Lam 哥降key配合依纯,让依纯的声线给整首歌体现全新的味道!其实,依纯的声音是非常有穿透力的,无论是高音或低音,主音或和声,都非常的惊艳!Lam哥以前辈的身份,真的非常非常的给力,而依纯也完全没有让他失望!Oh! And her killer runs towards the end! Pure Genius!又是一首无线循环的绝配合唱金曲!赞!赞!赞!
Not agree. Her genre of songs is still not wide enough. She had attempted in other shows too, but results not satisfactory. Anyway, she is still very good among the new generation.
Lonely won’t let me fall in love… 但我已墜入他們聲音的愛河~~豪氣萬丈的Lam哥 聯袂白衣女俠依純 將千億個夜晚 演繹成金色大廳式的epic!尤其是雄渾的男聲 與柔美帶華麗轉音的女聲 在高音區的對抗與交融 將我的記憶打回John Lengend & Ariana Grande的經典音樂劇主題~ 但今夜完完全全是東方式的舞台昇華!再次感謝兩位藝術家 給我們帶來的震撼與洗滌心靈的美~❤️❤️