Hey guys! Just a reminder, later today I will be streaming at 3pm EST! Hope to see you there!
@normalguy75678 ай бұрын
@aboubakrouladabdellah66118 ай бұрын
Oooh interesting
@jithnukaisula8 ай бұрын
Can't wait man
@davidwhittaker55878 ай бұрын
Any idea when that is in the U.K. or Europe?
@BurntOutFiend8 ай бұрын
You know you can walk around your town as your mayor right?
@BigTuna4518 ай бұрын
You know your excited for a game when your already planning out the layout of your medieval town before it comes out
@funchannel39318 ай бұрын
Doing the same haha 😂
@brucewayne52818 ай бұрын
Oh to be excited for a game your laptop won’t be able to run.
@florisabelen49778 ай бұрын
Ever since its appeared on steam ive been hyped and now its coming out im on internship and couldnt being my game pc🥲🥲 praying my laptop can sorta run it i cant wait to get my hands on this game
@litebluwulf8 ай бұрын
Imm make a motte and bailey with a monastery that produces mead
@PatRick-xl1jr8 ай бұрын
Big facts
@chandler28148 ай бұрын
This game is what every person who grew up playing stronghold games ever wanted and dreamed about Can’t wait for this masterpiece
@Frank-dr9tc8 ай бұрын
Will there be walls and towers ?. When I say that I mean similar to the stronghold castle layouts. Just seems it could take the game to the next step
@chandler28148 ай бұрын
@@Frank-dr9tceven if it’s just wooden palisades I’d be happy with it and I’m sure that the developer will be planning for either a second game immediately (as this game will sell 2 million copies easy) Or he’ll be making some hella good dlc later on Regardless I’m more then happy with how it looks rn
@chandler28148 ай бұрын
Just imagine if a year or so down the line he makes a DLC for Norse style buildings, villagers, troops, etc. It would work well with the smaller scale of the worlds as it’s not like the Vikings where overly known for amassing large forces (yes they had them but not like it was a regulars occurrence least from my knowledge) mostly smaller scale skirmishes or smaller clan pitch battles
@Frank-dr9tc8 ай бұрын
@@chandler2814 the game having walled towns with troops posted looking out would probably make it the most completed game I’ve seen 🤣
@pravinschmidley47118 ай бұрын
And then a LOTR mod comes in 😮
@hironorisato23298 ай бұрын
Apollo: Where are you?! Enemy Raiders: Bravo Six, Going dark 😎
@Central_Intelligence_Agency_8 ай бұрын
"The hard men are getting soft... they're getting tired..."
@bolicob8 ай бұрын
You should walk around your town periodically so we can see how it's progressing visually
@AboQsm228 ай бұрын
Watching you farm is pain to my heart
@madelinelee43318 ай бұрын
I feel bad for the poor soul ploughing the triangle field lol
@AboQsm228 ай бұрын
@@madelinelee4331 have you seen his live playthrough So freking funny , not funny but realy sad
@ahmarelvirgio8235 ай бұрын
Agree it's just shredding my heart looking at he made the farm
@Dakarn8 ай бұрын
"The Ale is costing us a lot of money." - Keeps buying ale. Doesn't build Malthouse. If I had hair, I'd pull it out.
@connorc95378 ай бұрын
Where did your hair go?
@Dakarn8 ай бұрын
@@connorc9537 Bermuda.
@connorc95378 ай бұрын
@@Dakarn Thats rough bro. Same thing happend to my uncle
@VahdaMage7 ай бұрын
Malt house doesn't even make Ale
@Dakarn7 ай бұрын
@StoryQuest920 All he needed was a malthouse and one tier 3 house as a brewery, then import barley instead of ale. Much cheaper.
@thegreatcommandeyone3498 ай бұрын
This series is such a treat, I'm so happy you're having fun with Manor Lords!
@PixelatedApollo18 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@trondferiksen8 ай бұрын
HOUSING: The top manu third from the left shows the amount of houses you've built. So right now you have 43. You now have 38 Families which means you got 5 houses free for new families. Just so you don't have to look for houses that are empty. LOVE your gameplay, keep rockin'!
@Rogue_Centurion8 ай бұрын
Apollo let that tanner transport large shields in peace
@oneofmanyjames-es16438 ай бұрын
I'm really enjoying this series, but one of the most baffling things about a lot of Manor Lord videos is seeing so many KZbinrs get their hands on a game that can build wonderfully organic, beautiful European towns and try to force it to make US-style city blocks. Do not fear diagonals! Do not fear curves!
@climax0508 ай бұрын
Modern city planning has meant that a whole lot of people from all over the world have never got to see those old styles of European cities that organically grew, rather than being planned of how to cram as many people as possible into a small as space as possible like modern cities. Its just become the way most people think of cities as a result
@ajithrajaful8 ай бұрын
They not creative aha
@Inkxo3D8 ай бұрын
For me, one of our Medieval country leaders in history built his city in grids. It was like in the 16-17th century so I guess the time period was different. But it doesn’t bother me that much because of it.
@wetznerkdk29228 ай бұрын
US Subburb City Layout has a lot of curves and stupid cule de sacs
@krystofcisar4698 ай бұрын
yeah, those satelite town cityblocks are like plague :D i guess they didnt have exact model on which build their villages back then but from what i know - there was 2 predominant ways to build it, either along the road or circular with square and fields around - form which didnt really changed from late antiquity till modern era.
@Original_Okyman8 ай бұрын
There is no way this is the soundtrack for the game. It is fucking beautiful 😂 I feel like I would just sit there listening to it and never get anything done in the game lmao
@The_Real_United_Sates8 ай бұрын
Who else thinks Apollo is the best
@shaokhan28458 ай бұрын
and you are up there too pal!
@Twe4ke8 ай бұрын
To answer your question about why the tanner was transporting a shield at the beginning: most early shields back in the day were made of wood with hide or tanned leather stretched over the face of it to further strengthen the shield and protect the wood from general wear and tear. Therefore, it makes sense for a tanner to get ahold of the plain wooden shield at some point so they could do their thing and pass it along for it to be painted or whatnot.
@stevefridley90217 ай бұрын
Wrong, they were moving it to their household because they were part of the milita and it got delivered to the storehouse from trade.
@Twe4ke7 ай бұрын
@@stevefridley9021 In-game, yes. Historically, no. I should have clarified historically.
@Toto_Meister_018 ай бұрын
drinking game: take a drink every time Apollo says "we just need more families"
@CadeStewart-hf4bi5 ай бұрын
I know I’m kinda late but I’d be blind by the time the vid was over if we were doing that
@Toto_Meister_015 ай бұрын
@@CadeStewart-hf4bi 😂😂😂 love it. But that was exactly my point, he said it so many times that you could literally get hammered if it was a game lol
@henri20588 ай бұрын
1 guy made better game than a company worth millions...
@Aiolosz8 ай бұрын
nothing like the small alarm at the left bottom corner and the sword icon marching on the horizon and not acknowledge them at all
@SeanCollins-gv1ws8 ай бұрын
Apollo u called ur men to war when the harvest was due😂😂😂😂
@cheezncrackersxtracheez8 ай бұрын
So pumped for this game to come out! Getting my snacks and drinks ready for the live stream later today
@douglasfriesen56218 ай бұрын
Thanks for upload Pix. You've gotten me into both this, and Realm of Thrones on MB2. Definitely a top tier youtuber.
@christiano97438 ай бұрын
31:40 - That merchant in the backround was like nope Im out of here
@iviusstudios87818 ай бұрын
You can see the amounnt of people you have in your time in the top left. The house icon indicates the amount of houses you have and the hands with the hammer or the chisel is the amount of families you have within your village.
@Muffinisnuffin8 ай бұрын
Been watching Apollo since his war of rights days, i can't stand his reasoning with this game but man. Great dude, and his content has kept me coming back to these historical games. Due to him I've been doing milsim stuff on games more, been in my current one for 6 months and I'm a 2nd lieutenant. Keep it going knights.
@ezduzit40098 ай бұрын
As happy as I am to have a game like this coming out to play. It makes me happier to see you have a game to play and make videos on that you enjoy so much.
@JHulse298 ай бұрын
When he said "defend longdongia!!" I was ready to grab a spear and jump in with them 😅
@zelikris8 ай бұрын
30:56 excuse me? 😂
@KristofKarwinskithegreat-se5pu8 ай бұрын
You are excused!!! ( dead meme )
@AleksDiablo20078 ай бұрын
I was waiting till part 3 to see your surprise when raiders attack, there was a little clock at left bottom xD
@bluesnail957 ай бұрын
Confession, never watched any of your videos and only stumbled on your Channel by searching for ‘Manor Lord’ vids- but I’m hooked on your series and you seem such a genuine nice guy who has a passion for his viewers with brilliant videos, keep up the good work man
@BrickDaniels-qu7bz8 ай бұрын
29:09 has some nice horror vibes. It's quite good.
@teekay50908 ай бұрын
Don’t know how I’m so invested in the walkthrough but it’s fire😭🔥
@TheOrthodoxMemeSquad8 ай бұрын
Ok I’m def gonna stream this game. My history heart is overjoyed. Thanks Apollo for introducing me.
@SonOfSalop8 ай бұрын
YES! was hoping part 3 would be out when I got home from work
@redneckgamer25168 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure you can upgrade homes and get citizens to make weapons from their homes. You’d have to just make sure they can get materials.
@pro_pekka8 ай бұрын
⚠️TIP⚠️ Hey apollo if you hold tab you can get a overview of what house are occupied and wiche are not ❤
@-themadscottish008 ай бұрын
Nothing better then getting off work and seeing part 3 yeeee
7 ай бұрын
Using mercenaries is good to get out of trouble quickly and thus avoid losing population (at least in expeditions outside your lands), especially if you are not focusing on expanding and improving your militia (mainly men-at-arms, who are very good at fighting).
@justaguy_eatingtacos8 ай бұрын
This game has been on my wish list for so long i started thinking it wasnt going to come out. lol
@jacksteele30288 ай бұрын
Both of the Manor Lords playthroughs I've watched are kingdoms named for an innuendo. Longdongia and Small Johnson. A rivalry for the ages
@dennispremoli79508 ай бұрын
Medevial gambesons, famously made out of Lenin. Yes, comrade!
@christopher28668 ай бұрын
How long has your vehicle been Stalin? 😀
@ChocoMilk.o_o8 ай бұрын
@satrajitsen97528 ай бұрын
barley and apple--> malthouse--> tavern flax-->weaver-->clothing also you dont need a lot of barley or flax so 30% fertility us good enough
@viniysoni67907 ай бұрын
"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer"
@olliedoyle26778 ай бұрын
The reason why it still says no firewood access and they are upset is because the market only covers a certain area so you need to build more
@lorittaganda99838 ай бұрын
Continue the great work idol and i can't wait to see more episodes
@Kevlar_soul8 ай бұрын
I have heard you don’t need a family working at the church unless they have to bury someone (post battle).
@warrenboyd59678 ай бұрын
I came to the comments to tell him but had to check and make sure nobody else did😂 I watched CPP play this and he said you only need them to bury bodies and don't need a family there for people to pray.
@lucasgaddis66148 ай бұрын
Family is life ven diesel would be proud Apollo
@Viggan878 ай бұрын
Beautiful town - it shouldn't look perfect with neat blocks, it should grow organically just like it is. Love the video!
@B7ood_Eag7e7 ай бұрын
I saw this video today of manor lords and fell in love with the look of this masterpiece, so I went ahead and bought a msi laptop to play this, i am beyond excited for this
@myopicthunder8 ай бұрын
In medieval times the church friar would brew the beer
@kailbadenhorst71747 ай бұрын
The indecisiveness of the man is killing me
@RadestpickleETR8 ай бұрын
looking forward to watch this play through each day ❤I’ve enjoyed it so far
@shawnlamarre18708 ай бұрын
build houses with no backyards and people who move in there can be your general workers, while ones with backyards can be specialists
@qouavang36468 ай бұрын
They should have a thing where at night you have people assigned to sentry duty to watch for bandits trying to sneak attack or to keep wolves away or even try and catch thieve if your town is not happy. Or even for like fire watch.
@marcopena73578 ай бұрын
As far as a name for the retinue Longdongolings is what I would go for haha, but hey Apollo haters gonna hate man. Keep doing you and keep supplying us with the content and commentary. I’m in the Army and after a long day at work, watching you play is my therapy. Appreciate you man along with the other 99% of us.
@rayraym688 ай бұрын
Can’t wait for this game to come to consoles and can’t wait for the next episode I love this series Apollo keep up the great work
@Treppenwitz_8 ай бұрын
So excited for this game!! What an epic play through
@nekoroseysenpai708 ай бұрын
33:12 i dont think a single member of the retinue died there at all but the spears who came in to pinch did those guys are some tough units omg.
@c4nnon_fodd3r8 ай бұрын
This game is just wonderful, and you make it even better! (I do have moments when I want to punch my screen watching what you do though) - lovely retinue name btw
@noahshay77937 ай бұрын
I just realized how lucky your farming spawn was. You had a ton of fertile land, I always get screwed in that aspect
@hihellohello13088 ай бұрын
Always supplying our entertainment needs
@elwinavalos6338 ай бұрын
I’m excited as Apollo for each episode coming out 🔥
@yass92428 ай бұрын
If you want a more modern city-building game I recommend city skylines. City Skylines 2 has just come out and it's really fun! I highly recommend it if your thinking of doing more city-building games. And also love this series! keep up the work.
@RubberToeYT8 ай бұрын
Great video as always, really enjoying the manor lords content
@jamesmaclennan45258 ай бұрын
Build big fields not multiple small ones. The game suggests that a field should be 1 Morgen in size ..that's about 2 acres the fields you have will produce tiny yields.
@alwinvandendriessche22128 ай бұрын
Hey Apollo the icon for the suply notification is on the left of the name Longdongia 🙂 I love it that you are making a verry good looking village 😄 Greetings from Belgium
@SlimBeanieAU8 ай бұрын
I keep saying this 😩
@ciruxx20818 ай бұрын
hey apollo you can see at top left how much houses you have next to the number of people, love what you do…❤
@ltjamescoopermason86858 ай бұрын
Mammoth game with many ways to advance, keep going I'd like to see a castle with the Hospitaller knights or similar looking dudes for future fighting! More lumbering with a future mine its somewhere to send the kids a church !
@nebzstream8 ай бұрын
I feel like this could be so ‘easily’ adapted to have like a starcraft/battle for middle earth kind of mode
@titanbaron45168 ай бұрын
Man, I cannot wait for this game to release!
@christoffer19738 ай бұрын
Raid the bandidts camp after the fight. Farm can have fances and when you serculate the field you can let animals go in the field.
@davethefishdudesteinbock55188 ай бұрын
Really enjoying the play thru. This looks like an Awesome game
@aftonwalker19508 ай бұрын
you can set the fields on crop rotation to fallow every other year so you can just set the fields and not have mess with it anymore after you build the fields
@alexamg66758 ай бұрын
I can’t wait for this game I’m Slavic and I have pride one dev made this
@abdelrahmanmohammed94058 ай бұрын
you need to increase your fields size to get you more wheat
@gregg76178 ай бұрын
You need a brewery , Plus upgrade your military capabilities, Mine ore , blacksmith , ect
@charlesjohnson67778 ай бұрын
To hear you so excited playing this is awesome Apollo I can't wait for it to come out. Longdongia I can live with the hard men is a dumb name I'm sorry someone could thought of something better like storm troopers or something 😅
@chzz47708 ай бұрын
This game will be a new addiction
@ThaGodPrizzy7 ай бұрын
We all really missed the opportunity to call the retinue “The Defenders of The Dong”, huh?
@MonotoneStrategy8 ай бұрын
You have to be careful with letting them cut down woods anywhere - I saw another person kill off their abundant berry supply by cutting down all the trees around the berries. I assume the same can happen with hunting areas.
@dennisfiring75188 ай бұрын
Looking great this town. Gonna check out your livestream aswell, see what your up to there. A quality of life tip. alt+tab ( if i'm not mistaken ) will get you an overlay on all your buildings at once, so you can see which house needs what in 1 go. Don't need to click on each seperately to get an update on their status.
@connorsutton50378 ай бұрын
Loving the videos Apollo, deffo need to get some archers in your army
@PipsProfessionals8 ай бұрын
Just a tip apollo you can construct your own warbows for militia bowmen by making bow shop in burgage plot upgrades
@e.r.a63588 ай бұрын
The game will be the greatest ever building game if this is already full version.
@bstache61038 ай бұрын
@pixelatedApollo1 I saw someone else playing this game. If you hit the eye in the top right where your guy is you can actually walk around your village.
@almightybogza7 ай бұрын
The music in this game is fucking TOP NOTCH GOD DAMN
@Games87008 ай бұрын
Taverns always in the main roads next to the traders and travelers
@916prodigy8 ай бұрын
So excited for this game, my cpu took a shit on me and I’m stuck waiting for the parts to arrive so in the meantime I’m pre planning my village. Like actually drawing out layouts 😂
@iplaygames80908 ай бұрын
You should make a Spear militia named "the tip", a halber militia named "the shaft", a bow militia named "the balls" and a footmen militia named "the base"
@303hunter48 ай бұрын
So just a few thing I have noticed. You don't have a lot of food supplies, I can tell because at the top of your screen there is a barrel icon with a number beside it, it is red, meaning that you have dangerously low food reserves. Also I think you need more ox/horses in your town, I suggest that you get enough that you can assign one to each of the farms and a couple in the lumber industry with about four left for the rest of the jobs around town. I hope this helps.
@blood58108 ай бұрын
the barley fields look like a person waving with no head
@kakta35868 ай бұрын
You can rotate crops in field automatically. there is an option for that.
@markushuber2148 ай бұрын
@Apollo Concerning the invisible bug: Try to load a save game. I saw that bug in a other video before and when he reloaded a safe game it was back in game.
@Twe4ke8 ай бұрын
22:03 missed opportunity for "Operation: Alestrom"
@brucewayne52818 ай бұрын
The Hard Men, recently procured to protect the Town of Longdongia, received word of bandits raiding near by. As they awaited the thieves arrival the men were surprised by a crafty bandit lord. Brigands ran through snow and trees to catch the hard men unaware with the impact of their numbers. The bandits were not ready for each man was willing to bet their lives as they fought to the last a few wounded unable fight, but none died as the filthy bandits broke!! FOR LONGDONGIA
@pkavenger99903 ай бұрын
They should add the loot as well where we loot the equipment from the defeated party.
@SakibLH448 ай бұрын
man you're awesome, thanks for these vids
@KyleDyerSilverWolf9498 ай бұрын
The barley farms look like a dude waving
@323BR8 ай бұрын
Definitely looking better
@jasonglasser16218 ай бұрын
You're entertaining as hell, so don't take this the wrong way, but I think it's funny the way you pronounce linen, like it used to be the boss of USSR. "We need 2 Lenin to make a gambeson"