@saxistaja2 2 күн бұрын
18:42 That is contradictive to what Ruto said: "Zora's Domain ice will "Eventually" melt"
@kristinahampson4789 4 күн бұрын
Sorry this was quite boring , kept going on and on, didn’t make it fun
@tubeguylee-gf1tu 4 күн бұрын
No hes not dead good lord. There was a trend in the early 00s to theorize everyone was dead and in some post death coma. Link dies of normal age, it's implied the link in TP is a descendant. The lost woods appear in every other zelda game and only in OoT is the stalfos thing an issue. It's likely a curse caused by ganondorf who's been taken care of by this point as the temple has been restored. Or it could just be people get lost as it spits you out all kinds of places and the children who are forbidden from leaving are given a fairy tale to keep them in place
@psychogoreman198 5 күн бұрын
Definitely one of the darker games but not the darkest. In *Links Awakening* you literally wipe out a densely populated island by completing the game.
@richardspillers6282 7 күн бұрын
The Redead were horrifying
@wamrainc176 10 күн бұрын
You know, my ex was also a lot darker than I remember
@_The_Traveler_ 12 күн бұрын
Bro I had literal nightmares about this game the first time I ever played it. Back in the 90s, zombie films were a lot grungier and more liminal, and the way castle town looked in the future timeline triggered just about every zombie media reference I had seen for the last decade +. It was in our movies, our cartoons were capitalizing on it, Goosebumps was popping off at the time etc. I couldn't even get past that point the first time, I remember getting the master sword and then exiting the castle, and immediately feeling my fight or flight instinct go "Haha! No." That coupled with the idea that I would be fighting to stop a villain that already won and basically ravaged and violated everything sacred just felt so hopeless and poignant, I just couldn't handle it the first time around lol. I think I was maybe 9 or 10.
@bryanmclaughlin1048 14 күн бұрын
Could be like dbz where the bad guys go to heaven as a form of torture and as an attempt to change their evil ways. Where as hell would be like home for them.
@godwarrior3403 15 күн бұрын
Well you go back to being a kid at the end of the game. So those people very well may be dead. Only able to celebrate at the end because you went back in time.
@WilloftheFans 15 күн бұрын
I don't care what Aonuma said. Those stages of grief are way too compelling.
@thefalselemon579 19 күн бұрын
Redeads in OoT are actually very likely to be the living dead. Their masks are carved from coffin wood. I don't know whether they're supposed to be the townsfolk specifically, but I do know that they could be revived thanks to the power of the Triforce.
@thefalselemon579 19 күн бұрын
I came to this video RIGHT after watching a video about Nardwuar 😂 it's crazy you have videos in your feed showing him at the start of the video!
@TravelatorH8r 20 күн бұрын
Yeah it's not better better than Mario 64
@dapperghastmeowregard 20 күн бұрын
Currently in the midst of playing through the game as badly as possible (basically no speedrunning tricks, no owl statues, no content other than the main quest, no shielding except when required by the game, no reverse song of time, etc). Anybody who complains about the time limit can fuck right off :P a Addendum, if it's some anxiety thing where having a time limit at all causes panic attacks or something, sure, valid, but otherwise the game is so fucking generous with its checkpoints.
@sleepydudespillow 21 күн бұрын
Legendary KZbin pull, bro I was playing Zelda oot and fell through hyrule field, I pause the game and saw the pitch black void below me, it’s mild when it comes to regular glitches, missing textures, freezing, etc but test areas and out of bounds glitches freak me out so much
@stevejeffrey11 22 күн бұрын
Bruh going down under the graveyard & seeing Re-Deads screaming was childhood trauma levels of scary ..
@JeremyNelson-b9e 2 күн бұрын
Even till this day I run through the acid to get the Suns song.
@embodiementofsoup3567 22 күн бұрын
You could also think of majoras mask event s being link fighting to keep his heart if he does Transform into a stalfos you can see he succeeded through his twilight princess appearance and he's fighting not to lose his heart to majoras a evil heart mask and the events of the game take place inside himself
@GameparkGames 22 күн бұрын
Wow... This video is riddled with incorrect lore... Link in Majora's Mask is a Child meaning if he were to get lost in the lost woods he would turn into a Skull Kid... He doesn't. Piecing together info from Twilight Princess we know that TP Link is descended from Ocarina Link and what Link dying in the lost woods would indicate that Link impregnated someone as a Child before becoming a dead beat Dad and that's incorrect. Link made it back to Hyrule giving up his search having moved on due to the events of Majora and due to actually being Friends with Zelda who lent him the treasure that is the Ocarina of Time, Link likely became a knight, married Malon and settled in the area that became Ordon Village to raise a family and likely lost his life in the war between the Hylians and the Gerudo. He comes back as a ghostly Spector because he's filled with regret that he wasn't able to be remembered as a Hero and was unable to pass down what he learned meaning his Death was premature. He didn't die in the lost woods.
@GameparkGames 22 күн бұрын
Link doesn't kill Ganondorf, Link Weakens him and the Sages plus Zelda seals him away. You can see that he's still alive in a white void and in Wind Waker he breaks out of where he's sealed.
@GameparkGames 22 күн бұрын
Darunia didn't die, he got teleported away the second he went into the bosses room. We see Link teleporting through the game so why can't it not happen to anyone else? They have a sacred obligation to Hyrule once becoming a sage but nothing points to them not returning to their lives after the games.
@BoxMan122122 23 күн бұрын
Keep making videos brother
@timothyellis166 24 күн бұрын
The redeads are in the adult timeline. The end credits are in the kids timeline. He gets sent back, setting the way for majoras mask. Meaning, the redeads are the dead town people.
@jeremiahalvarado9306 26 күн бұрын
I was 12 years old when the legend of Zelda ocarina of time. I beat it before they even had KZbin videos were available when you got stuck in a level or a stage game. I figured it on my own
@vinnycochrane5139 Ай бұрын
I was bought this game on release day in UK. I was 12. I’ve always been attuned to sad art and literature (yes, even then). OoT is pervaded by themes of rejection and lost childhood. It still makes me cry as much as it did then. A majestic but doom-laden masterpiece.
@crabohato4954 Ай бұрын
Uhh, yeah you're completely wrong with the later half of the video. Twilight Princess's Link has been confirmed in the Hyrule Historia to be a direct descendant of OoT's Link. Link didn't die in the Lost Woods. He had a family, and didn't die alone. He may have had a shit childhood, but he got to presumably die with a loving family. It's stated that the only real regret the Hero's Shade ever had was that he never got to pass down his techniques to anyone. Ig Link could have maybe could have entered the Lost Woods as an adult and become a Stalfos, but that is highly unlikely considering the Hero's Shade isn't JUST a Stalfos looking creature, as he can also take on the form of a golden wolf. It's more likely that the Hero's Shade is just a ghost, plain and simple
@chandlerrodgers5415 Ай бұрын
Ikana canyon and the two spider houses were terrifying to me and I didn’t want to go there as a kid. Same with the cow area where you have to deal with the aliens. This game was scary as a kid; and that made me enjoy it more haha
@vaati9364 Ай бұрын
Well made video! Subscribed!
nah i remember how dark this game is reason its among the all time greats and how it ended blew my lid knowin that he could either choose the same path to make things go so bad or choose to ignore when he walked up to the castle window as a kid just a beast of a storyline and ending
@meikahidenori Ай бұрын
I wonder what this says about us occult players😂 I play with the werewolves predominantly so ummmm
@andrew5222 Ай бұрын
it's so hilarious watching all of you try to analyze something that the devs never even intended to be that deep. lmao
@BirdiePlaysYT Ай бұрын
When I was a kid...i always had my big brother beat the shadow temple for me... Simply BECAUSE of dead hand and the wall/floor masters...
@rudytheonly1995 Ай бұрын
I am happy someone knows what the shadow temple really was!
@chudsly Ай бұрын
"...the hero of time is a long dead ancestor of that game's Link ..." How could he have sired offspring if he died when he was 12?
@starlalilymoon Ай бұрын
20:30 I think with the twins dying, i think it is more of an afterlife were all go to. I don't think it was referencing heaven or hell like in the United States. And with Zelda being a Japanese game, the concept of the afterlife is different. Like no hell, just one place that everyone goes to.
@starlalilymoon Ай бұрын
Great video, but the villagers from Hyrule Castle Town moved to Karaiko Village. So as a child and now as an adult, I never thought they died or even became redead. Second, Darunia never died, he awakened as a sage. If he was dead, then there would be a missing sage. A dead being can't really become a sage. Fourth, it is stated in the game that children turn into Skull Kids, while adults change into Stafolos. So, if Link indeed got changed he would have become a skull kid and not a stafolos.
@thundergodgamer118 Ай бұрын
Majora's mask is even darker 🎮🎮
@vitoandolini1234 Ай бұрын
Just think abt it, how is TP Link descended from OOT Link if OOT Link dies at 12?
@mangostrocity Ай бұрын
12:54 it's established when you visit Kakariko Village as an adult that the people of Hyrule Market were displaced there after the castle was overrun. The beggar even got to seek asylum there and continue his begging next to one of the shops.
@masteyeah4512 Ай бұрын
This is the Legend of Zelda if it was written by Hidetaka Miyazaki
@juliusmega7373 Ай бұрын
the witches got saved from jesus, thats normal . Maybe the witches weren't crazy but just forced to fight.
@Jakeomgwtfisevenhappening Ай бұрын
I don't think it's darker than i remember. I remember being like 7 playing this and not being able to finish the game because it gets absolutely horrifying as the game goes on and was even unnerving to me at the beginning. I always thought it was a really sad and lonely story too. Felt like a really lonely adventure to me and like you really were the only one trying to save the world.
@jacobkline8140 Ай бұрын
I was into this video until deku got mis pronounced.
@Mr_Fourshot Ай бұрын
Link definitely died in the lost woods, but years later. You need to be an adult to become a Stalfos. If Link died before Majora's Mask he would have a been a Skull Kid. So it pretty much debunks itself. But there's a huge potential to have a sequel to Majora's Mask If this theory is right. Or maybe he got stuck in the Lost Woods for years and then eventually died trying to make his way back to Hyrule., which is pretty messed up tbh.
@aknemesis5078 Ай бұрын
As a kid I thought Baranade in Lord Jabu Jabu's Belly was Jabu Jabu's heart taken over by a parasite and his disappearance in the future was because Young Link unintentionally killed him...
@datrickypanda9810 Ай бұрын
Majoras Mask is my favorite Zelda game, Just found your channel tonight. I watched the Ocarina of time one; and now this one. Excellent videos :)
@EpilepticHouseplant Ай бұрын
The ages are definitely 7 and 14, bud.
@DaRoachDoggJR. Ай бұрын
Ew, referncing matpat, literal worst content
@DaRoachDoggJR. Ай бұрын
"Noone talks about ocarina being dark" What the hell are you on about. Ive watched like 12 videos about exactly that this week
@mickhailreeves7517 Ай бұрын
the thing is how exactly would link have children to be an ancestor if he died in the forest as a 12 year old boy , so im pretty sure he didn't die there
@mcs7625 2 ай бұрын
How could Link, the Hero of Time have descendants if he never grew up to impregnate someone?