語音部分 1:59 Every kid… 2:25 their…(2:51*) 3:25 and (3:45) 3:54 And she… 4:40 And she’s like…(4:56) 5:23 So, she was… 6:02 I’m… - 7:44 句型拓展1 7:48 例句1 謝謝老師今日的教學分享!!!
Every kid in her sixth-grade class, their culminating project of elementary school was a country report, and hers was on Sweden. And she got so into it, and she loved it so much. And she's like, "Mom, maybe I'm a socialist." She's so cute. So, she was so into it that I just said," You know what? I'muna take you for, like, four or five days to Sweden, just the two of us."