Excelente video, me encantó!!!! Gracias por subirlo!!!
@TheTaylor83414 жыл бұрын
@WizoHH924716 жыл бұрын
sehr schönes lied
@WizoHH924716 жыл бұрын
In school I just learned school english. but in my freetime i started by myself lessons to learn dutch and german sign language. in sign language i just can "say" some vocabularies in english i can say/write a little bit more. So I am sorry but i have to go. I have so many things to do ;) C U!
@TheTaylor83414 жыл бұрын
@bubble34040able Yes, I know:D
@TheTaylor83414 жыл бұрын
@dreeameer3 Yes, it's true:D
@WizoHH924716 жыл бұрын
my english is not so good as your english. and i do it without any help from machine, now. i haven't wrote for a long time in english. i could try it... =)
@WizoHH924716 жыл бұрын
ich finde dein deutsch ist gut. die anderen videos habe ich noch nicht gesehen. Hats du Declan schon mal getroffen?
@WizoHH924716 жыл бұрын
Oh ok And I can not speak arabic. A friend of mine is Tunisian but she talks in german to me. i know it is hard to speak so many languages. i tried to learn dutch and german sign language but if you do not have any persons to who you can talk to so you will forget some/many parts of this. ***
@WizoHH924716 жыл бұрын
es geht. du schriebst es ist dein erstes video? Das merkt man an manchen stellenn-da hast du viel experimentiert. aber man wird durch Erfahrung klug. Ich mache auch gerne Videos und bin nicht so erfahren.das merkt man auch das ich kein profi bin. Aber ich finde es zählt die Mühe und die Liebe zum Detail =)