今回の会話の英日字幕付きの動画とスクリプト、会員限定のコミュニティ、月1回Austin and ArthurとのZoom晩酌は「AAフレンズ」ご利用いただけます! 詳しくはこちら→ iu-connect.com/aa-shokai
@nowyoure.....6047 Жыл бұрын
I, as a 100% Japanese totally agree with what you guys mentioned today. But, Arthur if you hold the door open for me, I would go like "You're so kind and considerate" and feel grateful to you, I wouldn't find it weird at all. Of course such a culture doesn't exist in here Japan, but I'm sure almost all Japanese would feel the same way. And what I learned today is what BS is. Thank you as always!
@tobbythecat Жыл бұрын
As a Japanese, I basically don't hold a door for someone following me. But when the person obviously struggles with opening the door for him or herself, I hold it for him or her, like when s/he is disabled, s/he has large luggage, or s/he is a very young child. If not, people can take care of themselves. It's none of my business, and I shouldn't interfere with their business.
@PandaExpress989 Жыл бұрын
I’m Japanese and went to college in the States. One difference I see is that Japanese women often like to gather together and do their girly talk but I didn’t see much of that in the States (although maybe high schoolers do).
@elliewang8429 Жыл бұрын
I am a Chinese who has lived both in Japan and the states, and I agree with AUSTIN 100% about that holding a door thing:) I experienced that in the states and thought it was a pretty nice culture.
@1024hurry Жыл бұрын
Your broadcast is so interesting. Thank you so much. I would like more info about paying bills when you do a date or eat a meal with your collider working for you. Another exciting topic is that apprentice can enjoy an equal position when she or he learns techniques from the veteran, especially in the workplace, like a restaurant business or an artistic business.
@cr8284 Жыл бұрын
Japanese workplaces are tense and stressful, and being a society of建前, even nice person makes me not want to have romantic relationships. Both myself and my female coworkers have said that we definitely don't wanna get married to people from same work place(bank).They're like enemies or commanders who give pressure and stress. I'm not sure if only we have that thought. There are many times when I have thought that I could have been good friends with coworkers if we hadn't met in the same workplace. We have different personalities in private and in work place. But we also have scandals between men and women as well as in the US.
@hero-wars Жыл бұрын
生卵、卵かけご飯、馬刺し、ナマコについての会話を聞きたいです。 I would like to hear a conversation about raw eggs, egg rice, horsemeat, and sea cucumbers.
@Thelndigo Жыл бұрын
Watched this with my wife (from Japan), and we were surprised because we had a different take on male/female relationships than you guys did. While we agree that drinking together is more of a normal thing in Japan than in America, we thought that being platonically friends with the opposite sex is much more common in the US than in Japan. It could just be a generational thing (we are 26), but I have multiple female friends and nobody ever batted an eye when we hung out, went places, especially in groups, but even alone. However, our Japanese friends often were a bit taken aback that I have (girl) friends, and my wife took a little bit of adjusting to get used to it. Older generations definitely find it odd in both countries, though.
@hero-wars Жыл бұрын
日本で初めて地震を経験した時のことを聞きたいです。 I would like to hear about the first time you experienced an earthquake in Japan.