Matthew Goodwin | Mass Migration - Elites’ experiment threatening western nations and democracy

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Onni Rostila

Onni Rostila

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@talouskurssit7028 22 күн бұрын
This situation in the western world makes me sooo sad . I really think British people and UK deserve their beautiful country , own culture, own values and lands. TaKe care.
@Madonnalitta1 21 күн бұрын
Please don't follow our example. Save your country whilst you can.
@d.tr6176 20 күн бұрын
Of course they deserve it: they built it; it's theirs. Now you have that silly subclass who think it's theirs to give.
@simonspider 17 күн бұрын
Woke = evil
@amialal4510 16 күн бұрын
@@d.tr6176 Who's the 'silly subclass' you're referring to?
@AnnaSokyra 24 күн бұрын
We should not be calling them "elite "they are traitors, This issue should be taken very seriously We cannot allow this 20 % of traitors to rule over 80% of citizens, Thank you for the video, Excellent 👍
@rizbotube 24 күн бұрын
Have been to Finland twice, great country, clean air, fresh water, and lovely people.
@talouskurssit7028 22 күн бұрын
@grannyannie2948 21 күн бұрын
I've been once from Australia and found the same.
@LebowskiDudeful 26 күн бұрын
What a well-spoken man. Thanks for introducing Goodwin!
@joukokuisma9574 26 күн бұрын
Tässä nuoressa perussuomalaisten kansanedustajien porukassa on maamme tulevaisuus ! Ei tarvitse katua että äänestimme heitä ! 👍👍
@irkku6943 26 күн бұрын
Juurikin näin Jouko 👍👍👍🎯
@eijamartinez3455 25 күн бұрын
@John-p7i5g 24 күн бұрын
I hope Finland can avoid this assault on the West from within.
@lornemartin1946 25 күн бұрын
I wish we had sensible voices like Matt Goodwin in our parliament 🙏
@blondie7341 25 күн бұрын
Unfortunately we don't have him in our British parliament either. He's a scholar, not a politician, although maybe if he was a politician things wouldn't be so bad. Everything is so bad in the UK and Europe
@consequences5638 25 күн бұрын
Would it make any difference? Should it?
@PurpleHaze-b9f 24 күн бұрын
We must all support him on Substack so the information will get out there
@scarlettohara7761 26 күн бұрын
Onpa hyvä kuulla näkemyksiä ja perusteltua analyysia massamaahanmuutosta brittinäkökulmalla. Kiitos Onni! Harvinaista herkkua kun vertaa Suomen valtamediaan! Hienoa että meillä on näitä vaihtoehtoisia kanavia, joita voi seurata.
@jimmymcgill713 25 күн бұрын
Interesting that you good people of Finland have the exact same issues as us
@Madonnalitta1 21 күн бұрын
​@@jimmymcgill713the whole of the west. Supposedly independent nations. That's how you know it's deliberate.
@viewer3091 25 күн бұрын
Thanks to Matt Goodwin.
@musthaveacamel2157 25 күн бұрын
I would rather eat at a Soup Kitchen and wear second hand clothes than be surrounded by people that don't share my values and culture
@BennyMcGibbon 25 күн бұрын
Looks like we'll be doing both soon.
@davidcooks2379 25 күн бұрын
In the latter case you'll be unalived
@brudamo9203 24 күн бұрын
Well let others live in their nations with their cultural practices, political systems, and let them control resources how they see fit. Perhaps migration may will reduce?
@musthaveacamel2157 24 күн бұрын
@@brudamo9203 No one is stopping anyone else from progressing , Only low IQ and laziness
@musthaveacamel2157 24 күн бұрын
@@brudamo9203 Low IQ answer
@user-pr8pg2ge7k 24 күн бұрын
Matt is an intelligent, reasonable man. I love listening to his conversations 🙌🏼
@OlgaHolger 22 күн бұрын
me too
@anttipikkusaari4855 26 күн бұрын
Wonderful guest and excellent discussion! This was most welcome addition to our public discourse. Discourse that the main stream media is serving so poorly if at all. PS. I am not happy with Finnish outlook but I am extremely worried and saddened by what's going on in the UK and what is the outlook there.
@andrealeetobias3474 21 күн бұрын
As a brit I am extremely worried for our beautiful country, history, culture and values
@ceased2care 20 күн бұрын
With people like Matt Goodwin and others connecting themselves with Reform UK, who now have 5 seats in parliament, they are a serious party, and the next 5 years will show it
@mabelheinzle2275 20 күн бұрын
Thank you - great discussion - Matt Goodwin is courageous - he actually speaks TRUTH and common sense
@mmven1101 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä herätellä keskustelua näistä asioista Suomessakin ennen kuin ollaan brittien kanssa samojen ongelmien äärellä. Sieltä paluumuuttaneena toivoisin ettei Suomi olisi niin innokkaasti seuraamassa samoissa jalanjäljissä koska ongelmat siellä on jo riistäytynyt käsistä.
@annenevgi6775 26 күн бұрын
Kiitos! Erinomaista kuunneltavaa lounastauolla. Olen jo jonkin aikaa seurannut Matthew Goodwinia ja lukenut kirjoituksiaan. Auttanut ymmärtämään missä mennään nyt poliitikan muutoksissa niin Briteissä kuin Euroopassa ja laajemminkin globaalilla tasolla.
@xvnbm 26 күн бұрын
Loistava vieras ja hyvää keskustelua. Hienoa että sait hänet käymään.
@ainavarma4693 25 күн бұрын
Thank you Onni and Matthew😊
@NightsideOfParadise 26 күн бұрын
Let's gooo! Big fan of mr. Goodwin.
@jussilaamanen4827 26 күн бұрын
kiitos tästä onni.tämä kaveri kertoo mistä yle ja valtamedia ei kerro.totta joka sana.olen seurannut brittien tilannetta netistä pitkään ja tilanne on vakava siellä.kiitos starmerin ja muitten punikkien siellä.
@njuham 26 күн бұрын
Starmer on trotskilainen ja 80-luvulla nuorena vietti aikaa kommunistien leireilla oliko nyt DDR:ssa tai vastaavassa. Voi olla enemman fanaattisempi kuin Corbyn ja pitanyt sen hyvin piilossa vaalikansalta.
@brianoconnell3237 21 күн бұрын
Excellent discussion and cinematography. Well done to all involved.
@marjorii 26 күн бұрын
Excellent discussion, thank you!
@PeterFormark 26 күн бұрын
Olipa loistava haastattelu, näin hyviä harvoin, jos koskaan näkee Suomessa. Tällainen pitäisi pyöriä tuolla julkisrahoitteisella Ylelläkin, mutta sitä kai saamme odottaa aika pitkään. Hienoa työtä Onni!
@roberttreborable 25 күн бұрын
Japan with a ruling elite that still has a pride in being Japanese, has practically zero migration and none of the problems we see with mass migration in the UK.
@d.tr6176 20 күн бұрын
Japan does not allow it. If there were waves of loose migrants showing up on the horizon, I believe they would be quite simply turned away. Japan does not pretend to solve other countries' problems.
@GrumpaGladstone1809 26 күн бұрын
A great interview. And such important ideas.
@Sabine.Furuholm 26 күн бұрын
Tulin heti tänne, kun kyseinen jakso mainittiin uudessa viisastelu-klubissa. Oikeassahan tuo äijä on, ei siitä pääse yli eikä ympäri. Kiitos videosta kummallekin teille.
@coronet2984 26 күн бұрын
Hieno vieras, hieno ”studio” ja kivasti kuvattu. Tätä oli ilo seurata. 👌
@jimmymcgill713 25 күн бұрын
Matt speaks so much sense!! good on him for standing up to be counted❤
@samikuuppaassa55 26 күн бұрын
Kiitos Onni! Hienoja vieraita hommaat👍
@louisehoff9467 23 күн бұрын
What an excellent discussion and analysis of exactly what many of us have been observing without understanding the bigger picture you describe so well
@karrisilantera9810 26 күн бұрын
Loistava video ja todella hyvä kielitaito Onni.
@LucienCanon 25 күн бұрын
Great interview. -Melbourne AU
@L_Martin 25 күн бұрын
Just wanted to say, this interview is beautifully shot. Cameras are beautiful, audio quality is fantastic. Congratulations on making such a slick-looking interview. I follow Matt, so it was interesting to hear him interviewed here. How disheartening to hear the way Finnish press reported on Southport, but then that's how our media in the UK reported on it as well.
@antti8299 26 күн бұрын
”We are living the greatest radicalization of the elites since 1960’s”. Exactly. And they have doubled down.🙁 Same thing here in Finland and a metafora for that is the admiration of Soviet Union in the sixties our radicalization of the elites and artists etc, we called it here ”suomettuminen”. Now we have the same ”suomettuminen” but instead of Soviet Union we need to admire Africa, Islam, but it’s been put in a form of a immigrant you can’t criticise the process or rrrracist label and cancel follows. It is all very sad actually. It is not diversity, it is the exact opposite of it. It is making the quality of life in the poorest neighborhoods suffer. Making the lower classes all median brown with no common identity no father land just the system the politicians run should be admired. That seems to be the master plan.
@Mrbobinge 24 күн бұрын
Thought I'd heard it all before. But Matt has neatly gathered all the ends into a package of root causes Who Why What When. A breath of scholarship. Thanks Onni/Matt.
@Madonnalitta1 21 күн бұрын
Brilliantly indepth coversation, with a beautiful backdrop. I was starting to question whether liberalism had brought us to this dark present, Mr Goodwin has given me cause to reconsider. Many thanks.
@Kesa987 26 күн бұрын
Erinomainen jakso, kiitos!
@H.A.J.Niemimen 26 күн бұрын
Olipas hyvä keskustelu 💪
@Ammiisa 25 күн бұрын
Kiitos mielenkiintoisesta haastattelusta! Se on kyllä erikoista miten tietyissä länsimaissa jotkut poliitikot, tutkijat ja aktivistit käyttävät tätä häpeäkulttuurin ajattelua, jossa valkoinen eurooppalainen on kaiken pahan alku ja juuri, meidän pitäisi hävetä historiaamme ja omaa kulttuuriamme. Jopa Suomessa pahimmat anarkistit ovat esittäneet tällaisia ajatuksia, vaikka Suomi ei ole koskaan ollut esimerkiksi kolonialismissa mukana - päin vastoin. Meihin on kohdistettu tietyllä tapaa kolonialismia sekä Ruotsin että Venäjän alla. Sen sijaan arabimaat ja Afrikka on vasemmistolaisessa ajattelussa aina uhrjea. Näissä kulttuureissa tai historiassa ei ole mitään vikaa, paitsi tietysti eurooppalaisten kolonialismi ja rasismi, joka on tuhonnut maiden kykyä kehittyä sivistyneiksi demokratioiksi. Jos katsotaan lähi-itää, sillä on tuhansien vuosien historia eri muslimimaiden keskittymänä, jonne ainoastaan Israel on rakentunut "ulkopuolelta" juutalaisten demokraattiseksi valtioksi. Kaikki muut lähi-idän maat ovat autoritäärisiä diktatuureja enemmän tai vähemmän. Eurooppalaiset eivät ole pilanneet muslimimaiden kehitystä tai sivistystä, vaan he ovat pilanneet sen ihan itse fundamentalistisella islamin opeillaan. Onko Britannialla ja Ranskalla syytä hävetä kolonialismiaan ja apartheidia Afrikassa? No totta kai on! Mutta Eurooppa on myös mennyt eteenpäin noista ajoista kohti tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaista yhteiskuntamallia. Ovatko muslimimaat menneet eteenpäin tai jollakin tavalla yrittäneet parantaa kansalaistensa hyvinvointia ja vaikutusmahdollisuuksia omien maittensa asioihin? No eivät ole. Taaksepäin sen sijaan ollaan menty, mm. Afganistanissa ja Syyriassa. Ihmiset lähi-idässäkin haluavat tietysti vapautta ja demokratiaa. Kummallista on se, että kun muutetaan Eurooppaan pakolaisina tai turvapaikanhakijoina, osa näistä ihmisistä (erityisesti miehistä) ei kunnioita vapaan demokratian arvoja ja kulttuuria, vaan tuodaan se oma ummehtunut, naisvihamielinen ja väkivaltainen ajattelu mukana vastaanottavaan maahan. Siis se, jota todennäköisesti alun perin lähdettiin pakoon Eurooppaan. Tämä on todella irvokasta.
@jimmymcgill713 25 күн бұрын
They regard white woman as "fair -game"...and not just woman...CHILDREN.
@mikahattunen4502 23 күн бұрын
Arabit ja mustat omaa huonomman itsekurin ja täten haluaa että yhteisö pitäisi kurissa yksilöt, naapurit ja heidät itsensä myös, siksi he tykkäävät diktatuureista ja sääntöyhteiskunnasta.
@annkristinbarnes4596 21 күн бұрын
Great interview, thanks! Listening from Sweden, which unfortunately is much further gone than Finland. The "uniparty" here has done the WEF proud.
@hannuhanhi183 26 күн бұрын
The unholy union between labor and conservatives regarding immigration is also in USA between democrats and republicans. Left side wants more voters and right side wants more cheap labor. Same applies also here in Finland, sosiaalidemokraatit (left) and kokoomus (right) wants the exact same things.
@andypae 26 күн бұрын
Ironically the left also wants cheap labor, because they keep claiming that the natives don't want to do the "shit jobs", but bringing millions of foreigners to do them stagnates the wages, so the only choice for the natives is to get a higher education to get employment, which again inflates the market of higher degrees and again stagnates the wages. As unfortunate as it sounds, we can't all be engineers and scientists. And you also have an endless supply of foreign people with higher degrees who can do the job for less than the natives. An engineer from India is willing to work for less than a Finn.
@NightsideOfParadise 26 күн бұрын
It's the age old union of tyrants and immigrants even Plato described. They need to make the native population poor and then let in people who do not share the societal status quo. It's nothing new.
@BennyMcGibbon 25 күн бұрын
Yes, here in the UK we have many indirect taxes. We pay a lot in Value added taxes in Fuel, alcohol, tobacco, air travel, goods duties. The government is reliant on these indirect taxes. More people more tax revenue.
@grannyannie2948 21 күн бұрын
The same in Australia. Immigration allows the suppression of wages whilst in creasing consumption, and as you say Labor imports Labor voters.
@sinisvan1596 26 күн бұрын
Kiitos - erinomainen vieras! Näitä poliitikkoja, jotka ovat annettujen ideologiensa ohjaamia ja äänestäjistä vieraantuneita, on Suomessakin ylintä johtoa myöten.
@RosaCanina1 25 күн бұрын
Thank you, it was a very very interesting talk! Kiitos ♥
@Stoddardian 24 күн бұрын
Europeans are going to have to unite if we want to continue to exist. This is an existential threat.
@polhokustaa4989 26 күн бұрын
Nyt on kova! That was a wonderful discussion!
@maxxon99 25 күн бұрын
Tämä oli hyvä keskustelu.
@JARIBUURI 26 күн бұрын
@dannffc 26 күн бұрын
Thank You! A Great Talk!
@kallesiltala3461 22 күн бұрын
Hienoa Onni olet mahtava ja hieno ihminen jatka samaan malliin.😊
@JimJam-x6t 25 күн бұрын
Experiment implies they'll stop at a negative result...... these people won't.
@jcisme 21 күн бұрын
Hello from Australia !
@rarecockneyguvnor4945 20 күн бұрын
Matt Goodwin is totally right.
@OlgaHolger 22 күн бұрын
@Freedom7-x6o 26 күн бұрын
Periaatteesa tämä pitäisi esittää YLEllä ja haastattelun jälkeen voisi olla kommentoimassa asiantuntijoita ja poliitikkoja, vaikka Ruotsila, Penttilä, Sammallahti, Häkkänen ja Rydman. Mitäänhän se ei vaikuttaisi, mutta opposition parku on musiikkia korvilleni. Ja tilanne ei oikeasti muutu, ennen kuin äänestäjät alkavat tajuta, että he saavat, mitä tilaavat. Jos tilaavat vasemmistolaisen proletatriaatin diktatuurin, niin siinä pitää sitten elää.
@SpaceBearWithSoda 26 күн бұрын
Erinomainen jakso!
@michaelcarbery9520 25 күн бұрын
I deleted my comment as it is not safe posting opinions on social media here in UK.
@annkristinbarnes4596 21 күн бұрын
We shall all have to start quoting our fictional alter egos to get our points accross.
@ceased2care 20 күн бұрын
With people like Matt Goodwin and others connecting themselves with Reform UK, who now have 5 seats in parliament, they are a serious party, and the next 5 years will show it
@talouskurssit7028 22 күн бұрын
Kiitos Onni !!! 😊
@familycompactthegrange7014 22 күн бұрын
We could be said to be living under a tyranny.
@kpt002 26 күн бұрын
Kyllä tässä "uusliberalismissa", jos woke sen termin alaisuuteen ymmärretään, on marxilaista elementtiä myös juuri sen keskeinen ajatus uhrihierarkiasta, että jotkut ovat aina automaattisesti uhreja jotkut automaattisesti etuoikeutettuja. Marxilaisuudessa luokittelu ei tietenkään liittynyt ihonväriin, sukupuoleen tai seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, mutta ajatuskaava "uhreista ja etuoikeutetuista" on kopioitu sieltä.
@LoremLorem 26 күн бұрын
@pekkalepisto5484 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä keskustelija olis hyvä jos saat tuon tulkattua myös suomalaisillekin jotenkin, pääsee huonomminkin lontoota ymmärtävät perile teidän keskustelusta👍
@Freedom7-x6o 26 күн бұрын
Kun katsot kiinteästä verkosta, niin oikeassa alakulmassa on ruutu, jota klikkaamalla tulee subtitles. Sitten klikkaat vierstä rattaan kuvaa, josta aukeaa valintaruutu jasiitä automaattinen käännös. Se on jompikumpi - Suomi tai Finnish.
@id31748 26 күн бұрын
Eipä löydy kumpaakaan ainakaan omalta listalta.
@Freedom7-x6o 26 күн бұрын
@@id31748 Mobiililiittymän kautta ei löydy, mutta laajakaistan kautta YT:n sovelluksesta pitäisi löytyä. Jos ei, niin sitten on taas yksi asia internetin ihmemaassa lisää hämmästeltävänä.
@pekkalepisto5484 26 күн бұрын
@@Freedom7-x6o joo mä katoin ite padillä ja klipsuttelin oikeesta ylä kulmasta ihan testinä et tuleeko suomen tekstit, muttei ollu vaihtoehtona, minä en sitä tarvi mut tää oli niin hyvää settiä et tään tartee tulkkauksena kaikille suomalaisille👍
@J.R.Junior 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä haastis oli
@Le_Saboteur 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä haastis👍
@markhutton6055 24 күн бұрын
In actual fact, most people didn't hear about the misinformation until after the riots. While the timelinenof information release DID confirm the "colour theory" whereby the skin colour and nationality of an assailant is immediately available if that person is white English, but witheld if non white. The actual identity was revealled long before peaceful protests, which were about general levels of crime and the effect of migration upon it, were taken over by apolitical, opportunist (and perhaps 5th column) actors and became violent. Far from being bussed in, far right actors, the majority of those involved in the disorder were local and the majority of the areas involved were Labour strongholds, the majority of rioters were former Labour supporters.
@jarmoeskela6880 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä pätkä 👍🏻.
@BunnyUK Күн бұрын
Matt Goodwin would make a great British prime minister
@SusanaXpeace2u 25 күн бұрын
Even if they're elite, why don't they CARE about the future of their own countries? I could pass in these elite circles but i'm single and not a high earner so I am not cushioned by money, I get it. But why don't the elites care about our futures?? I'd still care about my country and not want it to end up an islamic state. It's weird. I completely agree with Matt.
@L_Martin 25 күн бұрын
Because they don't think of themselves as "British". They think of themselves as just part of the Elite, it's like their own country. They have more in common with someone from another country who is also an Elite, than they do with some working class person from England. They feel disgust & revulsion towards the plebs who it's not fashionable for Elites to champion and score points among themselves / virtue signal to one another.
@Mrbobinge 24 күн бұрын
@@L_Martin Don't associate words like Elite with Think. Crowded facilities; transport roads stations airports. Hospitals Dentists Schools. Housing and Rents. Welfare. Crippled NHS.
@grannyannie2948 21 күн бұрын
But they are also anywheres that can up and move anywhere.
@grannyannie2948 21 күн бұрын
​@@MrbobingeDo you think that concerns them? They have private health insurance, they use elite private schools and they have real estate portfolios. At least that's the case in Australia.
@daleynevantaus224 19 күн бұрын
Erinomainen keskustelu ja mikä tärkeintä: Jos perustelu maahanmuutolle on SE, että tarvitaan työvoimaa ja tulos on se, että tietyissä maahantuloryhmissä työttömyys on vielä monen vuoden jälkeenkin yli 50%, niin voitaisiinko EDES tehdä se, että näistä tietyistä maista ei maahantulijoita otettaisi työttömyyttä lisäämään. Eli kohdennettaisiin maahanmuutto vain sellaisilta alueilta, jolta tiedetään tulevan työkykyisiä ja ennen kaikkea työhaluisia ihmisiä. Teemme joka tapauksessa valintaa tälläkin hetkellä, siinä ei muuttuisi mikään muu kuin lähtömaat.
@Taigavarpu 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä bodi! Seuraavaksi vieraaksi Argentiinan Javier Milei :D Ota Sammallahti kans kuuntelemaan, opitte tekin ehkä leikkaamaan kunnolla.
@GloriaHoulihan 24 күн бұрын
Notting Hill Carnival is a showcase of the Afro Caribbean culture. Apparently the stabbings and violence are not going to charge the story of what a success it's been this year.
@marcbra5074 13 күн бұрын
Not only looking at impact of immigration, overlooking severe cultural change from push for net zero, closing manufacturing plants / unemployment while decrying laziness of white males, energy, food, healthcare shortages. Immigrants haven’t much of a chance of blending in.
@BertWald-wp9pz 13 күн бұрын
Imagine a fire in a house. The fire is started when a naked flame ignites a conflagration. However it turns out that large amounts of flammable material were being kept in the escape stairwell. Is the conflagration the fault of the naked flame or the inflammatory material? The government blames the flame and refuses to stop the storage of flammable materials on means of escapes. Is the government not accountable for the consequences of future fires?
@Kurtlane 24 күн бұрын
Matthew Goodwin, stop calling Tommy Robinson "far right" and "extremist." He is not. All he is is a brave and honest man -- a quality very rare in today's UK. You say things that Tommy has been saying for over a decade. Tommy was the first to introduce the term "two-tier policing" that you use here. Tommy was the first to talk about the grooming gangs. So how are you different from him? Only in two ways: 1) You are upper class (speak proper English, etc.), while he is not (speaks funny English, wears different clothes, etc.) Well, I am an American, I don't care about your class distinctions. 2) You don't have the courage that he does. If you had any courage, you would first of all stop calling him names just so you can stay in the "in" crowd.
@Mrbobinge 24 күн бұрын
Take it easy Kurt. It was reported speech, him emphasising MSM sick dogma to make his point.
@adrianarchie 24 күн бұрын
crazy times
@JARIBUURI 26 күн бұрын
@viewer3091 25 күн бұрын
The British had ~ Two Tier Policing / Two Tier Politics in Northern Ireland from the founding of Northern Ireland and even before ~ How did that work out ? !
@user-lb3wl4yl7g 24 күн бұрын
Pakko tulla kertomaan tänne juttu liittyen mun lukio-opintoihin. Oon ollut kiinnostunut jo pidemmän aikaa yhteiskunnallisista asioista, mutta erityisesti sinun, Teren ja Ivanin tekemä viisasteluklubi sai mut todella kiinnostumaan yhteiskunnallisista asioista ja politiikasta tänä keväänä. Kävin lopulta tänään kirjoittamassa yhteiskuntaopin ja perjantaina olisi luvassa vielä englannin kirjoitukset. Täytyy sanoa, että tämä on kyllä täydellinen combo tähän paikkaan😂🙏
@onnirostila 23 күн бұрын
Hieno kuulla, tsemppiä perjantaille!
@francescahamilton6856 25 күн бұрын
I'm interested in 'The Few'. Always the Few. 'We Few, we lucky Few, we Band of Brothers'. Henry V The Few will always be the Winners ! At the moment, Politically correct & Champayne Socialists.
@stevehurrell651 24 күн бұрын
Key words: elite, educated, immigration- Hey, the broken economy is because of a new educated elite who are not super rich and thus don't really have any power.
@aaizazizchaudhry3434 24 күн бұрын
Tell me of a time when Britain wasn’t run / ruled by an elite class ? I am pretty sure you know this much about British history Mr Goodwin !?
@onnirostila 24 күн бұрын
I should point out that’s precisely why we were (and his book is) talking about ”the new elite”, as something recognizably different from the old elite.
@tiistai9696 17 күн бұрын
Sinimusta Liike kerää kannattajakortteja. PS on liian vähän liian myöhään.
@burgundilainenkeikari6908 26 күн бұрын
Hyvä yhtymäkohta lopussa olisi Soinin persuihin ja hajoamiseen, eli alkoi käydä täälläkin Johnsonit.
@lolly9080 24 күн бұрын
Tv off not sure why it sits in my living room only goes on once a month. We don’t know the damage to our kids with the conscious removal of innocence with gender sex education. I predict they will be mentally confused in their adult years
@asdmursu98 16 күн бұрын
siitä alkaa havainnoimaan oman alati pahenevan ikääntymisen kun viksut kansanedustajat on saatana samanikäisiä (protip: nimimerkkini vuosiluku ei täsmää todellisuuden kanssa, oli vaan hauska leikkiä paskapostatessa 16vuotiasta joskus taannoin)
@bobloblow7560 25 күн бұрын
Finish sounds a bit difficult 😮
@teijoteittinen8930 18 күн бұрын
Viisas mies ja on oikeassa. Puhutaan Suomesta: Vaaditaanko Ukrainalaisilta pakolaisilta Suomenkielen pakko ynnämuut pakolaisilta vaadittavat "vähimmäisehdot"? Äänestämällä et vaikuta, paikalliset äänet " kyllä" lasketaan mutta valtakunnallisella tasolla ne " jostakin syystä " muuttuvat... Piia from Finland OY.
@hamentpatel7339 25 күн бұрын
It's called uncritical personal standpoint epistemology. H
@Mrbobinge 24 күн бұрын
Dem episteme Greeks, way ahead of us even then.
@henrilindroos3029 26 күн бұрын
Cloward-Piven strategy.
@jackcowling3314 24 күн бұрын
Uk is finished
@PNortRyan 24 күн бұрын
And how do I know you’re not with them?
@Mrbobinge 24 күн бұрын
Maybe You are?
@PNortRyan 23 күн бұрын
@@Mrbobinge Maybe you are
@johnl5316 25 күн бұрын
39......there can be NO evidence that would support transing. It is just philosophically in BoZo land
@PeterWilliamson-p6e 22 күн бұрын
Read Christopher Lasch
@H.A.J.Niemimen 26 күн бұрын
Mitä tossa kohdassa 11:54 - 11:55 tapahtuu? Ääni häviää hetkeksi
@CaptainTitforce 26 күн бұрын
Selvästi video leikkaantunut syystä tai toisesta tuossa kohdassa.
@GrumpaGladstone1809 26 күн бұрын
...I imagine he said "...was, because...".
@tresorberlin3207 25 күн бұрын
I have pooped 18 Times already today
@Wicanrede 20 күн бұрын
Not elite !
@MuratGonullu-l3x 24 күн бұрын
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