The thing is, in the UK supermarkets the selections of sanitary pads are very limited. I have used Always sanitary pads. The quality is just not as good as those Japanese brands one like Laurier etc. The supermarkets in Asia have many more variety to choose from. I'm going back to Singapore next month and I'm going to stock up some sanitary pads! 😁
Ikea mattress is EU size, which is different than UK size. So in using Ikea mattress, one must use Ikea bed frame as Ikea mattress would not fit UK bed frame. Same as UK mattress would not fir Ikea bed frame.
Kleenex actually is double price of temple in HK, and works totally fine……. I totally agree with tempo issue as well. We have a lot of masks as well……… anyone need? Lol
@YsLifeCopy_12342 жыл бұрын
日本感冒藥(金粉)真係拯救咗本人好多次,係香港都係食呢隻! 我鍾意整餅,好彩當時無時間諗邊d要邊d唔要,一次過執晒所有made in Japan 廚具同整餅用具過黎,真係興幸拎咗過黎,依家成日都用得著,呢度要買番日本制好難。
@joannayung15772 жыл бұрын
我都係食日本金粉㗎, 一包搞掂曬
@cancherie382 жыл бұрын
如果轉機有得經日本,應該不得了。唔出境都買爆duty free🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@winwinwong30432 жыл бұрын
@judyabbott85802 жыл бұрын
@@winwinwong3043 真問帶得入境嗎?
@winwinwong30432 жыл бұрын
@@judyabbott8580 可以的
@alanwan442 жыл бұрын
Always 同花王比真係差好遠
@slleung20062 жыл бұрын
@Zonjai2 жыл бұрын
@Zonjai2 жыл бұрын
@maycheng5282 жыл бұрын
Mattress much cheaper in UK, Even brand mattress, better to buy in UK
@Amy662662 жыл бұрын
以我所知英國有海馬床褥但係£650(已經係summer sale 50%off),價錢合理嗎? 我瞓咗海馬幾十年啦!Sealy Emma可能係英國出名,係加拿大都唔係好賣得啦!
I found Tempo and Kleenex pocket size in Savers. Quite nice.
@djdad24822 жыл бұрын
My wife said the other day her contact lens hong kong brand, is so much better than any uk ...she gets them posted from HK in bulk! I must find out the brand and see if they do my prescription! 😂
@natashaowen93052 жыл бұрын
I use daily contact lens, they are good! I already use them for over 10 years in England!
我的親身經驗係要另開美元或其他外幣戶口。呢度hsbc uk 無香港的開一個戶口包十幾種外幣的bank in one 服務。港幣都係外幣。你同cs講, 最遲一星期左右就加到指定外幣戶口係你的基本戶口內。如果你在hk hsbc係premiere 戶口,可以申請埋所有自己名下hsbc accounts' global transfer function. 可以睇埋香港或其他地方的ac的結餘。英港轉錢即時完成,global transfer 不收費。 開咗之後,你可以online 在同一賬戶內睇晒所有戶口的結餘交易情況