Proof of Matt.25:31,32 future operation, is when ye see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets sit down in God's kingdom on this earth - Luke 13:28,29. Abraham - Gen.12:3 promise will start, and he will begin to bless all nations of earth. He fits into the type of person mentioned in Psalm 1:1-3. Also God promised Abraham, and all his descendants all of the land of Canaan* forever; an everlasting* possession - Gen.13:14,15/ 17:7,8. So in part, the awakening of peoples of this earth; Daniel 12:2 is to effect Abraham, etc. to fill the earth.
@warrenjbrown48987 жыл бұрын
With all due respect, dear brother, I think you missed the point of the passage - the judgment of the nations and their treatment of ISRAEL/the Jews during the horrible seven years of the Tribulation. Goats are those Gentiles who didn't help Israel, sheep are those who did - and THESE will then be rewarded by having the privilege to enter the marvelous 1000 year (millenial) kingdom of the Lord Jesus. PRetty simple, really. The nation of Israel was judged in the judgment treated in the previous verses of Mt 25 and those worthy, will enter into the Kingdom. This is NOT the same judgment as Revelation 20:11-15! The Lord bless and keep you.