Are there any other root texts that mention Guhyasamaja/Manjusri/Jnanapada aside from the Manjusri-Nama-Samgiti ?
@jeffwatt51144 жыл бұрын
Guhyasamaja, Manjuvajra (Tibetan: sang wa du pa, jam pai dor je. English: Melodious Vajra, Secret Assembly). Bibliographic reference: Shri Vajra Hridaya Lamkara Tantra-nama, Toh 451. There are three principal lineages for this form of the meditational deity Guhyasamaja. The first is the lineage of Abhayakaragupta contained in the Vajravali text. The second lineage is that of the Yogini Risul and Nyen Lotsawa, no.44 in the Gyu de Kuntu set of mandalas. The third lineage belongs to Marpa Lotsawa and the text is found in the Kagyu Ngag Dzo.
@jeffwatt51144 жыл бұрын
The Shri Vajra Hridaya Lamkara Tantra-nama, of the highest yoga tantra (father/method) classification, is the source text for Manjuvajra Guhyasamaja.