我是马来西亚人,现在住在澳洲, 我也曾经是新加坡的PR,住了新加坡8年。我只能说世界上没有十全十美的国家,如果有的话那个地方叫Utopia。在中国你可以享受前所未有的安全感,那有些人就会觉得安全感的取舍就是自由度和私密感(太多摄像头,言行举止被限制)。 在新加坡,你可以享受同等的安全,那你失去的是空间,因为屋价的关系,你只能在比较狭小的空间居住,新加坡的法律严苛也是世界闻名,比如美国青年涂鸦被鞭刑。 在马来西亚,发展的机会潜能无限,民风相对淳朴, 在马来西亚如果你认识对的人(有权有势的人),It is about know WHO not know HOW,马来西亚可以是一个天堂. 同样的马来西亚的政治,警队,贪污始终是一个很严重的问题。 所以治安同样是比较堪忧。澳洲虽然说是能者多得,可是对能者也是多抽税。 而且近来澳洲的年轻罪犯的问题的确很令人担忧。所以每个国家都有自己的优缺点,确实没有必要去比较高低。 只有知道自己想要的是什么,那个国家可以提供给你什么, 两者契合便可。 主要是你不可能改变大环境, 所以良禽择木而栖, 只有找到自己想要的生活环境,那什么国家要你,你也想去,未尝不可。
Agree with your observation,the way they praise Malaysia sky high after such a short stay just dont look genuine, to the extend of shedding tears when talking about the magic of Malaysia !!! Moreover their negative comments about Australia is just not believable,because I have many friends who has migrated there.
As a Malaysian born Chinese, if you are living in Malaysia, just be alert, don't walk into dark alley at night, and don't use hp while walking on street or wear gold jewels on your neck. Its just a way of being smart and adapt like a local, don't be an ignorant tourist or thinking everywhere should be safe and people would be friendly towards u. And when u as foreign employer hiring local staff, make sure get their previous employer company name and contact number. Make sure do not hire those employees who take MC all the time in their previous employment. This is to prevent negative stereotype in the future
@Sy-sn5jd11 ай бұрын
@RacheBoon13811 ай бұрын
Yes, you did a good job by sharing this information with your friends to prepare them. No place is perfect.
Many bloggers said the Australians are friendly but they can't be friends.. They look down on Asians !!! My camera was snatched by a White teen on Swanston street opposite Flinder Station in Melbourne. Msia is a blessed heaven !!! 我们大马人身在福中不知福!!!
Very well said. Western media is always bias towards the West. As always welcome to Malaysia and have an enjoyable and sweet memorable stay here. Do continue to give your sincere experience and encounters in Malaysia, Australia and other parts of the world. Happy Chinese New Year!!
我是马来西亚第三代土生土长的华人,我小时候在彭亨州的一个小镇出身长大后到被委派到吉隆坡的公务员到在KL落地生根..我仔细的观看了这次老罗只听不说的视频,其他的视频我也看了,觉得他从一位年轻留学生到80%融入华人社会,他对这里应该有很深的认识,唯独欠缺的20%是土生土长的华人心里对中国@祖国的中华文化的情意结,这是世世代代让马来西亚华人引以为荣的祖国恋。 听了两位年轻小伙的谈论,我想说一下观点共参考: 1. 澳大利亚vs 马拉西亚 我是他我会选大马。主要是大马的多元化和朴素和气候等等,以他的年龄和机会,会适合一些。 2. 大马vs中国 大马是多元种族国家,有马来人印度人华人卡达山人等等,如果打算选做第二家园,那么结婚生子后将来有了孩子需要考虑下一代在马来西亚接受大马并非单一种族的问题,公平的制度问题。在中国,毕竟是小伙自己出生的国家,少了签证等麻烦事,将来孩子在国内接受教育延续下一代。 毕竟大马再好,那毕竟是别人的国家,今日大马对中国免签证,明日他对外国居留者采取其他措施也没有任何限制,无法预知。因此,留在自己的出生地,是一等一的国民,何必去其他人的国家看脸色,赏饭吃。就好像,我们土生土长的华人心里就喜欢做中国人,出生在祖国,但出生懂事后知道中国是祖国,而我们被老天爷派了做大马华人,在大马领了国民证,虽然喜欢中国,却也选择回到自己的祖国旅游,每一年暑假就去,在几年里去了北京上海天津西安黄山义乌苏州杭州昆明大理桂林广州深圳珠海等等,也跑了其他国家如韩国俄罗斯新加坡等,最后还是觉得自己出生的国家是最好的,亲戚兄弟姐妹父母在一块是最幸福的。在人家的国度,肯定不比自家的月亮那样清澈明亮。 3. 不要过度理性的分析衡权利与弊,要多以人性和幸福感去衡量这世界。那位单亲的少妇之所以让人感觉幸福,因为她在做一个少妇最基本应该扮演的角色,她在努力地执行她的职责,所以她的价值就在她的职责里被体现出来。今天如果小伙离家背境来到别人的国度生活,那在家里的父母谁来伺候,如果以为只给金钱就可以安抚父母思念之情,那如何算成功呢?哪怕是呆在乡下陪父母耕田不是更好,非得在他人国度生活赚高薪才算成功吗? 这就是目前大马人vs 中国人的思维。 Life is one way ticket, what’s the meaning of success? How to define success of life, think of it. Is it with high salary job or good career defined as success? For me, it definitely not, so how to become a human, a success human, there are a lot of roles to be played, there is not only success in career, just think of it. 🙏🏻♥️
Auatralia has been called a lucky country because Austria has plentiful natural resources like coal, iron, oil etc . These industries are developed by UK and US investors, Many Japanese car factories all closed down because of high labor costs. Now OZ imports cars from overseas. The OZ money has devalued a lot for the past 20 years The OZ government collect taxes to support its social expenditures. The OZ exports beef . wheat, sheep and wool to many Asian countries. OZ depends UK for security in the past but now depends om US. OZ government has been taken advantage of by US.
@chasl7711 ай бұрын
Generally Malaysian Chinese girls are quite traditional and yet independent. They don’t set unrealistic expectations from their husband, from Gen X onwards, most women has their own jobs/career despite having a family and contribute towards the family expenses if they are able to. This two dudes had some bad experiences living in Australia due to lack of understanding(and slow in adapting to) of the western way of life and norms. Racism in Australia are mainly concentrated in verbal abuse and bar brawls but in Malaysia is systemic and even institutionalised. The law in Australia(in regards to racism)is behind you if you stand up to it but in Malaysia you can’t count on it. I grew up in Malaysia but I used to live in Australia for about 10 years, it’s not as bad as this two dudes described, they were just unable to adapt to the western culture there.
@stmpo559511 ай бұрын
Racial discrimination is instituionalized in Malaysia but Malaysian Chinese dominate small and medium industry and billionaires list. The constituion allow the establishment of Chinese schools where Chinese, Malay and other races children don't attend the same schools except parents of other races choose to send their children to Chinese schools. Chinese national type schools are semi subsidized and teachers' salary is paid by govt. Many Chinese can't speak good national language after growing up. Does Australian govt allow their minority citizens to attend govt subsidized schools away from mainstream schools and weak in understanding national language which is English?