This is a very good video. Not may of us know the arts and history in Lion Dance even though Lion Dance is so commonly presented in Malaysia. Also, never know Master Xiao is so talented and he is well known in Malaysia and overseas. Well-done! 我上了一堂课 😍
今年新一年大陸旅客免簽證進入馬來西亞旅行留30日(繼香港人延長到90日留馬來西亞之後)!由2月9日起大陸旅客永久免簽去新加坡旅行留30日同埋泰國3月1日起大陸旅客改為永久免簽留泰國30日.所以將會有很多大陸人及一家大細來星馬泰旅行毋須申請星馬泰 visa 之後就會取代大陸人疫前旅行最多去日韓!方便你地大陸鄉下親戚飛來馬來西亞探你!可能明年馬來西亞改為永久免簽畀大陸人來馬來西亞旅行好似港澳人一樣免簽入星馬泰!