The tempest come to tempts Jesus Christ on the wilderness, In his starving for food. ❤. He won the tempest! In saying that man cannot lives by bread alone; but every words that comes from the mouth of God. Three times the tempest attack Jesus Christ on the wilderness, until he won the tempest, in his temptations and has won God loves in pleasing him. Amen. Hymn sung by the Christian hero is very important to all, who loved and who is now living in God's. Amen. ❤. God bless!! To this Christian hero, and all the Navigating life from the Cross heroes, and their churches and to everyone's who is in it; from the old ones, to the ones who give birth on this day. Amen. ❤. God bless!!! Be take cares, and be protects by God's on this earth. Amen. ❤. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord's. Amen. ❤.