MARS VOLTA REACTION | This Sound Engineer needs FIRED!

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Soul Singer Discovers

Soul Singer Discovers

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Anywhere but hamburgers, pizza or fried chicken…Fine! We'll go to Mars
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@Delboy219 9 ай бұрын
This song is from one the best albums of all time. It was from the early 2000s, and his vocal style on the record is very youthful sounding. There is no way he could sound like that when he's about to hit 50. Best thing to do is just listen to the album.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I will do! 😊
@ANunes06 5 ай бұрын
It's also a kind of ... intentionally sloppy song.
@Mdjagg 9 ай бұрын
You really should listen to the album version, it's the greatest recording of all time. His vocals are incredible on there too, and the drummer is 100x better
@yungluddite9 3 ай бұрын
can't beat the comatorium's drums
@The_Kiosk 9 ай бұрын
Lol, wow. The Mars Volta are talented and the albums sound better than live performances, HOWEVER they're basically extraterrestrial acidheads and make zero sense unless you've explored At the Drive In to have a sense of what they're like. Just my two cents.
@Razzmata77 9 ай бұрын
I'd agree. I'd say a good next step in discovery would be "One Armed Scissor" by At The Drive-In, and then circle right back to "L'Via L'Viaquez", to get a nice taste of the wealth of the variety in what these artists have produced.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
That’s a good two cents 😊
@jmarsvolta 9 ай бұрын
The Mars Volta is not metal.
@ericfellner2689 9 ай бұрын
They're definitely metal-adjacent. A lot of metal/prog fans are Mars Volta fans.
@FeralWorker 9 ай бұрын
Mars Volta have always had a terrible live sound. They said in an interview once that they basically gave up on their live mix, and have just settled for it being muddy and unbalanced in most situations. And Cedric's always been weak live--just always singing beyond his actual range.. and really bad effects choices.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
That’s interesting, I wonder what was the straw that broke the camels back 🧐
@Razzmata77 9 ай бұрын
The song is from their 2003 album De-Loused in the Comatorium, but this is a recording from May 2023. Cedric has been performing live for around 30 years, and I've never seen mentions of him having problems with his voice - but to be fair, it's possible I missed them. In (mild) defence of the festival sound engineers - the PA mixing is generally separate from the mixing of the recording, so even if the recording is not great, that does not mean the experience for those present wasn't a whole lot better. This was not an official live recording for the band, so I think it's likely it was mixed live for the broadcast, and not by the band's own sound people. And all other live recordings I've heard were either worse quality, or the vocals were so low in the mix they were hard to appreciate. That is generally not a problem in the studio mix. Funny that the comments of the original video are full of people saying how good it sounds here - relatively at least, because actually good live recordings by The Mars Volta (or At The Drive-In for that matter) may very well be non-existent. But now at least if you hear a studio recording, you know that the performance you hear on there is likely to be real, and not some studio trickery.
@mr.beaverchair3622 9 ай бұрын
"I've never seen mentions of him having problems with his voice" lol what? He's notorious for his vocal inconsistency.
@scotthahn6666 9 ай бұрын
Great band, terrible sound quality. The bass and vocals get drowned out too much. Your accent is awesome! I only sound like I Am from Kentucky when I drink too You know, the street that I live on is Highland. And I am a Scott...coincidence? Keep up the great work My Fine Scottish Lady! ❤❤❤
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
There’s no such things as coincidence Scott! Thank you for watching 💜😊💜
@lordvlygar2963 9 ай бұрын
1:30. I would actually love to hear your accent that you naturally use, while analyzing a song.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
It would honestly sound totally daft as the vowels would be so different. And saying that I was brought up on American music so it would weird to try at this point 😂
@adamclark6756 9 ай бұрын
10k! Woohoo.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I know right! Im chuffed! :)
@acomamind 4 ай бұрын
Getting into TMV by a live concert is a big chunk to chew on. If one is not used to their songs and in jam session culture things, that only hang loose on the actual music piece and now performing it, making use of the potential of a live-act as a dense energetic & momentous emotional happening, one can easily get confused and become tempted to misinterpret the quality of the musician skills and their music in general. As the happening-character is such big part of their concerts, it doesnt seem to make much sense for me to in general watch live-performances of them from home at all. You can do that with all the bands who sound live the same as on the album. Here, not so much. Luckily you as a musician can see through it better and sort it all in more adequat. But i allways fear, people could miss out one of the best bands and albums here, not because i want everyone to hear them or i am a fanatic who fights for their honor. This sound is a rare thing to find and if music is getting u elsewhere, this could be a big opportunity missed. btw: best consumed in good quality and with headphones^^ thx for ur video... interesting perspective - nice reaction - and yes: hard to understand in parts :D
@IronDiamondMan 9 ай бұрын
When I saw them live, it was very underwhelming and a little disappointing. Their latest album was mastered really really well as well as the At The Drive-in stuff. Cedric is great footman.
@davidmarsh9897 9 ай бұрын
They're actually really good on cd etc. It does sound a bit crap on this video but I'm not sure it comes across as well live anyway. This is actually one of my favourites by them.
@MrDecksels 9 ай бұрын
I think The Afghan Whigs might be an interesting band for you to discover. I don't want to give anything away, but people that are familiar with this band and your channel might get why I'm suggesting them. Let's just say they were part of the grunge movement, while being anything but grunge.
@Delboy219 9 ай бұрын
They won't touch it until they see bigger youtubers giving them a go. Even Mark Lanegan gets ignored on this shitty site.
@katkatCSI 9 ай бұрын
Mars Volta progressive?????? Hahahhw
@hclyrics 9 ай бұрын
I saw The Mars Volta (with System of a Down), and I swear I was one of the only people there to see them. They didn't sound great, and I wasn't sure if it was their sound engineer. I feel like it would be AMAZING to see them in a small club or bar. Their sound doesn't seem to suit arenas so well.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
Oh absolutely! I would love to see them in a 200 person venue. That would be amazing I’ll bet 😊
@michaeledwards6683 9 ай бұрын
i honestly feel like the label of “progressive rock” just leads to bad first impressions with the mars volta. the preconceived notions are all off, as if they’re speaking a whole different musical language. their sound and style is easier to “get” when you approach them as an experimental psychedelic hard rock band. think tropical fuck storm or some of the artsier led zeppelin songs. i know how pretentious this all sounds. just trust me and give them a listen with that mindset. you’ll see there’s something to my advice here.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I will do Michael. Thanks for the tip 😊💜
@AnthonySell 5 ай бұрын
Odin, why would you do the live version? This band deserves so much better than someone's cell phone video...
@andretyroneii941 4 ай бұрын
Thats not a cellphone video lol. Mars Volta sound more interesting live due to improvisations not available in studio. She couldve choose better video though
@ZeSheshamHahu 9 ай бұрын
They remind me of Subterranean Masquerade
@dan.j.boydzkreationz 9 ай бұрын
Day of the Baphomets is brilliant
@russellhamilton8903 9 ай бұрын
Love the accent. Being from Northern Ireland, I know what you mean about people can't understand... you talk to fast... say that in English... 🤪🤣🤣🤣 My American sister-in-law says she needs a translator to speak to me. Ye see thon Alexa bitch, she really gets on mah tits. She never understands me😂😂😂
@salamecas5293 9 ай бұрын
the latino led zeppellin Cedric is Meixcan/American and Omar is Puerto RIcan
@Onlyspaceman 7 ай бұрын
Saw these guys live back in October, and they played this song. I honestly preferred what they played over the studio version, which is saying something, bc the studio version is amazing! Something sounds off in this video, so idk what happened lol
@SoulSingerDiscovers 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I would definitely have liked to have heard them live somewhere. Thanks so much for watching :)
@Rabant777 9 ай бұрын
The unlistenability is one of my favourite things about The Mars Volta. A music aficionado friend says that every song sounds as if all the musicians are playing different songs ...... It speaks to my soul.
@michaeledwards6683 9 ай бұрын
really creates a whole world in the music! i love it!
@TheStacanova 9 ай бұрын
Their Live in Scotland at the Balado festival 2009 is pretty good sounding. Another recording, of the song “Goliath” specifically from a Canada MTV broadcast is also pretty good. The live from the “Big Day Out” festival is also pretty good sounding vocal-wise. You should check that out.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I will do! 😊
@SubwaySweden 9 ай бұрын
Thought festivals where there to facilitate bad decisions but I might be wrong
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
To be fair, you’re not wrong 😎
@MillicentOak 9 ай бұрын
*ahem* At the Drive-In, Cedric and Omar's previous band, played on TFI Friday, not long after they released their last album, Relationship of Command. It was... significantly messier than this, and definitely contributed to the "somewhat unhinged" feel of the show XD They also played Later... with Jools Holland. Because it was Later, it was properly recorded which IMHO makes it much rougher! It's like they saw footage of The Who, or someone like that, smashing up their instruments and all competing to be the most chaotic and over-the-top at the end of one of their gigs; and thought "why bother with the bit before this?". Formalities such as playing for the whole song or tuning their instruments were definitely too bourgeois for them, and I'll bet they had some insurers wetting their pants. With that said, I also think Relationship of Command is one of the best albums ever recorded, and I'm not even a punk. Mars Volta's first couple of albums, De-Loused in the Comatorium (which this song is from) and Frances the Mute are right up there too (and they tuned their instruments for those). They're definitely on the chaotic rather than perfectionist end of prog rock, which is not really the norm/typically commercially successful (at least in British and American prog).
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I think I might prefer the chaotic end than the pristine end of most things tbh. I definitely have a lot of music to catch up on because their singer is phenomenal. Hope you’re well my dude 😊💜
@davelewis3775 9 ай бұрын
At the drive in/the mars volta/antimasque is VERY hit and miss with live recordings, but the band is awesome. Its a shame this is yhe one you picked to experiance them for the first time, but going in blind brings this risk. I would say its worth pucking one of thier .ore viewed official videos to get a full feel. Keep up the vids. They are great as always.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching Dave 😊💜
@Bonzoso21 9 ай бұрын
TMV live experiences are always unique since they're a jam band at heart. Sometimes that results in performances that are worse than others because they improvise a lot and may also have some dissonance between instruments, but when it hits it can produce those rare shows that you remember your whole life. I've seen them a few times and one show was disappointing, but the others were magic.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I would rather watch a band take some chances than be so safe as to rob what they do of any heart. MV definitely has all the heart. thanks for watching my dude! :)
@louddog962 9 ай бұрын
Hey Mel! Ya should checkout Between the Buried and Me....they really are one of the best metal/insert style here Bands! Think Everything Bagel. I've been a huge fan since they came out in the early 2000"s.
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I will do! Thanks for watching my dude 😊💜
@louddog962 9 ай бұрын
@@SoulSingerDiscovers I love the way😜
@JasonSmith-lp6wg 9 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, the days of unfettered salubrious salaciousness have been replaced by my circumferaneous walkabouts. In short, I've become a blubbering blatherskite! (Yes, I possess an English degree!)🤣
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
I only wish I read this sentence as swiftly as Im sure you wrote it….goddamn English Lit Whores!!!! 😂
@JasonSmith-lp6wg 9 ай бұрын
@@SoulSingerDiscovers Concerning words, yes, I am a whore of several magnitudes; but I've, also, been a whore of other magnitudes. (There's a reason why my face exudes its alabaster continence.) Be well, my woman of song!
@russellhamilton8903 9 ай бұрын
Love the accent. Being from Northern Ireland, I know what you mean about people can't understand... you talk to fast... say that in English... 🤪🤣🤣🤣 My American sister-in-law says she needs a translator to speak to me. Ye see thon Alexa bitch, she really gets on mah tits. She never understands me😂😂😂
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
Russell! When I tell you that Siri has NEVER understood so much so that I dont even talk to Alexa!!! :P
@russellhamilton8903 9 ай бұрын
@@SoulSingerDiscovers that's the problem with the posh English, they cannae understand the wonderful regional accents of the working class🤣🤣🤣
@johnbennett2941 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing the mars volta
@SoulSingerDiscovers 9 ай бұрын
It was my pleasure honestly 😊💜
@imcrazedandconfused 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, sometimes I have a hard time to understand everything you say, mostly when your upper talking speed meets accent and idioms... But hey, you speak like you speak - totally fine. As for Mars Volta - I like them. These guys had "a thing" with their commitment to psychedelic, groovy rock with classic rock sounds. Hell, I would never again use an Ampeg with 8x10 cabinet in my life - these things are heavy and huge. And actually I did not like the sound of these too much, I am more a purist type of bass guy on the clean side (Glockenklang). But these guys wanted the classic sounds, so they can sound like these old bands they got the ideas from, like from the 60s and 70s. Red Hot Chilli Peppers come to my mind when I think of other bands that did something similar that really works. And it works for Mars Volta because they could up the game with some chaos and musical anarchy, just the amount that works. Live sound has a random element. Open Air is easier, because you have no room that can boom with standing waves... There are people you trust for live sound, and there are people where you know that you are essentially fücked as soon as you take a look at the FoH. Or latest, when the soundcheck is really meh and the guy does not even understand the sound concept of the band and the electric instruments. This recording is particularly f'ed up with a mix, that could have easily been upgraded with clarity. It sounds so scooped overall, this could have been eq'ed a lot better with some tweaks in the master bus. It could have been done afterwards before releasing the video version. But they decided to keep the video real to the live broadcasting. Not a too great idea... sigh. There is an annoying effect on the vocals, somehow chorus/phaser/flanger like effect and a reverb, that really does no good in this context. I can imagine that the band wanted this originally on the vocals, but in this mix it only helps to bury the vocals. There is much too little presence in this mix, it sounds terribly scooped. Surely it could have been done better, the mix is not too swamped, even in this frequency response curve, that sounds like mixed for a random deathcore band. So I think it has been possible to achieve something really enjoyable. This said, being a live sound engineer is a job that I would not like to do. Did it 2 or 3 times, and it is a stressful and not very rewarding job. I learned a lot about mixing from a good friend who does live engineering for a living. It helped me a lot and inspired me to produce my own stuff ... Have a great second half of the week and all the best, my dear Scottish dudette! Love your videos. ❤
@peterdoe2617 9 ай бұрын
I like your accent. Beeing german, I wanted to sound more british. Ended up, marrying a woman who lived in OK, US. Never heard anyone complain, understanding me. Not in Ireland, not down under, not....with ONE exception: my (step) son in the US is the only english spoken person, ever complaining having troubles to read me clearly. Before I forget: the band Slowdive. And their song "Golden Hair". The 9yr old live version. I can send the link. Sound engineer: at concerts, I call them mixers. Like I was one. Sitting right in the middle of the audience, to judge about the sound. And messing up. Alter Bridge in Hamburg, 2019: that guy messed up half of the concert. (The guys at the bar on the 1st floor asked me: "what's going on down there? Sounds horrible!" Most in the audience didn't get it. That is sad! Volbeat in Hamburg, last year. A friend hat invited me. (Huge fan of them). We left mid concert. Not bearable! And we are both 60+? How unaware do you need to be to not recognize? Elles Bailey and Morganway where a pleasure to the ear! IGNEA tomorrow will not happen for me: mom and I both have covid. And I don't go to meet crowds, when beeing infected. Happy holidays, wished from the far north of Germany!
@SoulSingerDiscovers 6 ай бұрын
Big love Frank 💜💜💜
@peterdoe2617 6 ай бұрын
@@SoulSingerDiscovers Brilliant sound engineering: metal band plus full orchestra. Warning: link in my next answer. Else this one would be blocked. 2nd warning: it's political. (Yet beautiful)
@peterdoe2617 6 ай бұрын
@@SoulSingerDiscovers IGNEA: Alga
@peterdoe2617 6 ай бұрын
@@SoulSingerDiscovers Melisa: if you saw an album in a shop: top line: G//z/r. Would you buy it? I did. Can u guess?
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