China Vows To Hit Economic Goals As Stock Rally Loses Steam | Bloomberg: The China Show 10/08/2024

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Bloomberg Television

Bloomberg Television

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@ctrl-shift-run8681 2 күн бұрын
Nothing goes up in a straight line. If you thought you missed the rally, today's a better entry point than yesterday.
@KaiZ-l4u 2 күн бұрын
It is a smart move by the Chinese government to slow down the market rally. There is too much speculation in the last two weeks. Slow and steady win the race.
@bennyc6021 2 күн бұрын
The ability to keep the market up is as complicated as chips manufacturing. It takes a lot of skills and know-how.
@skyburier8245 Күн бұрын
Probably a lot of short selling are covering that drive the market up. No one talks about this - strange!
@dsamh 2 күн бұрын
"How to lose money in a communist dystopia" By Bloomberg Television.
@a-c3po 2 күн бұрын
I am curious if the host buys China A stocks and whether or not he earns money from them.
@roro-v3z 2 күн бұрын
Minmin is so cute
@mitchellchristianson8120 2 күн бұрын
I've watched these guys a few times. I'm an investor there. Kind of true. Kind of not kind of like Al Jazeera. Depends who you're talking too It's undervalued. It's as simple as that the stock. It's not anything more than that The people need to hold their position and not let foreign investors lead the way dump and pump. I think they're going to understand better. The whole world's in debt look at the USA 2. Trillion added that's not stimulus money either
@aplacecalltambun 2 күн бұрын
Hahaha print money print print. Tell the people Citizens buy buy buy. So easy..why work...why all the bureaucrats to run the economy...sack them n print print print
@wanalan9958 2 күн бұрын
Do not expect China market to fly. Slow and steady win the race
@MrKenng123 2 күн бұрын
Godo job, Chinese government. Just don't create another bubble. Thx.
@lastChang 2 күн бұрын
Talking about falsifying records, in 2023, real China's economy shrank -3.5% as opposed to 5.2% expansion as officially announced. - So this year, they will just publish a 5% growth regardless of their economy.
@Npc-AA 2 күн бұрын
Hi Chang, See you again. I have seen your negative comments many times under video contains Chinese contents.
@bennyc6021 2 күн бұрын
Having a Plunge Protection Team or the (Crash Prevention Team) like in some countries would be secret behind how it is done.
@MuhammadRidhwanMohammadMuzaki Күн бұрын
saw this same comment on twitter.
@ArabicReja973 2 күн бұрын
Chinese 🇨🇳 property sector, which accounts for 30% of GDP, is crashing. - Exports and imports, accounting for 37% GDP, are down. - Foreign investment (FDI) is falling over 90%, lowest in 3 decades. - Foreign visitors are down 96% compared to the pre-pandemic level in 2019. - Consumer prices are experiencing deflation. - Youth unemployment hits over 21%, a record. - Its fast-shrinking workforce is 10 years older than neighboring countries. *Still, China keeps reporting outrageous GDP numbers.* Lol Where does the growth come from?
@nickdeng3804 2 күн бұрын
I see you everywhere. Everything you talked about is already count in the metrics, then it can't be worse. If you think China's economy gonna collapsed, then you should worried about world's economy.
@stephen3966 2 күн бұрын
In China, only lies are real.
@Song-TheNiceGuy Күн бұрын
😂😂Exports are up; is this why you had to state it with the import number as well? Also, imports from the EU and NA are down (pieces went up like crazy in the last 2 years), but from the global south are up by a lot. Your list is what we call "Selective reporting".
@AhmetTekin101 2 күн бұрын
As I said before, Chinese stock rally won't last! - It's impossible to revive a *dead horse.*
@ToiChutGongWu Күн бұрын
More lies from “Lastetc"/"lastetc"/"verylastetc"/"nextlastetc"/”bestlastetc”/ “Ahmetetc”/“Arabicetc.
@Observer168 2 күн бұрын
习近平的反腐倡议起点良好,并产生了显著影响。然而,将中国当前的经济困难完全归咎于他个人是过于简单化的。习近平成长于一个政治家庭,这种背景深刻影响了他的领导风格和政策选择。 腐败问题贯穿中国历史,从秦朝到清朝无一幸免。即使在20世纪末,邓小平也遇到了巨大阻力,但他的经济改革最终推动中国成为世界经济强国。 今天的经济问题源于长期存在的腐败文化,这导致了巨额债务的累积,可能需要数十年才能清偿。尽管习近平的紧缩政策加剧了一些问题,但这些政策对于遏制不负责任的支出是必要的。广泛存在的腐败和贿赂现象严重破坏了金融体系,威胁到经济稳定。 习近平的反腐运动 习近平的反腐运动始于2012年他上任后,是中国现代史上最为激进的反腐运动之一。他的运动瞄准了高层官员(“老虎”)和基层官员(“苍蝇”),试图根除政府和商业中的腐败现象。一些著名的案例包括: 1. 周永康:前安全主管周永康在2015年因贪污被判处无期徒刑,他成为被习近平反腐打倒的最高级别官员之一。周案被视为转折点,证明即使是高层官员也无法免于惩罚。 2. 薄熙来:在习近平上台之前,薄熙来是中国共产党内的风云人物和政治新星,因腐败和滥用职权被判处无期徒刑。这是2013年最引人注目的腐败案件之一。 3. 孙政才:曾被认为是中国未来领导人的孙政才因受贿于2018年被判处无期徒刑,他的倒台表明习近平愿意追究高级别官员的责任。 4. 令计划:前国家主席胡锦涛的高级助手令计划在2016年因贪污和滥用职权被判处无期徒刑。 5. 徐才厚:中央军委前副主席徐才厚在2014年因腐败被开除党籍,他的案件揭示了中国军队内部的腐败问题。 这些案例展示了习近平反腐运动的规模及其高层目标。虽然运动在一定程度上遏制了腐败,但也引发了对政治清洗的担忧,有批评者认为该运动既为打击腐败,也为清除政治对手服务。 挥霍无度与腐败:关键丑闻 习近平的反腐运动是在多起高调的企业丑闻之后展开的,这些丑闻中普遍存在挥霍无度、管理不善和腐败行为,严重破坏了中国的经济稳定。以下是其中一些最著名的例子: 1. 安邦保险: • 安邦曾是中国最大的私人企业集团之一,以其在全球的快速扩张闻名,其中包括购买纽约的华尔道夫酒店。然而,安邦的首席执行官吴小晖于2018年因欺诈和挪用公款被判处18年监禁。安邦最终被国家接管,其挥霍无度的花销和腐败行为成为企业贪婪失控的象征。 2. 海航集团: • 海航是另一个中国大型企业集团,快速扩展至航空、旅游和房地产领域。然而,海航通过巨额债务融资进行的扩张最终失败,公司于2021年破产。海航的倒台标志着中国债务驱动增长模式的风险。 3. 恒大集团: • 地产巨头恒大集团陷入了中国最严重的企业丑闻之一。恒大为了推动其房地产业务和其他领域的发展,过度借贷,最终在2021年出现流动性危机。其倒闭不仅冲击了全球市场,也暴露了中国房地产行业的系统性风险。恒大的挥霍无度和腐败丑闻被认为是中国经济高度杠杆化问题的象征。 4. 佳兆业集团: • 另一家房地产公司佳兆业因大量借债和高风险投资而在2015年陷入财务困境。佳兆业无法偿还债务,进一步引发了对中国房地产泡沫和银行业稳定的担忧。 5. 清华紫光集团: • 作为中国半导体行业自主创新的关键企业,清华紫光在2020年多次债务违约。其通过国家支持的贷款进行的快速扩张,因管理不善最终导致公司倒闭。该公司的倒台突显了中国战略性产业中管理不善带来的风险。 这些丑闻反映出中国金融体系中普遍存在的腐败和挥霍无度的问题。企业过度借贷和无节制扩张不仅导致了中国经济的不稳定,也暴露了金融监管和监督的缺陷。习近平的反腐运动试图解决这些问题,但问题的规模非常庞大。 改革的紧迫性 解决腐败和过度消费问题已迫在眉睫。尽管习近平的反腐运动取得了一些进展,但贪污受贿的深层文化仍然对中国经济的未来构成重大威胁。香港的廉政公署(ICAC)经验为解决系统性腐败提供了宝贵的借鉴。 在20世纪60至70年代,香港也曾陷入类似的腐败危机,特别是在警察部门,官员们常常与有组织犯罪勾结。1974年,香港成立了廉政公署(ICAC),帮助恢复了公众的信任,并大幅减少了公共和私营部门的腐败行为。ICAC的成功归功于其独立性、广泛的调查权力以及对执法和教育的双重重视。这个模式为中国提供了一个建立更透明、负责任的金融监管机制的潜在框架。 结论 虽然普华永道等全球审计公司在公司治理和财务审计方面卓有成效,但ICAC模式可能为中国的腐败问题提供更全面的解决方案。ICAC在处理根深蒂固的腐败、推动长期文化变革以及促进道德治理方面具有独特优势,这使其在应对中国复杂的金融环境时可能更加合适。 安邦、海航、恒大等案例凸显了挥霍无度和腐败的危险。借鉴习近平的反腐经验和香港廉政公署的模式,或许能够帮助中国建立一个更有韧性、更透明的金融体系,最终推动问责制和长期的经济稳定。
@mitchellchristianson8120 2 күн бұрын
You listed all the bad things pretty good. Do you want me to start talking about the United States let me start with the world's currency first. Let's talk about every 4 months. They need more money or the government stops. Let's talk about the 2 billion they added to the deficit this year. Let's talk about why idiots are running to corporate bonds where this spread is ridiculous between them. For the risk, let's talk about the bondholders. Did you ever notice nothing matures the last 20 years go look It's easy when the bonds always drop at the end of the year every year. Do you know how many zombie companies there are in the United States? Go figure that out the whole world's in debt. Some people get extra help like the world currency. You don't think that matters just because it's on paper doesn't make it worth as much as you think. Yes they have problems. I believe they changed like any country it's not the government but the states too that give out the money and pretty soon you can't find out where the hell it went I see something you don't Broad-Based prosperity comes at a cost and so we spend the cost I'm an ex-marine too. Been around the world. Plenty deal with it
@mitchellchristianson8120 2 күн бұрын
Maybe you should go look at the US and see how much they spend on elections. Maybe you should ask the companies that are betting on both kind of like shorting a stock. Don't fool yourself nothing's equally applied to all people. I don't need to explain that to you and so f***** of life Go to Japan if you want you want to talk about manipulation there's so much s*** going on there that you don't even know about. They're good at hiding it real good they get help
@mitchellchristianson8120 2 күн бұрын
Let's talk about ASML. Let's talk about Taiwan. Let's talk about 1971 let's talk about Henry. Kissinger let's talk about Taiwan sovereignty at the time and what how about taiwan's dominance and chip manufacturing? Let's talk about the US. Doesn't give a s*** about anybody other than that country. Let's talk about America's interests which means wherever you are, Taiwan comes first for a reason. We'll sell you down the river in order to keep that there. That's how the world works. Don't forget what were they supposed to do? The odds of what they did Go look at India and you will see what'll happen in the next 10 years and it won't turn out like China did too much money too fast. It's like a drug I don't see them going to one country and invading them. Maybe their interests but I don't see that. Do you see them in the Middle East? Where do you see them exactly? What else are they going to do with their military? Maybe they are building bases in the ocean. What else are they going to do? Start a war invade some country in their best interests change when you become broke and that's the problem when the sentiment runs out I don't like it and I wish we could get along better. But nobody's willing to come to the table and we should be the first. The United States could change things they don't want to. They don't want to release the grip and snot on their best interest, but she can't take away what they did that quickly. Nobody could have done that. It's better than a war. Is it not or would you rather have that?
@mitchellchristianson8120 2 күн бұрын
Go look at Shadow banking. Do you know why they don't tell you how much money is actually in it? Go look it up in the United States. It's called systemic risk. They don't want somebody to take advantage of somebody so that's not told. Do you really know how many companies there are? There will float because they're in the s&p 500 and passive investing keeps them there to make their bond payments. They can barely do that to stay all float and since the bond prices always go down the last 20 years, almost nothing matures. The risk corporate bonds knew how much money that is. There's no way in hell the US market should have went up that much this year Don't be stupid that America has a better way of selling the story. The earnings aren't there The top seven were 53% of the total gains One company's market cap like Tesla sells $55,000 cars a month on average in China $750 billion market cap zeekr zk on the NASDAQ is losing around a billion a quarter. It is getting better. Their market cap is 8 billion and they sell $20,000 cars yeah they got to help. Volkswagen 230 billion in debt. Look it up. How would you like to own that Bond? It's worth about $0.05 on the dollar. Where do you think that comes from? Do you think that company should stay in business housing market? What was it 360 billion that that company owed ever grand or whatever the f*** it is? How much money do you think Volkswagen plants are worth when they liquidate them? At least they have some of the buildings built. Maybe there are Shadow cities? They're not going away. They'll figure it out. What's not going to happen? There's going to be two world dominant powers. History says that don't happen too often when one hasn't innovated in a country for a while maybe if the United States and China and them two only regardless of their allies and interests could come together just the two of them and decide put a break on military spending just a couple of years could change the world. We have plenty now. Just the two of them we don't need another f-35 jet in my state state that jet costs more than The Southeastern state pays in taxes where I live in a year. You think that's good when you're an exporter in the importers got the upper hand history says that doesn't happen very often. It does maybe in the beginning but it matters sooner or later and that's when he changes these two need to come up together and make the rules for the rest of us the rest of the world if not, the power is going back to Europe and it'll be Europe and China. That will decide their best interests without the United States. We have a 6th grade average reading in the country. The cities are war zones. Poverty in the United States isn't a crime. It's a sentence. It's not all Rosy. You might know that I can drop you off somewhere and see how far he walked down the street night post-traumatic stress for kids living there. It's called The kill zone and it moves out from there. If you move somebody from there to China they would think they were in heaven. Don't tell me that. Stop crying about that once you come live over here in that s*** and then we'll see how much you want to cry. Tough guy
@mitchellchristianson8120 2 күн бұрын
You have an idea of something you don't know it ain't always rosier on the other side. Maybe you got to keep your mouth shut a little more over in China. Maybe that's a good reason. In the United States you'll get your ass shot if you open your mouth so that ain't no joke you can't have it both ways. You want it that way why don't you think of something better to say like how can they come together? It's the US and China and nothing else. Don't forget it doesn't matter what's going on in the world anywhere. America goes to sleep and the first thing they think of when they wake up or go to bed. That's the government. There's a war in Israel and somebody will say, but don't forget about China and they'll be like s*** you're right, that's first. We don't want them to go any further but down in the US you know how many times I've heard they're going to build a high-speed train and they stop about 5 mi into it and about 10 billion in debt and then stop go look at California. You kidding me. At least you get something built there. We get s*** you see something there. I see nothing here that's getting done I hope you read this there's a lot of losers here education sucks on the inner city. And yeah I've made a lot of money in China and I'm damn proud of it. I've lost some but that's anywhere I see worth and all people stop crying. Say something positive. You don't know what talking about
@johnwilliam1837 2 күн бұрын
Joe Little does not talk to the point at all
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