Made in Abyss: A Hell Beyond Words - Octo's Corner

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@Dirdle Жыл бұрын
Another great video! You put your takes really well even when I don't always find I've hit upon the same ones. To me, the discussion of 'value' led into this question of "who is considered 'human'" and back to all the stuff we've seen right from the beginning (Riko treating Reg as less than a person, etc). There was something oddly comforting about parts of MiA S2, sometimes? That it seemed willing to understand and to empathise with the hollows; that their humanity is by the frame of the show considered absolute... it's reassuring. This was clear from the end of S1, of course: you ache for human-shaped potato Riko, but you sob for furniture-shaped blobmonster Mitty. I think that point needed to be reiterated to make it clear: that they may say the curse of the Abyss takes your humanity, but it does not and cannot do that. Another anime that has some thoughts in this area was Shin Sekai Yori, which you might want to check out if you haven't already. This isn't to contradict you, though! I think it's like Blake's "The Clod and the Pebble" - is love/'value' building a Heaven in Hell? Or the reverse? Can it be doing both at once? Is that not in a sense literally what Wazukyan does, ha! But also, there's just a more direct point, that MiA can only be a story about tormenting its very human characters for as long as you can keep feeling the humanity of those characters. Or, you could look at it as being a thesis on contractualism: what does the metaethics of pure moral agency with no moral patients make of children? Well, MiA argues. It makes nightmares. And that should lead us to the same conclusion: that things that aren't whole adult humans should still not be thought of as just means to an end.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
That's some incredible insight, and I really see where you're coming from with that! I think the fact that the series was capable of proving so many different takes is proof of its power as art. For example, my thought process was that loosing one's humanity meant in a physical sense, which to the ignorant people of Orth who haven't decended into the abyss for themselves, is the same as having lost it entirely. It's possible that the reason Wazakyan says he's referring to hope is that he's making a statement about humanity in the way you presented it in your comment, now that I think about it. The fact that the hollows made a village at all is proof that despite the appearance, they are still human. I'm glad you could see where I'm coming from too though! This video was mostly about how Irumyui and the abyss are connected, with Faputa taking away everything they built off of her mother's suffering, but again, the fact that there are so many different takeaways is just a testament to how powerful Made in Abyss is and how well done a show it is. Thanks again for your insight, I definitely feel like you're onto to something big there. Shin Sekai Yori is actually a favorite of mine. I've been re reading the original Japanese novels and comparing to the anime in preparation for a future video (which is admittedly still a long ways off and is only in early planning stages) but that I'm excited to get started on for real once the Wonder Egg Priority series is finished There's definitely a sense that the abyss itself represents a form of justice or trial by fire. Originally, my goal was to compare it to Dante's Inferno or Buddhist depictions of Hell, hence the title. What I always wondered was why anyone would go so far or through so much just to see the bottom. In my mind I figured it was ignorance. I breifly touched on the idea you presented of the series punishing any act which treats a character as less than human, and Vueko's line about losing her mind adds to your idea as well, that we can only call it suffering as long as we still see something human in them, which additionally is why it hurts to watch the hollows get torn apart by Irumyui. I also see some biblical parallels too though, with the idea that perfect justice has to be enacted and that every immoral or dehumanizing action has a price that must be paid, hence the balancing. - Octo
@Dirdle Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr Mm, exactly! I think the parallel to Dante's Inferno comes through well, the point of sinners being punished by their victims. I don't really know as much about Buddhist ideas about Hell, though.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
@@Dirdle The Buddhist Hell, or Naraka (sometimes Jigoku as well but that's a less specific term and can be applied to Christian depictions of Hell too) in Japanese, is often depicted as a massive pit which extends deep below the human world, in which beings are reincarnated after they've been punished equivalent to their accumulated sins. Typically the word reincarnation is interchanged with the word "ascend". Which parallels the birthing of hollows (they become something entirely new after ascending in the literal sense). Vueko becomes a hollow and immediately says that the fact that she did means she was still human up until that point. Now, however, she's been reborn as a hollow. Supposedly, Naraka was directly cited as an influence by the Mangaka once during a Q&A if I'm not mistaken. I admittedly don't have a source for that other than that I've heard others say it in the community, but personally I'd believe it. There's entire discussions about the parallels between the two, but it's similar enough to Dante's Inferno in concept that I decided not to go into it in the video itself because it messed up the flow of the video
@doodlemunchkin2222 Жыл бұрын
What’s even crazier about Faputa’s rampage against the villagers is that not all of them were part of the original Ganja Group and were cave raiders or adventurers that came across the village and were transformed by Irumyuui to look like what they “desire” in some way. So the majority of the hollows likely had no idea about the village’s backstory and Irumyuui, yet suffered the consequences regardless just for-being there and living in and off of her mother.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Now that I think about it, you're right, that definitely adds a level of horror and tragedy to the scene that I'll admit I wasn't even thinking about at the time I watched it but that will definitely be adding a lot to the experience when I re-watch it. Thank you for the insight.
@lolbuster01 Жыл бұрын
How far must one be removed before they are no longer tied to the suffering caused by their forefathers?
@RenderingUser Жыл бұрын
​@@lolbuster01 not far Considering the fact that the suffering caused never really ended since they still be living inside her
@liljam3824 Жыл бұрын
You might remember the discussion with this serpent-like hollow and how in that discussion someone mentioned how one cannot make a deal of value as it would end one's journey. Consider this discussion, and it is obvious that many raiders who did make the deal met their journey's end since no one with any associated value would escape Faputa's rage nor could leave the hellish prison which the city itself was ( I am not even going to try writing these Japanese names).
@Bubblegob Жыл бұрын
When Faputa summons the villagers and you realize it's to consume them I had a "omg this is messed up" moment and with everything I had seen so far in season 2 the mere fact I could still have one of these moment by the end of the season shows how much care went into staking up these horrible moments in a way that manage to shock again and again.
@afkdd Жыл бұрын
that thumbnail is so raw
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you! It took a ton of work to get right, so thanks for noticing it, it makes me feel like all the hard work was worth it - Octo
@jesa9296 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr i agree I kinda want it as my home page on my phone 😅
@Emilis2023 Жыл бұрын
The real treasure was the child sacrifices we made along the way.
@nawlsone586 6 ай бұрын
So many sacrifices, so much suffering.
@daniellewillis2767 5 ай бұрын
@joepauloliver1468 4 ай бұрын
@joepauloliver1468 4 ай бұрын
@joepauloliver1468 4 ай бұрын
@suomynona7681 Жыл бұрын
I feel that the majority of people who think that the village arc is waste of time, much like Riko, ignore wazukyan's warning that the journey is much more valuable than the destination. And that what awaits them is indeed much worse than unfulfillef desires.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Very good point. In my opinion we should enjoy the abyss while we still can, because eventually, like it or not, it will end, and those who took it for granted might find that they wish they could have enjoyed it more while it was still ongoing. You only ever get one first viewing after all. - Octo
@ceruleanchrodt2293 Жыл бұрын
Riko seemed to really value her time in the village and like the villagers though. How is Riko ignoring Wazykyan's warning?
@suomynona7681 Жыл бұрын
@@ceruleanchrodt2293 By flat out stating that things wont end like he says they will.
@ceruleanchrodt2293 Жыл бұрын
@@suomynona7681 I thought she's just disagree with him about the "despair" part in his saying.
@Babakanosh Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr It's for this reason that I interpreted Wazukyan's prophecy to be directed mainly to the audience. The despair at the bottom of the abyss is the knowledge of what lies there. With the mystery solved what will the cast and the audience do? Finishing a good story that has had a large impact on your life can be just as big a curse as one that finishes prematurely.
@l33tminion Жыл бұрын
I don't think the twist was that Irumyuui's wish wasn't to save and protect the group. I think it was that and also. And the egg was trying to grant all her wishes at once. The wish-granting egg is supposedly easier for children to use, I think the story implies that's due to a simplicity or clarity of focus that comes with being young. But Irumyuui was robbed of that childhood. So there's an element of contradiction: Irumyuui's self-sacrifice is genuine, but she never could have imagined it would turn out like that and there's still an inhuman cruelty and exploitativeness in being willing to accept such a salvation. Irumiyuui becomes an avatar of her willingness to protect her comrades from the hazards of the abyss, from need and exploitation, even from their own humanity. But she also births an avatar of her desire for revenge against those that would accept a child's suffering to protect themselves.
@starlordgerald-eq6sk Жыл бұрын
How exactly did the tribe realize that Irumyuui was sterile? They have no science or medical tools and the little girl hasn't even reached puberty yet to display whether or not she can bear children. What possibly gave the idea that she was sterile?
@l33tminion Жыл бұрын
The villagers don't tell them anything about that. Belaf reads it from Irumyuii's tattoos, but they're in a language he doesn't know perfectly. It could be it's meant to describe a prohibition instead of an inability. Or maybe Irumyuii had some disease (or fell victim to some curse of the Abyss) known to cause sterility, and the villagers exile any survivors immediately instead of waiting to find out. Or it's just a pretext for getting rid of her, and whoever's making that decision doesn't feel any need to defend its plausibility. The leaders of the expedition don't discuss this, they're also focused on whether Irumyuii's knowledge of the Abyss might outweigh the burden of caring for her. Interesting to go back to that scene and note to what extent the expedition was treating Irumyuii as a means to an end from the start. (Edited to add: I'm just going on that scene in the anime, I don't know if the manga's version elaborates more about that.)
@heatherstein8280 Жыл бұрын
@@starlordgerald-eq6sk i feel like people overthink this one too much, maybe a relic was used or she was intersex?
@nouhorni3229 11 ай бұрын
​@@starlordgerald-eq6sk It just says she was "tested", surely with a non-invasive, entirely painless relic.
@brettuhl7818 5 ай бұрын
​@nouhorni3229 doesn't she make a comment about how her brothers would "have fun" with her?
@jbear3478 Жыл бұрын
I like the random octopus shots, they're soothing and are also animals of an abyss:)
@doodlemunchkin2222 Жыл бұрын
I saw a theory about Irumyuui’s village about how the population may have a severe lack of females, since it’s kind of odd how Irumyuii is the only female villager we see in the village shots we get, even of the children there. If that’s the case, it may be a matriarchal society and they put great importance and emphasis on females and their reproductive value, and thus explains why her mother was mated with so often in an effort to raise the population and hopefully produce a daughter who can help make the next generation, and why they likely jumped at the chance to impregnate Irumyuui as soon as she was possibly physically able to out of their desperation and eagerness. So when she was deemed infertile, it was such a big deal for Irumyuui and the village and why they banished her for failing them. Complete side note too but I figured it would help to put your mind at ease a little bit- but when Pruska mentioned “Papa Pole” it was apparently explained by the author that she wasn’t referring to Bondrewd, but the anatomy itself, since she did surgery on various creatures with Bondrewd, she’d likely at one point needed an explanation for why some of the same species looked different “down there” than others, and he basically told her its the thing that makes a creature a “Papa”, thus “Papa Pole” lol. (Although I wasn’t entirely disturbed by Pruska’s out of pocket comment since I knew for Japan it isn’t odd or uncommon for kids to see their parents naked since bathing as a family is a pretty normal thing. So I figured that was how she must’ve known what it is and not because he possibly…y’know. Even then-like the surgery/anatomy explanation much better regardless.)
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
It's pretty likely that the theory is true, but what I think is important to remember here is that Irumyui is being sacrificed to the abyss, and was viewed as a tool for the village's survival rather than a person. Even more so, if this theory is correct. Both the village outside of the abyss and the group of explorers who took her with them into it ended up viewing her as a survival tool. One threw her away when they realized they couldn't use her in that way, the other created a way to turn her into a tool for their survival. From the very beginning, the group only agreed to take her because he thought they could use her for intel on the abyss. (Vueko notwithstanding) I definitely think this theory adds to the whole thesis statement about punishments from the abyss and restitution for what Irumyui has been forced through, thank you for the insight! Also, thank you for clarifying about the rod, that makes a lot more sense. In my, and everybody else's defense, I don't think anybody's first thought when they hear a girl being raised by a psychotic villain say "papa's rod" is to assume that specific of a backstory, so I can completely understand why he had to make a statement about it. Definitely puts my mind at ease though. As much as it can be when we're taking about Bonedrewed anyway
@ozzymand1as Жыл бұрын
​@TheMissingLettr with the ganja corp, I felt it more like they were justifying to themselves why keeping irumyui was OK. They wanted to, because protecting children is default human behavior and she is adorable, like making an excuse for something you were already going to do.
@merillandall598 Жыл бұрын
Ah this explanation for Prushkas comment is reassuring tbh, I actually also considered the same thing but I shot it down because I figured that if Bondrewd was already having Prushka watch or even help him when he performed surgeries I figured he would at least explain the proper words, and that it shouldnt be so flustering of a concept to avoid teaching her the proper term considering Riko and Reg both know it as well ^o^" [granted theyre orphans and I dont know the extent Prushka wouldve been involved.] I feel like there are ways to get around that and make this explanation fit, save for one thing: Prushka only seemed to identify Rikos drawing when she drew an erect penis. Or maybe Im misremembering in bad faith?
@Bubblegob Жыл бұрын
I wasn't too shocked by Prushka saying that either, a little weirded out but in a "yeah... this is Japan" way and decided to just not think about it at all.
@michajastrzebski4383 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr Ah, yes, the papa pole situation is sketchy untill one learns why exactly Prushka got that idea. I THINK Tsukushi even confirmed that to be canon.
@RoddyMcKev Жыл бұрын
To me, Made in Abyss manifests the idea that to obtain something truly life changing requires sacrificing life itself and what lies beyond that is so far away on the horizon that its hard to even imagine what it would be like. Once all the pain and suffering is done and dusted, pass the point of no return, what you end up with could be truly magnificent, or truly hellish but there is no way to know for sure.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
That's a very profound interpretation, thank you for sharing
@jbear3478 Жыл бұрын
This speaks to me. It's too personal to explain why. But I have had to sacrifice what I love most in order to move forward. I had no choice. And I'm in the middle of it, wondering when I'll see that magnificent ending, sometimes believing I'll never see one and that I've hurt myself and more importantly, others, and lost valuable time I can never get back. I'm ranting now but thank you for your comment.
@AngDevigne Жыл бұрын
"They could never begin to understand... How much their god despised them." 👏 Your script for this video is prose. I've rewatched it so many times. Thank you for creating and sharing. Your explanation was perfect; so thorough.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! I'm very honored that you decided to watch my other videos, and even more honored that you took the time to leave a comment. Thank you!!
@notenotch9426 Жыл бұрын
This was a very well done analysis, you were able to capture the horror of the Abyss, and the despair that pervades every layer. I think that everything you pointed out in this video is true and important to identify. However, I think your focus on the terror of the Abyss has drowned out the fact that despite the horror, there IS light in the Abyss, no matter how dim. Let me explain. First, I think it's important to identify that the abyss is NOT simply a malignant force, Nanachi is the living proof of this fact. While in the vast majority of situations, the Abyss drowns those that venture into it with terrible curses, it does also give blessings. In a world that seems to be covered in filth, finding the diamond hidden within it may be difficult, but it will be there as long as you look for it. In Bondrewd's words "May your journey be overflowing with curses AND blessings" Furthermore, while the Abyss is an unforgiving and dangerous environment, the very worst atrocities that we see in the abyss never spawn from the Abyss itself, but rather they are committed by human hands. The Abyss may be an environment that encourages brutality for the sake of progress and survival, but ultimately, humans are the ones that have created hell within it. (And I imagine we will continue to see this theme in any continuation of the story) But, onto the important bit. I think it's wrong to say the Abyss is hell. I think it's really easy to see the terrible atrocities committed by monsters parading as humans and assume that is all there is to find within the Abyss, but that is exactly why you must search for the light within it. And that light is ALSO made by human hands. Nanachi saving Riko despite the potential of that putting herself and Mitty at risk, Prushka becoming a white whistle for the sake of Riko's journey, the villagers sacrificing themselves to Faputa, to save and protect her despite her desire to destroy them all. I don't think the Abyss is heaven or hell. I think the Abyss is simply an environment that naturally reveals humans for what they truly are. There will be monsters, but there will also be saviors, altruists and steadfast people. The most important thing to do when delving into the Abyss is to cling to the kindness found within it, lest you be swallowed by the tide and truly brought down into hell.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
That's very well articulated and well thought out, thank you for taking the time to write it all out. It's been incredible to see so many interpretations of Made in Abyss, which to me just goes to show that it's good art that means something slightly different to everyone who watches it, and I really enjoyed reading your interpretation of it.
@yderga8707 Жыл бұрын
I love how season two takes the expectations set from season 1 and flips it on its head. Here we are expecting more crazy child deformation and murder, and in a way that's what we get. However instead of throwing us more over the top gore and insanity, Akihito Tsukushi decides to choose a different route that paints a much bigger picture that hits less hard initially, but burrows into your soul the more you think about it. There is no real Bondrewed this season, no antagonist. Just people trying to survive, and the morally questionable and straight up horrifying acts they were forced into making to survive.
@harshvardhan4766 10 ай бұрын
exactly why season 2 opeening hits hard
@samuelrioscuevas6254 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love the way this show changes from arc to arcm they are so different, so unique, it has really become one of my favorite if not my favorite show
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
It's definitely been quite the ride hasn't it? Which part has been your favorite so far?
@samuelrioscuevas6254 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr it's hard to pick. Season one got me hooked, the Villain of three movie was straight 🔥 and season 3 managed to ripped my hard and made me fall in love again with the queen of hollows!
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
@@samuelrioscuevas6254 If I'm being honest I can't easily pick a favorite either, but.....and this might be recency bias talking....I think I honestly love season 2 the most. This show really surprised me and I'm glad that it forced the pacing to slow in order to better explore what makes the abyss such a unique setting.
@samuelrioscuevas6254 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr season 2 is my favorite too.
@mrmemethememelord5940 Жыл бұрын
while it may be very fitting for the bottom of the abyss to be NOTHING and that everyone dies i refuse to accept that as being a guarantee, it may be foolishness but i love this show too much to believe it will end with that as if it DOES i would be forced to hate it and there is nothing more painful i can imagine than to utterly despise this show for ending with a big fat "nothing"
@mrmemethememelord5940 Жыл бұрын
im well aware there wont be HAPPY ending but i hold onto hope that this journey will have been for something
@kingdoom5022 Жыл бұрын
The previous one shot manga of the author literally ends with there's nothing in the end so there's very high chance its true
@mrmemethememelord5940 Жыл бұрын
@@kingdoom5022 you took the ending much different than i did. i saw it as yeah there was nothing THERE but she continues to climb the rope there may one day be something somewhere
@NoidoDev Жыл бұрын
I'm sure they'll make it so that you'll wish there would've been just nothing.
@liljam3824 Жыл бұрын
My twocents: Riko's mother is the devil herself who sent her boy toy to get her daughter there so she can switch places with her once the 2000y cycle reaches a tipping point. Rarely anyone talks about this foreshadowing of the cycle, which Bondrew was trying to prevent or secure future from. How the villagers have sent sacrifices to something to prevent something from emerging. It seems you need someone so inhumanely fixated on reaching the depths of hell, not the golden city like the ganja wanted (could be why riko's value was off the charts). Riko has always lived for the purpose of reaching the abyss like no other apart from her mother, and once she will, as has been portrayed throughout the whole series, she will use her child as a tool to escape the pits of hell as a god, but the power of friendship saves the day and they all die and the pit collapses as there is no replacement "god" for the next cycle. This is complete most likely complete nonsense, but we will see :D
@oxfordcommaisthegreatest Жыл бұрын
BY THE WAY. The scene where Prushka mention's "papa's rod" is NOT, in fact, her recounting SA; as explained by Akihito, she was taught biology pretty early on since she assisted Bon with surgery and stuff. From my understanding, the way Bon explained what a penis was to her was that it was "papa's rod", ie, the rod that makes you a papa. Bon may be despicable but at least he's not THAT despicable
@milkman4407 6 ай бұрын
Bondrewd is not pure evil, he’ll do anything for science, but he won’t do it for the sake of being evil.
@mrszmatan2727 4 ай бұрын
This explanation of "papa pole" also makes a lot of sense simply because that type of abuse would be completely out of character for Bondrewd. We know that he isn't type of person who derives pleasure from simple things in life, to the point where he purposefuly doesn't eat tasty food but one that is most cost and nutrition efficient. He doesn't feel pleasure from hurting others, idea of being above someone else, from rest or appreciation of nature, from most basic natural things for every living creature. That's why I also believe he wouldn't derive pleasure from more intimate activities. He especially wouldn't want to do it with Prushka since this could also ruin his relationship with her, after all he needed her for blessing. We know for sure that he has taught her anatomy and we even got one quick shot when she was helping with disassembling some creature in a lab.
@imSUPERcereal0 Жыл бұрын
The pacing of the horror is accelerating and contentious, so no matter how slow the show gets it’s still perfectly paced in my opinion.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@linniancauldwell948 9 ай бұрын
A small detail for you that is easily overlooked and could be be interesting to learn… The symbol for Haku- the one you just refer to as ‘an upside down stick figure’… this is an upside down human, which historically in much of the world was understood to be an unborn child. While modern western media has taken to showing them upright, a fetus typically grows inverted, and Haku in this story, considering the context, is definitely a symbol representing one. The culture created by Irumyuii compares value beyond measure to having a child. Very fitting and deserving of call out.
@CloudsAndDays 4 ай бұрын
I wonder if this will connect to how Riko was born dead and had to be brought back to life. If having a child is haku, the ultimate desire, then what is a child that was stolen from death?
@kiwyldd7441 Жыл бұрын
Interesting commentary! One thing you left out that I felt added more depth and tragedy to this is most of the villagers were late comers. Only a couple of the villagers were from the original group, most of the 100s of villagers were delvers that found a sanctuary in the 6th layer, not knowing what the cost was. If your actions cause someone pain, but you genuinely don’t know, is it still evil or something else? Second thought, I disagree that the ending will be only dark. To be fair, it might be, this whole pit might be a trap. But a common theme has been blessings and curses. I think whatever they’re going to find down there is going to be both dark and beautiful. It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out if it ever gets that far. Anyways, upvote from me
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
This was actually something I did want to mention in the video, but it ended up becoming too complicated a topic to tackle and it distracted from the flow of the essay too much to leave it in. The fact of the matter is that none of the original residents ever told the newcomers the truth, and that means every ignorant action those people took without knowing the damage they were causing is adding to the sin of the original villagers who chose to leave the newcomers in the dark rather than be honest with them. That said, the question is still a very deep one that probably deserves to be tackled by someone much smarter than me, and if it's something that gets addressed by the series moving forward in more detail I'd be interested to see how the fanbase reacts and what people's general feelings about the question are.
@TheDonLemonSnickety Жыл бұрын
What’s horrified me since I first learned of this arc, was the question of how did the natives “check” if Iramuuyi was capable of giving birth? When you consider how young she is…however the hell they “divined” this information is utterly horrifying no matter what u might imagine.
@night_hunter4752 Жыл бұрын
The mear existence of the village is an absolute F'ed up tragedy. That is likely putting it way too lightly. But at the same time it's destruction as justified and needed as it was. Was also a tragedy. The loss of likely the last safe haven in the abyss. Gleefully and greedily consumed by the local inhabitants. There is nothing to turn back too, there is nothing to stay for, all that exists is the path ahead, and death.
@MisterPyOne Ай бұрын
I understand that it's fucked up in a way. But I just don't see the village as that horrible or it's destruction as needed. Their leader did what he had to do to let the group survive. It was horrible, but it was the only way. I think it was the right decision.
@samisuhonen9815 Жыл бұрын
Irumyuui wished to be able to birth children, she wished to have her cute pet back, and she wished her group could be safe and have shelter. She just had no idea those wishes would be filler in the manner they were. All is speculation, except the fact that for a reason or another, her wish(es) went terribly wrong for everyone. Was it the fact she wasn't really a child, as the robots thought, as she was robbed of her childhood? Was it the fact she had multiple wishes intercepting? Was it the fact their leader inflicted more wish granting eggs on her to see what would happen? We can't even know for sure what her wishes were? Did she wish they could be cured of the disease in the water? Did she wish they could find that permanent new safe home they were searching for? Did she wish for her pet back? Did she wish to be accepted and loved? She did certainly wish to be fertile and give lots and lots of births. Was the result just her wishes colliding and the outcome being this abomination where she would bear children who look like her cute pet, which feed and cure her friends when they eat their flesh?
@nouhorni3229 Жыл бұрын
The Abyss seems to mindlessly push the wishes down the path of least resistance. She wants to give births, wants to see her pet, and needs a lot of medicine. So those get combined because it's by far the simplest solution. And then growing her into a sentient sanctuary was the best way to get some actual safety that deep down. It even made her give birth to her rage over it all, which was her own salvation in the end. So contradictory wishes were fulfilled, but at different times as to not just neutralize each other immediately. It's terrible to us of course, but the Abyss deals entirely outside of the human frame of reference. "You can finally have kids, they will look like your dead pet and will be eaten shortly after birth."
@boozados Жыл бұрын
No way you did my boy Belaf like that. “Dr Stone reject”
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry! He looks like a Dr. Stone character!
@jbear3478 Жыл бұрын
Y'all I thought Belaf was a woman
@chaoshazzard 3 ай бұрын
@@jbear3478I cackled at this 😭
@princessthyemis Жыл бұрын
I LOVE MADE IN ABYSS SO MUCH!!!!! I just wanna show support to your remarkable video essay! Any time I see essays of Made in Abyss my hear goes all a-flutter, lol, for lack of a better word! I only have one episode of season 2 left! My favorite song from season 2's soundtrack is "Drums of Ganja-Tai"; I listened to it on my walk earlier today and it BLEW ME AWAY. I listened to it 3 times in a row, it was so utterly magnificent!
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Ooooh, that's a good one too! Honestly this whole soundtrack is just incredible, I keep discovering new favorite songs and moment's each time I listen to it - Octo
@dweeeb6668 Жыл бұрын
this was such a good video - I really like your take on the curse of the abyss and how powerful value is. for a long time I've been trying to wrap my head around the village currency, and I think now I finally understand it - thanks!
@recycledMilk Жыл бұрын
beside all the amazing points talking about the MiA, i love how this was an absolute passion project! i could almost feel you talk from your heart and the drawing at the end, was such a nice closing point! heartbreaking but beautiful video! thank you for your hard work!
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for your kind words! I appreciate it!
@archdiangelo7930 7 ай бұрын
I have problems with Made in Abyss. Mainly with regards to certain... shall we say, "artistic proclivities" present more in the manga. I firmly believe that some of the worse sexual atrocities happening to the children can be tastefully implied (tasteful being a relative term here of course, there's nothing tasteful about such subject matter in the first place, regardless of the value to be found in exploring it) rather than explicitly shown in ways that cannot help but feel exploitative and potentially even indulgent (I don't know the author personally, so I'll keep any concrete accusations to a minimum). That said, Made in Abyss is a *masterclass* in worldbuilding and horror, in ways I've never quite experienced, and I'm uncertain I'll ever be able to appreciate it to the fullest extent possible, since there's just SO MUCH to analyze and understand. You've created an equally masterful video in my opinion, a poignant analysis with excellent style that conveys the positives without ignoring aspects that some may find problematic, with a full understanding of those aspects and the validity of criticism thereof. I feel like I appreciate this story more now than I ever would have through my own consumption and analysis, and that's something I'm always grateful for no matter the circumstance. Thank you for helping me peer a little deeper in the Abyss.
@Scowleasy 4 ай бұрын
Yeah there’s no excuse for having a living toilet that licks you clean
@diveblock2058 Жыл бұрын
"it is not some wildly inappropriate misunderstanding of cultural differences as is often used as justification for fan service in lesser fantasy stories" i think you are giving Akihito too much credit here that is 100% something he would do/has done in made in abyss. mans pretty deranged
@Saphius- Жыл бұрын
True. Tbh, I LOVE Made in Abyss but can we calm down on the sexualization of things (especially children) and on the fetishes? XD Not talking about the times where it's relevant for the plot (Like with Velko and Ilmiyui) ofc but most of the time it adds almost nothing/really doesn't appear to be a satire in any way. It's just eww
@n.m6015 Жыл бұрын
Akihito is sick in the head it sucks that his world building is good because it makes people who are not sick like him interested in the universe he created, but having to tolerate all the gross things he forces in
@diveblock2058 Жыл бұрын
@@n.m6015 oh it gets so much worse when you look into officially licensed products the company has
@tr-qr7pw Жыл бұрын
@@diveblock2058like what?
@diveblock2058 Жыл бұрын
@@tr-qr7pw google the perfume and get back to me
@Moepowerplant Жыл бұрын
Ah yes. Those middle episodes in S2 that made eating a chore for me for a couple weeks. Edit: Thanks for not overlooking poor girl Eilu. That was perhaps the single most impactful moment for me in the entire anime, coupled with the soundtrack at that scene. The scene where Vueko could not think of anything else but water, with its soundtrack, was also scarring.
@jbear3478 Жыл бұрын
I feel like they passed through the first 3 layers quickly, and were in 4/5 for ageeees. Goddamn they were in layer 5 forever lmao
@InsanitiesBrother Жыл бұрын
Something worth rememebering about Bondrewd no matter how much his actions piss you off. He did legitimately love all the children that he abused. Not tricked them into thinking he loved them, genuine love. The Bondrewd dilemna is a real one, but one I don't think should be brushed aside. This character as far as we know, knows the most about the abyss and the coming 2000 year wipe. From the standpoint of "I am Bondrewd and I know that without me, everyone is going to die" all sorts of actions become understandable. A twist I am somewhat hoping for is that Bondrewd and Lyza are acquantences. Considering Bondrewd frequents layer 6 he may communicate with Lyza. Their research being toward the same end thing, avoiding a catastrophe but via different means. Regardless Lyza understands the severity of what is required. She MUST have asked him to set Riko up with a White Whistle. Let's be super frank about this bit. Without Bondrewds dememnted methods there is absolutely no way Riko's journey would have continued. Too much appears like plot armour but must really be Riko being guided through various trials and tribulations (curses and blessings) so that she is ready for when she faces whatever thing she is needed for down at the bottom. Something she couldn't be prepared for in the short time she has been diving is sacricing someone dear to her and with that person being a willing sacrifice. No chance.
@McSquiddles Жыл бұрын
Loving something and and valuing it are two separate things. I think Bondrewd genuinely VALUED the children and cared for what they had to offer, but that is not the same as loving them or having compassion for them.
@Krikenemp18 Жыл бұрын
I think the truly complex thing about Bondrewd that also makes him an incredibly well-written villain is that we can't really know for sure if his love was true or not. There's just as much evidence pointing to him being genuine as there is for him being manipulative. The true horror is in not knowing.
@alchemysaga3745 Жыл бұрын
​@@McSquiddlesI think that you're underestimating the mindset that someone like Bondrewd could have- *particularly* once his mind was literally warped beyond humanity. He can genuinely, completely love the children he abused, to a degree that he can't explain, and *ALSO* see them as tools with value beyond measure. If he only saw them as having value for their use as tools, there would be no reason for him to continue to remember their names once they lost their sensory organs. With Prushka, he chose to personally raise her even knowing that there was every odd that the time and energy he put into her would be 'wasted' up until she finally found her sense of self. Someone with no sense of self, or awareness, can't be said to 'love'- but both times it happened and would have been just as effective to discard her, he chose to wait for her to recover. He also chose to allow Prushka's soul to continue on with Riko's group after he was defeated. He could have just as easily destroyed her remnants in order to force Riko, Reg, and Nanachi to cooperate with him if they wanted to move forward. His actions toward the Narehate born from the children, when he is in his Miniature Garden of Dawn, are affectionate. He's genuinely proud of Nanashi managing to find a way to kill Mitty, because it means that they can move on with their life. He's proud of Riko for being able to guess at his actions and his goals. He's proud of Reg and the group for being able to defeat him even with the Blessing. For Bondrewd, his love for 'his children' wasn't as important as finding a way to allow society to survive past the current cycle. He probably genuinely believed that it was something they would understand and agree with. There's also something else that seems to be (understandably) forgotten when discussing Bondrewd's morality. He *knows* that the Abyss considers him dead, regardless of what body he is in. Meaning he, after obtaining his White Whistle from his own body, would have attempted to find a way to use his Zoaholic Relic to bypass other cases of the curse demanding equal exchange. It also means that people tend to ignore the fact that the Abyss is- more likely than not- able to sense those attempting to bypass its rules, and punish them. So attempting to bypass the need for *mutual love* that the Blessing demands, wouldn't end well. There's also one other thing that's in favor of him having genuinely loved his children. Being willing and able to sacrifice someone you *genuinely love?* Is INFINITELY more difficult and depraved than sacrificing someone you merely value as a tool.
@McSquiddles Жыл бұрын
I am not underestimating anything, I am just not mentally ill enough to consider a man who manipulated, experimented on, and at some points tortured children (even if in the name of science) able to "love" them. Assuming I simply don't understand because I am not about to say a man like this loves people and has noble intentions is simply untrue. I think to a degree he cares and I think he respects them, but love? Nah. Also people forget this even in happens in people in life, they can act like they love them and even care for them to a degree not because they genuinely love them but rather because of the inevitable value this care will bloom. I think bondrewd understands these are real children with value and feelings, and acknowledges that sometimes taking care of them is valuable. Plus who knows, with prushka he could of tried to save her just to see what he is capable of? We really don't know. He could be happy that nanachi killed mitty because it shows humans are capable of survival and killing the unkillable. He could of been proud of riko for her potential as a cave dweller. We simply don't know, and none of it has to be some kind of bullshit justified "love". I think bondrewd at the end of the day cares more about his values, ideals, and goals than any of these kids. and that's fine, he can do that and still care in his own way, but that's still not love to me.@@alchemysaga3745
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
I agree the issue is bigger than I made it seem here, but as the subject of the video was specifically season 2, I didn't feel a need to cover the movie in detail here. If I ever do, I fully intend on making sure this aspect is better analyzed. I'm fairly certain Bondrewd and Lyza knew each other, but then, I'm also certain Lyza is dead, so...what do I know right? Anyways, thank you for your insight!
@philosopherkingzant2037 Жыл бұрын
"People have people duties and stones have stone duties" -Faputa
@wanter9132 Жыл бұрын
Simply LOVED the video, it was an experience in itself, and the way it was written kept it entertaining and engaging even though i've consumed all the MiA midia that i could in a quasi-obssession for this world. (Id like to calm your mind though, about the issue at 31:34 - it was a misstranslation of the manga, it was suposed to be "the rod that makes you a papa", not what ended up in the english translation (which actually implied she saw it)) Also, the LAYER 5: *HELLBRINGER* part goes *so* hard. Good video.
@SarisWinterwisp Жыл бұрын
An impressive and even glorious analysis and essay, really properly does justice. Delighted to potentially see more content of a similar caliber from you.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! I'm really proud of my latest project which I've been working on for a few months now, hopefully what comes next from Octo's Corner can live up to your expectations!
@Gamer-g2v1r Жыл бұрын
29:10 It wasn't Reg. It was the robot Faputa discovered who told her to end every sentence with sosu. Because he named Faputa. He told her, her name means princess in the villages language and royals always used sosu to end sentences.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
This is correct. I did actually end up missing this detail...somehow. I misunderstood what the robot said at the time, thank you for the correction. It doesn't change the significance Reg has to Faputa, but that one specific detail was incorrect. My apologies.
@clauliz5502 Жыл бұрын
Your final thoughts section made me feel so validated. Also I wish to know your favorite S2 track, mine is Juroimoh Mutation. It blew me away.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
I'm honored that you feel that way about my conclusion, I put a lot of myself into my videos, so it brings me great joy when they resonate with others. My personal favorite track is "Eyes of Irumyuui" because of the way it conveys every moment of her life and her final form. There's an unnameable, distorted synth. There's these twisted vocals here and there that sound exactly like Irumyui's wailing toward the end of her life. Deep and powerful. Then there's that incredible piano. It brings me to tears almost every time. Powerful stuff. Thanks for asking! - Octo
@RinLenKagamine Жыл бұрын
Love this video, felt like i couldn't get much educated content on the series and manga and than I found this. Thanks! Hope to see more Made in Abyss content in the future :)
@Contraltissimo Жыл бұрын
Why those were the most.... gentle and relaxing youtube video credits I think I've ever seen. Hi, I'm new. I liked your video. Your writing is very lovely. "The importance of patiently slowing down, and appreciating something as though it's the last time you'll ever see it." That one just hit so close to home near the end there. Been working on a _looong_ time personal project that.... to be honest has kind of felt like that. A lot. It's like Robert Frost said, when there are two paths, when two roads diverge, you can't take them both. You are only one traveler. For instance here you can choose to rocket to your end goal at a spicy clip.... Or you can choose to meander on through and smell every flower, touch every tree and stone, flouting both joy and pain as you drink in every searing breath. Whichever path you choose.... having once chosen it, you will _never_ be able to experience the other path. I guess there's not a lot of room for regret. Whatever your choice, better go into it with your whole heart. You ever take any Roads Less Traveled like that?
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
I have, as a matter of fact, had many an experience which I would consider quite similar to the ones described in this beautiful comment. After taking a few days to ponder, and watching Angel's Egg again just to be sure about how I feel about it (thank you for the recommendation in your other comment by the way) I've decided that I'm going to try answering that question in more detail in my next Octo's Corner video. If it's okay with you, I'd like to use your comment in a future video. I can leave you anonymous if you'd prefer.
@Contraltissimo Жыл бұрын
​@@TheMissingLettr Oh my, I feel flattered! ^_^ Feel free, and I don't care if you show my name. :) I didn't want to get too long-winded before, but I do kind of feel like expounding on my sort-of-recent experience with a lesser-traveled road; I'll try to be brief.... I'm a journaler. Like a mad, _mad_ journaler. And for reasons unknown, I got the itch real bad when I started playing Breath of the Wild in 2017. In short, I journaled my way through the entire game. (Now I'm just scrambling to clean up the last notes into proper entries before the sequel comes out next month.) This activity affected how I played the game: my speed, my pacing, my connection to the game's online community (didn't want to spoil myself), how often I would let myself play for being too busy writing in between, not letting myself even watch my brother play, as he zoomed so far ahead of me.... It was maddening, and irritating, and invigorating and incredibly rewarding, and the endeavor took me _two years_ to complete. I had never played a game in that fashion before. I know initial playthroughs are always special, and imprinting. But I had already spent my initial playthrough. I could never spend it again, or relive it in any other way. And you know? It _was_ lonely. I don't think _anybody_ else really traveled that road. Not that I've found anyway. But in scripting out my final entry for that log.... even though it had the bittersweet flavor of such loneliness, and yet so many hidden and cherished treasures that surely only a very few others had found.... I absolutely would not and could not regret it. I chose this. It was mine, and I owned it. I _had_ to own it. Because from here on into the future, that was the only place I could ever have trod, and there would be no going back. Oops that was longer than I'd thought it would be. .... I think I'm gonna subscribe to you. I don't really subscribe to a lot of people, but you just have .... such wonderful flavors of.... pensivity. Oh, no? Dang it I guess it would be _pensiveness_ then. Pensivity really should be a word....
@ivanliu4818 Жыл бұрын
oml i though this channel was prob like 500k subs or something but no ur only in ur 100s? the qualities off the charts keep it up :)
@ginawhoever9734 Жыл бұрын
i am sure *someone* here already posted this... so, i am sorry for repeating that as well as the obviousness of the quote i am posting (ha) “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”-- Nietzsche
@custom4906 Жыл бұрын
This Chanel is a hidden gem in hiding and I yern for it's discovery by all and that those who find it share the same joy as I from the care and beautiful craftsmanship that goes into each upload
@starwoodanime1532 Жыл бұрын
I'm a writer. I'd love to learn more about horror and how made in abyss puts it together
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Horror is the most underrated genre in my opinion. There's so much you can do with it that I feel is just never done. As a personal request, if you decide to write horror, be the one who chooses to make it mean something, not the one who writes mindless scares just because that's what everyone else does. I'd actually be interested in doing more horror analysis in the future as well, if there's significant demand for it
@starwoodanime1532 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr sounds awesome 😎
@starwoodanime1532 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr hey do you have any advice on how I not care what people think about me when it comes to writing? I really love made in abyss and I got inspired by it and wrote something involving insect torture and people were like eew you have a kink/ insect fetish and I felt so embarrassed and don't want to show my work now. Advice greatly appreciated:/
@raptorboss6688 Жыл бұрын
@@starwoodanime1532 the best advice for that is to become a Chad, and stand firm in your own writing and ideas. You’re an artist and this is your story you should make it as genuine as possible! Look art is always going to be polarizing and that’s what makes it great. There are those who get it and those who don’t. Stay steadfast in your ideas and find those people who will get it. You owe it to yourself to see this through, and I believe in you as well. So good luck!
@keshunutts Жыл бұрын
This is such a beautiful video. Thank you for taking the time to make it. For me made in abyss s2 is not only the best anime of 2022 but one of the greatest ever. Never have i seen tragedy done with so much purpose before. The experience of season 2 is so so special for me i can't even put into words. This feeling, this experience is why i love stories. Made in abyss is truly special.
@karrimgyver 4 ай бұрын
Bondrewd is probably the best villain I've ever seen. Might even top Dark knights Joker. Absolutely terrible person with nuance and who is still capable of love, but as a scientist tries to make his goals true no matter the cost. And the charisma is real. Even Nanachi said that she might have fallen for him if not all _that._ Made In Abyss will forever be in my top 3 anime. Sad that we won't see what comes next in anime for several years, for the manga is really really slow. But in the end I don't mind because the quality of the series.
@bigusj Жыл бұрын
Freud’s concept of the death drive: to look back, to regret, to wish for the past, to stop growing is stagnation and that stagnation is death. Everything changes, change is caused by contradictions, change is not smooth or steady, and everything is connected.
@ukcats82 16 сағат бұрын
I love the use of the octopus as a mascot and representation of the creatures they will soon try to encounter
@oreolord7794 2 ай бұрын
*"If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you havent been paying attention."* - Ramsey Bolton
@DionsAura Ай бұрын
I clicked on this video, watched all the way through, liked it, then saw your sub count… man you’re so underrated! How does a dunce like me even come close to you 😭 dude you should be at 500k-1M easily. New sub
@kingdoom5022 Жыл бұрын
For me made in abyss is my favourite anime of all times , s1 have the best exploration and finale , the movie have the best fight scenes and this season have the best story , the ganga story was perfect and faputa is my favourite character in the series along with riko and bondrewd
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Excellent picks! I agree that the fight scenes in the movie were excellent, but I've never understood why people love Bonedrewed so much. His design is cool, but he's a bit too cruel for my tastes. What is it about him that makes so many people love him do you think?
@The_Blazelighter Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr For me personally, it's because he is such a unique take on the villain who has lost their humanity. He harbors no malice, no pride, no sadism, no hate. He is fuelled entirely by his desire to learn more about the abyss. He wants to know it all, both curses and blessings. He understands that love is required from the abyss, and while uncapable of true love, he does his best imitation of love for the children, believing it to be as authentic as the real thing. And for the children, it is real. Prushka truly loved Bondrewd, and that love turns into his strength. The villain of the story has harnessed the power of love, despite being incapable of truly feeling it. When defeated, he isn't upset about the destruction of his work, rather he is overjoyed seeing the ingenuity and desires of those he clashed with. In a way he has become as the abyss itself, feeding off the love and desires of those who venture into it's depths, without regard for how twisted and nightmarish it may be.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
​@@The_Blazelighter I've never thought about it like that, genuinely thank you, you've changed my entire perspective on the character and why he does and says what he does. That makes me want to revisit the movie and take notes based on that insight. If you end up seeing a video from this channel on Dawn of the Deep Soul in the future, I'll be placing your user name in the credits and using this comment in the video, if that's okay. (Not that you should expect it anytime soon, but I figured I'd ask in advance just in case, my upload schedule is almost completely random)
@Matiassanita Жыл бұрын
@@The_Blazelighter could not have explain it better myself, but that is what makes bondrewd an excellent villain. it's chilling to hear him in that super calm voice while committing such atrocities without any sense of guilt or remorse.
@The_Blazelighter Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr Go right ahead, I don't mind. In fact, I don't think I ever would have drawn that parallel between him and the abyss without being pushed to put it into words, so thanks for the opportunity to think on it.
@gdvortex2169 Жыл бұрын
You made me realize and think of so many things i dont want to become true
@zhappy 8 күн бұрын
Perfectly explained the twisted beauty of Made in Abyss
@theyear9076 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely nothing but respect and gratitude for your work
@hollydiver678 Жыл бұрын
One of the best made in abyss work i ever seen.
@zaikura-chan6949 9 ай бұрын
I think an element of season 2 is what it meant to STOP exploring. What it meant to put down roots and think that your journey was at an end at the golden city. A lot of the adults expressed regret in not continuing to the 7th layer. I think that BECAUSE the group of explorers are children they will survive the journey to the 7th layer (of course unable to return) but i dont think the main character will find her mother in a state she would hope to, but will accept her for what she is.
@thalianTutor Ай бұрын
The funniest thing about MiA videos is how much of the anime’s music they use because it’s SO GOOD
@sanjayKumar-sx5bv Жыл бұрын
They became what they were afraid of From suffering from perrasite to putting suffering on irumiyu as perrasite
@EM-K-Ultra 9 ай бұрын
I really appreciated this recap. I have a hard time watching this show and really wanted to know the story. Thank you thank you. It’s really interesting. I can’t wait for the end
@AbysmalRae Жыл бұрын
Have not finished the video but what a FANTASTIC analysis. I’m a SD autistic, made in abyss has become my special interest💀 This video literally means EVERYTHING to me. I’m disgusted by a lot of the shit that goes down in this show, but GOD DAMMIT DOES TSUKUSHI GIVE ME (A) REASON/S TO FORGIVE IT WITH CONTEXT. I hate it but do I love it. It’s just good storytelling and I applaud it for that. Please continue to write this in jail Tsukushi ☺️ (he says WAYYY too many concerning stuff for me to forgive him as a person lmao)
@snowstorm5700 Жыл бұрын
The thumbnail was amazing
@jorgeviquez3272 Жыл бұрын
Why im looking a video of an octopus explaining eldrich anime
@starwoodanime1532 Жыл бұрын
This is so sad.... I'm almost in tears. Not even kidding
@searaph Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the spoiler warning at the front of the video. Will be back to watch it later (autoplay brought it up)
@johngoedicke9439 Жыл бұрын
A perfect articulation that I so desperately sought. Thank you!
@lordvaltasar4646 Жыл бұрын
i really loved this season, i don't get the pacing complaints personally, if anything, i wish we had more of the previous layers explored more like this
@jbear3478 Жыл бұрын
Same. I'm reading the manga and I didn't realize how long they were in the fourth and fifth layers.. those two kind of blended together for me. When they got to the inner depth of layer five I said goddamn I thought they were at the seventh layer already lmao but I was never bored
@FriendrickLamar Ай бұрын
Love the narration, alot of thought was put into this. As was MiA itself. Imo, an instant classic, and must watch. Even though it can be a bit much for "sensetive" people
@МарияРаспопова-й5г Жыл бұрын
Author: At the bottom of the abyss, only darkness will await... Manga: ...and fan service!
@TheDonLemonSnickety Жыл бұрын
Is Wazukyan really “immoral” for doing something horrific to save the lives of his group, his responsibility, by taking it upon himself to endure the burden of doing what needs to be done to end their suffering? Is clinging to life in this way “greed”? Wouldn’t Iramuuyi be more than a bit greedy as well if she refused to allow the corpses of her dead and dying inhuman births to save these people who had taken her with them when she was cast out of her village?
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
This is a great philosophical question, and one I actually tried to bring up in this video, but I'm unsure if it came across well... I think the difference that we should look at here is that even if we understand why Wazukyan did what he did, that those things are still immoral. In "The Last of Us" we always know why Joel is killing people, he has a good reason for it, but at the same time, that doesn't make those things any less wrong to do. He still killed people, and even though we understand why, we can't justify the taking of a life with that. In the words of Cowboy Bebop, "You're Gonna Carry That Weight" and in the end, Wazukyan had to carry his weight. It's as simple as that. Not to mention he literally admits to plotting against Reg and Riko with the intention of screwing them over for the sake of his people, so I don't think it's entirely fair to give him the benefit of the doubt like that. He doesn't seem to realize his actions are wrong, yet has every reason to believe that they are. That is why I believe he is immoral. he pays no respect to those he sacrifices to get his way, even if what motivates him to make those sacrifices isn't purely evil.
@mulchmeat9715 Жыл бұрын
While I have more than a few disagreements with what you've laid out here, your points are very well made and explained. Not only that but the production of this video is fantastic and I can tell the amount of passion you have for the property. Great video! Minor nitpick though, it is Wazukyan not Wazakyan.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Dangit! I knew there was something I misspelled in here! You'd think given how long I've been studying Japanese for I'd know by now to just check the kana spelling before editing my videos together instead of just playing it by ear. Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy, and thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate the feedback!
@michabarycki2781 Жыл бұрын
I really liked season 2 because of how much worldbuilding they did and how two plotlines of past and present converge into one, and those damn thromboid dragons were soo cool designed. I wait for more, gory, floofy darknessl
@BeefyPhill 3 күн бұрын
More Made in Abyss is coming out soon. I hope you make more content on this anime because I love the way you do your content 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽-I think it’d be an entertaining watch tbh.
@ItDaBiz 4 ай бұрын
The manga deserves props for being far more brutal than the manga. The anime, though great, does a lot to shave the edges on what is very explicitly a horror manga. Iruburu in the manga isn't just a mass of flesh, it's a gigantic skull. Ozen often looks like a literal ghost, no longer human. It's well worth a read after watching the anime.
@Dovahkindle Жыл бұрын
Great essay, very well said and I really love your timeline. My greatest wish is Made in Abyss gets an ending, of all my years growing up with anime (and thanks to Kevin Penkin) Made in Abyss is my favorite anime of all time.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I couldn't agree more, and I know I'll be right there the moment this masterpiece comes to an end
@samon101 Жыл бұрын
Great video! But I don't believe that the letter Faputa left for the group at the beginning of the season was meant to symbolize that they are her HAKU. She puts the HAKU (greatest form of value) symbol on Riko and the SHI (the initial form of value) symbol on Nanachi, but writes nothing on Reg. I think she meant to symbolize how she believes Reg thinks about the two of them. She even speaks in some of the episodes about how Riko is Reg's HAKU and talks about how Reg must be with Nanachi because she smells good (so she believes it's only a superficial desire, giving Nanachi a superficial value, a SHI). What do you think about it?
@BertoPlease 5 ай бұрын
Blue-Ringed Octopus analyzes themes and narrative of Made in Abyss Season 2 for 42 minutes
@WhatWouldVillainsDo Жыл бұрын
This is a really great series. Im a 43 year old man that's been thru some brutal stuff, like cut off and sewn back on,stabbed ,shot and ontop of that I'm a butcher by trade. I don't consider myself squeemish but this show suprisea me with how unsettling and brutal it can be.
@bogusdavallante7039 8 ай бұрын
Bless you
@humourlessjester3584 Жыл бұрын
You caught something, or theorized something, that I honestly thought was a plothole in the ganja story. And that's when Wazu used the egg why did his body not morph entirely if it took the food corps, presumably, under a day to transform? Before I thought that Wazu used the egg a while ago while he was desperate to save the crew and he hasn't discovered that the Iru babies were the solution yet (deduced from his words that a leader has to do everything that he can), so that didn't make sense to me because the egg's negative effects to adults were never shown to have lasted months (judging from Vueko's hair growth). It makes sense now that, as you said, Wazu would use the egg to gain the energy to jump and save Vueko. The gained vigor as a side effect was even shown with Iru's first use of the egg. Even if he was consumed by the egg he should have enough time to let Irumyuii consume his body and remove the egg's curse from him. Plus, the effects were so small on his body that it would have only been a recent use. It makes sense why this wasn't vey clear because it was through Vueko's limited perspective but at the same time I wished this part of the story was given a bit more clarity just for the narrative's sake, like a glimpse of him grabbing the egg would have saved us this bit of confusion. Because this is such a good and worthwhile story I don't let the plotholes ruin my enjoyment of it, but as a writer myself I can still find them here and there that could use at least just a line or a panel to fill up. Very minor gripe though, I still love this story.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Awesome! I'm glad it makes more sense to you now! Yeah, I think the implication is that he used the egg on himself if not in the exact moment she jumped, only a few hours prior, because of his "Devine premonitions" (AKA he's really good at guessing what's about to happen) Essentially meaning he knew Vueko would try ending her life and wanted to make sure he had the power to keep her alive against her will. - Octo
@Yoshihara72 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheMissingLettr TBH, you don't need to be a prophet or anything to conclude that this might be going to happen. Veuko already has been on the brim of her mental endurance, and this step was something that was able to shake EVERYONE. On top of that, this was the last chance for him to use the egg on himself. There could had been plenty of cases the power of the egg could had come in handy during in this moment, even if it was for his own safety. He would mak SURE to see this expedition to it's end and be there at the creation of a new chapter. I think this is also the best moment for him to his desire to crystallize. At this point, he had but one single goal. He already "sacrificed" a lot of things, set up all the preperations and everything, and there was absolutely no other option left. Right then and there, this would be the bigegst, if not ONLY desire for him left to fullfill. And this is the perfect condition to use the egg. And this is probably one, or one of the only ways of effectively using it as an adult.
@mutantshrimp168 Жыл бұрын
How he use the egg it's explained actually. The egg on adult it's trouble some since adults have a lot of wishes and a complex mind, kids are simpler so it's less probable that the wishes fuse between each other (what happened to Irumyu). But Wazukyan had a really specific goal and was obsessed with it, get to the golden city with all his crew. He take the egg to be immune to the water disease and be able to survive, his arm was cristalyzing as well as the other adults since he couldn't keep focus no longer
@chaotic-ilusium8363 11 ай бұрын
So what you're saying is that MIA is a "It's the journey that matter, not the destination." kind of story, exept that it's turned up to 11 the f-ed up dial ? I'm on board with this way of seeing it!
@tsuki-no-akuma Жыл бұрын
31:38 So fun fact- this is a mistranslation, or context lost in translation, as Prushka was referring to it as a 'rod that makes one a papa' and not calling it like 'papa [Bondrewd]'s rod' 🌈The more you know 🌟
@itsyaboybrandon7509 Жыл бұрын
@itsyaboybrandon7509 Жыл бұрын
@itsyaboybrandon7509 Жыл бұрын
@boanoah6362 Ай бұрын
One other aspect of the lovecraftian eldritch horror not explored here is that the Abyss may be in itself a living creature, one that lures in victims with treasure and adventure. It's even mentioned that relics and items of great value are seemingly moved around without anyone knowing how or why. As of the latest chapter it's even revealed that people who die from the birthday-death disease are just part of a culling that occurs every 2000 years. Further there's mention of the Abyss having 'incarnations' that are capable of speech and foretelling the future which makes me think the Abyss is itself an eldritch God. Perhaps like Iryumui the very Abyss is but an ancient unknowable entity that also had a childish wish...
@sanchitkumar5784 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this video is literally a love letter to made in abyss and it's themes. Hoping for more content from you!!
@clasterovin Жыл бұрын
Very underrated channel! Like, sub and comment to promote the video to recommendations, where I found it from. The analysis is good, considering that I have already looked at a dozen from other authors. Interestingly, I think that at the end there will not be complete darkness, but it will increase with each layer. But it definetly not be a good ending. Well, I heard about "papa's rod" this is a very big misunderstanding, so much that the author had to clarify that this is not Bondrewd's rod, but what makes someone a father. As an example of a similar meaning, "mama's hole" can be given. I myself fell for this, we must still take into account that these are children, and we have too dirty thoughts ... (My first language is not English, so I used a translator.)
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! It means a lot!
@oliverbarajas3591 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Muchas gracias por este video muchas gracias por tus comentarios y por tu análisis, gracias por entenderlo como lo entiendes y por dedicarle tiempo a esta hermosa obra que amo tanto. Sigue haciendo videos por favor.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Tus palabras realmente tocaron mi corazón, gracias. He estado trabajando en un proyecto muy difícil para mi próximo video, y este comentario me ayudó a motivarme a seguir trabajando en él. Gracias por mirar, y por apreciar mi video. Significa mucho.
@Contraltissimo Жыл бұрын
Oh, and have you ever heard of Angel's Egg? You might enjoy that one. It'll stay in your head for.... well, _ever._
@ThatStupidIdoitMatt Жыл бұрын
even through shock i travel on purely just to see more nanachi content
@De-eggs Жыл бұрын
Late to the party, but on the subject of value, the village and relics; it seems like the "magic" of the Abyss is more akin to an eldritch platonic Form. The abyss is home to concepts made manifest and while they do track to things we know and understand they're also invariably and inherently alien. All relics seem to operate this way. Related to that, a thing I only noticed when I watched the show was that the balancing is almost certainly a product of Irumyuui as one of the first things mentioned on the subject of value in the village was that children were of the highest value. Kaja spoke of it clinically, perhaps not understanding why but as readers, in retrospect it makes perfect sense why they would the most valuable and thus cements the balancing as a product of Irumyuui.
@Snzn_7 Жыл бұрын
I have interpretations about the "Golden City" in the title. I think it basically pertains more to "Value" rather than Gold itself. This is the layer where "where the wish granting eggs" are found. And basically the relic that can satisfy one's true desired thing that they value the most. Also the structures that are seen in the landscapes might have been acrual humans reserves who had touched the wish granting eggs like what happened to the first guys who found one in season 2.
@YomActual Жыл бұрын
Friendly reminder: Lettr warned us about it. 13:04
@Lima_does_stuff 5 ай бұрын
I agree a lot of the horrific stuff aren't just for shock value and contributes to the experience, Except that one time reg got violated through his mouth in season 2, that felt extremely unnecessary
@byttercandy 4 ай бұрын
The audio quality is absolutely fine, btw.
@willysbakery6878 Жыл бұрын
intro is brilliant. almost had me in tears.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to say so, I'm truly honored it was able to have such a powerful affect on you.
@Road_to_Dawn Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video! Really well done, and brought forth a lot of points I'd never considered, even after multiple readings and watchings over many years.
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the comment! I doubt everything I believe about made in abyss is 100% accurate, but I put a lot of work into sharing my interpretation of what Made in Abyss means to me, and I'm really honored that a video that has so much of myself in it has helped so many people come to an understanding of this series that is satisfactory to them. Thank you for taking the time to support the video by commenting, it means a lot!
@Road_to_Dawn Жыл бұрын
@@TheMissingLettr Absolutely! It's always good to find another great video talking about my favorite series. Good quality Made in Abyss videos are shockingly hard to come by. Thank you for your contributions to the discourse :)
@kikyob2473 Жыл бұрын
This anime is my favourite so far. I can't imagine what else can surpass it.
@choro-cosplay Жыл бұрын
The thing about made in abyss that love is that there isn't really a villain, Bondrewd and Wazukyan, both do evil deeds, but both are only driven by their desires, to, in Bondrewd case understand the abyss, going so far as to cast aside his own humanity, without loosing his sense of love, he has too use children because he himself can no longer be used. And in Wazukyan it's the selfish reason to keep the travelers alive by all means. Both asking important questions :How far would you go to fulfill your desires? How far would you go for the sake of others? Also I don't think that the bottom of the abyss isn't nothing, but it probably is nothing special, also their might be 9 levels (Dantes hell) not 10. The abyss also has a 2000 year cicle where it might get deeper each time and the current population dying "birthday sickness" = praying skeletons
@jbear3478 Жыл бұрын
Maybe they're anti-heroes; people who do questionable things for good reasons. I find anti-villains more interesting.. people who think they're doing good things, but the end purpose is not great.
@anthonylewis5503 Жыл бұрын
"pwees oh pwees dont click away" aww ok my guy
@thegreaterconsciousness5997 5 ай бұрын
Bro season 2 was literally built different I had almost nonstop chills from the beginning to end it’s one of the better arcs for me of all time
@conner8319 6 ай бұрын
Something I feel is worth noting is that there is an emphasis on curses and blessings. Love overcomes curses, but it must be a mighty one. In that way, only the pure may defend the wicked from the curse of the abyss. And so they are used as fodder by those who care not. Riko being pseudo innocent to this point certainly means something, though she indeed can never return. But, we are shown she knows this both physically and emotionally it seems.
@morrius0757 Жыл бұрын
I think your take on the surface dwellers is not a good one, it's not out of greed, it's a part of the curse of the abyss. Everyone does what they do and children are okay with being abused because they all have a supernatural attraction to it and can't resist, it's like a prison that traps your mind. Also, the papas bone thing, the Japanese doesn't see nudity the same as we do, children often bathe with their parents up until a certain age. Partially to save water as water bills are very high in Japan and partially because nudity outside of porn, public area not intended for nudity like bath houses and hots springs, or outside of sex related interactions isn't considered taboo. Children of all ages are allowed in bath houses and they're communal, even in mixed bathing ones.
@starlordgerald-eq6sk Жыл бұрын
It's only called the last dive because humanity has not built a submarine yet. A machine that can ascend slowly upward at a rate that the curse won't attack. That diving pod has a constant speed up and down and that is the limiting factor. If it can slow down, then last dive would not be a thing.
@robinboezelman1328 Жыл бұрын
My lord that final drawing is do damn cool
@TheMissingLettr Жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying so! Took about an hour so I'm glad you liked it!
@balazs.bence300 Жыл бұрын
Great video, thank you :)
@velvetelvis999 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Just got a new sub!
@Theohybrid 6 ай бұрын
0:13 Dude, thank you. This Nightmare Fuel is Premium Grade.
@GinoGabriel-t5c Жыл бұрын
This anime has become my greatest ANIME OF ALL TIME.
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