1. Choose an appropriate spouse to be a mother of your children. Some folks come to ustadh and want to get married, but he asks them this question: are you happy with this person being the parent of your children? 2. Constantly make du'a for them. The dua of nabi Ibrahim alayhi as-Salaam for example, "oh Allah make me and my offspring among those who establish salah." Another is "Oh Allah, grant us from our wives and offspring those who are the coolness of our eyes and make us an imam in the religion." 3. Take them to gatherings of knowledge and get them used to attending them. 4. Make them love knowledge. 5. Find someone who is mu'addib and can discipline them, such as a Qur'an teacher who can give them tarbiyah as well as Islamic knowledge. Make sure that you are teaching them as well and make sure you are the first one to teach them surat al-Fatiha. Then you'll get the reward the rest of our life. 6. Keep an eye on their behavior both inside and outside the house so you are aware of their deficiencies and can address them. 7. Buy books and writing materials for them so they are motivated to use them. Place them in the library you also study in. Then they are motivated to be like their father/mother. 8. When they get older, encourage them to go themselves to gatherings of knowledge so it becomes a natural habit for them to attend these types of gatherings. 9. Prevent them from falling into evil, such as bad companionship. Nowadays we can also add the mobile phone such as talking to the opposite gender or falling into haram.