@Wai Wong 他的經歷全不可信。在過戶之前﹐ Title company must do a title search to check the owners recording to county's recording office. 產權公司必須做一個產權歷史的蒐證。如果有絲毫缺陷﹐這個交易就必須取消﹐地產公司和仲介經紀就拿不到半毛錢。 他比你買房子的還緊張。
Finally understand what you are trying to say and what you had gone through. They are not trying to cheat you. The word Cheating is too harsh to use. Just that you agent are not really familar with what he is doing and lack of managing the situation. It should be assigning case instead of sells and purchase. Your agent and yourself neglect that you have to review ownership proof before start giving an offer. There is nothing wrong with both lawyers. As of buying a property, it doesn't matter if you are using native agents or Chinese agents. However, if the whole transaction are all Chinese. There are something wrong as seems they are only capible doing Chinese business like your case. The level of professional will be in doubt. I myslelf is a property agent. I come across a lot of China buyer. Somehow, they always choose to engage those not professional ones instead of me. I realised that this group of people turn to listen to what they like to listen instead taking honest and professional opinion.The bottom line is the Greed playing a big part. When you buy unbelieveable cheap stuff, when you buy tour package with no fee... But, its sad that its somehow the Chinese culture.
这个是assignment sale. 在很多洲是合法的,卖家不需要拿到产权,可以直接把产权过户给购房者,这样避免了多一次付过户费,同时这种房子一般是低于市场价,投资人的最爱。你应该需要签一份assignment.签合同得时候就应该知道这个产权不是卖家的。如果没有这个合同就是有猫腻。而且这个律师应该没操作过这种买卖所以才办不下来。不是所有律师都会做。
@yvonnezhu79554 жыл бұрын
这位同学,这是纽约房地产交易中的转合同,法拍屋一般都会有flip contract这样,flip contract不用卖家拿到产权直接转卖他的合同是合法的,但是这个过程中你的经纪和律师不专业的地方是应该事先告诉你这是法拍屋告诉你所有相关流程,你有个心理准备,因为一般法拍屋价格会低于市场,关于延缓合同正常closing date on about 60days的意思就是60+30days. 法拍屋和flip contract对经纪人和律师的经验要求比较高,没有操作过是不了解流程的。
In the US, there are a lot of scams and frauds. But at least we have a way to seek justice. It does not matter it is Chinese or American brokers and attorneys. They are all after their interests. That is why you have to get involved and your homework from day one.
You do not need to have an attorney to buy a house. There is a selling agent and buying agent. Both of them has it own broker company. However, sometimes, if you want have a good deal, you might want to work with one agent who is not only a buying agent but also a selling agent.
@墨紫月5 жыл бұрын
Don’t write in English, OP is illiterate
@AARON128955 жыл бұрын
But the listing agent represents the seller, and seller's interests only. The buyer is not protected.
@Albert-nv7bg3 жыл бұрын
@euniceyip4445 жыл бұрын
You didn't find the right Realtor, you did not know the U. S. Law.
只有纽约有这个问题,我们州wa不是跟律师签,是跟escrow company签,并且强制买escrow insurance。escrow company 查title,有问题title insurance赔,赔不够escrow company赔。
@davidsun15685 жыл бұрын
听起来你根本就没有买过房子。在美国买房没有这样的流程要先付给对方律师10%。钱怎么会付给律师?钱最后是付给tittle company 的。由tittle company 来安排各类款项,律师就拿4、5百律师费。我买过两套房,知道整个流程。你说的如果是真的那就不是买房受骗,而是遇到了诈骗。因为在美国买房没有先付对方律师10%这样的流程。
@jieyao55175 жыл бұрын
没错 买房根本不需要律师,付个1000的定金,买不了,定金拿回。不知道他遇到的什么经纪人。
@nebular5555 жыл бұрын
是title company,先生,tittle是小奶头的意思吗? :)
@laoyou5 жыл бұрын
David Sun 可能是纽约州和加州的法律不一样吧。纽约是需要10%订金的,我后来的那套也是这个流程。