我的强项是数学科学,因为我是工程师。不过也投资很多STOCKS,房地产等等,还有花很多时间自学了理财,options交易等等,什么事情都要自学,学校教你的实在太少了。 哈哈哈
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
"整个佛州、德州都是,可以说所有右派控制的州都是让人民拥有枪支保护自己财产和性命,还有所有法律都是帮助房东和投资者的,因为爱国无罪,非法闯入我的家园或国家,赖账不给房租,这是非法行为,左派鼓吹他们还大摇大摆大小不良的同性恋、非法移民游行要求自由、平等,还有理了,插屁股同性恋恶心不知羞耻的行为还自豪了?不交房租,房东逼房客走还得赔钱,这到底是谁的房子啊?房东永远是东家、主人,所以他要交房产税,交不起就银行法拍房子,弱势群体包括女人、租客有政客可怜帮忙,那谁来可怜房东啊?租客永远都是客人,任何世上店铺都有一个牌子上面写着,我们东家这店铺有权利拒绝任何不受欢迎的客人,当然不受欢迎的就是没贡献的、爱搞事的神经病人或坏人打劫、撒尿发癫、臭味难闻吓跑客人的无家可归等等的人啦;世上商店都是不管黑白肤色、高矮肥瘦、同性恋、变性人、愚蠢聪明、男女老幼、残障啥人都好,只要肯花钱光顾本店,为本店做出贡献都是本店的贵客,非常欢迎-聪明美女也应这样征婚交友,不在乎年龄身高,只要不要太丑相处舒心、舒服就可以如嫁了矮丑马云、邓小平就家人国人富强活出尊严没人欺负=主次分明,只看重他的赚钱能力,人品,顾家舒心就很好了,白爷爷说那最好还幽默风趣多才多艺如我,咦,哈;(继续言归正传哈)你们是我本店的衣食父母只要有钱让我们赚,光顾我们照顾本店都是贵客特受欢迎,世上哪有高矮肥瘦、美丑、黑白肤色、愚蠢聪明、残障健全、博士还是乞丐各种社会地位、男女老幼等等的歧视,其实归根到底,世上所有法律都说只有金钱的歧视才是合理合法的歧视,没钱没贡献的还招惹是非的人被人歧视嫌弃请滚开!右派控制的州租客不交租几天,你一通知警察,只需交几百元,警察就一星期内马上来,把租客的东西扔出房子,叫房东更改门锁就搞定了(非常快的不像左派的州还要经过多个月复杂的对簿公堂丢空物业),还说他再骚扰你马上报案拘捕禁锢;如果他硬闯你家,你还有枪支保护自己的财产,右派资本主义就是正道,人之常理,客人不交钱还捣乱,主人还要赔钱捏你走?左派弄的法律没枪不能保护私有财产和生命,那是什么神经病法律呀!要这些颠倒黑白左派违背常理的法律来何用?几乎所有右派控制的州都是帮房东的,所以要远离左派控制的州,除非你是天才能解决问题,那就没问题啦。可是真的很多情况是杀人一千自损七百呀,是这样说的吗?哥们都说以后找个了不起的才女做老婆,弥补我语言因为语言不是我强项,哈。你一去右派控制的州就发觉所有法律都是帮房东的,你就非常放心投资,有钱有权的你拍板说了算,每个人都俯首称臣非常乖的,那你才觉得有钱真好,哈。那些美女老婆也是听话不跟男人对着干,互相帮忙合作共图大业一家人一团和气,或租客也体谅明白房东重金装修提供一个有冷有暖的环境给你住,你要感恩按时交租和气合作大家都快乐,这社会如大家庭才有幸福美好的一生。黑心的左派总鼓励人民对着干,那世上就很多离婚官司或法律纠纷案件要处理,那些黑心的左派政客、律师、法官就有工作=他们有钱赚了,是滥用了纳税人和客人的钱鼓励争斗,而且社会大战大家也头疼闹心,每个人都不愉快,社会混乱,何来幸福?所以右派才是正道,左派是骗子或蠢的人被愚民政策误导众生。在左派控制的旧金山站出来像一个伟人一样演讲教育大家灌输右派正道正确的理念选民更改法律改变社会以为是美女最爱哈,但是左派们都摩拳擦掌说你有胆有种在这里说左派支持同性恋插屁股自豪屎尿屁都喷在脸上嘲笑我们左派愚蠢因为中国5千年传统观念就是右派古圣贤教导礼义廉耻,现在人裸体游行插屁股不管别人感受恶心不知羞耻真是猪狗不如哈,还说左派是愚民政策啥都是错的,你太有种了竟敢在左派管辖城市之内说左派坏话,教人民清醒永不再选左派从政不把权力放在骗子手里,又更改大小不良人人平等变成赏罚分明的法律吸引与留住投资者和人才富强加州,我们想打你,还要插你屁股来报仇。幸好我的情商智商甚高,不能再说左派坏话就马上说那左派不信天命,积极努力只信人定胜天,勇于创新,创造了很多高科技改变世人生活,创造财富,左派也是有好处的!再来一个说左派的优点,结果左派观众狂欢庆祝拍手叫好,有趣的灵魂万中无一,亿人难求,所以有美女博士女儿也要嫁给你,有了不起的人如孔明在身边扶持解难才一生爽啊哈!哥们都为我捏了一把冷汗说如果我没惊天动地的才华横溢说不好道理如马云演讲亿人无法反驳,那些左派们就插你屁股报仇雪恨就糟糕了,哈哈!幽默风趣搞笑是很容易的,所以优秀男人满脑子都想着钱钱钱就是赚钱投资,先要把最困难的事情赚钱搞定了,以后就跟美女世界旅游跟家人享受美好人生,还扶贫救人改变很多人的命运,让世人感恩,改变他们命运,岂不美哉?广东人的我国语马马虎虎,翻译器总翻译错字,不浪费时间更改错字,敬请原谅。爱你们哦!kzbin.info/www/bejne/pZLQnZSlat2Hq9U kzbin.info/www/bejne/aHqpf3uPft5rkLM I teach u directly/indirectly waste n yrs edu u=love u the ugly true of RICH Liberals/LEFTISTS control the world, encourage FEMINISTS/empower women (white/Liberal FAKE kind) is a lie to dupe/mislead/stupefy the mass; MAKE $ be rich IS NOT everything, MORALITY is more vital: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qZzanYJ-iM53as0 " 2022 ALONE CA Libs INTRODUCE 700+ NEW LAWS almost every YEAR soon they make laws tax THE MIDDLE CLASS=make over $100-200k pays 8%-9% tax while rich pays 12.3-16% TAX; only dumb ppl think it only hurts the rich, middle class pays ~9% tax=loss $9k extra every YR vs pays 0$ live in TX/FL/WA/NV/etc=loss $9k-16% EXTRA A YR makes u a fool, still happy vote for LIB=CCP=DEMOCRAT=same w/ new name only:)!
感谢你的关注及留言。 Embry-Riddle 是非常好的学校, I overlooked. 我同事的女儿去了那个学校,他给我提过几次。
@alexl9323 жыл бұрын
NO, do NOT forget FLORIDA HAS TOO MANY BEACHES, it's wonderful to let cold ocean COOLS U DOWN AND ALSO you live every day just like on a VACATION and MOST ASIANS LOVE TO EAT FISH FROM THE WILD OCEAN that can prolong LIFE like the Japanese... personally my whole family (Chinese) love to eat wild fish from the OCEAN. Every day/night u bring some fish from the ocean to cook, eat very health and next to ocean is NOT that hot and land is more limited than BIG TX - too big TX LAND MEANS your HOUSE VALUE WILL NOT GO UP MUCH; only limited land with USA TOP #3 MOST POPULATED STATES, FL should be good; population capita per sq-ft is higher than TX=29M VS 21M or 20M with 1/2 TO 1/4 OF TX LAND and all surrounded with OCEAN = FISH prolong your life. TX PROPERTY TAX IS 2X that of CA and FL = both about 1.3% vs TX is 2.6%-3%. BOTH HAVE GOOD OR BAD IN TX, FL, VS CA. CA stupid Lib makes too many help the poor/illegal/lazy/druggies/Zombies/tenants laws to punish the LL/rich by tax more, so it dries smart, rich, honest people away even Elon Musk flock to TX hate CA stupid Lib policies tax the rich. SADLY, WISH FL HAS MORE BETTER UNIVERSITIES AND HIGH TECH co. than it's PERFECT - vacation with ocean and plenty of fish/meals/healthy foods; HOUSTON OCEAN IS NOT THAT WHITE SAND BEACH THAT NICE LIKE IN FL. JUST NOT SURE WHICH METRO CITY IN FL is better for me: Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Ft Myer, Naples, etc Any input, thx:)
@linayang90222 жыл бұрын
@linayang90222 жыл бұрын
@@alexl932 sounds fl is pretty good but the hurricanes are so scared. How about Orlando?
@alexl9322 жыл бұрын
@@linayang9022 Hi sweetie LInda :). I do not know b/c I have never visited FL yet. But TX is also very good b/c it has 1 of THE LOWEST min wage and VERY PRO-BUSINESS, almost all laws are helping the business that's why Elon Musk move there. FL min wage now is more than $10/hr and soon will be $15/hr, catching up like other states/WA/CA all head to over $18/hr or more, while TX still same as lowest FED min tax at around $7.x/hr so if u open C corp. in TX, u keep almost all $ to self, while FL still charges C CORP ABOUT 4% while CA is over 8.x% that's only the STATE CORP tax. The problem of TX is 1)has too much land=housing prices WILL NOT go up much=they can always build more housing; 2)as I said many times before sweeties:), TX charges 2x more property tax than CA or FL or other states, meaning TX makes up the loss of all state income tax/corp tax from increasing prop tax or punishing R.E. investors/LANDLORDS:). And TX has a big Chinse/Asian community while FL does NOT yet. BOTH FL, TX faces big hurricane/storm/hot/rain/tornado problems while CA faces fire, quake, over-regulations or ATTACK/TAX the rich then DISTRIBUTE wealth to help the poor or lazy, LGBTQ, illegals, druggies, zombies, etc. So every state has prop/con - CA seems now the only has best is good weather + big Asian community etc. Orlando seems I like more, it has tons of tourists, more kids/youngsters than most FL cities b/c as u know FL is famous for SENIORS RETIREES oldies states - so if u look for young, sexy, beautiful girls or handsome men then u will find more OLD grandma or grandpa in most FL cities - but Disney kids are too young too LOL hahaha, hope it puts a smile on your face. Most important is jobs... TX should give more jobs esp Austin metro has the big tech, Houston/DFW has the tech, oil, medical, all diverse fields w/ min wage low. FL has tourism, golden sunshine + 1 of the best beaches, sorry u don't see sexy long leg hot girls on the beach, u probably see more half-naked old fat grandma or grandpa BBQ-their wrinkle skins sun-bath in the ocean LOL - u called seniors sun-bath enjoy the sunshine in the beach as BBQ cook their wrinkle skin, sorry no sexy half-naked young babies or hot handsome man?! Buddies LOL. Now R.E IS OVER PRICED. Again, I DID NOT visit both FL and TX in any cities yet. Later I'll visit. both fl, tx face hurricanes/storms/etc means your insurance will be higher. do not too much b/c again I did not visit/live in there yet. Maybe one day we can go visit if u like:)
u mean Idaho state? U don't like FL has plenty of white sand beach and eat wild fish prolong life? DO NOT worry about these, all of these hurricanes, tornados can be warned ahead of time so u can move out before they arrive; while CA has earthquakes which it's NOT prepare ahead of time. If most people in FL are okay living or dealing with these, that means U R OK too. Don't worry too much. FL is wonderful but NOT just live in Miami one city only for n yrs. AND ORGET ABOUT those MUSIC/CULTURAL/ARTIST bs, that's only a bonus, focus on the most important thing is JOB GROWTH. As long as people have jobs, crime will be lower and ppl eventually live a better happy life then bring CULTURAL/MUSIC/ART those bs back LOL. Don't ask Warren Buffett or any smart genius like Stephen Hawking what's ART/MUSIC/CULTURAL bs b/c they're genius with rational mindset NOT artistic b/c they will said ART IS FOR BS MENTAL FUN or NOT practical, engineering, physicists, pure rational smart genius we care most is logic, math, science and job growth with LOW crime rate and okay no natural disasters that's more important than Hollywood/Korean bs movies or art/music/stupid culture/Picasso bs painting = those are good for dating the girls b/c girls are more into art/music/museum while genius like them use logic/math/science/job/low crime/less natural disasters are major key points:) Just fast saying, don't be a weak snowflake -easily broken hearts cannot take tough words:)!
整个佛州、德州都是,可以说所有右派控制的州都是让人民拥有枪支保护自己财产和性命,还有所有法律都是帮助房东和投资者的,因为爱国无罪,非法闯入我的家园或国家,赖账不给房租,这是非法行为,左派鼓吹他们还大摇大摆大小不良的同性恋、非法移民游行要求自由、平等,还有理了,插屁股同性恋恶心不知羞耻的行为还自豪了?不交房租,房东逼房客走还得赔钱,这到底是谁的房子啊?房东永远是东家、主人,所以他要交房产税,交不起就银行法拍房子,弱势群体包括女人、租客有政客可怜帮忙,那谁来可怜房东啊?租客永远都是客人,任何世上店铺都有一个牌子上面写着,我们东家这店铺有权利拒绝任何不受欢迎的客人,当然不受欢迎的就是没贡献的、爱搞事的神经病人或坏人打劫、撒尿发癫、臭味难闻吓跑客人的无家可归等等的人啦;世上商店都是不管黑白肤色、高矮肥瘦、同性恋、变性人、愚蠢聪明、男女老幼、残障啥人都好,只要肯花钱光顾本店,为本店做出贡献都是本店的贵客,非常欢迎-聪明美女也应这样征婚交友,不在乎年龄身高,只要不要太丑相处舒心、舒服就可以如嫁了矮丑马云、邓小平就家人国人富强活出尊严没人欺负=主次分明,只看重他的赚钱能力,人品,顾家舒心就很好了,白爷爷说那最好还幽默风趣多才多艺如我,咦,哈;(继续言归正传哈)你们是我本店的衣食父母只要有钱让我们赚,光顾我们照顾本店都是贵客特受欢迎,世上哪有高矮肥瘦、美丑、黑白肤色、愚蠢聪明、残障健全、博士还是乞丐各种社会地位、男女老幼等等的歧视,其实归根到底,世上所有法律都说只有金钱的歧视才是合理合法的歧视,没钱没贡献的还招惹是非的人被人歧视嫌弃请滚开!右派控制的州租客不交租几天,你一通知警察,只需交几百元,警察就一星期内马上来,把租客的东西扔出房子,叫房东更改门锁就搞定了(非常快的不像左派的州还要经过多个月复杂的对簿公堂丢空物业),还说他再骚扰你马上报案拘捕禁锢;如果他硬闯你家,你还有枪支保护自己的财产,右派资本主义就是正道,人之常理,客人不交钱还捣乱,主人还要赔钱捏你走?左派弄的法律没枪不能保护私有财产和生命,那是什么神经病法律呀!要这些颠倒黑白左派违背常理的法律来何用?几乎所有右派控制的州都是帮房东的,所以要远离左派控制的州,除非你是天才能解决问题,那就没问题啦。可是真的很多情况是杀人一千自损七百呀,是这样说的吗?哥们都说以后找个了不起的才女做老婆,弥补我语言因为语言不是我强项,哈。你一去右派控制的州就发觉所有法律都是帮房东的,你就非常放心投资,有钱有权的你拍板说了算,每个人都俯首称臣非常乖的,那你才觉得有钱真好,哈。那些美女老婆也是听话不跟男人对着干,互相帮忙合作共图大业一家人一团和气,或租客也体谅明白房东重金装修提供一个有冷有暖的环境给你住,你要感恩按时交租和气合作大家都快乐,这社会如大家庭才有幸福美好的一生。黑心的左派总鼓励人民对着干,那世上就很多离婚官司或法律纠纷案件要处理,那些黑心的左派政客、律师、法官就有工作=他们有钱赚了,是滥用了纳税人和客人的钱鼓励争斗,而且社会大战大家也头疼闹心,每个人都不愉快,社会混乱,何来幸福?所以右派才是正道,左派是骗子或蠢的人被愚民政策误导众生。在左派控制的旧金山站出来像一个伟人一样演讲教育大家灌输右派正道正确的理念选民更改法律改变社会以为是美女最爱哈,但是左派们都摩拳擦掌说你有胆有种在这里说左派支持同性恋插屁股自豪屎尿屁都喷在脸上嘲笑我们左派愚蠢因为中国5千年传统观念就是右派古圣贤教导礼义廉耻,现在人裸体游行插屁股不管别人感受恶心不知羞耻真是猪狗不如哈,还说左派是愚民政策啥都是错的,你太有种了竟敢在左派管辖城市之内说左派坏话,教人民清醒永不再选左派从政不把权力放在骗子手里,又更改大小不良人人平等变成赏罚分明的法律吸引与留住投资者和人才富强加州,我们想打你,还要插你屁股来报仇。幸好我的情商智商甚高,不能再说左派坏话就马上说那左派不信天命,积极努力只信人定胜天,勇于创新,创造了很多高科技改变世人生活,创造财富,左派也是有好处的!再来一个说左派的优点,结果左派观众狂欢庆祝拍手叫好,有趣的灵魂万中无一,亿人难求,所以有美女博士女儿也要嫁给你,有了不起的人如孔明在身边扶持解难才一生爽啊哈!哥们都为我捏了一把冷汗说如果我没惊天动地的才华横溢说不好道理如马云演讲亿人无法反驳,那些左派们就插你屁股报仇雪恨就糟糕了,哈哈!幽默风趣搞笑是很容易的,所以优秀男人满脑子都想着钱钱钱就是赚钱投资,先要把最困难的事情赚钱搞定了,以后就跟美女世界旅游跟家人享受美好人生,还扶贫救人改变很多人的命运,让世人感恩,改变他们命运,岂不美哉?广东人的我国语马马虎虎,翻译器总翻译错字,不浪费时间更改错字,敬请原谅。爱你们哦!kzbin.info/www/bejne/pZLQnZSlat2Hq9U kzbin.info/www/bejne/aHqpf3uPft5rkLM I teach u directly/indirectly waste n yrs edu u=love u the ugly true of RICH Liberals/LEFTISTS control the world, encourage FEMINISTS/empower women (white/Liberal FAKE kind) is a lie to dupe/mislead/stupefy the mass; MAKE $ be rich IS NOT everything, MORALITY is more vital: kzbin.info/www/bejne/qZzanYJ-iM53as0 " 2022 ALONE CA Libs INTRODUCE 700+ NEW LAWS almost every YEAR soon they make laws tax THE MIDDLE CLASS=make over $100-200k pays 8%-9% tax while rich pays 12.3-16% TAX; only dumb ppl think it only hurts the rich, middle class pays ~9% tax=loss $9k extra every YR vs pays 0$ live in TX/FL/WA/NV/etc=loss $9k-16% EXTRA A YR makes u a fool, still happy vote for LIB=CCP=DEMOCRAT=same w/ new name only:)!
DO NOT worry about these, all of these hurricanes, tornados can be warned ahead of time so u can move out before they arrive; while CA has earthquakes which it's NOT prepare ahead of time. If most people in FL are okay living or dealing with these, that means U R OK too. Don't worry too much. FL is wonderful but NOT just live in Miami one city only for n yrs. AND ORGET ABOUT those MUSIC/CULTURAL/ARTIST bs, that's only a bonus, focus on the most important thing is JOB GROWTH. As long as people have jobs, crime will be lower and ppl eventually live a better happy life then bring CULTURAL/MUSIC/ART those bs back LOL. Don't ask Warren Buffett or any smart genius like Stephen Hawking what's ART/MUSIC/CULTURAL bs b/c they're genius with rational mindset NOT artistic b/c they will said ART IS FOR BS MENTAL FUN or NOT practical, engineering, physicists, the pure rational smart genius we care most is logic, math, science and job growth with LOW crime rate and okay no natural disasters that are more important than Hollywood/Korean bs movies or art/music/stupid culture/Picasso bs painting = those are good for dating the girls b/c girls are more into art/music/museum while genius like them use logic/math/science/job/low crime/less natural disasters are major key points:) Just fast saying, don't be a weak snowflake -easily broken hearts cannot take tough words:)!