Majora’s Mask is A LOT Darker Than You Remember

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#thelegendofzelda #majorasmask #nintendo
Majora's Mask has long been heralded as the famous "darkest Zelda game." But why is this considered the darkest game in the Legend of Zelda series? What makes the game so "dark?" The answer may surprise you!
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@stillemi Жыл бұрын
The most moving part to me is the Fierce Diety mask. When you've earned every mask from every character you healed, then subsequently sacrificed so you could heal someone else. You face the enemy with a righteous strength that was granted to you by all of termina.
@howardsternssmicrophone9332 6 ай бұрын
I like how you can beat the final boss in like 2 seconds with the fierce diety mask.
@TBoneTony Жыл бұрын
I think the darkest part of Majora's Mask is that if you don't help the NPCs in the game, you eventually see what happens to them if you fail to save them. Or if you make a mistake, you have to rewind time and start again to fix what you failed to save.
@darcythewolf3855 Жыл бұрын
that's why I (edit) rewinded ( not reminded) over ten times after getting every item. Didn't know how to unlock fierce diety mask then no internet. Redid kalfalfas marriage Zora eggs freed the monkey. Melted the snow. Saved the farm. Then spent hours to unlock the fierce diety mask. Only game I can say I 100%
@highdefinition450 Жыл бұрын
yea the final hours are fucked up, on my latest playthrough i finished the anju and kafei sidequest then ran to the clock tower it was so stressful lol but 5 minutes was plenty of time in the end
@johnlawful2272 7 ай бұрын
Like the lady in red dead redemption 2 if you don't train her she's eventually killed by her stalker
@Joe_334 5 ай бұрын
I always felt so bad when Kafei, gets sealed in Sakon's Hideout. He is pretty much stuck there while the tremors get worse, until the morning after. It's even worse if you didn't show Anju his pendant. The side quest is just so tragic all around UNTIL you call the Giants to stop that moon from falling.
@iGZ5enWl0 Ай бұрын
@khbgvc 7 ай бұрын
Majoras mask is for people who played ocarina of time, beat every side quest and thought “That was cool but I wish it was harder and had more side quests” lmao
@insupportofjunhado 4 ай бұрын
Everyone would already known Termina is a parallel world if they just read Majora's Mask's manual. I'll admit, I thought that was a lame excuse for reusing models, but it was information we were given from the start.
@moomoo6228 Жыл бұрын
i love how you described this, the presentation is amazing!
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@Waxon178 5 ай бұрын
Quality videos man, really enjoyed this and your OOT one. Keep up the great work!!
@Poiznervo 7 ай бұрын
7:21 swapping to the Bunnyhood here absolutely killed me xD Great videos man!
@justinlindfors8512 Жыл бұрын
The darkest aspect of this game is the implication of failure. Assuming that resetting the cycle is the least of your worries, even if there are two timelines involving you failing or succeeding, without a doubt if you fail everyone is doomed. To understand the severity of the situation imagine your first playthrough and you find out about Romani's event, and then realize by the time you find out what to do to help her she went through the trauma of you failing her event quest, and that's only adding on to the weight of it all. The creepy part of it is the fact this happened and you wouldn't have known how to beat it until you get the powder keg which would take a few cycles and to Romani of all characters. And that's only one of the events, not to mention how Cremia attempts to deal with Romani on day 3 whether you fail or not making this the saddest event in the game. Speaking of which regardless of what you do everyone is doomed if you don't defeat Majora with matters made worse if you fail to complete anyone's quests.
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
So true!! Even if Link could manage to save and help everyone in one cycle, there’s still plenty of chances for him to mess up and leave someone unfulfilled or worse
@dorkbrandon4422 Жыл бұрын
Just like the kid up the tree in groundhog day , many times Phil connors caught him from falling and many times the kid would've broken his leg , though the old homeless man died no matter what Phil tried to do
@tinamyers1245 Жыл бұрын
Being an "old" person, and having never seen this game, the talk about the game play means nothing to me. However, the presentation is great, and well thought out. Continue creating videos, and I'll continue watching and supporting them. Good luck on your future videos!
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!! 💖
@ElValden Жыл бұрын
This has to be one of the best videos I've ever had the pleasure to stumble across in this platform. There's not a single complaint I can think of, it's just overall amazing. As someone's whose favorite game of all time is also Majora's Mask, I can agree that this game is both the creepiest and the most intimate at least of the whole Zelda franchise. I sadly was born a good amount of time after the game first came out so I didn't have the privilege of playing it on the N64, that didn't stop me from trying it out though, and I'm so glad I went through with it because I can assure you it changed my life, the game gives everyone a lesson along the lines of "Don't waste your time, it's limited and you'll regret doing so" which is a philosophy I've definitely kept in mind ever since. The game's whole theme comes together even better when you consider the correlation with Ocarina of Time, where a kid is forced to grow up too fast because of the circumstances of his life and, most importantly, the expectations pretty much everyone has regarding him. He suddenly sees himself as a kid trapped in an adult's body and as a result, he matures way too fast and, just when he's done maturing and he's accepted that he's an adult now, he gets sent back to when he was a child, so now the situation is reversed, he's an adult trapped in a child's body and Majora's Mask has always felt like the experience Link went through made him find peace with himself and his current situation. The whole Zelda series is a big friend of symbolism but this game takes the cake as it's the story where the Hero of Time, who arguably suffered the most out of all the Links, finally finds time to relax and enjoy peace, where he accepted the fact that his timeline will never remember him for saving Hyrule because he never did it there, it's the story that closes his cycle (which is honestly really fitting with the theme of the game) of what feels like endless suffering and not being able to enjoy a normal life. It's safe to say he did enjoy a normal life after Majora's Mask, based on Twilight Princess's Link being a descendant of his and, who he later on teaches everything he knows about combat, which is also my favorite part of the gameplay in that game, as you get to see a Hero of Time who has a lot of experience, as shown by his dialogues. I love the way they portrayed him as "Wise but not from the triforce but from experience" and this experience is used to teach someone who will definitely remember him and who will use these lessons to save the land of Hyrule, so he's virtually saving Hyrule a second time, except now someone will remember him for it. The Hero of Time is one of my favorite fictional characters as well, he's the perfect example of a hero, completely selfless as all he does is to help others, courageous (ever since he was 9 he's been facing gigantic monsters that could undoubtedly murder him in one fell swoop at the slightest hint of a hiccup on Link's side), and especially really strong, physically, but mainly mentally, even after all the pain he went through he never once even considered backing down as an option. This all contrasts him a lot compared to other Links, for example, the Hero of Legend (alttp-la-oracles) quite literally decimates a whole island and its inhabitants just so he can live and escape that place which, if you ask me, it's not very selfless. The Hero of the Wind is also a way different Link, his whole adventure starts because he wants to rescue his sister and even though this may seem as a pretty selfless act, he probably wouldn't have done it if it was someone else he doesn't know. This came out way longer of a comment than I intended it to be at first but all I want to say is: Amazing job man, this video essay is an incredible quality video, even moreso considering it's your first, you have talent for this, do me a favor and don't let it go to waste.
@BeachBeibi Жыл бұрын
I was surprised when at the end of the video you said you're a new channel! I loved the way you wrote this! I also loved the game theory reference! Keep up the amazing work!!
@XTerriblexFateX Жыл бұрын
I have seen a lot of videos on Majora and this was definitely a new theory for me. Great concept and I completely agree without time I would be fishing and not stressing.
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! I’ve thought about this for a long time 😂
@liamknightus8123 Жыл бұрын
That's the reason they didn't add fishing in the original
@Joe_334 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if the butler discovering his son could have been some sort of side quest. It feels like reminding him of his dead son only made it worse for the ending, since we see him lamenting his son. I just wonder, why was he even under the clock tower, past those iron doors?
@TBoneTony Жыл бұрын
As a Gamer from the mid to late 90s who first encountered Legend of Zelda via Ocarina of Time, I took the Majora's Mask challenge like it was asking me to get to know it fast. Took a real challenge to finish this game especially the tougher parts in Snowhead Temple and Great Bay Temple. I didn't mind the 3 Day Cycle, it gave reason to why the NPCs were in their Groundhog day mechanic.
@Depressed_Dandelion Жыл бұрын
I can leave the temples, put the master sword back in oot and run around for the extra bottles and silly mask sidequests. I can swap kinstones instead of healing Zelda's petrification in minish cap. I can leave poor Zelda and the champions waiting for 220+ hours as I run around collecting koroks seeds and mushrooms in botw. Any Zelda game can have dark themes and creepy sections, a tragic story and high stakes, sure, and they do, but in Majora...
@blindedjourneyman 3 ай бұрын
Aye ya feel the NEED to help everyone in a perfect run before rushing off to stop majora from turning skullkid into a mass murderer.
@Rev11CIB 3 ай бұрын
"Is Mido ganna die?? Is what I'm saying..." Comedy. Gold. 😂😂 What a friggin savage. Subbed.
@Gagg.o 6 ай бұрын
There is a difference between traveling through time and reversing time. Traveling through time creates a new timeline, but this is not what happens in the game. Link in the game reverses time, canceling what happened during the last 3 days, keeping what he collected during them, so he does not leave behind Termina after Termina to be destroyed.
@seantaylor424 5 ай бұрын
That's what I was thinking too, since Link loses whatever money he's carrying when he goes back to the First Day and whatever money he deposits in the bank stays there (it shouldn't even stay there in a single Termina, but it makes more sense for a single Termina to let the money collect than for multiple Terminas to do that). Plus, going back in time in OoT only made an Adult and Child Timeline (and I'd say there should only have ever been one timeline and the Adult Timeline existing was arguably a narrative oversight so that OoT could have celebratory credits rather than showing credits over a peaceful, Pre-Ganondorf Hyrule where nothing new happens), so why would going back 1 to 2 days do what going back 7 years never did? Majora's Mask is difficult but hopeful, not arduous and pointless.
@og-supercadbury Жыл бұрын
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
@stopfarmingyourultonme 5 ай бұрын
You shouldn't have done that.
@zeldaplayer13 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure everytime the moon falls, the Happy Mask Sailsman pulls out that organ and plays the song of time. We wake up, thinking we're dead, only to hear that familiar chuckle and repeat to you: "You've meet with a terrible fate, haven't you?" Beautiful writing!
@VolundMush 7 ай бұрын
Termina is more than just a "Parallel World." Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it is less than one. Termina is a world that exists only within the twisted powers of Majora's Mask itself. It is a funhouse mirror reflection of Hyrule built out of distorted memories of the Skull Kid - and, possibly, Link - which was created when Link chased the Skull Kid and the mask's powers began to awaken and possess the Skull Kid. Thus, you can look at Majora's Mask as something like a vision quest as Link fights to overcome the Mask's dark influence. The world of Termina is a dark, dreary place full of tragedy, little hope, everything cursed and despoiled in some way. Exactly as the wicked spirit Majora would make Hyrule into, if it could. So, it is just as phantasmal as the world of the Ocean King, or Koholint, which means it doesn't operate according to anything close to normal physics. Rather, Link's progress through Termina, untangling the miseries and making everything right over time, could be seen as a battle of spirit against spirit - the Hero vs Demon Lord trope playing out again, as it did with Link vs Ganondorf. The time-travel thing is not likely creating actual parallel worlds or failed timelines, it's more likely to be something much more abstract than that. When Link finally defeats Majora, it's likely that Termina ceases to be - but, the final confrontation is also the culmination of every heroic thing he did... that is why, if you go all the way, you can obtain the Fierce Deity's Mask, which seems to represent the determination of all the people of Termina to see this thing through, all the faith and gratitude they have becomes Link's power. It is a very angry and vengeful Link, hence why it takes the form of a wrathful deity variant of his adult self. This is more meant to be a symbol than taken literally, I would say. In the same vein though, it's likely that whenever Link decides to face Majora, all of his runs are blended together - every good outcome he has ever achieved is the end result, as if he DID manage to do it all within three days.
@seantaylor424 5 ай бұрын
Considering the credits always play out with Termina fixed and you can get the Anju/Kafe wedding in the credits even if you didn't do that quest-line in the 3-Day cycle you eventually beat the game in, I'd say the amalgamation of good runs is definitely possible. I suppose it's also possible that all of the curses break when Majora is slain (seems like the right word, since the mask stops living but it isn't physically destroyed), but the Kafe ending only happens when you complete that quest and I don't think Ikana's curse came from Majora so much as was guarded by Twinmold, so the implication that all of the good outcomes must come about is strong to me (plus, I think that monkey is slated to be executed in a certain amount of time, so no amount of killing Majora will change that but the monkey is present in the credits, if I recall).
@stanstanstan2597 Жыл бұрын
Man, what a game. And what a video! I thought you had a very thoughtful take, even making fun of how well-beaten the dead horse that is “Majora’s Mask is the darkest Zelda game” is. I aspire to do some video essay type stuff like this at some point myself, and I’ve got a script right now about the storytelling potential of Mario’s world. When I see stuff like this it’s really inspiring. Keep it up!
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
That sounds like an awesome idea for a video! I’d love to see it!
@BloodiestK8704 Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait to see more of your stuff man, lovin it already bro ❤
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much my guy!!! I appreciate it!!
@vaati9364 Ай бұрын
Well made video! Subscribed!
@terminator2305 7 ай бұрын
I just found your channel and am glad I did! Your production value is incredible for a new channel, and I'm subscribing now. Can't wait to see more from you! 👍
@JuliArtsy-u8i 2 ай бұрын
The saddest thing is that when you visit Romani ranch and then talk to the two sisters specifically the oldest cremia she tells Romani that she can sleep with her for that night and when Romani asks cremia if she can try Romani milk wich is the equivalent to alcohol she says yes this implies that cremia knows there probably going to die but doesn't tell Romani because she's a child
@tranquilo6897 7 ай бұрын
I have watched several of your videos now sir and all I can say is you did an absolutely phenomenal job and your delivery is spot on. My only regret is that I'm late to the party. Thank you for the entertainment sir!
@shonzu04 Жыл бұрын
2 minutes in and allready asking why you only have 66 subs :/ Edited: OH SHESH thats your forst video! Oh mann keep it up. Love your stuff already
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!! My next video will be out soon!
@datrickypanda9810 Ай бұрын
Majoras Mask is my favorite Zelda game, Just found your channel tonight. I watched the Ocarina of time one; and now this one. Excellent videos :)
@Itsukami Жыл бұрын
first video i've seen of yours. I love your voice! really good points that you make, love listening to you talk!
@dragonchild_ 2 ай бұрын
This game is not just Link's struggle against the time limit, it's the team's too. As all true artists know, an artist always puts a piece of themselves into their work. A bit of their soul, their interests, their emotions, their fears and darkness. Their dreams and nightmares, their wishes and curses, their lives and deaths.
@gingerapple1725 7 ай бұрын
Love your voice and your style! Great video, thanks for making it!
@Yngdady 3 ай бұрын
I, too find myself taking mirror selfies with the mask of Majora
@GuppyFacesAreCute 6 ай бұрын
Channels right up my alley, subbed
@markstahl1464 7 ай бұрын
I don’t know if it’s dark so much as sad that all of the good that you do for people; the difference that you make is undone every time you rewind time. It’s not possible for the average player to create a canonical version of the timeline where they both help everyone individually, AND save clocktown along with everyone’s lives. It’s like nothing matters in the end except stopping moon.
@brutusmagnuson315 Жыл бұрын
I think it can be summed to the emotional weight. There’s a lot of dark stuff in the different Zelda games, but Majora’s Mask is more emotional depth to accompany it
@denisbaad6486 Жыл бұрын
Man I was looking for a channel to practice my English and luckily I ended up finding this work of art, it was beautiful to see the affection you had when talking about this game, success on this journey friend
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!! Yes, it’s my favorite game of all time, so it just HAD to be the topic of my first video!
@urbanapache2 4 ай бұрын
This is even better then your Ocarina video! Nice dude
@ravenwahkinney4119 Жыл бұрын
This is great work and im looking forward to more of what you create.
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!! New video coming soon 👀
@mgeorgejags Жыл бұрын
Randomly typed in Zelda videos….found your first video! Great to see another Zelda enthusiast and hope your Channel does great!
@garrethizer Жыл бұрын
10/10 vid you need more views and subs man
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!! Im hoping to keep the channel growing every day!
@Chris-qr8ng 3 ай бұрын
Its still speculation that whenever he plays song of time that that timeline still continue and link goes to another timeline, maybe the timeline resets for everyone.
@MAZZ0Murder 7 ай бұрын
I don't think Hyrule would be effected by the moon crashing in MM, but the tree in the lost woods that acts as a portal might explode? :P There was something odd that was more recent claiming that Termina never really existed. It was created by the mask's dark powers combined with the Skull Kids memories and it all vanished after the events of the game... I hope that's not their real explanation for it...
@richardmansfield6345 Жыл бұрын
Think Termina is supposed to be an illusionary world created from the dark influence of Majora upon the Skull Kid. Majora represents the childish feelings that prevent our personal growth to adulthood. As Link travels through Termina he gathers masks representing the different faces and techniques we use to overcome our negative feelings preventing our growth until we get the Fierce Deity, the accumulation of all the other masks, that battles away the childish techniques. If you believe in these Buddhist influences on the game then it might not be hard to believe Termina was an illusion for Link and the Skull Kid to overcome. As painful as it is to think about. Someone had made a video regarding Buddhist influences that I'm taking from and I'm convinced.
@FelixFatalis 5 ай бұрын
Your channel is fantastic, my man. You definitely earned my sub. Keep up the good work, brother!
@AveryMMartin 4 ай бұрын
MM is my favorite, I got a copy as soon as I could once it was released, but that was also around the same time I finally got an N64. With Ocarina being the definitive end all be all video game of all time in that moment, I ended up with both basically at the same time. I played them both, switching to the other when I’d get stuck with any particular moment in either, and they both initially took me so so so long to complete because other than buying a guidebook the only way to figure out something tricky was to just fuck around and find out or to ask a friend. I remember how slow Majora felt, ironically. It was so incredibly intimidating. I ground down more often in Ocarina as a result of that but inevitably as a kid getting stuck led me to switch back over and there happened a moment where Majora clicked. Even having both and getting stuck and all of those pesky other failings of youth bogging me down, Majora revealed its self to be an entirely different, almost revelatory, experience.
@Urmapleleaf Жыл бұрын
Ιt's my favorite Zelda game. I played it when I was 6 in 2000 when my brother bought it. It was... an experienced that helped me grow up and develope empathy
@marsh6486 4 ай бұрын
3 months ago bro gotta keep them uploads coming ❤
@chandlerrodgers5415 Ай бұрын
Ikana canyon and the two spider houses were terrifying to me and I didn’t want to go there as a kid. Same with the cow area where you have to deal with the aliens. This game was scary as a kid; and that made me enjoy it more haha
@hihello3372 Жыл бұрын
Surprised u only have the amount of subs u have
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! Here’s to lots more in the future 😎
@vincentfitzgerald9738 5 ай бұрын
This game helps me for my writing im inspired by this game
@AlternateKek 4 ай бұрын
Termina is part of the Lost Forest that is why its a "parallel dimension". Its an invention of the Forest.
@the_coycoyote 3 ай бұрын
ok no, the aliens scared the shit outta me
@Waxon178 5 ай бұрын
Quality videos man, really enjoyed this and your OOT one. Keep up the great work!! Liked & subscribed 👌
@ItatsuMagnatsa 5 ай бұрын
You forgot 1 maybe 2 People. The Deku Butler and the Deku Butler's Son. Because the Deku Butler's Son was Out of Termina, Majora Stole his Soul and transferred it to Link, who then Turned it into a Mask with the Song of Healing. The Deku Butler's Son never got a Grave or a Gravestone like Darmani and Maikau.
@longgone2863 8 ай бұрын
Are you gonna do all the games like this and break them down I loved this so much thank you for all the time you put in this video!!
@feenickstv4209 Жыл бұрын
I'm currently playing through Majora's Mask again for like the 3rd time this year. Though since I'm playing the GameCube port I'm constantly worrying about it crashing lol
@Tailored_Creations 4 ай бұрын
First time I saw the cutscene taking off the deku mask. It shook my 7 year old soul to the core.
@GoGetYoMama 7 ай бұрын
I always thought that it was implied that the Goron elder ended up perishing in the ice/snow as he seems not to re-appear after the snow has melted. This definitely lends some more validity to the premise that this is the darkest Zelda game
@Royalhanburglar Жыл бұрын
Great video!!! Love hearing others thoughts on such a profound game
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! Majora’s Mask is my fav game, so I had to make it my first video 😂
@virusklaxsosaur4054 Жыл бұрын
Personally TP is my favorite but MM is second and i alway go for a replay every year
@GiftedVisionary 7 ай бұрын
“these are lands full of..” me: fetch quests
@MasterLYT 4 ай бұрын
I do feel obligated to mention Skyward Sword's time travel explicitly *not* creating alternate timelines, so there's a chance its the same for Majora's Mask's time travel. After all, the Master Sword is a mysterious blade, maybe it alone has the power to split the timelines? Especially considering Ocarina of Time is the only instance where the Master Sword itself initiates time traveling, besides perhaps tears of the kingdom
@TimeTravelinger Жыл бұрын
Great video. I personally love this type of content and appreciate the way you present the information. Look forward to more
@QuietTokes 6 ай бұрын
For myself, when I first got the Gold Cart for my B-Day as a teen, I was like woah, this as dark af... But it wasn't just the asthetic... I felt uncertain the entire game... Like something was off, digging deeper into how Majora's mask was to certain aspects of life. It made a lot more sense, and why is was so dark overall. Great video overall.
@winter4498 4 ай бұрын
Awesome to learn that the first game you played was Majora's mask cause the first I ever played was ocarina of time and it's still my favorite game to this day lol these two games took up so much of my time as a kid.
@masteyeah4512 Ай бұрын
This is the Legend of Zelda if it was written by Hidetaka Miyazaki
@zetta1234 Жыл бұрын
I’m surprised I never hear anyone talk about how Pamela’s father seems to groan the notes of the song of healing . Unless it’s just me…? Lol
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
OMG YOU’RE RIGHT!!! I never noticed that before! That had to have been an intentional choice. Awesome find!
@zetta1234 Жыл бұрын
@@theskippymcdoo Yoooo I’m not alone now!
@lilli-vanilli Жыл бұрын
One of the best analyse Videos I have ever seen. I can't belive that you are so good at keeping someons attention for such a long while. I wish you a lot of success with KZbin and a pleasent day. I am from germany sorry for any grammer errors 😅
@angelica.9711 6 ай бұрын
It's been a while since I played this game, after watching this, I've decided to play it again. I'm sure that another dark aspect was one of the band members being a peeping tom. I'll have to play it and check it out. Thank you for your videos, I'm glad I found you on here. ❤
@rudejase 3 ай бұрын
That pokemon mug was empty, who you trying to fool 😂
@hectorlumbagoCringe 6 ай бұрын
Amazing work my friend
@gustavoabdalla4594 7 ай бұрын
I wouldnt agree with the multiple timeline when the hero leaves. If this were true, then it means he would meet with himself everytime he went back in time. I just think everything goes back to what is was in the same timeline.
@MrAidzor Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this video. Keep it up my man!
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!
@AzNFoLk 6 ай бұрын
Really great video as well as the Ocarina of Time video too. Majora's Mask is still my all time favorite to this day.
@markstahl1464 7 ай бұрын
I’ve also dreamt about this game! That’s how real and immersive the story felt for me.
@deletedaccount789 Жыл бұрын
Amazing in depth analysis. Subbed
@patataeve 4 ай бұрын
Great video!!!! Best of luck!!!!
@dorkbrandon4422 Жыл бұрын
From the moment I first saw screenshots in gaming mags back in early 2000 combined with its dark artwork I absolutely fell in love with the concept of a day cycle mechanic and impending doom from failure and was ready for it by the time Christmas 2000 came and loved it even more than I could possibly imagine , I had no complaints about the owl statues either like c'mon we were kids that grew up on late 80's early 90s console games that never let you save any progress so any thing else was a bonus to us
@giygasthedestroyer 6 ай бұрын
That was awesome. Thank you so much for taking your time and really explaining this. You earned my sub for sure 🙏 ❤️
@arin4395 Жыл бұрын
you presented this so well ! very impressive for your 1st video , i enjoyed your essay thoroughly ! subbing 4 sure , looking forward 2 what else ya got in store
@FerociousMit 5 ай бұрын
Link may act like a Hero, but let's not forget about how he takes the last hotel room from the Goron who traveled far to Termina, just for Link to never use the room, and the Goron is stuck sleeping outside.
@markstahl1464 7 ай бұрын
@theskippymcdoo My “Four year old favorite game ever” is a game for the Apple IIe and Commodore 64 called Below the Root, based on a trilogy of novels from the 70s by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. Have you ever heard of it or played it? It may not QUITE be Majora’s Mask, but it is pretty amazing in its world building and extremely unique storyline and mechanics. It does seem like it might be a precursor to the Zelda series in a number of ways.
@psychogoreman198 5 күн бұрын
Definitely one of the darker games but not the darkest. In *Links Awakening* you literally wipe out a densely populated island by completing the game.
@lunalight4226 7 ай бұрын
What always get me emotional is the fact that this little child Link tried so hard to heal these troubled souls both alive and death only to end up a troubled soul himself the one who needed spiritual release the most was him In my head cannon I want twilight Link to be his blood descendant because I love the idea he is set free by his family what was taken from him over and over again finally someone cared for him😌
@celowein Жыл бұрын
Great video! it's a deceptively simple answer that what "makes" Majora's Mask is the 3-day cycle. I think it's easy to latch onto the metaphysical "well it ACTUALLY mrans X" of the game.
@JimdalfTheOrange 7 ай бұрын
Carnival, traditionally, is a time of inversion. When peasants become kings. I’m saturnalia, a peasant would be come king, to signify this inversion. At the end of saturnalia, they would kill the peasant king. In termina, it’s the land of inversion. It’s the upside-down to hyrule’s right-side-up. The land is falling apart because in the inverted world, the remainder is constantly happening. The land’s not in proper order. The moon crashing is perfect symbolism, because night is the inversion of day. Termina is the perfect name, because a land that lives inverted is terminal. The land lives in perpetual carnival, and at the end of carnival comes death. During carnival there is no order. Only chaos. The hero from the land of right side up, has come to restore order and invert the inverted world. But normal hero’s can’t save this world. They don’t know how to interact with it. The sky is falling. The trickster doesn’t fight like Ganondorf or traditional hierarchical structures. Ganondorf/other forms of evil have meaning behind their evil. In a world that’s right side up, evil stems from disordered purpose (I.e. communism). A desire to use force to make the world a better place. However in this inverted world, there is no black knight or order to evil’s structure. Just like the land, the evil has no purpose or meaning. It stems from the tricksters pain and a desire to end all order. Existence itself is pain for the trickster. So how does one deal with such an evil? How does one overcome meaninglessness. The answer offered by majora’s mask, is to inject meaning. The boy hero comes in as a trickster, opposing the trickster skull kid causing the world to die. He’s a trickster because while he is a boy, he’s also a hero who’s experienced adulthood. He’s not what he appears. It’s a trick played on the trickster. The only way to inject meaning is to speak the same language as the one destroying all meaning. Link is the only one that can save the time, because skull kid, is a child. Playing a game. Children don’t understand meaning on a profound level like adults. Link is a child, so he knows what it’s like to want to play games; however, the trick is that he is also a child and knows what meaning is on a profound level. Navi leaving him gave him meaning after the events of ocarina. It gave him a quest to complete, to restore the order of self. Link is conflicted now, not fully man not fully child. However, is meaning is what drives him forward. Navi left him because her purpose was done, and the meaning imbued in that timeline was done. Link set out to find her, but it was symbolic of him finding new meaning. Link is plunged into chaos before the events of Majora’s Mask. However he has meaning to pull him out of the chaos. He is able to save Termina because he speaks the language of the trickster (chaos/tricks/childhood) but also because he is imbued with meaning (adulthood/order). You are right that he’s the most tortured, because he’s a Christlike figure. In order to save everything, he has to sacrifice everything. Link’s purpose is to be a sacrificial lamb. His love can only be one way. It can’t fully be restored. Yet, he chooses to do it anyway. It’s dark, but profound. Thank you for your analysis, I really enjoyed your video.
@Spider-Man-257 Жыл бұрын
I remember being so excited when I got this game for my 3DS, but overtime I was in shock how dark this game was, and I fell in love with the game. Like I had just beaten Ocarina of Time 3D, and going into it, I knew I was going into something different, but how dark it was, that caught me off guard and thats why I love Majora's Mask 3D.
@bmbmbm05 Жыл бұрын
this video was great man kudos
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!!
@majingazetto4146 4 ай бұрын
I don’t know about the timeline conclusion. Thing is, why does the bank guy remember Links account balance if he isn’t the same guy. Maybe time works differently for terminas pocket dimension ?
@dapperghastmeowregard 20 күн бұрын
Currently in the midst of playing through the game as badly as possible (basically no speedrunning tricks, no owl statues, no content other than the main quest, no shielding except when required by the game, no reverse song of time, etc). Anybody who complains about the time limit can fuck right off :P a Addendum, if it's some anxiety thing where having a time limit at all causes panic attacks or something, sure, valid, but otherwise the game is so fucking generous with its checkpoints.
@dbears6 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic video man.
@Volleyballvvvv 7 ай бұрын
Nice vids bro bro
@orinlee6123 6 ай бұрын
I always boast how i love the game even though it creeps me tf out like a terrifying (but good) tarantula that looks like my top favorite game on n64.
@orinlee6123 6 ай бұрын
top being OoT
@bebborino9557 7 ай бұрын
Watched the video 3 times now i love the style of your presentation
@Ezymythril 7 ай бұрын
loved this video. you deserve more viewers
@yplushes Жыл бұрын
Glad I got this reccomended to me! Even tho I've never played Majora's Mask, it was nice hearing on how its the darkest game in the series
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thanks for checking it out!! More videos like this one coming super soon!!
@ShadowWizard224 Жыл бұрын
I have an idea for a new title…. Legend of Zelda: The Beacon of Hope The game would have a dark western cowboy theme like twilight princess but have the vast open layout like breath of the wild and Tears of the Kingdom. The land will be scattered with different ranches, animals, characters, etc… Basically, instead of scattered shrines you will have huge ranches, farms, and villages scattered throughout the land that will be apart of the main story but also used for side quests and item fetching for certain goods that you will need throughout the game. Link is considered an average worker until the story and game progresses and by the end of the game he becomes a real cowboy that saves the land from outside intruders. Dungeons will take place outside of the mainland and into certain areas like forests, mountains, swamps, lakes, caves, etc… Lastly, it will have a dark western theme. Like a combo of Zelda and Red Dead put together!!!! First M rated Zelda game that uses pistols, shotguns, fist fights, blood, gore, profanity, nudity, etc… and new enemies would include alligators and snakes in the deep swamps and giant polar bears in the high snowy mountains. Opening cutscene will have Link getting his ass beat in a fist fight by the toughest rancher and he has to go back to work the next day with a black eye. In the middle of the game Link will have a rematch which will establish him as head rancher and that moment will be the equivalent to him growing up in Ocarina of Time by pulling the master sword. I know this might sound kinda stupid but these were just some thoughts I had LOL but let me know what y’all think??? ⚔️ 🤠
@swarley39 6 ай бұрын
What is the song that played at the very beginning of the video?
@BlackStarSymphony Жыл бұрын
Really great video. I loved it and I hope to see more great stuff. Your got a new sub
@kylecuthbert7943 Жыл бұрын
I beat it in a 3 day cycle. But you can’t help everyone
@iknowtrevsupahyup Жыл бұрын
Very nicely done! Finally I have reinforcement on saying this is my favorite Zelda game of all time
@theskippymcdoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! Mine too!
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