Lovely ! Dhinamani vamsha Ragam Harikambojhi Adi Talam Thyagarajar Krithi In this kriti Tyagaraja praises Rama as the most precious jewel of Sun Dynasty. He adds that He is everything for him. P pallavi dinamaNi vamsha tilaka lAvaNya dIna sharanya Oh Rama, You are the precious jewel of Sun dynasty. You are beautiful and compassionate. AP manavini bAguga madini dalancucu canavuna nElu cAlugA jAlu Keep me always in your heart and protect me affectionately.Enough is this waiting for me. C sharva vinuta nanu samrakSincanu garvamu Ela gAcu vArevarE nirvikAra guNa nirmala karadhrta-parvata tyAgarAja sarvasvamau Oh Rama, Siva worships you. If you are proud who else will protect me? You are immutable to external influence and you are unblemished. You lifted Govardhana mountain with your hand. You are everything to Tyagaraja. Gist:- Gem of the solar dynasty of unmatched beauty! Refuge of the meek and oppressed! You have shown me sufficient indifference and disregard already ! It is time for you to make amends. Consider my appeal for you grace compassionately and respond with affection. O Worshipped by Shiva! Why be proud in spite of being indifferent to this helpless devotee? What is it that you have scored? Who else will protect me? O abode of virtues! O spotless one! You lifted by hand the Govardhana hill , you are everything to Tyagaraja. Hari Kambhoji Ragam :- This is one of the melakartha ragams and is the origin for a large number of popular janya ragams. It is said that both Harikambhoji and Karaharapriya have contributed the maximum to the Carantic music. This ragam is also known as Harikedaragowla in the Dikshitar school and its equivalent in Hindustani music are the Khamaj Thaat ragas.