Odlican video. Koji su ti simptomi bili kada si resio da ga cistis tj menjas? I posto si posle ciscenja senzora odlucio da kupis novi , da li ga vredi uopste cistiti ili uzeti odmah novi?
@lewisjones11822 жыл бұрын
I snapped stupid plastic tab beneath map sensor but I notice on yours it's missing anyway
@AleksandarSujica Жыл бұрын
Insignia 2009 2.0cdti160ks ne radi mi kazaljka za obrtaje. Auto inace lepo ide. Sta bi mogao biti problem?
@532nm32 жыл бұрын
How did you recovered clamp on oil separator hose after MAP sensor replacement? (1st clamp removed at 0:55 / junction with oil separator metal hose)
@LosmiBre2 жыл бұрын
You can close it together with pliers and push it down with a screwdriver 🪛 to lock it in place 🔐.
@532nm32 жыл бұрын
@@LosmiBre thanks for your guidance. what kind of pliers should I use to close it together? it is hard to move them closer.
@LosmiBre2 жыл бұрын
One of the best is carpenter pliers www.google.com/search?q=carpenter+pliers&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjctdXmmb72AhVO0oUKHRw_DYUQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=pliers+carp&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjoHCCMQ7wMQJzoGCAAQBxAeOgQIABATOggIABAFEB4QE1CtBlioH2DtLWgAcAB4AIABfogBqgWSAQMwLjaYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=oVMrYpzhB86klwSc_rSoCA&bih=746&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&prmd=ismvn#imgrc=xOvWdZ7ZyJ9F2M
@ShiftingShifting2 жыл бұрын
What were the symptoms before changing the sensor ?
@LosmiBre2 жыл бұрын
Fuel consumption was increased, especially on the freeway and also sometimes there was fuel smell inside the cabin. To be honest, I wasn't sure that the MAP was a problem, but after replacing it smell inside the cabin was gone. And regarding the high consumption I did some other things, as you can see in my videos, so I can't claim that the MAP sensor was a problem.
@lightsoutforever2 жыл бұрын
Is this the same location for the Astra J 2.0 cdti and is it the same part/ oem number?
@LosmiBre2 жыл бұрын
It's should be the same, it's same engine. 1.7 cdti is little bit different and has different part's numbers.
@Chris-jy3dm2 жыл бұрын
Will map sensor cause my car use more diesel
@LosmiBre2 жыл бұрын
Probably yes. All intake system must be checked and cleaned.
@Chris-jy3dm2 жыл бұрын
@@LosmiBre oh right thanks for the info , I don’t have any code’s thanks again
@JasonHanaghan Жыл бұрын
Is this for code p0069
@바실리카 Жыл бұрын
how about cleaning? instead of replacing it.
@LosmiBre Жыл бұрын
Try that of course. Clean it before replacement.
@ermirismajli91182 жыл бұрын
No need to install the new sensor?
@LosmiBre2 жыл бұрын
No need, just replace it and you're done.
@TheUltimate654 ай бұрын
Bad or dirty mapsensor give a bad resonse of power and bad fuel ecconomy