(Son of a retired HF headmaster here...) The initial idea behind HF ("Højere Forberedelseseksamen" or "Higher preparational exam), was to cover anyone who had left regular school after year 9 for whatever reason - Maybe to pursue unskilled labour, to travel, to do a gap-year, to do vocational school, etc etc - and who the wanted to re-enter the path towards university-education, etc. There's more or less a clear beaten path from school to gymnasium to university, but we needed a solution for those who had moved away from that path for whatever reason, and who wanted to re-join it. That's why HF was geared towards an older and maturer audience. It is the equivalent of the normal Gymnasium, but completes it in 2 years instead of 3, because it assumes you've had at least one year of "something else of relevance". The exact details of that "Something" are a bit vague, so it's the school's decission and judgement whether the maturity and competencies of the student, are appropriate for the HF. The only real criteria is "will this person, after 2 years here, be able to pass the final exams with a decent result?" If yes, they would typically be admitted to HF. Over time, it started becoming more of a "mature gymnasium", and the typical student would actually come straight from 10th grade (that counts as a year of "something else"). So it has become a lot less distinct from a normal gymnasium. Although you do still have students who rather than being 17-18, are actually in their twenties, or even older. And whereas the gymnasium in its style, shows that it's catering to "kids" who are 15-16 and straight out of the 9th grade, HF tends to treat students more as responsible adults. There's less control and supervision, etc. Students are expected to be grown-ups (PS_: Just found the channel recently, and it's really a lot of fun. Keep it up!)
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
Nice, thanks for the details! We are also happy you found us :).
@Co2GamerZ3 жыл бұрын
Actually, they recently changed HF so that it has a larger gap from STX than what it had before (curriculum-wise they were quite different, but in regards to the choices one had afterwards they were practically identical) so that now HF seems geared more towards professional's bachelor programmes and academy profession programmes. I am quite sure that you are not able to do some bachelor's programmes with "just" an HF anymore ("just" being, you know, non-transcending towards STX, HHX, HTX).
@idadallpedersen10043 жыл бұрын
My cousin went from HF to study psychology at the University of Southern Denmark last year 2020
@Co2GamerZ3 жыл бұрын
@@idadallpedersen1004 well it might still be a period between systems. Did she have to study some extra curriculum before going?
@idadallpedersen10043 жыл бұрын
No. 10 grad >HF >Uni
@vanefreja863 жыл бұрын
Efterskole is an amazing concept. One of the best years in my life. Changed me in a good way - I became more comfortable in my own skin, became more sociable and felt prepared for the gymnasium. It matured me. So happy we have that here in Denmark - its very unique.
@berrycarbs3 жыл бұрын
There is also the EUX where you get the education of the gymnasium combined with a vocation.
@vitusgrnborg50403 жыл бұрын
This is my education actually. Im an EUX cabinet maker getting both what resembles an HHX and an EUD combined. There are lots of different EUX paths to go down. If you're not looking for something too physical there's for example graphic design. I think the education gives a great mix of technical and practical knowledge great if you are looking for further education into a given field.
@Svendskommentar3 жыл бұрын
I like your thoughts about gymnasium and gymnasium is probably the best choise for You. HF was meant for people who had some years at work and found out they wanted a higher education, but were too old for gymnasiums. HF generally qualify for higher education and university, but does not offer subjects at higher than B level, as gymnasium often offer subjects at A level. You know what You aim for and can pick gymnasium offering the right subjects at A level, wich in turn will open your path to your education at university. If You are not 100% sure of your future path, the standard gymnasium probably offer the widest range of future possibilities and You can supplement with additional subjects / courses if needed as if You spezialise early, it is harder to change things later on. Efterskole is awesome. It was a lifechanger for my daughter. She was always a great child, but efterskole matured her on a completely different level than folkeskolen did. The way You talk remind me of her, so I guess You know what I mean.
@Lemonz19893 жыл бұрын
HF is directed at older people and people who have a hard time going through the “normal” gymnasiums. That could be people who have to work full or part time, have children, have some sort of illness that makes attendance difficult and so on. You can take it as a two year program for those who can have normal attendance, but don’t need as an intensive program as other gymnasiums, or stitch together a program that allows access to whatever education you aim at later on by taking classes as “enkeltfag” which are singular chosen classes, one or more classes at one time, that you need for a specific education. You can build the diploma up to the level of STX if you want to go to university through choosing specific classes at the correct level (A, B or C level). You can also take it as remote learning for those who can’t or don’t want to attend classes in person, and use webcam, phone, Skype, Zoom or whatever for the oral assignments or for asking for help for oral or written assignments. You have to do your homework at set dates to be considered as an “active” student. If you don’t deliver your assignments on the set dates, you will be “kicked out” of the program. 😊
@traveller480173 жыл бұрын
HF is mostly, but not exclusive, for people with a gap year or let's be honest - it's mostly for people who went to work / trade school directly after 10th grade. I started my 2-year HF (HF-Enkeltfag in 2013) at age 40 after 22 years in the dairy industry (cheese maker, manager). I wanted to make a career change and start at the university for a Bachelor of Engineering degree (Diplomingeniør - a more "hands-on" kind of study). I had a trade school / apprenticeship, plus an eduction at "College" level before, but all done without any STX/HF etc. As the system is right now, all of those STX, HTX, HHX, HF, EUX - can give you acces to ALL university programs - if you have the right combination of courses they demand, like some requiere Math A or B, Danish A, Chemisty B, English B, Physics B - all depending on the study, e.g. between STEM vs Humanities education. I shared a few HF-clases with a younger guy (18 years old) but he said "I'm doing the HF, cause I can graduate in two years instead of three - all while gaining access to the same education" (he went on to study law/politics). I started in the university with people who had STX, HTX, HHX and HF (all in the same engineering class), let's just say, some are better at math, others in "business" (marketing, language) etc. Nothing wrong with that and all graduated, and a large part of them went on to study on the Master level. That said, I do think the STX, HTX, HHX have a better social / study life, cause the are all in the same age group. On HF, it's from 18 to 50+ years - some single, single parentes, married people (w/kids) etc. The point is, one does not exclude the other (at university level - with the right courses the education demands), but if you want to go into a appenticeship e.g. at a bank then a HHX is better than a STX and so on.
@montypython4ever3 жыл бұрын
jeg tog en hf, fordi jeg ikke var udannelsesparat til STX, og der var ingen over 30, og havde ingen anden udannelse.
@traveller480173 жыл бұрын
@@montypython4ever Tror det måske kommer meget an på hvor i landet og om det er en 2-årig HF (fast klasse) eller HF-enkelfag. Det var bare min oplevelse ud fra der jeg tog min og et andet HF sted jeg overvejede.
@martinwinther60133 жыл бұрын
Everybody should try efterskole. If its not an option then try højskole. The most fortunate tries both.. - and dont worry too much about the alcohol. Youre in denmark. People drink. Its perfectly normal to have a snaps + beer at lunch and glass of wine for dinner
@kristoffergrandjean66413 жыл бұрын
Trying to answer the HF question: HF stands for "Højere forberedelseseksamen", meaning "Higher preparation exam" (literally translated) and is one of the four ways to "College", or more correct in Danish terms: access to the higher educations as a whole. HF is today a way of speeding through specific classes, often for ones goal to achieve the specific qualifications to eligible for a wished education. It relies more on individual discipline, than teaching, as a very(!) rough generalisation, but is thus also a very popular option for people who didn't persuade a "high school" education in their teens. Maybe because they took a vocational education, and later wish to change career. You also see professional athletes, musicians and even seafaring, getting a "degree" from a HF, with a specific school or otherwise arranged system, that allows say sport classes and training to be a major focus, along the primary classes required for this level of education. This is possible by removing classes of interests that you'll find in STX, HTX and HHX, that aren't required to enter a higher education. The HHX actually has its roots as a vocational education, and still incorporates many study subject applied in classes and exercises, rather than theoretical only. The change for the system of HHX as it is today, happened in 2004, where HHX became longer education, and less vocational, with more teaching, but it's degree (In Danish we traditionally and formally say "exam" in reference to a completed school) is now eligible for higher education (although lacking STEM fields, categorized as "Naturvidenskabelige fag" in Danish). It is thus a very good "all-round" education, and i think it's a very attractive option for anybody who wants to do business in any level, as it trains for a good career in stores and general business, and also gives access to a lot of higher educations, should one wish to advance either immediately or later. About the Danish "High School", we used to have a more similar structure, with grades 7-9 being a separate school, called Realskole (In Danish, not pronounced as an english word, but rather "Ræ-al" - "real" in other Danish words are also not pronounced in the English manner, here's one for your language classes). This changed long ago, when Gymnasium became more available due to increasing living standards, and grade 7-9 was integrated into the primary school. When Realskole existed, kids were only required to finish 6th grade. The school "Høj skole" which is the literal translation of High School, is a very interesting topic. They're often private, and between ½-1 year, and can dwell deep into specific topics, often not academic at all, but based on interest. There's a very interesting selection of schools, offering arts, sports, language, travel, the skills of household, spirituality and i could go on. You also tend to meet a great variaty of people, as there's not generally a requirement of previous education, so you meet people of all ages and classes. I my self attended one in outdoor sports, as my gap year choice. And for your understanding of our educational system further ahead, let me bring out a few differences between American education and Danish/mainland European i can think of (Not necessary for Maya, but just to understand it): - We actually don't have an equivalent word for "college", but instead refer to "Further going educations" as "Videregående uddannelser), as we have many vocational education that extends to higher educations (mine included). And the subcategories is normally just short/medium/long. So we don't have a college system, with a major and minor field, rather, you begin immediately to study a specific field after Gymnasium. Gymnasium is therefore more equivalent to early college (should help to understand, why Maya was considered "too young" for Gymnasium), and you'll find the the mathematical level of the exam in gymnasium (At STX) for example, is equivalent of "minoring" in mathematics at College, and choosing STX or HTX with a high level (A-level) studies of mathematics in Gymnasium, is not that far of the curriculum of a general major in mathematics at a US college. My later statement is based on a quick lookup at the maths major of MIT, where i expect the depth of the subjects is more advanced than A-level STX mathematics, but it's the same topics as i had to handle(to admittedly varied degree of success) in my A-level STX studies. - A Danish "minor" equivalent in concept at least, is a bachelors degree. Which i study. A 3-4 years study. In academic topics, a "major" is often a necessity, which is a masters degree. When it's not required, it's often because it's a "vocational"-degree, such as my study, "advanced forestry", called a "proffesions bachelor" which implies in it's name, that it's a degree level designed for a career or industry, such as many engineering fields too. In almost all cases, you can still go further, and apply for a master in your field, but if it's a "proffesions-bachelor" you can get a good career from this point (which i hope to get, even thou if i advanced in the field, and achieved a masters, i would have a small chance to be employed as a "Skovridder", which means Knight of the Forest, so just by the name of the tittle, it would be a little tempting, but there's only demand for a very limited number of people, which such a high degree in forestry). - A Masters degree is the top level education, when compared to American education. A Masters degree in Denmark and Europe is achieved when all classes in the very specific topic is passed. - A Ph.D is not a study in Denmark or Europe, it's the step towards a research career. Where as a Ph.D in America often requires more study and classes, a Danish Ph.D student is a researcher and only accepted to study a new topic of research, and will both teach and research on a university during the process. Thus, there's a lot less Ph.D "educated" people in Denmark and Europe, but that's because it's not the top level education, that's the masters degree. EDIT: And about the alcohol topic, we Danes are probably a little more loose than Americans. It's not a tabu, at all, and in fact, i'm entertained about Joshua & Miranda tasting the liquors that i would "consume" in "vast quantities" at more around Mayas age, from 15-20, and have never considered since becoming an adult. I guess it's a big difference in cultures, and my teen habits would be highly illegal around the US.
@kramler3 жыл бұрын
Over the last 5-10 years the danish trends of eating and drinking has been something like liquorice and caramel, and over the last few years, also with chili. Most people(not me) love the combinations. I love Miranda's shirt, and Maya's nails
@androkles043 жыл бұрын
As a Dane I think it's great to hear about your choice and reasoning for opting to have Maya follow our normal/regular path in the education system. Hopefully that has accelerated - and will continue to - her integration into our society, and by extension also you as her parents. I think it's vitally important to become part of the society and culture in order to not fall into a perpetual spiral og seclusion that isolate you from what makes Denmark different from the country and culture you came from. And that doesn't have to be at the expense of your past culture. I have a lot of respect for those that can manage to blend their past and present cultures together without friction.
@simonfrederiksen1043 жыл бұрын
Højere Handelsskole (HHX) gives you access to do a service job and higher education like old school gymnasium, while gymnasium does not give you access to service jobs (apart from minimum wage naturally) HF is basically an adult education, meant for those who've already been in the job market. Languages are always a good pick on HHX while you won't have to do Latin/greek, which you would only need aiming for medical and some science fields
@sorencyrano14133 жыл бұрын
You are confusing HF and HG.
@simonfrederiksen1043 жыл бұрын
@@sorencyrano1413 You're right! Thanks for pointing that out.
@sorencyrano14133 жыл бұрын
@@simonfrederiksen104 No worries. It is easy to confuse the two.
@mortenreippuertknudsen35763 жыл бұрын
Most continental countries follows the French academic system starting with Lycé/Arbitur/Gymnasium includes Nordic's, German speaking Countries, Benelux, Central Europe etc - By graduation you will get a 'studenter eksamen' that qualifies to apply for University or a Professional Bachelor education. HF is a 'studenter eksamen' originally intended as a way for older students to get back to school and into a academic path - think a carpenter wanting to go to university and study biology, history, theoretical-physics, medicine, accounting or becoming a school teacher or an engineer. HF Is 2y instead of 3y but 10th grade IS mandentory. Major difference is how your endgrade is calculated and the available classes and mandetory classes. In Gymnasium your endgrade is calculated based on your entire last semesters work in all classes combined with final written exams AND verbal exams in select classes (lottery decides which verbal exams). By contrast, in HF your endgrade is not based on your final semester performance at all - it doesn't matter! The only thing is that matters for your endgrade is your final written exams AND your final verbal exams (you will be verbally examined in ALL classes so no lottery). Additionally certain mandentory classes like sports, music and arts are not present in HF (may have changed in the past 20-30y). So HF is intended as a fast tracked 'studenter eksamen' for people of all ages who has been away from school or thinks the regular way of going to school is not for them. ...it's complicated It's also possible to do single course classes in HF if you need a higher level (A, B or C) in ex Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, German, French or Math to qualify for your University education of choice or to boost your grade before applying for University or trade-specific education. In addition there are also 3y Technical(HTX) and Trade(HHX) specific Gymnasium's an alternative to the classic 'Alment Dannende Gymnasium'. Classic 'Alment dannende Gymnasium' is the path that opens the most doors and if you're good at going to school its the right path. ...it's also complicated - In continental educations the 'bachelor' was reintroduced in the late eighties and early nineties as as way of harmonising educations across the European Unions Single Market which is also a unified single market for employment. The Academic Bachelor degree you gain after 3y at University is still considered unfinished in continental Europe without the Masters on top (+5y). It mostly exists for compatibility with Anglo-Saxon universities. The Professional Bachelor degree is the job specific 3-4,5y theoretical educations for nurse, school-teacher, laboratory-assistant, marketing, accounting, bachelor of engineering etc. The Anglo-Saxon 'College' education does not exist here and sits somewhere between 'Gymnasium' and University/Professional-Bachelor.
@101bacce3 жыл бұрын
Gajol is a licorice brand, so it's pretty safe to say you probably wont love anything they made.
@victorgram87543 жыл бұрын
HF is a 2-year upper secondary education. As it is it enables you to the professional bachelor's programs (nurse, teacher, etc.) and the academy profession programs (erhvervsakademiuddannelser). If you want to take a Bachelor's degree then the HF in itself is NOT enough! You would have to the "udvidet fagpakke", which is taking more courses in the second year of the HF. Alternatively to the "udvidet fagpakke", you can take the extra courses afterward (which typically takes a year). HF is quite different from the other upper secondary educations. A typical HF student is older than the one on STX, HHX, or HTX, which typically comes from an HF student having taken other educations beforehand (EUD or EUX for instance). A typical HF student might have tried STX or HHX but have dropped out to work a couple of years before entering the HF to get their upper secondary education. The structure of an HF education is different as well, as each course (mathematics, danish etc.,) is more compact and intensive. This enables the students to structure their HF education to their needs (if they work on a restaurant beside the HF education or anything like that). My impression of the HF is that as the students are in different stages of their lives, so the students in the class don't have the same connection as you would typically see in the STX, HHX or HTX.
@klausolekristiansen29603 жыл бұрын
The gymnasium is for people who have just finished primary school. HF is intended for adults who want to go back into the educational system. There are also young people who go directly from primary school to HF. One reason to do this is that as long as you have the 10th grade, you will always be accepted at HF. For the gymnasium you need your teachers to declare you suited. So if your teachers do not think you can learn enough to enter university in three years, you can try to do it in two. Note that I started in the gymnasium in 1975, so things may well have changed.
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
More or less the same now (at least in 2010)
@LBrendstrup3 жыл бұрын
I can´t remember if you like fish or not. But if you do, spring is the time to eat Stenbiderrogn. Danish equivalent to kaviar. You eat it on toast with sour cream and sprinkled with red onion.
@who_is_the_doc3 жыл бұрын
I have a suggestion for what you could try next Thursday, and it's "studenderbrød" and "romkulger"
@graugaarddk3 жыл бұрын
Thats a Good one, They are almost in the same “family” as the Hindbærsnitte, that Joshua likes.
@who_is_the_doc3 жыл бұрын
@@graugaarddk now it's time for you to practice your danish. et godt råd når det gælder romkugler, lad være med at købe dem i et supermarked. romkugler er meget bedre hos bagern ... det gælder også studenterbrød for den sags skyld.
@vanguardarktv46873 жыл бұрын
i vote for this aswell
@rasmuslaursenwiborg39133 жыл бұрын
@@graugaarddk ahh ja hindbærsnitter er det fucking bedste
@Guldmann2663 жыл бұрын
I have no idea why it's so fascinating, as a danish person, to watch americans in Denmark adapting to the culture and stuff. I lived in the US for a year as an exchange student (after 9th grade, as my "special year", I guess :P ), so it is fun to see the shoe on the other foot.
@simonjrgensen67613 жыл бұрын
Shoe on the other foot. That's a good vending. Maybe we can use that in another afsnit.
@bahnhofzooproductions3 жыл бұрын
The Danish "Gymnasium/Gymnasie" is really more like College in the US. The reason being, that the level of difficulty in a US college corresponds to that of the Danish Gymnasium. This is largely due to the effeciency of the Danish school system and better training of teachers (A Danish teacher studies for 4 whole years at a University College, must have 3 different majors (used to be 4), study psychology, socal relations, pedagogics amongst other things. They must pass all of the exams and on top of that attain a Bachelor's degree in Education).
@bahnhofzooproductions3 жыл бұрын
BTW What I wrote before applies to teachers teaching 1-10th grade. Teachers at the Gymnasium must have a University degree.
@Vakaria-plays3 жыл бұрын
HF school is basically the same as Gymnasium except its a two year period instead of three, and you have to be at least 18 to enter it, its kind of like a school for adults who wants to improve their school education but are too old for Gymnasium and who may need better grades and school education in order to take another education that requires that you have attended Gymnasium or HF. Because of this two side way of using an HF school, its also possible to take single subject lessons, which means, you dont take a full HF within two years, but rather take a few subjects that you wish to do better at and get a better grade in.
@RoarMohammedJohansen3 жыл бұрын
HF was originally created as a quick gymnasium line, but for adults, and at first you had to be 18 to start HF. The idea was that adults who had not got an education early in life, also should be able to qualify for further education, even if they started a little late. The difference was also, that in HF it was only your exams that mattered, compered to STX, HHX, HTX were your performance through the year also was messured.
@agffans57253 жыл бұрын
The idea of the folk high schools emerged in the 1830s founded by N.F.S. Grundtvig a Danish theologian, writer, philosopher and politician, but the idea is actually not foreign to the USA, because in 1932 The Highlander Folk School (now known as the Highlander Research and Education Center) was established in Monteagle, Tennessee. The founders of the school were Myles Horton and Don West, who was the owner of the land used for Highlander. Myles Horton got the idea to build a folk school after visiting Denmark in 1931 to 1932 and seeing the Danish folk high schools in action. So the Highlander Folk School began its career by educating the poor and focusing on labor movements for woodcutters, coal miners, textile workers and farmers in the region, before they also turned to the issue of segregation during the 1950s, when it played a critical role in the American Civil Rights Movement. It trained civil rights leader Rosa Parks prior to her historic role in the Montgomery bus boycott, as well as providing training for many other movement activists, including Martin Luther King Jr. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_high_school#United_States
@GodBear973 жыл бұрын
HF is two things. 1: A 2-year compact version of the STX, more classes and more exams, but you're done in 2 years. 2: Singular classes. If you are an adult and want to take a singular class, or raise the level of a specific subject, you can do that at HF, which is why it's much more normal to see full-grown adults there
@1makes13 жыл бұрын
In brief; HF is a "Gymnasial education" and on paper it holds just as much validity as an STX, HHX and HTX in terms of qualifying someone for applying for a university level degree. It allows for people who have decided to not move directly into high school to have a shorter and more attainable way to gain access to a tertiary education (The argument here being that having to join an ordinary gymnasium may seem discouraging for particularly adults as they would feel out of place attending high school, and might also consider the three years too much). In certain areas HF is a bit frowned upon (it's believed to have a lower educational standard and more slackers), but I think it's a necessary and useful institution in the Danish educational system.
@ishbelmccann61453 жыл бұрын
HF is made for adults who already have life experience but want to go back to school, but as another commenter said, it has since become an accelerated program for all ages as well for various reasons
@sorencyrano14133 жыл бұрын
I attended HF more than a decade ago. The point of HF is essentially to scoop up those that didn’t go directly to gymnasium (STX/HHX/HTX) but later after perhaps gap year, military service, working abroad, and numerous other reasons didn’t get a secondary education at the same time as their peers. Meaning students are generally older. It is for people aiming to attend some higher education (both profession schools for nurses, teachers, pedagogues, but also any university degree whether in science, technology, humanities, law, business etc.). It is more targeted and has exams as the only evaluation. If you have a class in it, you have an exam it. One shot, and that is your grade. And your get an individual examination, none of that group work malarkey. Since people attending are usually more established, it is probably the least social of the gymnasiums. For most it is simply a stepping stone to get ahead, and do it is quickly as possible. It is an odd mixture of dropouts, people in the late 20s, and some very ambitious students. Since it is such is mixing pot it is also more individually tailored, and is usually a good fit for people that look at gymnasium and just wants to cut out all the bullshit. You have the opportunity to pick and chose classes more freely, and also take additional classes if you want. You just have to be careful to not just take the fun classes, but remember to prioritize language and mathematics. You can always take a summer school afterwards, so it isn’t a problem as such if you end up missing a certain level in a particular class. It also has a higher percentage of people from blue collar families, and is consistently better at lifting the grades for boys. Students from HF also has the lowest drop out percentage in university of all the gymnasiums, and the highest number of PhDs. If you fit into one of the other three gymnasiums, you should attend one of those. If not. You should consider HF. It is the Hufflepuff of the four.
@Hemeddigkanalen3 жыл бұрын
I’m currently in 3G (final year) at HHX and from experience it is fantastic. You learn a lot of useful stuff about business and i would 100% recommend it.
@madslorenzen34593 жыл бұрын
HF was originally designed for people who for example have been working and now want to switch path. Furthermore normally it's also for people who for some reason or another haven't taken their gymnasium f.eks. people who have been sick, young parents. But in the last 15 or so years HF have also come into the normal gymnasium, where some people see it s a shortcut if you f.ex. want to be a nurse, instead of doing 3 years STX you can do 2 years in HF.
@anettekruse67553 жыл бұрын
You deserve so much respect for your considerations for Mayas journey in the danish educational system. It is difficult for most danish youngsters, it must be mind boggling as a forreigner. How do you find the academic level comparred to the US? You mentioned that it was a surprise that we use less tests?
@denniskikkenborgpedersen70583 жыл бұрын
Gymnasium originally means "place where people are naked". The ancient Greek institution was built around students (men only at the time) training and studying together, with everyone being naked. The idea being that if you cannot hide your body under clothes, you will be more inspired to work on your physique and the better you can appreciate the rock hard abs of your fellow students.
@arvas1113 жыл бұрын
HF is typically aimed for people that has taken a gap year or for people that are a bit older so they can get to university faster, while the other 3-year programs are for people who go straight from 9th or 10th grade.
@ankra123 жыл бұрын
Quite different from Norway. Dident expect that. We have 10 years in public school. Then you start either Gymnasium or some sort of vocational school. After that it might be university. You can Ofcourse go to private or religious school too.
@Rikard_Nilsson3 жыл бұрын
This sounds like the same as the Swedish system, except it's only 9 years public school. (it's been almost 20 years since I went to school though so it might have changed). I work in Denmark and every time someone at work talks about schools I tend to get lost in all the X'es they bring up. "Ah yes, HTX, sure yeah totally know what that is." This video actually helped me understand it a bit but I'm sure I'll forget it fairly soon.
@danmortensen84933 жыл бұрын
HF is pretty much Gymnasium boiled down to 2 years where you chose if you want to specialize in languages or in science and math :-)
@mkdanmark3 жыл бұрын
OMG Maya, you are gonna have so much fun you cant even imagine. And you will make freinds for LIFE there. I hope you will vlog abit about the experience which i promise you are gonna be awesome. Best time of your life.
@mayaanastasiayoung67393 жыл бұрын
I definitely will do a video about gymnasium! I’m so excited to start!
@lhjung13 жыл бұрын
HF is an Education where you design your classes from what you want to use it for. STX is more the complete package, and on HF you to an ekstent choose the classes you want.
@nikolinebirkeholm1393 жыл бұрын
As a dane, it is so fun to see foreigners explain and (try) to understand the danish school system. Even I think it's complicated, so I can't imagine how you guys feel trying to navigate around :-) Just found your channel - keep up the good work!
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
@sararosenstjerne57853 жыл бұрын
Something, you have to look forward too is the 'Vogntur', when you graduate from the gymnasium you are going to attend. It's all 3(or more) years worth it.
@etnavntak3 жыл бұрын
As usual great video. How about a “Eating danishes in Denmark” for you next try it Tuesday?
@CarlAlex23 жыл бұрын
I dont know what it takes to be a craftsman in the US, but here in Denmark you enter an apprentice-master relationship where you go back and forth between periods of on the job training with the master and periods at vocational school (called technical school) - after 2 to 5 years you can then pass a test and graduate from apprentice (Lærling) to journeyman (Svend). If you want to optimize your chance of always having a job learn a craft.
@rasmus79863 жыл бұрын
Hi, i have been watching your channel since you had about 200 subscribers, and all i can say is, that its been lovely to see how yourr content has improved, and i am really glad to see that you have gained so many subscribers. I wish you good luck in the future!
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for saying that! It’s been a fun ride so far :).
@bennyaae24373 жыл бұрын
its alot about figuring out what you want to do when your done with your studies... since its more specialized for that direction... if your unsure as to what that will be, then chose the gymnasium that gives you the most acces to different kind of educations longer down the road... an exsample would be if you wanted to work with children, then there are basicly two options, like pædagogisk assistent uddannelsen, wich you can skip gymnasium and go directly in that direction... where you then have options to ekstend that education to become pædagog... or you could go through a gymnasium and have the option to go form that to pædagog education instead, more of a "safe" pick if your not sure but takes a year longer.
@vonduus3 жыл бұрын
HF (højere forberedelseskursus = higher preparation course) was originally designed for drop-outs, ie. people, who quit school after 10th grade, and who later in their lives decided to go back to school in order to go to university, or some other higher education. Back in the day the students were typically a bit older than those in the gymnasiums, but I believe that these days it has become a convenient way to save a year.
@MrDJTeletubbie3 жыл бұрын
HF is basicly a "speed" version of the STX, where most social arrangements and stuff like that is cut out, in order to speed it up. Mostly for people who need to catch up. I would recommend the 3 year HHX, HTX or STX, because it supports the social aspects way more.
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
There seems to be some misunderstandings of the various educations after folkeskolen. There are generally 2 paths. Gymnasium where you need a new education afterwards to get into certain vocation/field (university, nursery etc.). Then there are "lower level" vocation educations like electrician, hair cutter, salesman etc. There is also a mix called EUX where you can for example get both a gymnasium education (like STX) and a vocation education (like electrician) but they are very niche. There are 4 types of Gymnasiums: * STX which is standard broad one where you can focus on any general field (language, math, history etc.) * HF which is shorten STX (2 years instead of 3) where you have to have done some sort of education after folkeskole to start it. So people who want it directly takes 10th grade, but it is intended for like an electrician to get a gymnasium education later on, so they aren't stuck in being an electrician all life. * HHX which is trade/business focused gymnasium (maybe also some social science focus since it is needed for trade/business). Wrongly called handelsskole which is a vocation school and not gymnasium. * HTX which is STEM focused gymnasium. Wrongly called tekniskskole which is a vocation school and not a gymnasium. The 3 years gymnasiums (STX, HHX and HTX) you don't have to take exams for every course but get graded by the teacher for your work during classes, as a year grade (it is picked randomly which courses you got exams in). Where HF you go to exams in every course you got and don't get graded by your teacher at all for your work during classes as a year grade. There are also more project works in 3 year gymnasiums than HF. All gymnasiums got Danish A level. HF doesn't have any further requirements on A level than Danish where the others got requirement to have 4 A level courses. STX also got History A as standard (might also be on HHX, not sure) where I know HTX you can stick with technology history B. Different university bachelors have different requirements to level on a given subject. So that is what you mostly should be on the lookout for, if you need a lot of A levels in certain things then HF isn't best option, but you can take those classes after finishing your gymnasium if you need it (or failed a given course and need to retake to pass it).
@Picometer13 жыл бұрын
For the time Being EUX has HTX classes combined with vocational careers, but has recently started to do HHX classes combined with the vocational careers as well. They have not yet added STX as it is the Gymnasium that is the least focused on that kind of work where HTX is the most as the have the unique HTX class "Teknologi" and Teknikfag :)
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
@@Picometer1 I am pretty sure I have heard about HF combined with vocational careers too. But I am least familiar with EUX than with the others. My generalization still stands for it no matter if it got all of the gymnasium types or not. But it would make sense mixing HTX with tekniskskole since there are a lot of similarities there (same can be said with HHX and handelsskole).
@Picometer13 жыл бұрын
@@AndersHass if there is EUX with HF it would be something new from within the last year or two. Before that I was helping 9th grade in "Folkeskolen" to decide where to go after that, and I had to be educated on the different schools to be able to explain them. This was when i was in 1G and 2G :)
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
@@Picometer1 maybe it is also called something else. I am pretty sure a guy I know took carpenter and HF at same place in 4 years. I might also remember wrong. Either way it is a mix of the two. If they got all the kinds of gymnasium based ones and vocation based ones is a different matter.
@boensoee3 жыл бұрын
I have taken an HF, it is a "3 year" education, as you either take a 10 class or work effering which is described as the 3 year. But it is an STX education where you have compressed the education, and you have to take up all the subjects at STX if you take some subjects for the exam. It gives access to pretty much the same thing, and there is an old conflict between the Red student hat and the Blue student hat.
@jeanetjensen64743 жыл бұрын
Best of luck and applaus for what you have done so far. Congratulation to Maya 👍😀⚘
@MathiasEmilKuntz19943 жыл бұрын
HF is STX but just in a 2 year format for people who come back to school or only want to in 2 years. You study the same things, but basicly HF is STX light. for sure I would recommend doing STX, HHX or HTX. I did STX, best years of my life, loved drama and music and activities after school and stuff like that.
@sontaron73 жыл бұрын
For something different to try go to the store and see if you can find from MOU hyldebær suppe (Elderberry soup). Easy to do because you just warm it in a pot this way. It's traditionally eaten in a bowl with apple wedges and kammer junkere. I usually make my own but of course Elderberries won't be in season until fall.
@zwartz3 жыл бұрын
Give it 5 years, Maya, then you'll be eating salt lakrids like you were born in Denmark!
@SebCraftGaming3 жыл бұрын
I still don't eat salt liquorice...
@donquixote15023 жыл бұрын
@@SebCraftGaming Nobody is perfect ............ hehehehehe.
@psykonikk3 жыл бұрын
i am 28, born and raised here in Denmark, and i have lakrids so yeah hehe
@mox61043 жыл бұрын
Quite often, peoples tastebuds from outside the nordics do not handle it that well. Lakrids and specially Salt Lakrids is very danish. Most of it produced in other countries is spiced with more flavor just for the danes 😄 most of my none danish friends hates it. And they too have lived here their entire lives.
@2665naruto3 жыл бұрын
Born and live here for 30 year and still hate the taste and smell of that nasty lakrids
@horisontial3 жыл бұрын
HF also offers something called "enkeltfag", once called "aftenskole" because you can study part time while working. People would usually do this if they wanted to attend university but didn't get a required level/grade during their STX/HTX years, since most university courses require specific grades, i.e. if you want to read International Business on Copenhagen Business School, you might need maths and a second or third language on the highest level which is A-level (called A-niveau in danish) so you could read a required level during the summer before starting university.
@klausolekristiansen29603 жыл бұрын
Two classical Danish desserts that I recommend: Æblekage (which is not what you would think) Citronfromage
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
It is decided, next week we do dessert :).
@bknesheim3 жыл бұрын
@@TravelinYoung Go for Citronfromage if not the German version of Æblekage (more appels in it) :-) "Riskrem med jordbærsaus" (Rice cream with strawberry sauce) is also a very god "try on".
@bazzakrak3 жыл бұрын
My fav. dessert as a child, and still as a childish man of 45 is my mothers "Muldvarpeskud" you should try that @@TravelinYoung It is this, and yeah the recipe is in danish, but we got to get you used to our weird language: www.alt.dk/mad/opskrift/laekre-muldvarpeskud
@hanshansen38853 жыл бұрын
@@TravelinYoung If you want to go for some of the more sweet stuff Denmark has to offer then I have a few suggestions for you. Brunsviger (no translation, a cake is very popular and can be gotten in most bakery shops around CPH) Drømmekage (translation: Dreamcake, also available most places) Kærnemælkskoldskål, often simply koldskål (translation literally: cold bowl, a dessert, dairy product, which is popular during the summer time, so maybe wait a few months. You can buy a carton in most stores and it is usually accompanied by "Kammerjunker") Rødgrød med fløde (translation: Red porridge with cream, a cold strawberry desert) These are 4 traditional danish cakes/desserts which has no licorice in it.
@Anddroiden3 жыл бұрын
HF is (mostly) for people who skipped gymnasium and want to go back to education, either just get get the basic education or because they want to go to university or equivalent. HF is also used supplement classes that are needed for higher education. If you need the highest level math for example but only got it at a mid level while in gymnasium you can go to HF to get the highest level.
@carolinekristiansen51813 жыл бұрын
I go to an HHX in Copenhagen and I love it. If you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer them.
@mayaanastasiayoung67393 жыл бұрын
Which school do you go to? My number 1 choice is also in Copenhagen 😁
@carolinekristiansen51813 жыл бұрын
@@mayaanastasiayoung6739 Hi! I go to Niels Brock; Det Internationale Gymnasium. What school is your number 1?
@mayaanastasiayoung67393 жыл бұрын
@@carolinekristiansen5181 that school is actually my number one! I’d love to go into the Business and Science Ellie line. From all I’ve heard from their website and other students it sounds so amazing. I know that line has a lot of work and it’s not as popular as the IB line for example but I’m just so interested 😁
@mwtrolle3 жыл бұрын
7:07, I have suggested you try some Swedish Surströmming, though I suggest you do it outside. :P
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
I am sorry but we will have to draw the line on that one. Can't do it :). I will let someone else try it and I can watch.
@Picometer13 жыл бұрын
@@TravelinYoung if you are gonna watch, then stay far, far away...
@gunillaschnipper13443 жыл бұрын
I live in Sweden across the bridge in Malmo. What you tell is the same over here when itcomes to schools.♥️
@14lachris3 жыл бұрын
First sorry for all the danish names. You could try: Roasted torskerogn on rye bread with remoulade You can even toast the rye bread in butter on a pan to get an extra crispy experience.
@jimmywayne9833 жыл бұрын
If you want a suggestion to a "typical Danish" liqour without Liqourice, see if you can find the one called "kongen af Danmark", In many stores it can be had in a mini-bottle called "små konger". Its a beautiful red liqour. Regarding Efterskole and Højskole (the direct translation of highschool that isnt highschool), Its the 2 school forms that does require payment to attend.
@sontaron73 жыл бұрын
While Kongen af Danmark isn't liqurish its flavor isn't that different it just trades liqurish for annis so fairly simular flavor profile
@jimmywayne9833 жыл бұрын
@@sontaron7 Its not as thick as liqourice liqour and its not as hmm... Bitter? for tastebuds that arnt used to liqourice :)
@fambaduin17143 жыл бұрын
I usually dont comment anything.. but here i am. Im a teacher at a HHX, and I would recommend efterskole before entering any gym. Take the situation into account of Covid, you would rather have homeschool on efterskole than hhx.
@pernilleherlev16383 жыл бұрын
There is a STX in english called IB - where all classes are in english. Several of the schools are boarding schools.
@adamkruse26123 жыл бұрын
There is one more kind of Gymnasium called EUX. it´s like HHX but intead of 3 years you go there for 2 years in school and 2 years as a student in a retail or a grossery shop/store. and the cool part is YOU LEARN THE EXACT SAME THING. it´s kind of a link between STX HHX and vocational education. Have that in mind. :-)
@ronjarverdatter81883 жыл бұрын
There is a rule about trying a new taste. A lot of time we taste something new, that we have tasted before, we don't like it. Our taste buds need to be turned into a new flavor, so we have to try the new taste many times before we may like it. When I was younger I didn't like olives and blue cheese, today I love both. I allways taste a little on food or drinks eventhough I know I don't like it and today there only very few things I do not like, like prunes, apricots and liver.
@Picometer13 жыл бұрын
I think the general saying (based one some study) is to try something 11 times before you know if you generally dont like it or just had to get used to it :)
@AbsSolut3 жыл бұрын
Good luck on the way Maya, hope you will have fun too.
@jivingdodo3 жыл бұрын
Well done Maya! Sounds like you’ve climbed a steep leaning curve and are now bossing school in a second language which is super impressive ☺️ Fingers crossed for your gymnasium applications
@mayaanastasiayoung67393 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@citizenkane48313 жыл бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong. It looked like Maya blushed when she tried the pomegranate licorice shot. (no offence) I seen that bottle myself many times but haven´t tasted it myself. Maybe i should. Me like all other Danes and Swedes like licorice. And as always, i love to fallow you and see your view from another perspective after moving to another country. Had an uncle who moved to New Zeeland for a couple of years after listening to him you get another persåective of the life you live in your own country, just a hint of why i like to follow your channel. With my best regards to you from Sweden.
@TheVictorious983 жыл бұрын
Love watching you learn more about Denmark. Good luck in HHX 😊
@Lorentari3 жыл бұрын
HF is like STX (the standard) but you have all your subjects on the base-level for that specific subject. You are not upgrading your Language classes, or math or any other subjects to a higher level, as you will do at STX, HHX and HTX. This means that you can get through high-school in just 2 years and have access to college - but you may have to upgrade specfic subjects on your own time since many university/college degrees require non-standard high-level (A-level) or mid-level (B-level) subjects for admission. Hope this helped.
@rasmusbrandt-christensen65703 жыл бұрын
Hi. As a Danish journeyman carpenter, I’d love to hear more about your take on the differences between American and Danish ways of educating “blue collar workers”, as well as standards of living for said workforce in Denmark vs. in the US.
@TheRealTush3 жыл бұрын
Before explaining what HF means, and giving you clarifications on the educations, I would like to let you know, that yes, the 10th grade is often a waist of time academically, but maybe not as far maturity goes. Sometimes a good student can become disillusioned with the higher education, as there is going to be a major difference between how mature the kids are coming out the 9th grade, compared to the ones coming out of the 10th grade. And by maturity I don't just mean, if they are responsible and such, I actually mean that a 9th grader is perhaps more innocent and naive compared to a 10th grader. At that age a few months of age difference can be massive. HF just means "Higher Preperation" = "Højere Forberedelse". HF is meant for adults or young people, who took more than just a gap year. Or people who need to go to a College that only requires that you have completed B level classes (not the grade but the level). Or if you can take HF and a summer class to get into your desired education. It is rarely recommended, that you use it to take a shortcut, as you will be extremely out of place, if you are much younger than everyone else. A lot of college and/or university educations require A level classes, but for instance engineering universities will in some places allow someone with HF or even a "Blue Collar" degree to take either a summer class or a qualification class, that can be taken over 6 to 18 months. And that qualification class could actually give access to most science related educations in Denmark, and to my knowledge abroad as well, as it is equivalent to the last year of the STX and/or HTX education, depending on how much you need to qualify for. And just to clarify, they are all called "gymnasielle" educations, but only one of them is called "gymnasiet" or the gymnasium, and that is not HH. HH is normally referred to as Handelsskole (HH = "Højere Handelsskole" => "Higher Commerce School"). Gymnasium in danish, means "gymnasiet" which is referring to the STX program, which is the traditional "Almen studentereksamen", and the only education people in Denmark will understand as going to gymnasium. The general difference in the educations is that STX gives access to everything, and all the other educations are more specialized. Meaning that HH is specialized for commerce educations, by not having a lot of the technical, and linguistic as well as art, music and social studies programs that STX has. And HTX is for science and technical educations, and also doesn't have have a lot of the linguistic and social studies aspects etc. of STX. History, music and art are for instance some of the programs that are mandatory in STX, but aren't provided at all in HH or HTX. So STX gives access to everything that HH, HF and HTX give access to, but not the other way around. But that doesn't mean that STX is more work, or more difficult, it just means the education is more general, and is traditionally appreciated more by higher education. Whether that is right or wrong, I don't know, but it is just the way things are. Besides, only STX means you can have a "studenterhue" when you have graduated, although the other educations also have "huer" (caps/hats), only the STX one is an actual "studenterhue". And also, STX and HH people rarely mix. It is very common to have some rivalry between the educations.
@okseniboksen3 жыл бұрын
I think the definition of "gymnasiet" has kind of shifted more towards what was explained in the video actually. I, for one, as a 3rd grade STX student, have been told in recent years that all the "ungdomsuddannelser," as in STX, HHX, and so on, are all "gymnasielle," and that it isn't just for STX, though I will say that that wasn't the case in the past. It seems to be a very recent change. So, Maya is actually right when calling all four of them "gymnasium," as that is what they are called nowadays.
@TheRealTush3 жыл бұрын
@@okseniboksen Yes, they are all "gymnasielle", that has always been the case, but gymnasiet, is only STX, this has also always been the case. You are talking about two distinctly different words. "Gymnasiel" means gymnasium-like, or rather a branch of gymnasium, which HH, HF and HTX are, but STX is the only one who can be called "gymnasiet" as it is the original gymnasium containing all of the branches, although it also is a branch of "gymnasiel". A person going to school at an STX school, is called a student (also student in danish), and a person going to school at HH is called "handelsskoleelev" which translates to commerce pupil. A person going to HTX is called a technical student (teknisk student). So just to clarify, the danish word "gymnasiel" has always been applied to all of these educations, the word "gymnasiet" only applies to STX. Gymnasiet and Gymnasiel are not the same word. But the point is more, that if you are trying to communicate with someone in Denmark, you will only make people confused, if you refer to HH as going to gymnasium. Which if you are english speaking perhaps makes, sense, but if you are danish, you will likely get confused, when what you perhaps meant to say, is that you are going to a commerce gymnasium. If you don't make the distinction, then gymnasium means STX.
@okseniboksen3 жыл бұрын
@@TheRealTush Oh, well that's just dumb then. Even I'm confused about it haha
@TheRealTush3 жыл бұрын
@@okseniboksen I don't know how dumb it is, but yes, if you try to translate it to english, it will be confusing. And then when you translate it back again, you come full circle in confusion :) But hopefully an english speaking person can learn, that when you are speaking about danish definitions, it is very important to qualify a word, to avoid confusion. Because for an english speaking person, it isn't strictly wrong to use the word gymnasium in this context. It will however, as stated before, confuse a danish speaking person, when referring to gymnasium, as most danes, aren't bilingual and will try to translate the meaning directly, instead of the inferred meaning, that an english speaking person assumes will be made. I work with people from Canada, USA and the UK, who are native english speaking, and the stuff that gets lost in translation, is often the cause of much, mostly amusing, confusion. And if you then throw french-canadians in the mix, it gets to be even more fun. I think you can learn a lot, from the things that get lost in translation. A big part of danish culture and the mentality, is self-ironi, and the ability to make fun of one another, without being mean-spirited about it. For instance, one of my best friends went to HH, and I to STX back in the day, and something we both enjoy, is to make fun of each others educations, as if our own really was better. Knowing the danish mentality of "jantelov" that is clearly not the case, that either one of us, would actually think that. I like to laugh at his statement of having a "studenterhue", and state, that only someone who graduated from "gymnasiet" has one, and what he has, is a "handelsskolehue". He will usually come back with something about at least his "hue" makes him look like he has money, and mine like I'm broke, or that mine looks more like a "nissehue" (the latter one always cracks me up). But it is all in good fun :) And usually it is the same dumb, but good spirited remarks we shoot back and forth, while reminiscing about our "studenter" and "handelskole" days, while we keep finding arguments about why one is better than the other.
@mikkel56813 жыл бұрын
The different educations have different goals. HF is a 2 year and is meant for the short to middle educations like teacher and nurse and the like. HF is also in a version where you can come in as an older person and get a education to change your life path but the standard HF is for the same age group as standard stx. Stx is the 3 year path to longer educations on fx university. Stx is not really meant for any specific path, so its the one to chose if you dont know what you wanna work with. HHX is an stx version (handels skole) that is meant to lead you towards a more merchantile path. HTX is an stx version (teknisk skole) that is meant to lead you towards a science/Engineering path. Beside this if you fx look at the different gymnasiums and HF-courses they will have different focus and different fields they focus on. So one gymnasium will have a heavy focus on drama and music and will draw students with those interests from their local area. There is one hf course up northwest in Jutland that have a surf line as another example (Cold hawaii). Depending on the number of gymnasiums in the local area, and how far the student is ready to travel back and forth from school, the student can chose the gymnasium to a certain degree. There are some rules that limit how many students some gymnasiums can take. This is to prevent fx city gymnasiums draw all the students from the surounding areas and by that kill off the smaller gymnasiums. Good luck with the future studies Maya :) Ps, yes, im a high school teacher :p
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
Same age group insofar as you can finish the same time (1 year 10th grade instead of the 1 extra year STX/HHX/HTX has). But you cannot start from 9th grade like you can with STX/HHX/HTX There are things called handelsskole and tekniskskole which are not gymnasium educations. So I would avoid associating HHX and HTX with those names. Just say handelsgymnasium and tekniskgymnasium instead.
@t.h.49953 жыл бұрын
I think HF is similar to the American GED. HF is a two year gymnasie education for anyone who's been out of school for at least a year. It gives the overall same university access except for a few educations that require additional advanced classes. HF students are only graded on exams (of which they have more) instead of their combined labour in a yearly grade. I went the HF route because I knew what I wanted to study at university - and I was better at talking for 20 minutes and writing under pressure than going to class and pretending to be interested for 12 months. It worked out for me but mileage may vary.
@madeleinejackson92183 жыл бұрын
HF is basically an STX but instead of studying for 3 years altogether, she'll be studying for 2 years. On an HF-education, there are four different packs that you can choose, which is a limitation in comparison with STX; there's the force pack, the start-up, the educator education, and the health pack. On STX, there are different focus-areas as well. In my gymnasium, we have the social studies line, the scientific, the linguistic, and the music line. It is important to note that whatever course-line that you choose, that respected course-line always has A-levels in it, so that will also impact your admission to the university. This applies to the other general Gymnasiums as well. On HHX, they have different lines that you'll be able to choose after the basic course, which is a 3 month period of basic knowledge to all of the given Gymnasiums course-lines. And yeah, remember to keep the A, B, and C levels in mind. A classic example is that if you decide to study medicine, but you have an HHX-education, that'll be hard because your HHX-education typically revolves around Math A, Business A, Marketing A, and so on. The admission requirements for medical education at university are Biology A, Maths A, Chemistry B, and so on. Just keep that in mind, because it will have a great impact on your university admission. (Although you can study extra subjects after your graduation for approximately 4+ months, check GSK)
@stineagerbk92343 жыл бұрын
Outside Copenhagen the gymnasium/school placement is determined more by proximity/logistics/where you live than in Cph, where it's a lot more a matter of choice and research...
@idapeiding12533 жыл бұрын
HF takes two years and is often on the same Gymnasium as STX. You don't get grades throughout the year, but have to finish all subjects with an exam. It is mostly for people who are going for business academies or professional bachelor programmes. On my Gymnasium there also is a 3-year HF for people who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, is mentally vulnerable or have learning or concentration difficulties, which is really cool, because it allows such people to have a chance at getting a higher education. Hope that helped! :)
@Choedron3 жыл бұрын
HF (higher preparatory course) is the same as the first you mention. But shorter and aimed at more mature students. It is more aimed at uni preparation for those with some previous work experience. Like I had been in the Royal Danish Navy for 3,5 years and wanted to get into uni. So I got a HF.
@90kid23 жыл бұрын
HF (when I took it, 8 years ago), is basically like an STX, but shorter and a bit more easy/relaxed in terms of year-performance/grades. It also gave me basically the same admission requirements for going to University and further education (depending on which subjects you choose)
@Chocolatepenguin3 жыл бұрын
Yeah and most people on HF are adults or at least people older than the typical ones in STX, HHX and so on, that want to better their education. You could for example have been in the job marked before hand, but want to start working towards a new degree, which HFs short periode of 2 years allows for.
@90kid23 жыл бұрын
Well, that might be true, but at my Gymnasium, the HF classes mostly consisted of people coming either straight from 9th grade or 10th grade, like STX. The oldest in my class when we began was.. 18 maybe 19
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
@@90kid2 I don't think they went straight from 9th grade in modern times.
@Chocolatepenguin3 жыл бұрын
@@90kid2 I believe your are a unique case then, because in my instance most people at least 22-23 and some were even in they middle 20s. But it my differ across the country.
@cnj673 жыл бұрын
The lack of choice of what gymnasium you want to go to is a relatively new thing. It used to be controlled much more by the schools ... they got first pick of students, who had them on their wish list. But this led to increasing differences of level on the schools - all the straight A students ending up in the same select places. So they tightened the demand for proximity.
@mwtrolle3 жыл бұрын
6:19 I like the blue one not so much the green.
@Torniization3 жыл бұрын
I personally took my first year at a Higher Technical Examination Programme School (HTX). The HTX Programme is based on technical and scientific subjects at the highest mandatory level offered in Denmark. Furthermore, it is as well based on a wide range of optional subjects similar to those found in the Gymnasium or at the HHX Programme. Some of the optional subjects could be/are business, economics, work environment, culture, information technology and design, to name a few. Most of the schools offer at least 3 different lines of study: "Natural Science" with Mathematics A and Physics A + Chemistry A or Biotechnology A "Technical" with Technology A and another relevant subject "Communicative" with Communication/IT A and English A + Design B It all depends on the school however, so this may vary. I ended up however switching school for my second & third year to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a two year educational Programme and provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by many universities worldwide. Every subject is taught in English :) apart from the native language (in my case Danish B). The setup for this is different as you will be basing your choices from groups of subjects. Group 1: Studies in language and literature - This is generally the native language. Group 2: Language acquisition - An additional language is taken (can also be the native language if not chosen in Group 1). Latin and Classical Greek are also offered at some schools. Group 3: Individuals and societies - Business Management, Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy and Psychology. Group 4: Experimental sciences - Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Design Technology and Computer Science. Group 5: Mathematics - Mathematical Studies SL, Mathematics SL and HL, and Further Mathematics HL. Group 6: The arts - Dance, Foreign Languages, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Film. All these subjects/courses are offered in SL or HL and from when I attended IB, you had to have as a minimum of 3 HLs. HL = Higher level (A) and SL = Standard level (B). Mathematical Studies is considered (level C) in Danish terms. Much like with HTX, the IB Programme is subject to change and varies from school to school. Mine for example did not have Computer Science which I ironically went on to study after my Gymnasium adventure :) and after Computer Science, I took my Bachelor's in IT Security and currently working at DKCERT on the DTU campus. Its surely a touchy feel type of situation when it comes to choosing a Gymnasium path. It has to be what you feel is best for you and what interests you the most :) I made the slight mistake in choosing HTX and switched to IB thereafter and looking back, I can kinda kick myself in the behind for not starting with it :) but back in 2006-2007 I never knew that IB existed until a family friend mentioned it. If I had known I would've entered Pre-IB (which follows the path of a STX Danish Gymnasium structure until your 2nd year where you choose the various subjects). And give it time, you'll LOVE Lakrids ;)
@TheMartin.Jensen3 жыл бұрын
Hey guys - i’m just gunna make the system towards University in Denmark even more confusing 😄 be Aware that Maya can take GS or GSK courses (gymnasial supplering) after she is done with gymnasium. These are courses where you Can highten your level of a certain class (for example physics, chemistry, math or similar) to get access to University Education that your gymnasium level does not support. You Can for example take 3 weeks (or a little longer, depends on how intensive you would like it) to raise a math B into math A if it is required for a field of study in University. That way, you Can choose the exciting topics, or the ones you are good at in gymnasium, and maybe get a higher average in your grades that you Can apply with, and then afterwards take the GS course to highten your level in that specific topic. Your grade from the GS course does not affect your average grade from gymnasium - but a lot of Universities have a minimum requirement when it comes to grades in specifik topics relevant for the Line of study (e.g. Maths and similar). Let me know if you want to have a better introduction into how the GS works, i’m glad to help figure out a very complicated system.
@cypherdk853 жыл бұрын
You guys want to try some desserts for Tuesdays? Have you tried strawberry tarts/pie yet?
@ashleydan69323 жыл бұрын
HF is targeted at those who want to study further at a vocational college (in Denmark known as professionshøjskoler) or a business academy. However, with an extended subject package, they can also continue their studies at the university.
@andersfrederiksen72313 жыл бұрын
Be aware that university and college are not the same thing. Danish 'colleges' are typically applied bachelors and often do not grant access to the masters. Important to note in three years time. Non-alcoholic (how blasfemous) suggestion for try-it-on-tuesdays: Hindbærsnitte and trøffel (sometimes incorrectly referred to as romkugle) from the local baker.
@ephyron3 жыл бұрын
HF can be used to get an education that is equivalent to STX, HTX and HHX, but since it only has a duration of 2 years, you won't have the same options to get subjects like math at the high level/A-level. If you find a bachelors program that requires you to have passed specific subjects at a high enough level, either A-, B- or C-level, then you might want to use HF-enkeltfag where you can pick and choose from the specific subjects you need to pass. Now if you only need to get one subject at a high level then you can try either a Turbokursus(turbocourse) or a GSK (Danish: Gymnasiale suppleringskursus. English: Supplementary courses at the gymnasium level). As an example DTU offers a turbokursus where you can get math from a B-level up to an A-level in 6 weeks time, so if you're willing to sacrifice your summer vacation time, you can get immediately from HF to a bachelors program that requires an A-level in math
@jackalofalltrades87053 жыл бұрын
Hey guys Have you tryed the national treasure Øllebrød yet.. The Danish Tirimisu 😂😂😂 you can buy it in powder form in most super markets and it's enjoyed with whipped cream on top.
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
Not yet, but it is on the Try it on Tuesday list.
@R-K-13 жыл бұрын
HF is STX squeezed into 2 years. Some courses are removed, but the essentials are the same
@ramboalex16743 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between a HF and a STX, HTX and HHX education. HF requires that you take the 10 year to enrolle at a HF where as the gymnasium you can enrolle after 9 year (right after folkeskolen). The second big difference is how you get graded in gymnasium and HF. Gymnasium you get oral and writting grades (som classes only have oral grade) and you have 6-7 exams you need to do in those 3 years (they are randomly picked by the institution of education). In HF you dont get oral og writting grades, but only by your exam result but you have far more exams than gymnasium have. If you are strong in exams situation then HF can be a better option if you want good grades
@MadsPrintz3 жыл бұрын
It is easy to fall in love with the specialized gymnasiums if you are really certain of what you want to do, but they can often be a trap. Let's say that you want to study something business related at university, the "difficulty" of the educations that fall under the business umbrella can heavily limit how applicable the business gymnasium will be. This is because something like economy will require A-level subjects that are only really accessible in the standard gymnasium. If you already know the specific educational path you want to take at university and that business gymnasium already offer those subjects at a sufficient level then this is not really a problem. BUT it can still throw a wrench in the wheels because simply the fact that it allows for a limited number of A levels will hurt your "GPA". As an example I have in total of 4 A-levels, maths, English, physics and civics plus the two automatic Danish and history. That results in me being able to multiply my final "GPA" by a certain number that is greater than 1(sorry don't remember the specific number because I'm old af) all because I have a subject count that is higher than the standard 2+2. This grade boost would not be possible anywhere but at the standard gymnasium. So if you want to study something that require a high grade average this could be something to keep in mind. Danish "GPA" requirements can be wildly different from what is American common sense. For instance the best engineering school in the country, arguably, AAU has no "GPA" requirement at all, while the 3-year physiotherapist education has a "GPA" requirement that can compete with the those of doctor schools. In general any education popular among studious young women will have very inflated "GPA" requirements. Disclaimer: As I said, old af, so take it with a grain of salt because things might have changed since the mid 2000s.
@TheKrapyl3 жыл бұрын
In short: your average grade is the most important thing, academically, in Gymnasiet. I have described how you can game the system regarding grades bellow. A bad average grade is not the end of the world, it just makes it harder to get into certain university courses. Everything else doesn’t really matter, since you can take missing subjects after you finish Gymnasiet, so just pick whatever suits you the best and what feels right. Below is the long explanation: So, the way university works is that you decide what you want to study, be it philosophy, economy, engineering or medicine, there are always 2 things that decide whether you can be directly accepted or not. Those two things are your grades and the level of the subjects that you chose in high school. This means that if you want to increase your change of getting straight into ANY university program, you want high grades and the subjects that allow you to take that degree. In my case I studied Manufacturing Engineering and Management at the SDU. For me to take that degree I had to have English B, Maths A, Physics B and Chemistry C, and a grade average of 2, today you need an average of 7. - If you have completed the courses and have a grade above the required average, you can be accepted directly, on what is called “kvote 1”. This means that taking easy and few subjects in Gymnasiet can allow you to boost your average and open more doors. The classes that offer the easiest subjects are unfortunately almost always “slacker”-classes, as is the case for most HF-classes. So, there are clear pros and cons here. Not taking the right classes for your future dream study is however not that important, since you can take any subjects at VUC after finishing Gymnasiet. A VERY important note here is that your grades from VUC does not affect your average grade from Gymnasiet, this however means that your average grade from Gymnasiet follows you for life and cannot be changed (as far as I know). If you do not have the required average grade, say you want to study Molecular Biomedicine at the University of Copenhagen where you need an average of 11 to get in and your average is 10, this just means that you cannot get in on Kvote 1. Another possibility is Kvote 2, which is where you take tests, which are different from degree to degree, if you are able to show that you are driven and focussed enough, you might still get in. - It is however a lot harder, but one of my friends got into medicine and another into journalism in this way.
@HejMette3 жыл бұрын
HF is great if you’re good with exams, because only your exam grades count, which means you don’t get grades based on your performance in class, which allows you to learn better, because you’re not worried about your performance. Classes are mostly the same as STX.
@HotkeyGaming3 жыл бұрын
HF is a short Gymnasium education at 2 years and is aimed at students who wants to pursue Professionshøjskole or a Business Academy. I did this and got into Zealand Business Academy to study Computer Science. STX is aimed at samfundsvidenskab, naturvidenskab, and humaniora and is 3 years.
@StillTrustNo13 жыл бұрын
Just hearing the intro saying "we're the Youngs" I'm all like *YEAH YOU ARE!!* getting reading for the next update. No I'm not addicted at all, but you guys are better than crack cocaine. :-)
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
Haha, love it!
@ishbelmccann61453 жыл бұрын
I think Maya would like the alcohol Små Sur. Low alcohol content and comes in different flavors. Great for people like me who hate alcohol but still want to join in the fun
@mayaanastasiayoung67393 жыл бұрын
I love små sur! High alcohol content doesn’t bother me, it’s just the licorice taste in some that is not my forte hahah
@dramage113 жыл бұрын
Running joke in Denmark, HF stands for Hurtig Færdig (Finished quickly), HF is like a slimmed down version of STX.
@owia13 жыл бұрын
Well, why do 3 years when you can do 2 and learn the same without the same pressure of grades as there are on gymnasiums?
@nicnaknoc3 жыл бұрын
@@owia1 Because you don't have the same support and social life - but if you just want to get done fast and dirty HF is great for that (I did HF as I really don't like being around ppl :D)
@owia13 жыл бұрын
@@nicnaknoc well I highly disagree on that being the case for HF in general. :)
@nicnaknoc3 жыл бұрын
@@owia1 Well it has been 21 years since I graduated things might have changed :D
@magnushansen3823 жыл бұрын
@@owia1 you don't get the same education on a hf like a stx. Just like if you take a HTX you have almost 40-50% more access to different colleges, then all other (stx, hhx, hf) and so on. HF is just a quick school where you get the basics but that is it nothing more
@BoernTilStede3 жыл бұрын
HF schools can be very different. Some are like a Short STX with only the essentials. Others are a mild combination of EUD and STX. Like a STX where you also do other cool things like sail ships or programming depending on the school. There are also HF schools for "ordblinde" that are specialised in helping people who have a hard time with certain subjects. Typically the people are older at HF schools. Especially on the two year ones. I can recommend HF if you have a hard time with danish. On another note. Efterskole was a good choice😁. Hope this comment helped.
@istrysii3 жыл бұрын
drinking all the time ... well Welcome to Denmark .. we learn it young ... you need to learn all the years you been missing from here ..
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
Haha, well said.
@simonfrederiksen1043 жыл бұрын
Paradoxically it's easier and cheaper to get a new liver in Denmark, than in the US, should you need one. On that note. On Bornholm they have this special drink that's sweet, called honning syp 70 cl Snaps * Schnapps clear unseasoned. 23,6698 oz 250 g Honey 8,81849 oz I find it disgusting, but then I'm not a Bornholm native. Since Maya seems to be more interested in menthol and spices, maybe Underberg bitter, you can buy those in these small sizes or just plain old Gammel Dansk
@istrysii3 жыл бұрын
@@simonfrederiksen104 or maybe "northsea oil" nordsøolie
@simonfrederiksen1043 жыл бұрын
@@istrysii Can't remember how that one tastes, but Underberg has that medicinal "Ricola" bend and it's also good after a heavy meal.
@Nygaard23 жыл бұрын
LOL! Maja's face when she tried the shot...
@AndersHass3 жыл бұрын
She is so ready for gymnasium 🤣
@_sofie3 жыл бұрын
Lakridsalkohol er det klammeste vi nogensinde har opfundet haha
@Thomas-xn6em3 жыл бұрын
@@_sofie Hov! Jeg kan se du har lavet en tastefejl, du mener bedste*. :)
@Nygaard23 жыл бұрын
@@_sofie At least it's not surströmming.
@FrederikWLC3 жыл бұрын
@@_sofie True. Det smager af flydende medicin...
@kruse39483 жыл бұрын
HF is the equivalent to an STX but shortened down to 2 years (so longer modules) and if I'm not wrong the level is a bit higher in STX
@christianjakobsen52493 жыл бұрын
Soon in 20.000 subscribers... Ima Dane and Like to hear about your view as former Americans on what Denmark are to you.... Great Channel... Best of wishes.... ;)
@TravelinYoung3 жыл бұрын
Thanks...almost there! 20K here we come!
@justanotherrandomyoutubech88373 жыл бұрын
Starting on a STX gymnasium was the best social experience of my life, and I made a ton of friends there.
@kayDawgTV3 жыл бұрын
HF is like a gymnasium programme, just in two years. Has different requirement levels to join and it mostly target "late bloomers", like people in their start 20s. But you'll also encounter people here just past the 10th grade, so the classes can be a very varied mixture in ages. I was the youngest, and the oldest was 61!