Poland is UNDERRATED AND SAFER than AMERICA | Can't Believe this is Poland (bye, Krakow)

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Sheku Mans

Sheku Mans

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@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Goodbye, Poland. Hope to return in the near future. Thank you, everyone, for your contribution and support.
@dlugoszz Жыл бұрын
Glad U liked it, unfortunately not everything is as pretty as You presented:( Racism is common, crime is high but on a different level than USA. Public transport is ok, but not always on time ;) Poland is a developing country, unfortunately because of the current disastres government we've been going backwards instead of forwards:( Pozdrawiam
@dariuswroclawski5521 Жыл бұрын
U are welcome here :)U are nice person
@JanPBtest Жыл бұрын
Have you been to Gdansk? It's something else.
@kamilrejman1724 Жыл бұрын
buehehehheeh dont worry you read me messase next time you can come back only at bag remember
@andrzejk9063 Жыл бұрын
​@@dlugoszz Rasism to twoje wpisy. Więcej się uśmiechaj i nie siej nienawiści. Pozdrawiam.
@christopherdegonia3936 Жыл бұрын
I moved to Poland 6 years ago from the US. I was only going to spend a few years here, teaching at an international school and then move on to see other parts of the world. I saw things definitely from an American prespective. I was always aware of my surroundings and on the guard. I was walking in Park Mokotow in Warsaw at night and saw women jogging by themselves, young children riding the bus or tram late at night by themselves and thought wow, this would never happen in the US. I liked the people and the atmosphere of Poland. I decided in my first year of being here that I wanted to live the rest of my life here. Six years later, I have married a Polish woman, the greatest person in the world to me and my life is great and I never want to go back to the US or even go work in another country.
@cathulhu3772 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that you took a liking to my home town :D I LOVE Warszawa - at least 1/3 of it :D I live next to Varso tower and work next to Nature 2000 area of Bielański Forest. Each day i go in or out on a different stop taking different line of bus or tram to have an hour-1.5 walk before and after my shift to walk through different neighbourhoods or different parts of a forest or different parks to get energy before work and leave tiredness behind after. I don't remember when was the last time i've drank coffe. xD Today maybe i'll take a ferry across Wisła to Tarchomin, or maybe take a stroll through Powązki or maybe open a 4-pack of beer and watch ppl fishing on a nice beach next to beavers nests or go to Pirate's Nest for shanties concert and grill. :) Maybe hop into a bus and after an hour of free ride watch sunset over Zegrze while eating fresh fish. I would never want to live anywhere else and as a sailor i've seen a lot of a world. :) Though winter meeting with boars in the forest do send chills down my spine.
@michasosnowski5918 Жыл бұрын
Good for you man.
@Exarvi Жыл бұрын
For growing in, poland kinda sucks like entire eastern block of europe. But for moving into and living here, the costs are pretty nice and its chill.
@tx2184 Жыл бұрын
tak , tylko że Polska nie ma atomu do obrony przed ruskami, a to jest jedyny argument przed agresją tych barbarzyńców, jak się USA stanie pacyfistyczna a taka się powoli staje to POLSKA przestanie istnieć do 2100 roku w wojnach konwencjonalnych. Świat demokratyczny umiera, lewacy złym programem sądowniczym ( i przyzwoleniem na broń w USA ) niszczą świat. W USA musi być natychmiast demilitaryzacja jak po wojnie a program sądowniczy jak w Singapurze co by się każdy bał nawet splunąc na ziemię.
@PaulPaul-bq2wk Жыл бұрын
​@@Exarvia to dlaczego tak twierdzisz?
@GrimK77 Жыл бұрын
In Poland, not being happy is not seen as being a failure. We are not pressured into fake smiles and "how are you?" for simple courtesy if we don't actually wanna know. Being happy for without significant reason is seen as strange. We are allowed to acknowledge the fact that life can be difficult sometimes, and that there's always room to improve... and we want things to improve. We can went our little dissatisfactions. Poles can be friendly and helpful while maintaining "resting b*tch face". Wendy Addams seems very relatable.
@jacekszkutnik6294 Жыл бұрын
life in Poland is always difficult, not only sometimes
@GrimK77 Жыл бұрын
@@jacekszkutnik6294 Life in general is difficult... that's that. Poland is not somehow specifically hard or unique. Our problem is too large percent of population that try to guilt shame initiative and work. That's a toxic mentality brought from Moscow, and we need to eradicate it completely from us.
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. Ludwig Von Mises
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
United Nation hijack sky CHEMTRAILS under The Paris Agreement world wide. They use Leonardo DiCaprio every body know loved and respected and the movie "After The Flood" present problem 170 countries signs Agreement and WAVE thier right to United Nation CHEMTRAILS world wide DiCaprio Leonardo his sewage. You don't need ask anybody about CHEMTRAILS just Look up in the sky in most clear day the heavn is sprayd with airplain trails creat fog and fake milk clauds for years through entire world. They are not passanger air plains perhaps now unmanned operation. The real fluffy clauds massive heavy withe bright sparkling I have witnes different shape like an art are rearly what was normal and beautiful jewels now is absent and fake spraying is the norm evey day. This is crime genocide and disgrace for us and our children sun lover no been able to see over their head what is done every day without asking. United Nation, WEF ,WHO, FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY money creator uphold mission carbon emission reduction CO2 and TAX. While they spraying you and use hundres of thousends tons perhaps millions tons fuel chemicals and dump on entire human race and planet. CO2 carbon emission reduction is war on life itself human being are CO2 ,plants and threes we know who they are by thier action agenda and policies agains human existance. This is death camp entire plante is hostage and under terr....r by those parasites global elite. So many distroy and controled by so few once aganin people are vaccinated for thier cause with bio chemical wepone hit with weather control program distroy crops create feminine. This has to be on the Wall Sprway Everywhere To Show What Those Dogs Are Doing To US. Do you jew so again?! repete the cycle distroy and cry its happend to them while they doing that to all of the others. Stupis story NAZI come to Poland kill jew and Polish millions died and mainly jew take cry for suffer Poland was distroy horseshit as covid19 pandemic not real. I.G FARBEN The Pharmacutical Cartel and creator of Auschwitz BASF BAYER Matthias Rath.
@TS-kw2so Жыл бұрын
@@jacekszkutnik6294 Wyobraź sobie, że i tak jesteś szczęściarzem, że urodziłeś się w europie. W kraju będącym zawsze w okolicach dwudziestego miejsca w różnych rankingach poziomu życia. Między innymi to od Ciebie zależy, czy będziemy wspinać się w tych rankingach, czy równać poziomem do tych najgorszych. W kraju, który od 1795 był okupowany przez 173 lata. Pojedź do Seattle i zobacz ten american dream. Ludzie tam biorą kredyty studenckie, które spłacają wiele lat albo toną w długach. Śmiem twierdzić, że nawet w najlepszym państwie do życia ludzie piastujący najmniej płatne stanowiska narzekają i mówią, że trudno im się żyje. Wiesz dlaczego? Bo najgorzej płatne prace wymagają zazwyczaj posiadania jedynie sprawnych rąk i nóg. Przeciętniacy zawsze stanowili największą grupę z największą konkurencją. Na Ziemi jest ponad 8 miliardów ludzi. Umiesz wyobrazić sobie tę konkurencję? W średniowieczu też chłopom żyło się ciężko, a szlachta się bawiła. Różnica jest taka, że wtedy jak się urodziłeś chłopem, to umierałeś chłopem. W tej samej biedzie, w której się urodziłeś. Dzisiaj wszystko jest w twoich rękach i nawet w Polsce możesz żyć godnie. Nie widzisz codziennie na ulicach nowych samochodów? Byle SUV to 200 - 300 tysięcy, a wszędzie niemiecka klasa premium. Nawet w leasingu koszt to kilka tysięcy miesięcznie. Oni wszyscy kradną albo układają się z rządem? Tacy pewnie też się znajdą, ale większość znalazła w sobie jakąś ambicję, bo życie ma się jedno i raczej fajniej jest w nim żyć, a nie przeżyć. Samo jeszcze nigdy nikomu nie skapło. Najgorzej to umrzeć z przeświadczeniem, że się nawet nie spróbowało.
@mrozio3321 Жыл бұрын
I used to live in London for 10 years in my 20s and I was enjoying it a lot. I came back to Poland 10 years ago and would not leave this country anymore. Im glad you enjoyed my homeland. Take care.
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Very very wise choice, mate! The UK is in transition amid inflation. Soon, I am leaving the UK for Asia hence why I am back to sort out my documents.
@mrozio3321 Жыл бұрын
@@Shekumanstravel I know what you mean. I saw what was happenning to UK back when I was there already. I wish you all the best and success in you Asian project. Take care
@@Shekumanstravel Excuse me, your Polish viewer here. Will you continue making your vids in Asia?
@KosmicznaMina Жыл бұрын
@@Shekumanstravel Have you considered Cambodia? it is beautiful, cheap and still undiscovered. I know Poles who decided to live there😊 vlogs from Asia would be great to watch
@nawgra8455 Жыл бұрын
No nie wiem. Ja jestem załamana kierunkiem w który zmierza nasz kraj. Wszystko z zewnątrz ładne i kolorowe. A w środku rak i zgnilizna dyktatury pis.
@ratan012 Жыл бұрын
I have great respect and love for Polish people. They are intelligent, friendly and very loving people. Please be that way. Love you guys.
@WikidB1985 Жыл бұрын
Poles like to complain. But we do it instead of going to psychotherapists.
@baassiia Жыл бұрын
@adriankrajewski85 Жыл бұрын
Maybe this forever complaining drives our hunger for restless improvement (of our surroundings, etc.)? If so, then let's we Poles preserve our complaining nature.. (even I didn’t liked it in my younger days..). A traditionally complaining Pole.👍🏻🇵🇱❤️😉
@zielonejadro Жыл бұрын
​@@adriankrajewski85 to było dobre kiedys. Na tym etapie to narzekanie zaczyna przeszkadzać i ośmiesza cały naród.
@zielonejadro Жыл бұрын
​@@adriankrajewski85 dlatego na zachodzie nie szanuje się Polaków, bo nie dość że brzydcy to wiecznie jecza
@zielonejadro Жыл бұрын
​@@adriankrajewski85 teraz liczy się pewność siebie i zadowolenie, inaczej jesteś pomijany.
@DisHappah 2 ай бұрын
I was in Poland in 2022 for 10 months and I'm Mexican and I didn't experience any racism towards me. They're very nice people, they're very proud which is amazing, and their foods and language is amazing. Place is very clean and super safe. Now I'm back home in San Jose, California and right across the street from me a security guard was stabbed by a thief in the Safeway food market. At night homeless people on drugs come out the creeks and walk around my neighborhood looking for things to steal or break in. Thank GOD I live on the 5th floor and I can see all of it from my balcony. Its zombie land at night here and the cops do nothing about it. There's also garbage and syringes all over the side walk. I miss Poland. Please Poland you have a great thing don''t become Liberal like western Europe or California.
@RazielecKraken Жыл бұрын
Poland is safest country zero terrorist attacks and zero shooting psyhopats in all time.
@anonanon4631 Жыл бұрын
A lot of psychopaths and genocides in the government who murdered 200,000 Poles during Covid19. This is the only problem with the safety of Poles.
@lesterryanmd Жыл бұрын
ESL didn't work for you? Get a refund.
@aro8000 Жыл бұрын
Yes. But Poland has one serious flaw - March. The weather can be really, really awful.
@aro8000 Жыл бұрын
@@piotrbratek3996 And then snow, sun and rain again.
@kimkong9622 Жыл бұрын
@PR_nick Жыл бұрын
A fake smile is not a smile. If a Pole asks you how you feel, it means that he is seriously interested in whether you are all right and whether you need help. This is the real difference. When Poles laugh, it is a sincere smile. This mentality cannot be changed. But should sincerity and honesty be changed? And the final question, how many "bad racists" have you met in Poland?
@pablopablo4916 Жыл бұрын
True 👍🏻
@Bagerize Жыл бұрын
100% agree
@KEAMTITJP Жыл бұрын
skinhead times has gone away, if u black its ok in poland but if u boy and kissing boy then u might get in trouble, cheers from pl PS in my school times everyone wanted to have dark skinned friend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@dominiknycz7912 Жыл бұрын
Right. 🇵🇱
@olkusiva Жыл бұрын
Any Pole I talk to that lived abroad in an English speaking country complains about the standard exchange "Hi! How are you?" "Fine, how are you?" "All good, all good". Why would one answer "good" if they aren't? Why ask how someone is doing if one doesn't expect an honest answer? I had a hard time getting over this 😂
@andrzejszczepanik9945 Жыл бұрын
It's nice to hear such opinions about my country! Unfortunately, stereotypes about Poland are false! You make cool movies, maybe thanks to you someone will be convinced to beautiful and safe Poland!👍
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Glad you like my honest reflection on Poland and I wish more people will get to visit and see the real side.
@gugugaga1233 Жыл бұрын
Fortunately* 😅 „niestety, stereotypy o Polsce są fałszywe”
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. Ludwig Von Mises
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
​@@gugugaga1233 Who cares lies for decades now nothing to prove just let you know what realy matter more then tap in a shoulder from the west. For some Polish read the obove and decive yourself witch world your are going to leave Bill Gates Joe Biden pedofile warmonger or Banking FED-IMF-BIS triangle money monopoly. As humanoids you are as good as sand on the beach does not count.
@szafraniec8164 Жыл бұрын
​@@Shekumanstravelsong at the beginning?
@radioideaxp Жыл бұрын
We are not smiling, because there is no reason for that. It's different culture. Go to Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania - NOBODY smiling like horse. We are smiling where there is a reason to do it. People are not 24h/7 happy. I have a lot of interactions with Americans via online business and what is annoying me "How are you?". They cannot go str8 to the point and waiting for "fine". Same on American streets, shops. "How are you?" with their horse smile xD
@izabelasiczek3547 Жыл бұрын
It's worse in the UK they say, how you doing ? I have to say I'm fine thanks and you ? Omg I hate that so much talking lol
@szymonsopata1338 Жыл бұрын
first days in UK i was amazed by the random kindness of people then I realised it's only superficial.
@marcind4644 Жыл бұрын
​@@szymonsopata1338 It is useful in some interactions, like I really don't want a grumpy cashier and wish just to get over it. But privately, it is quite irritating .
@baassiia Жыл бұрын
True, I work for big corporation 10+ years and culture gap is so visible. By chat - Polish collegus - 'hi' + straight to the point = great :D West, awaits for me to replay hi, then how are you, then to the point, actually pointless and annoying 😂
@kikixchannel Жыл бұрын
@@marcind4644 I do not think "How are you?" is a good thing for a cashier to ask, whether it is just a pleasantry or not. Unless you're a regular or otherwise acquainted, of course. A superficial smile and niceties aren't a problem when it's part of customer service though, that much I agree with. But those must be of the type that do NOT try to bait you into answering, let alone say anything at all about yourself. That's just unprofessional.
@marklalonde7996 Жыл бұрын
Glad you liked Poland, moved to Krakow from Houston 4 years ago, and will never go back.
@wongg2010 Жыл бұрын
Sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi negara Poland cantik !!! ❤ 🇮🇩 Indonesia
@AZ-rj7kw Жыл бұрын
Indonesia stop impersonating Polan pls
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. Ludwig Von Mises
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
United Nation hijack sky CHEMTRAILS under The Paris Agreement world wide. They use Leonardo DiCaprio every body know loved and respected and the movie "After The Flood" present problem 170 countries signs Agreement and WAVE thier right to United Nation CHEMTRAILS world wide DiCaprio Leonardo his sewage. You don't need ask anybody about CHEMTRAILS just Look up in the sky in most clear day the heavn is sprayd with airplain trails creat fog and fake milk clauds for years through entire world. They are not passanger air plains perhaps now unmanned operation. The real fluffy clauds massive heavy withe bright sparkling I have witnes different shape like an art are rearly what was normal and beautiful jewels now is absent and fake spraying is the norm evey day. This is crime genocide and disgrace for us and our children sun lover no been able to see over their head what is done every day without asking. United Nation, WEF ,WHO, FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY money creator uphold mission carbon emission reduction CO2 and TAX. While they spraying you and use hundres of thousends tons perhaps millions tons fuel chemicals and dump on entire human race and planet. CO2 carbon emission reduction is war on life itself human being are CO2 ,plants and threes we know who they are by thier action agenda and policies agains human existance. This is death camp entire plante is hostage and under terr....r by those parasites global elite. So many distroy and controled by so few once aganin people are vaccinated for thier cause with bio chemical wepone hit with weather control program distroy crops create feminine. This has to be on the Wall Sprway Everywhere To Show What Those Dogs Are Doing To US. Do you jew so again?! repete the cycle distroy and cry its happend to them while they doing that to all of the others. Stupis story NAZI come to Poland kill jew and Polish millions died and mainly jew take cry for suffer Poland was distroy horseshit as covid19 pandemic not real. I.G FARBEN The Pharmacutical Cartel and creator of Auschwitz BASF BAYER Matthias Rath.
@jaroenvanveen1829 Жыл бұрын
@@AZ-rj7kw what do you mean by impersonating?
@AZ-rj7kw Жыл бұрын
@@jaroenvanveen1829 same flag
@nashdapistolshrimp8641 Жыл бұрын
Poland is one of the safest if not the safest,countries in Europe hands down. Lovely place with amazing people.❤
@Krystukulusus Жыл бұрын
Bullshit dude, it used to be, now it's not.
@sosna1443 Жыл бұрын
@@Krystukulusus Wiemy dlaczego :)
@PaulPaul-bq2wk Жыл бұрын
​@@KrystukulususKiedyś było bardziej niebezpiecznie dziś to najbezpieczniejsze miejsce na świecie. Jak żyje nie słyszałem o żadnych na pasach w Polsce.
@kurrwa Жыл бұрын
@@PaulPaul-bq2wk w latach 90 to był dziki zachód przestępczość się zmieniła jedynie
@PaulPaul-bq2wk Жыл бұрын
@@kurrwa nie masz pojęcia o niczym. Alkoholizm i bójki kiedyś to była norma tak jak i przemoc w rodzinie.
@Pawel_Mrozek Жыл бұрын
Safer than America? Majority of the word is safer than America ;). Poland is safer than majority countries in Europe. Interesting observation about the lack of a smile. To be honest, Poles really don't smile like that when talking to strangers. But it's worth getting to know us better. Our sense of humor is dark and absurd. Some Brits think it resembles the English sense of humor.
@zielonapapuga6754 Жыл бұрын
Statistics of crime rate in this country are biased. Police is considered by many as brutal and incomompetent , thus tons of cases remain unreported.
@johnmarks5460 Жыл бұрын
It's still safer than most countries because we don't have massive "refugees" from Africa and the Middle East. Keep it this way Poland
@wojciech5177 Жыл бұрын
@@johnmarks5460 there only reason we don't have them is because we are poor and they don't want to be in a poor country
@jacekszkutnik6294 Жыл бұрын
niby dlaczego miałbym się uśmiechać jeśli będąc Polakiem jestem podczłowiekiem, jak Żyd za okupacji?
@monikakrupczewska5151 Жыл бұрын
@@wojciech5177 Nie wiem gdzie mieszkasz ale skoro wg. Ciebie w Warszawie, Krakowie, Wrocławiu, Łodzi, Poznaniu, Trójmieście jest bieda to chyba masz coś ze wzrokiem. Pieniędzy jest dużo, tak dużo, że patologii te pieniądze za darmo rozdajemy. Za to mało jest możliwości do stworzenia przez emigrantów grup przestępczych oraz gett w naszym kraju. Do tego na każdym kroku są wytykani palcami i nikt dla nich nie jest przyjazny, od pierwszej sekundy na polskiej ziemi, przy pierwszym kontakcie ze strażą graniczną już jest im wyperswadowane, że nie są mile widziani.
@HelenA-fd8vl Жыл бұрын
After an agonizing history, Poland might be coming into their own.
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Very old and Fascinating history so I won't be surprised 😊
@justhappy7269 Жыл бұрын
"might be" but not with current goverment.
@piotrd.4850 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, as Ukrainian colony :/
@ikaewa9934 Жыл бұрын
​@@justhappy7269 Which government after 1989 acted in the interest of Poland? You belong to this large group of Poles, who, unfortunately, still work for Polish society on those for PIS or those for PO. I understand that some people have intellectual limitations to understand the simple fact that all parties in Poland are one mafia. Maybe only the Confederation could change something, or maybe it would turn out to be another mistake.
@justhappy7269 Жыл бұрын
@@ikaewa9934 Big words from someone who doesn't even know me and judges me based on my dissatisfaction with the current government. Not my fault that many ppl are brainwashed by money that comes from their own wallet.
@parrwot Жыл бұрын
We made a detour to Kraków after our trip to Slovakia last summer, and it was lowkey the best three days from that summer.
@cinderella532 Жыл бұрын
Hello everyone 😊I'm Polish myself and I want to say a big thank You for your nice comments ❤
@gregoreastlander8112 Жыл бұрын
After 15 years living in the UK , i can say that Poland is much beter place to live. There is no much beter places to live in Europe in my opinion...
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Indeed! Life in Poland seems very calm and relaxing. With the low cost of living, amazing healthy care, and excellent transportation system etc. Surely, will make foreigners want to stay for a long duration.
@BibaSenana Жыл бұрын
Health care is bad... private health care is ok....but u need to pay..
@Szcz00r Жыл бұрын
@@Shekumanstravel Weeell.. . yes and no. If you actually manage to get an appoinment it's quite alright, but there's quite an overload when it comes to our healthcare. In some parts of Poland doctors are so swamped with work, that there have been some reports of dying on the shift from overwork. Our NFZ (National Health Fund) is legendary for its appointment dates. There's a running joke here, if they should write your name down with a pencil in case you die while waiting for surgery. My wife and I have been trying to get our kid for a neurologist appointment for a week, visiting a couple of towns nearby and making a couple dozen phone calls, and the closest date we got was 2 months from now, with some doctors even saying that they're available no earlier than october. My cousin waited for a knee operation like 7 months and another one almost 4 years to get his on and off shoulder injury fixed. In many cases you have to rely on private healthcare.
@mariuszstopa903 Жыл бұрын
@@BibaSenana Believe me or not isn't that bad and is public not unlike in the USA when you brake your leg and if you don't have proper insurance then you don't know what to do. I have been living for almost 21 years outside of Poland and visited more than 70 countries so I think I know what I'm talking about.
@andr27 Жыл бұрын
oh yea? what are you going to do when you spent all of your money?
@apmd9261 Жыл бұрын
Im from Czech Republic and i agree Poland is one of savest countries in Europe no street gangs and low crimerate
@Arezo17 5 ай бұрын
As a Polish person working abroad, I would often hear "Why are you so sad?" during everyday work or conversations just because I didn't force a smile. :D
@pawewasilewski5485 Жыл бұрын
I am from Poland. It's nice to see that you liked Poland and all stereotypes were broken. You will also meet bad people everywhere, there is also a lot of evil and stupidity in our country. It's nice that you get on a plane and find out for yourself what the country is like. respect.
@jacekszkutnik6294 Жыл бұрын
but the stereotype of a free brothel is not broken, because is true
@paulusradomski Жыл бұрын
One person, who actually is of the most important in my life, once told me, that there is more good than bad things on this world, yet those bad are simply more visible - but there is a lot more a goodness, than an evil.
@hiyou1976 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you had a good time in my country and even more thanks for making such a kind video about Poland. For decades the opinion of Poles has not been the best, this is deliberate. It's nice that people are discovering our country, getting to know the people and seeing it for what it really is:) Warm greetings
@MA_aatsin Жыл бұрын
We Poles often complain about our country (our national sport btw) but we can't live without it... Poland is a state of mind😊❤Although I live in Germany at the moment, I visit Poland every few weeks and I know that I'll come back for sure and for good. Nice video, come back soon to us😊
@Marek31122 Жыл бұрын
You joking? 🤡 I can live without Poland because it doesn’t give me anything. Government, law, salaries, prices are 💩
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. Ludwig Von Mises
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
United Nation hijack sky CHEMTRAILS under The Paris Agreement world wide. They use Leonardo DiCaprio every body know loved and respected and the movie "After The Flood" present problem 170 countries signs Agreement and WAVE thier right to United Nation CHEMTRAILS world wide DiCaprio Leonardo his sewage. You don't need ask anybody about CHEMTRAILS just Look up in the sky in most clear day the heavn is sprayd with airplain trails creat fog and fake milk clauds for years through entire world. They are not passanger air plains perhaps now unmanned operation. The real fluffy clauds massive heavy withe bright sparkling I have witnes different shape like an art are rearly what was normal and beautiful jewels now is absent and fake spraying is the norm evey day. This is crime genocide and disgrace for us and our children sun lover no been able to see over their head what is done every day without asking. United Nation, WEF ,WHO, FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY money creator uphold mission carbon emission reduction CO2 and TAX. While they spraying you and use hundres of thousends tons perhaps millions tons fuel chemicals and dump on entire human race and planet. CO2 carbon emission reduction is war on life itself human being are CO2 ,plants and threes we know who they are by thier action agenda and policies agains human existance. This is death camp entire plante is hostage and under terr....r by those parasites global elite. So many distroy and controled by so few once aganin people are vaccinated for thier cause with bio chemical wepone hit with weather control program distroy crops create feminine. This has to be on the Wall Sprway Everywhere To Show What Those Dogs Are Doing To US. Do you jew so again?! repete the cycle distroy and cry its happend to them while they doing that to all of the others. Stupis story NAZI come to Poland kill jew and Polish millions died and mainly jew take cry for suffer Poland was distroy horseshit as covid19 pandemic not real. I.G FARBEN The Pharmacutical Cartel and creator of Auschwitz BASF BAYER Matthias Rath.
@marcind4644 Жыл бұрын
All the complaining has also good sides. I met people from really third world countries in a bad shape, and they would claim their countries are better than Germany, there was very little improvement so far. Poland on the other hand, things got better over time. It helps to point out the flaws.
@TravelALBERT Жыл бұрын
I feel very safe in PL as well
@bartolomeopl9358 Жыл бұрын
Proud to be Polish ♥️🇵🇱♥️💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👊🏻
@johnnk3256 Жыл бұрын
My sister lives in Wroclaw, Poland. She has nothing but good things to say about the country. Well more about ice creams available in the country than the country itself, but you get the gist of it. 😂
@oskars1419 Жыл бұрын
where does she come from? :D
@AlexPoprawny Жыл бұрын
An interesting thing, you talk about unemployment in Poland and the USA. Today, Eurostat reported that Poland has the lowest unemployment rate in the EU. Currently about 2.7%, compared to Spain which currently has 13%...
@sirrathersplendid4825 Жыл бұрын
And when you consider that about 2-3 million Ukrainians have been taken into the economy in just 15 months, Poland’s unemployment figures are amazing!
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. Ludwig Von Mises
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
United Nation hijack sky CHEMTRAILS under The Paris Agreement world wide. They use Leonardo DiCaprio every body know loved and respected and the movie "After The Flood" present problem 170 countries signs Agreement and WAVE thier right to United Nation CHEMTRAILS world wide DiCaprio Leonardo his sewage. You don't need ask anybody about CHEMTRAILS just Look up in the sky in most clear day the heavn is sprayd with airplain trails creat fog and fake milk clauds for years through entire world. They are not passanger air plains perhaps now unmanned operation. The real fluffy clauds massive heavy withe bright sparkling I have witnes different shape like an art are rearly what was normal and beautiful jewels now is absent and fake spraying is the norm evey day. This is crime genocide and disgrace for us and our children sun lover no been able to see over their head what is done every day without asking. United Nation, WEF ,WHO, FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY money creator uphold mission carbon emission reduction CO2 and TAX. While they spraying you and use hundres of thousends tons perhaps millions tons fuel chemicals and dump on entire human race and planet. CO2 carbon emission reduction is war on life itself human being are CO2 ,plants and threes we know who they are by thier action agenda and policies agains human existance. This is death camp entire plante is hostage and under terr....r by those parasites global elite. So many distroy and controled by so few once aganin people are vaccinated for thier cause with bio chemical wepone hit with weather control program distroy crops create feminine. This has to be on the Wall Sprway Everywhere To Show What Those Dogs Are Doing To US. Do you jew so again?! repete the cycle distroy and cry its happend to them while they doing that to all of the others. Stupis story NAZI come to Poland kill jew and Polish millions died and mainly jew take cry for suffer Poland was distroy horseshit as covid19 pandemic not real. I.G FARBEN The Pharmacutical Cartel and creator of Auschwitz BASF BAYER Matthias Rath.
@awuma Жыл бұрын
@@sirrathersplendid4825 There has been a desperate labour shortage.
@kamilzakrocki1406 Жыл бұрын
​@@sirrathersplendid4825powiem tak, jestem ekspertem finansowym i mam kontakt z Ukraincami, Białorusinami i Rosjanami, przyjeżdżają do Polski, podejmują pracę bez problemu, pracują na dobrobyt Polski, Ukraincy i Rosjanie zarabiają tak od 1 tys. USD do 2 tys. USD, Białorusini jako specjaliści w oprogramowaniu zarabiają od 3 tys. USD do ponad 5 tys. USD za miesiąc... Super, że chcą być w Polsce, razem z Polakami pracują na wspólne dobro.
@andyb6866 Жыл бұрын
Man! Your dialogue is pure poetry. Your soundtrack so fine. Your visuals quite enticing. Love learning your experience and understanding your comparison with the US. All great to watch! From someone with Polish parents who's visited Poland many times over 60 years.
@marcinlondonlondon13 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that you had a good times respect from Poland
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Me too, mate! Cheers!!!
@Jakub.K0 Жыл бұрын
Props for telling your honest experience in Poland, it ain't perfect but its definitely underrated. ive seen other creators make clickbait titles/thumbnails about Poland for views just going off stereotypes & thats definitely not the case here so respect 👍👍
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
That's my aim to tell things how it is! Glad you see that side of my videos. Thank you.
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us. Ludwig Von Mises
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Kristin Legard terrorist from IMF Banking Cartel monopoly force entire world. This is the reason why we should talk about defragmentation central planning FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY CASHLESS SOCIATY IS THERRORISM against human race Mao China is peanat.
@chawsonTV Жыл бұрын
One of the best videos/documents that I saw on YT, cheers mate, have a nice new journey to new place - best regards from Poland.
@NekromDj Жыл бұрын
The production value is amazing. How you mix the soundtrack with the narration and the ambient sounds, the shots, the composition… well done!
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Much appreciated!
@Rezzzn0r Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy that you liked Poland ❤
@PointlessCreativity Жыл бұрын
Cool and interesting video. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in Poland. I'm from Poland but I also love the US. Unfortunately, the US currently has a huge problem with violence and crime. In Poland, the homicide rate is on average around 0.70 per 100k people, while in the US it is ten times higher, on average around 7.0 per 100k people. Some places in the US are like a war zones, for example New Orleans has a homicide rate around 70.0 per 100k people, which is a hundred times more than in Poland. The US is a great country, but it needs to solve this problem. Cheers!
@Lizovsky Жыл бұрын
I'm also Polish and I've lived in the US for almost 6 years now. People keep forgetting that the US is like 50 countries while Poland is 1. It's unfair to compare the two, especially when you consider the size, popularion, diversity and different culture between states. I personally hate the issue with homelessness is some cities, and crime. But that's not the whole US, just some cities. I live in Colorado and it's very nice so far.
@PointlessCreativity Жыл бұрын
@@Lizovsky Thank you for adding your opinion. Cheers!
@awuma Жыл бұрын
@@Lizovsky If you have a good well-paid job and can live in a safe area, the US is great. I have spent over four years in Pasadena, CA, really good. However, I believe things have changed, and the rise of inequality in over forty years appears to be quite shocking.
@adamb162 Жыл бұрын
​@@Lizovsky he's talking about the murder rate per capita, not in total. In total the disparity would be even bigger as the US has nearly 10× the population of Poland. Of course some random town in the middle of Arkanasas or Colorado will be relatively safe, but then you have places like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, etc. etc. which are so astronomically fucked that it massively skews the average upwards. Even the worst osiedla in Wrocław, Kraków or Warsaw don't come anywhere near in terms of danger. Let alone, idk, Zamość, Sopot or Konin
@lamunofficial8099 Жыл бұрын
@@Lizovsky how about cost of live in Colorado? And salaries? Do you think polish salaries are very far to salaries in your state?
@Szymon_01 Жыл бұрын
You should also visit Lublin in eastern Poland. It's beautiful! :D
@krzysztofkrupa4755 Жыл бұрын
Wracaj szybko do pięknej, bezpiecznej Polski. 😊😊😊😊
@andr27 Жыл бұрын
jak bedziesz sponsorował takie wycieczki to bedzie cie odwiedzał co 2 tygodnie
@kimkong9622 Жыл бұрын
JESLI JESTES BIALYM....polska nie potrzebuje czanych
@isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Жыл бұрын
@@kimkong9622 morda tam kucu
@MrBrekolPL Жыл бұрын
@@kimkong9622 Rasistów nie potrzebuje a nie czarnych
@Daan495 Жыл бұрын
@@kimkong9622 frajer.
@tomtezuma Жыл бұрын
Glad that foreigners have a pleasant experience in here. We Poles worked hard for a long time time to reach the place we are now so great to see it paid off. You are always welcome to come back
@tajakjejtam Жыл бұрын
I was once shocked after talking to one of ours Minnesota clients. We wre chatting and she said that when she was in a restaurant she sat so she could see the door. I asked why she did that. And she replied - it's because if anyone comes with the gun she will have extra seconds to hide beneath the table. I was speechless, I could never imagine such way of thinking.
@pancebula8106 Жыл бұрын
Cheers mate! It was a pleasure to experience Kraków with You . Get back to Poland some day! You are always welcome here.
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Absolutely ❤ touched by this city and country. Very interesting and different to other places I've been.
@jurekblacharz5219 Жыл бұрын
@@Shekumanstravel Come back to us and go to the mountains to Zakopane
@lesterryanmd Жыл бұрын
@pancebula8106 Жыл бұрын
@@lesterryanmd Yes. Majority of this clip was filmed in Kraków. That's a city in southern Poland. Extremely beautiful one I need to add.🙂
@Lola_in_the_Black Жыл бұрын
@@jurekblacharz5219 Or Bieszczady or Beskidy!
@sebaestschn1 Жыл бұрын
Oh man, you should make a lot of narration... I really like the way you tell the stories. Concerning Poland... all true! I think for the rest of the world Europe must feel like Disneyland. Central Europe has this "medieval style" and I really love it and I'm glad to live here. All the best from Vienna.
@andywessel Жыл бұрын
Going to Poland and Krakow for the first time. I have only met great people from Poland here in Norway and after watching this, i am wuite exited to go. Only 1 hour flight. Nice :-)
@tomecki88 4 ай бұрын
Jak wycieczka?
@spokolokofly Жыл бұрын
Hey Sheku, great series about Poland! Next time I recommend you to visit Wrocław.
@aro8000 Жыл бұрын
Visit Lębork, Kazimierz nad Wisłą and than Żywiec.
@malna-malna Жыл бұрын
Thanks for these amazing vids! Even though I'm Polish, I was kinda enchanted by them. Hope you feel at home here, always. And best of luck in further journeys!
@Bagerize Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your vodeos mate, and as a Pole when I say thank you I sincerely mean it from the bottom of my heart. This is what makes us different from let say English people. By watching your videos I love my country even more with every of your video I watch. To my opinion and experience, Poland is by far one of the safest, cleanest and beautiful country in the world. We are a kind and tolerant nation deep down but often get diveded by our polititians driven by some values that we do not share. We feel European but our culture is different from the Western one and we should be proud of who we are, our beautiful but also very painful history, the values that we were fighting for. This is also why we were given the "white negroes of Europe" name by the Haitian people, because like them we had to fight for our freedom and independance.
@robertgrabowski Жыл бұрын
Mocną stroną vLoga są bardzo dobre zdjęcia, ciekawe ujęcia i dynamika. Muzyka podkreśla przekaz.
@kermitage Жыл бұрын
Thank you for visiting Poland, hope you've had great time here :) Come back soon!
@sawekoszczygiel5576 9 ай бұрын
Poland ... Crazy & Beautyful Land Ever ❤
@Yunchiyunchi Жыл бұрын
Love how poetic and beautiful this was. Great channel! (From a Pole moving back to Poland in a few weeks)
@pan_salceson Жыл бұрын
Oh wow, that was wholesome. It reminded me of my first few visits to Krakow that sparked my great love for the city. I've been living here for some 16 years now, still in love. Thanks, man!
@pracakosaipilarka4301 Жыл бұрын
American smiles to you it means nothing. Pole smiles, it means his genuinely happy to see you. Except salesman off course, smiling is part of the job.
@KapitanTermos Жыл бұрын
Welcome in Poland my good man, have fun!
@bartosztomasz Жыл бұрын
I'm happy that you like Poland bro. I REALLY appreciate the fact that you pointed out that even though we have a beautiful, safe and clean country, we work for it hard, sometimes too hard. What I am trying to say is that you mentioned huge salary gap between us Poles and the Westerners. Polish people have to work on the work culture and get rid off feudalistic approach, then we will have a little heaven here. Cheers.
@piotrc9524 Жыл бұрын
They're just genuine If they smile they mean it.
@erikjednoreczny8021 Жыл бұрын
I live in Europe exactly in Vienna. I lived in the US for 4 years and moved back to Europe. In my country, education is free (studies), health care is free, reimbursed medicines cost up to 10 euros and the rent in the capital is only 550 euros. Also the food is healthier and you can get everywhere by train or tram for not a lot of money. America is overrated. At work, I have 36 days of paid vacation per year, plus the 13th and 14th payday. For 3500 Euros a month, you live really well and you don't need America at all. On Plus there is very good quality water that you can drink directly from the tap because it flows from the mountains. The American Dream is long over. If you lose your job, the government pays you unemployment for a year and offers various training and courses to retrain. They paid me medical school for 15,000 a year, the condition was to pass this school. Something like that I could only dream about in the US
@niunia19991 Жыл бұрын
Americans will never do all that, because it requires our slightly higher taxes and it's a socialist way of managing the country. They'd never agree on those 2 things, even though it's so comfortable to know that you pay your taxes and in exchange your country will take care of you in times of need. Thanks to that you don't need the sky high salary to afford everything. And the differences between the poor and the rich become smaller - in terms of human rights - it's the best possible solution, but capitalism has nothing to do with those. I feel like American society is run only by those billioners and huge corpos which only aim at the profit, never the human being. Not like it's a bad thing to make business but we could respect each other in the process
@kingajonas5219 Жыл бұрын
Mocno ukoloryzowany obraz.
@article9384 Жыл бұрын
Warsaw Poland win European Best Destination 2023 😍😍😍🇵🇱💪👌
@yvettechodek8501 Жыл бұрын
W moim mieście przejazd autobusami jest bezpłatny, zachęta dla ludzi żeby ograniczyli korzystanie z samochodów w drodze do pracy itp
@Miodowy 8 ай бұрын
It is true that in Poland we rarely smile, mainly because faking emotions and personality is considered offensive. Most people think it's better to be disliked than to be fake and dishonest.
@bardhylbuzuku8640 Жыл бұрын
Poland is wonderful county❤
@Panasiux2 Жыл бұрын
Last time i checked, my coutry was not a county...
@bardhylbuzuku8640 Жыл бұрын
@@Panasiux2 where are you from
@mathew6113 Жыл бұрын
Trains always on time? Are we in different universe? :D But still thank you for this video and good words about Poland. I'm trying to travel as much as it's possible and I see that my country it's not that bad as some media create it. I think is pretty much safe, many things to visit, great history etc. Do not try visit Poland in winter because it's weather is terrible but spring and summer is beautiful. Thank you very much friend!
@cathulhu3772 Жыл бұрын
naaaaah - golden autumn is the way to go :D Last one was AMAZING - at least if u actually use your legs instead of driving everywhere and sitting on ur a$$ before the telly. xD Winter also rulz and there are none of those f*** insects :)
@mathew6113 Жыл бұрын
@@cathulhu3772 depends on location and time probably. Most of time I spent in the city (Wrocław) and autumn and winter looks as shit but you are right if you go for a walk to some other region like mountains and you have good weather than it's amazing.
@natalias50 Жыл бұрын
In Kraków they are on the dot
@regeman100 Жыл бұрын
In Warsaw the train being late is exception and not a rule.
@chrisa8960 Жыл бұрын
Fany thing, me leaving outside of Poland for around 20 years, your feelings about this country are quite closes to mines when I am there. Maybe it is not that obvious for locals to see it, but the country has changed for better massively! Man, should you consider usig your voive professionally (not talking about singing 😂) you shoud be alright, I guess. Very nce, subtle narration, creating good vibe. Well done.
@greycliffnative Жыл бұрын
It is an interesting comparison. However... Poland had the lowest unemployment rate in Europe together with Czech Republic.
@polabora Жыл бұрын
They counting only registered unemployed, this procedure gives you nothing, and institution that should help you find job is totally useless.
@mariok-t3198 Жыл бұрын
Im so glad you enjoyed staying in my country all the best mate!
@Zygmunt-Zen 10 ай бұрын
Liked the jazzy style of the video, narration, nice mix of cut scenes and commentary.
@Lola_in_the_Black Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy watching your videos! They are honest and you approach everything with an open mind without assumptions. I'm glad you liked it here and it was really nice to see you in Kraków where I spent years during my university time (and I was lucky to have classes right next to the Main Square so making a short walk there every day never got old for me). I'm curious what your next adventures will be but I also hope you'll come back to visit us soon! Greetings from Poland!
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that!
@maxyar0n Жыл бұрын
Poland..., great continent, kind people:)
@kubamackowiak4598 Жыл бұрын
country not continent ;)
@rafar5113 10 ай бұрын
what? xD
@cynthiasonmez4506 Жыл бұрын
❤ Poland protects it's boarders selective of who they allow in
@SlawekM. Жыл бұрын
Great content, excellent editing, and fabulous choice of "background" (foreground???) music - what else could one desire from a fantastic KZbin channel/content provider? Keep it up, bro! Peace.
@Furriee Жыл бұрын
Great stuff Sheku. I hope to visit Poland soon. Greetings from ugly NJ :-)))
@pawelpawel7413 Жыл бұрын
Everyone is so nice and compassionate in Poland always asking "do you have a problem? " because they want to help you
@cathulhu3772 Жыл бұрын
Oh my... last time i've used that phraze when some chinesee trolls where yelling like a group of apes in a tram and it ended up at the next stop in foreceful exmission and a kick in the a$$ xD I guess that famous years of military service are not worth a $heet. So maybe not ALWAYS "because the want to help you" but surely they MEAN IT.
@AbhishekKotecha Жыл бұрын
Your selection of background music and the video editing is top notch. Congratulations 🎉
@ernestziemkowski1649 Жыл бұрын
It's a pleasure that you liked Poland. As a Polish I want to you to know that we really appreciate your support in the current war situation, that USA is keeping our back. You are always welcomed here, God bless the America!
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
United Nation hijack sky CHEMTRAILS under The Paris Agreement world wide. They use Leonardo DiCaprio every body know loved and respected and the movie "After The Flood" present problem 170 countries signs Agreement and WAVE thier right to United Nation CHEMTRAILS world wide DiCaprio Leonardo his sewage. You don't need ask anybody about CHEMTRAILS just Look up in the sky in most clear day the heavn is sprayd with airplain trails creat fog and fake milk clauds for years through entire world. They are not passanger air plains perhaps now unmanned operation. The real fluffy clauds massive heavy withe bright sparkling I have witnes different shape like an art are rearly what was normal and beautiful jewels now is absent and fake spraying is the norm evey day. This is crime genocide and disgrace for us and our children sun lover no been able to see over their head what is done every day without asking. United Nation, WEF ,WHO, FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY money creator uphold mission carbon emission reduction CO2 and TAX. While they spraying you and use hundres of thousends tons perhaps millions tons fuel chemicals and dump on entire human race and planet. CO2 carbon emission reduction is war on life itself human being are CO2 ,plants and threes we know who they are by thier action agenda and policies agains human existance. This is death camp entire plante is hostage and under terr....r by those parasites global elite. So many distroy and controled by so few once aganin people are vaccinated for thier cause with bio chemical wepone hit with weather control program distroy crops create feminine. This has to be on the Wall Sprway Everywhere To Show What Those Dogs Are Doing To US. Do you jew so again?! repete the cycle distroy and cry its happend to them while they doing that to all of the others. Stupis story NAZI come to Poland kill jew and Polish millions died and mainly jew take cry for suffer Poland was distroy horseshit as covid19 pandemic not real. I.G FARBEN The Pharmacutical Cartel and creator of Auschwitz BASF BAYER Matthias Rath.
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Jim Ricards saying the obvios CBDC programable token cryptocurrency ENSLAVMENT TECHNOLOGY. Wow this is their goal agenda there is no freedom in the entire world if we accept and adopt worst solution from the creator of the collapse currencies or remove by designe. Jim Ricards you not enlighting nobody with this me or any who know and understanding MSM crypto lead narrative was priming young brains into digital utopia follows by Neurolink psychopath Elon Musk horseshit SLAVERY planet. You have not say enough about gold &silver should be in the hands of the people to survive and take protection. Fake type in programable cryptocurrency token digital nothingness give the power to invisible hand monopoly triangle FED-IMF-BIS and Vtican ruler of the world. If China and Russia does the CBDC programable token cryptocurrencies nothingness this means the oldies FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY Banking Cartel is in control Vatykan at the end the hidden invisible hand.
@slawomirhering3770 Жыл бұрын
Yeah right speak for yourself😂
@isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Жыл бұрын
@@slawomirhering3770 morda tam kucu
@frofrofrofro900 Жыл бұрын
You make great videos- different then most of KZbinrs, interesting, editing like movie, greetings from Tricity in Poland
@KrytykPan Жыл бұрын
If you like hiking - there is beautiful polish side of Tatry mountains. 2h bus ride from Kraków to Zakopane (another turists hub) - lots and lots of diffrent trails.
@orlenc8142 Жыл бұрын
I would say why we are safe country, and you are not, but this is illigal in this times. However, how long you fallow our rules, we are you welcome everybody.
@booboss 4 ай бұрын
Nawet nie wiem co chciałeś powiedzieć - z angielskim to niewiele miało wspólnego
@orlenc8142 4 ай бұрын
​@@booboss Rozumiem, że kiedyś w nocy pisząc komentarz, zrobiłem błąd ''we are you welcome everybody.'', ale jeżeli nie jesteś w stanie tego zrozumieć, to zbyt ostrym ołówkiem w piórniku nie jesteś. Swoją drogą, słyszałeś o przecinkach i interpunkcji? Bo to, co napisałeś, ma niewiele wspólnego z polski.
@slavemperor9581 Жыл бұрын
Poland is one of the safest countries in the world. USA have kill rate by thousand residents like Afghanistan. Poland was also, not so long ago, the safest country for women in Europe.
@piotrbuczynski1060 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words about my homeland! I will tell you why Poland is "underrated"... In the USA and Western Europe, for a long time - in the left-wing propaganda - Poland and Poles have been associated with backwardness, intolerance, dirt, disorder, theft, etc. For example, in Germany, until recently, the following slogan was popular: "Go to Poland, your car is already there!" Such things are said about Poles by people whose grandparents and fathers committed unimaginable crimes in the years 1939-1945, including the mass looting of Polish cultural treasures. There is nonsense about Poland that there is no democracy and freedom here. Germany's political and journalistic elites are doing everything to make Poland "uderrated". There are also examples of this in the US, unfortunately... Germans, French and even Americans can learn from Poles about these human values (freedom, democracy). True Pole = Free Man! In defense of these values, Poles fought and died for many centuries, long before the birth of the USA. Poland is a safe country because people live here who have the Ten Commandments of God in their blood, even atheists. Poland is not a paradise, because it is impossible. I am 64 years old, I lived many years under the communist regime - now I am happy to see the fruits of the hard work of my grandparents, parents and my generation. I also see a valuable, talented and well-educated next generation that has taken over this great gift: "the feeling of love for Poland". And they will bring Poland closer to paradise! Best wishes
@maciejp3499 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 Жыл бұрын
"left-wing propaganda" Prawica myśli tak samo. Po prostu lewacy chcą poczuć się lepsi, ale nie potrafią spojrzeć poza swój przywilej. Posłuchaj co taka AfD mówi o Polakach. Poza tym to, że tolerancja na zachodzie to w dużej mierze ściema, nie znaczy, że Polacy nie mogą i nie powinni być lepsi, bardziej otwarci na... no właśnie na samych siebie.
@piotrbuczynski1060 Жыл бұрын
@@isiahmaliklevantezimmerman6570 To AfD jest prawicą? Co za "odkrycie"!!! Może zatem Hitler i jego NSDAP to też była prawica? Drogiemu Panu (Pani?) "władcy mózgów i sumień" też pomieszali w głowie? Ta neo-imperialistyczna formacja polityczna, jaką jest AfD, jest tak niejednoznaczna, że nie jest ani prawicą, ani lewicą. Głosi koniec ery "przepraszania wszystkich przez Niemcy"; głosi rewolucyjną tezę, że 12 lat rządów Hitlera to był "wypadek przy pracy" w historii Niemiec. Niemcy pomylili się w demokratycznych wyborach, w 1939 roku! AfD słusznie potępia zgniliznę SPD i CDU, ale jednocześnie nawiązuje do tradycji Bismarcka i potęgi Prus oraz współpracy z Moskwą w dziele "zagospodarowania" Europy.
@romanpanasiuk560 Жыл бұрын
Piotrze, mam tak samo.
@jasongibson8114 10 ай бұрын
Well said!!
@ZwalistyDrwal Жыл бұрын
Gotta say - I love your voice, its just so chill, making a great atmosphere throught the whole video, especially when paired up with the music. Felt great listening to you, Peace ✌️
@ipodman1910 Жыл бұрын
It’s the best kept secret!
@lensmierdzacy5629 9 ай бұрын
Countries like Poland have a bright future. Western countries are declining culturally and morally. I see in my neighborhood more and more Americans, British, etc., who have moved to Poland because, as they say, it is becoming more and more difficult to live in their countries.
@jerzyka1154 Жыл бұрын
Hey, a very positive and professionally made film about Krakow. In no other place in Poland have I seen so many English people. Maybe it's worth showing this country from a different, unknown perspective? Small towns, villages, fields and forests. From the perspective of good healthy food, private, cheaper (by English standards) medical care. Show Poland to the English who are looking for relaxation, a good book, an interesting discussion. I live in the woods, my neighbor is an Englishman, former Royal Guards. Twenty minutes to the airport and after two hours I'm in London, a city I love almost as much as Warsaw. More and more people are running away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Regards.
@awuma Жыл бұрын
Kraków is a rather notorious destination for English tourists... plenty of good cheap beer seems to attract them in massive droves.
@KarolK.01F Жыл бұрын
The place you've been to, Krakow used to be the Polish capitol city in Poland's most prosperous years, then it moved to Warsaw and we were erased from the maps for many years 😵
@biurovictora6147 Жыл бұрын
please, don't make commercial for Poland. it is here so good and safe, because not some many peoples know about what you say 😊 don't need to be overcrowded here.
@bartoszbrown1322 Жыл бұрын
''Safer than America'' well that's not that difficult to achieve when you think about it ;D
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Lol, fact!
@praktykujacypatriota Жыл бұрын
Poland is the best country in the world!
@JesusMagicPanties Жыл бұрын
You sound almost as melodiously as " Faithless' " Maxi Jazz.
@chanell59 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your positive opinion about my country and my city Krakow. We Poles do not know how to fake a smile for political correctness. When we laugh, we do it sincerely. greetings from Krakow 😄
@bb2704 Жыл бұрын
It is true that crime in America is very high. It is not only in a bad neighborhood, it can be anywhere. It is less in a more expensive neighborhood but even that is not immune. It is sad because it was not like that 80 years ago. THANK YOU for your video.
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
Well said! Both the states and the UK have become unsafe to stay out late
@annagalas102 11 ай бұрын
Poland us the best nation in the world
@sebastianr5640 Жыл бұрын
My polacy mamy takie jedno powiedzenie : Jutro będzie lepiej! 😊
@Krystukulusus Жыл бұрын
Ale pierdolisz.
@sylwo16 Жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for that amazing review of my country. I'm suprised how much true facts You showed us. I would say egzakly the same about Poland. Cheers
@AZ-vv1rf Жыл бұрын
In a 5-10 years Poland is gonna be where Germany was in 2000-2005. This means, it's a very VERY good thing.
@ReasonAboveEverything Жыл бұрын
As long as they don't take in millions of immigrants from outside west they will be fine.
@poczujZbyszka Жыл бұрын
​@@Mateusz-xt9djprzed przyjęciem nielegalnych imigrantów z tego co mi się wydaje
@sebastianliwinski222 Жыл бұрын
Im glad you've enjoyed your time in my country of birth!. Thanks 🙏 for putting this on this channel.
@Shekumanstravel Жыл бұрын
It's my pleasure
@Casual2270 Жыл бұрын
2:34 the trains are [...] always on time" PKP: *laughs in 5h intercity delays*
@adamw.3409 Жыл бұрын
1:54 4 zł is exactly 0.96 USD.. not "74 cents"., 1 USD is 4.16 PLN
@eclecticaro Жыл бұрын
You might be next Morgan Freeman with your voice narration:) Glad you've enjoyed your stay in Poland. You should try to explore more places in Łódź next time. This city is like no other with industrial heritage being converted into modern gems. Unfortunately most vloggers come to see only Piotrkowska and Manufaktura. But we even have a good alternative for London's Cafe 1001. It's called "Willa" in beautiful Park Poniatowskiego. Awesome venue for indor and outdoor fun. But this is just a tip of the iceberg. There are many places and parks scattered all over the city and some new industrial complexes are being revitalised. Check also "Monopolies", "Księży Młyn", "Park Źródliska" (city's oldest Park with amazing old Oak trees and Palm House. Check also "dworzec Łódź Fabryczna" with is one of the best not only in Poland but entire Europe (Fabryczna train stadion), "EC1" - an ald power plant converted into amazing centre of science with observatory. Tru also "ZOO in Łódź" it is brand new and one of the biggest in Europe with amazing rare species.
@bogdan9057 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for warm words about my country. One simple suggestion to your video, please keep volume of the music on the same level with comments. Thanks.
@kamsonowicz Жыл бұрын
Being Polish, I'm used to mainly complain at my country, because that's what we do. :D So, it's actually good to look at your own country through the eyes of a foreigner, just to appreciate things that for us are obvious, but for other peaople can be something completely new (like, you know, urban planning and public transportation for someone from the US, lol).
@antija6825 Жыл бұрын
🤮 Mów za siebie. Nie za innych. Trza se poukładać we łbie. Nie dać sie omamić pedagogice wstydu. My nie mamy się czego wstydzić. Niech się inni wstydzą za kolonializm itp itd... Ci co mieli kolonie są dumni, a powinni się wstydzić. Po jaką chol... narzekasz? Życie jest krotkie. Żyj jakbyś miał "odejść" jutro. Jesteśmy zajeb...sci! Masz dowód od 24.02.22. Nikt taaaak nie otworzył serc, domów. Chyba, że na tym... zyskał.
@mozomenku Жыл бұрын
How would anybody even consider USA a being safe country (and safer than any place in Europe).
@rafsandomierz5313 Жыл бұрын
I would recommend you to try out the local bakery stuff next time if you're going to visit again.
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