How can we do a box /QQ/ plot for more than two variables? For example, I have three treatments/ groups/ with 8 replication for each group/treatment. Treat Variables X1, x2, x3, x4, x5 variable T1R1 5, 8, 12, 8.5, 9...etc T1R2 T1R3 T1R4 T1R5 T1R6 T1R7 T1R8 T2R1 T2R2 T2R3 T2R4 T2R5 T2R6 T2R7 T2R8 T3R1 T3R2 T3R3 T3R4 T3R4 T3R5 T3R6 T3R7 T3R8
@DevResearch Жыл бұрын
#Here i have plotted bill length distribution as per their species and island library(ggplot2) head(penguins) ggplot(penguins,aes(species,bill_length_mm, fill= island))+ geom_boxplot() # in your case you will have following code ggplot(data,aes(variable,value, fill= tretament))+ geom_boxplot()
@mebratuify Жыл бұрын
@@DevResearch Thank you. But I think you did not understand my question. For example, I have three treatments, each with 8 replications. For each treatment, I have 9 response variables (it can be more or less) like body weight, etc... But it is very difficult to write all the variable values for all the treatments and replications. Is there any short method or I will be imported the excel data into Rstudio. Does it recognize the software by itself for testing the normaality test? Once again thanks.