'maybe they do need to break up' young royals - 3x05 reaction

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love myshelf

love myshelf

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@stefannypita7415 6 ай бұрын
Willen's character has many layers, which is why the actor is fabulous. We have a 16 year old boy discovering his sexuality, falling in love for the first time, he loses the person he admired "his Brother" has to assume being the next king with the responsibilities and restrictions that that entails. And he must do all this without the support of his family. Because her mother, who is the queen regent, was focused on giving her all those responsibilities without thinking for a moment about her pain or her own pain, which we now see also affects her. Willen simply exploded and of course for Simón it is a hard look at all of this and he finally understands what his boyfriend has been carrying for that whole year and says I can't and I don't want that for my life. But it's not that he's leaving it to Willen but to everything dark in that world, which, although privileged, doesn't let you be who you really are. And let's not forget that he is just a teenager carrying the weight of responsibility for a country when he was never prepared for it, since it would be his brother who would reign. And if you add to all that the idealization that Willen had because of the same family that said he was perfect and then Agust tells him what he did in those initiation ceremonies... Just imagine the pain, disappointment and fear of thinking that his brother probably wouldn't have accepted him because of his sexual orientation. It is very difficult.
@dcantu6577 6 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you just said. Wilhelm was holding the secret about his brother to himself and his mother kept mentioning the brother which leads to him exploding in anger like he did.
@whatsername2828 6 ай бұрын
"There's a risk of poisoning" - Simon on his second piece like 👁👄👁
@LM-EntertainmentAustralia 6 ай бұрын
haha for some reason.. i found his look and disregarding of the cake to be one of the funniest moments of the series.
@gabbs2240 6 ай бұрын
I 100% agree that Wille taking his frustrations out on Simon was uncalled for. However... I do not feel that was the case when it came to his parents. Not only did they need to hear everything he said but I feel that the way Wille went about it might have been the only way they would hear him. When he yelled at his father "Can you see me?" I think that said so much about how little consideration his dad and even his mom gives him. I think Wille has tried many times to tell his parents how he feels about things but they never really listen. His feelings are constantly brushed aside and he's told to just do better, to be better. Erik even tells him to pretend to be someone else which is crazy if you really think about it. The reason Wille has these outbursts is completely understandable when you consider he isn't allowed to express his true self ever. So he bottles it up and bites his tongue and it builds and builds until the pressure is so great he explodes. And when he does the fallout is usually the people closest to him which at this time happens to be Simon. So yes, Wille needs to work on himself but his parents can't expect to continue stifling him in the ways they do and think he wont blow up at them. I don't think anything he said to his parents was said specifically to hurt them. I think that in that moment his anger allowed him to speak truthfully and openly and he said what he truly felt. Unfortunately the truth hurts.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
I agree! As I said to someone else: the only two points in his rant I really couldn't get behind was the way he was on his Mom's ass for breaking down only now... when it's obvious it's just been an accumulation of things for her and yeah duh... of course she would break down after everything that happened. And I also felt that his last comment was a tad unnecessary, in the sense that it didn't do anything except hurt her. But yes to everything else!
@georgeweatherford1027 6 ай бұрын
AND he did not need to do that in front of Simon. As Simon said, "Good for you, and..."
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 6 ай бұрын
My favourite thing about this reaction video is that you've followed the context clues from Simon's POV and could easily predict what was going to happen. I did the same, and like you said, it's been Wille's pattern since Season 1 to do something that hurts Simon and then apologise, move on, and do the same thing again. He always expects that Simon will just forgive him and take it in his stride. Your take on the cake was on point too - he says things as if it's just protocol but can't see how that must look and feel for Simon. (E.g. when Simon is trying to tell him how the comments on his video are hurting him, he tells him comments are always bad, stop going and searching for hate.) There's no point at which he acknowledges that Simon is being hurt and validates his feelings. Exactly what Wille is accusing the Queen of doing here - ignoring his grief and pain over Erik's death and yet having a breakdown on grief herself, he does the same to Simon - ignoring his pain from the abuse he's getting online and irl at school and yet expecting Simon to support and validate his pain over his mum and royal pressures. He is young and hopefully being self-aware will come with time and therapy.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
YES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS COMMENT!!!! Especially the last part! It's always been baffling to me how much people tend to defend Wille and justify his behaviour while closing their eyes and ignoring how he's very much doing to Simon what the queen is doing to him.
@wittlekikz 6 ай бұрын
​@lovemyshelf just rewatching this episode and it hits differently hearing the words Simon uses to break the cycle as being the words his own mother (who has been the victim of an abusive spouse) gives to him. When a person 'repeatedly' lashes out at their partner instead of dealing with the source of their pain...that pattern could very easily become abusive, whether its emotional, physical, etc. As a child who's experienced domestic abuse, Simon is probably a bit desensitised to the typical triggers (especially given his personality of putting everyone else first) so rather than retort in anger to Wille's lashing out on him or call Wille out, for the most part Simon sits in silence with the hurt and tries harder. And it's not until his mother gives him the words to help him connect the dots that he realises how unhealthy the situation is. It's so interesting that she's the one who delivers that line to him (and not his friends)...like she's also come full circle.
@slaterchest7153 6 ай бұрын
About the cake, the reason why Wille didn't get overworked by it, it's normal protocol. He doesn't really think people poisoned it, but he's not allowed to eat it.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
And as I stated in the video and in the comments, I was taken aback by Wille's lack of reaction towards Simon's own reaction when he heard about the cake 😭 Not the situation itself. You can clearly see Simon's face fall and he had already eaten part of the cake, so I still don't understand why Wille just dropped this on him and then moved on 😭
@ShanelleMaria 6 ай бұрын
Can I just say I love being in these comments where everyone doesn’t agree but we can be civil about it? Not every comment section is like this.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Tbh I would have blocked people if they were just being mean 😭 (But luckily I didn't have to here so 🥺💜)
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 6 ай бұрын
Simon, too, is my favourite character, but, in fairness to Wille, his major flaw is that he doesn't ask for help and doesn't communicate his needs effectively. It does take two to tango, and Simon has also contributed to the failure of their relationship at this point. He is a strong character who can stand up for himself against Vincent at school, but he makes himself quite meek around Wille often and doesn't voice what he is thinking and feeling. He is making more space for Wille's problems in their conversations than his own. He has been enabling Wille to think that he is dealing with things alright. Though we can read on Simon's face that he is not doing well (and we know from his POV that he is not doing well), Wille has not heard Simon voice clearly what is going on with him. Also they have limited time together. He speaks frankly to Rosh and Ayub about his relationship and why he is doing what he's doing with the comments, but he doesn't have this conversation with Wille. He has a massive breakdown in a conversation with his mum, but the next day he just tells Wille that he's no longer grounded. He is leaving out so much information that Wille needs in their relationship. This probably leads to the misinterpretation from Wille that he can use Simon as a support crutch. Simon never leans on his mother who is actually a good mum and does listen to him when he is honest with her. He is so stuck on protecting her from his own worries that he ends up not telling her anything, and he needed her adult advice this season. He needed to clear the air with her and tell her what's been going on with him and Sara at Hillerska. She is not afraid to stand up for him even against the Royal Court and August's lawyer. He needed her to push back at the Royal Court much sooner this season and he should have been showing her the comments he was getting. She could have helped him come up with a plan for dealing with the pressures on his and Wille's relationship. Even Sara and Micke could have been there for him for advice and support. I think the anger he had for his deteriorating relationship with Wille and their pressures, he directed this at Sara and his mum (by going full sullen teenager mode). Though I felt that all his feelings to all three of his family members was justified, he really needed them and needed to put aside his pride for his own sake. Lastly, I think Simon has big trust issues when it comes to his feelings. From being let down by his dad, not trusting his mum to carry the weight of being a single mum and having troubled kids, Sara because her own experiences of bullying made her 'fragile'. He has always found it hard to lean on people and seek help. I hope Simon learns to use his community and be more open about his needs. Micke's conversation with Sara this season made me long for a moment for Simon like that. There, I've managed to Devil's advocate it and see missteps in Simon's character. Wille is not a mind reader - empathy needs a helping hand sometimes. Simon knows that Wille loves him. Wille would have listened if he took the time to explain.
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
Yes to everything you said!! This is why I love reaction videos!! You get to hear so many different opinions being respectfully shared. 😀
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
I agree with you 100% I even commented on that aspect in one of my reactions, but there were also many instances during the season where Simon expressed himself and Wilhelm still lacked empathy. You can also easily read Simon's face, so it's not that hard to see something is wrong 😭 I guess mixing someone who's very much in his own head with someone who holds his tongue back is definitely a receipe for disaster 😬
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 6 ай бұрын
@lovemyshelf I agree there were moments where looking back I'm wondering if Wille can see Simon. He was so attuned to his moods and changing expressions last season. I think Lisa stepping up the miscommunication by taking Wille's phone away, and both of them being grounded meant they were deliberately set up to miscommunicate just as their relationship moved up a gear publically and privately. Your last sentence is so right! They still have so much to work through in their interpersonal relationship and on their own selves. I find that exciting, being in a relationship myself with totally different cultural upbringing and race and personalities.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
@@ThatsMyUsborneBook your first paragraph!!!!! YES! that's exactly why i struggled with wille's character this season. (even tho it was brilliant writing)
@ShanelleMaria 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelfI think the problem is that Wilhelm was always told that showing emotions is bad and he is the sort of person that needs to express it. So bottling it up for as long as he does causes him to explode. Then he’s in the state of mind where he can only think about what he feels. So in the moment it comes across as him having no empathy. The fact that he apologizes after (as tiresome as it becomes) shows that in the aftermath he realizes how he may have made others feel so the empathy is there but when he’s in that state of mind he can’t see past his anger. However, as you said it’s not healthy and both of them together when he’s has all this going on isn’t good for either of them. Simon has the tendency of putting his feelings aside to support the people he loves and Wilhelm is able to express himself to people he is comfortable with, unfortunately a lot of what he’s feeling right now is anger and pressure because of everything that happened in just a few months so Simon will get the brunt of that because he’s Wille’s safe place. It’s just a messy situation. I’m more in line with Simon’s personality so I saw this break up coming a mile away. It’s sad, they’re both so young they don’t need this pressure. They both deserve the world. Also the explosion at his parents was going to happen especially with his mum. She told him in season 2, I believe, that he could talk to them but whenever he brings up something she doesn’t particularly want to hear it’s always ’please Wilhelm’ and down plays it. The only time she hears him is when he explodes. In season 2 she sent him to Boris only after his blow out on the phone, where that should have happened as soon as he lost his brother. So his parents kind of perpetuate this cycle. Ok I’ll stop talking now I can go on forever about the psychology of these characters 😅.
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 6 ай бұрын
I love what you've said at the end, too. I wish peace and independence on Wille, too, and also that he can be proud of the person that he is. Because we do love Wille, he has given us loads of reasons to see why Simon fell in love with the boy he is. Despite his upbringing, he is a strong personality (despite having so much anxiety he still pushes through), and he is kind and has so much love to give. He, of course, has faults as do all the characters because they are human. But unless he is held to account and has consequences for his own faults, he will not change them to help himself grow and gain peace for himself. Simon, choosing his own peace and showing Wille that he is hurting himself and those around him through his actions, is the only way anything was going to change. Wille is the only one who can change things for himself. Simon does not have that power.
@mikaelaeriksson8189 6 ай бұрын
I really respect you and ur opinion and ive always thought you were a great reactor. But like you said maybe you dont understand wille in his behavior bc ur not like that and you can relate to simon more. I can really understand how it must look like from someone from the outside. Im not here trying to excuse wille in any way but i do relate to his character a lot. We work the same way emotionally, very anxious and reactive. I myself can maybe on a personal level who also had a mum who had severe depression when i was a teenager first hand explain to you how its like. To be abandoned but the one person whos suppost to look after you and you have to grow up really fast bc no one is gonna help you, that safety is gone and its like you dont exist. This anger is also from 3 seasons of grief and parents who are unaware neglectful to their only sons emotional needs thats gonna be damaging for the rest of his life. Like i said im not excusing willes behavior he could have handled it better but i just wanted to explain to you his state of mind coming from someone who relate to him and gone through similar things. Episode 6 is an emotional episode and i cried from beginning to end, this show has changed my life and its a masterpiece. ❤
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I very much understand where Wille is coming from and all I want for him is to realize that he's stuck in a loop and keeps repeating the same mistakes all over again, without ever learning from them. His circumstances are trully terrible and sad, but he should still take responsability for messing up and be held accountable, that's really all I'm asking. As for the way he reacts, i said it and you said it, I'm not someone who is ruled by her emotions, so it's hard for me to see him explode time and time again. If that's the way he is then of course it's going to be harder for him to process his emotions quietly and then speak up, but it became too much for me this season bc as I explained, he makes the same mistakes a bunch of times with Simon, and I'm of the opinion that if you're conscious of your shortcomings (which Wille is), you should try to put in the effort and work on them. This is why my patience ran a little thiner with him the more we advenced in the season. But you'll see I quickly folded in the finale.
@mikaelaeriksson8189 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelf Absolutely accountability is important! And his circumstances is what led him to this. Im well aware that willes coping mechanism is unhealthy and should be worked on. Im a full believer that most people can change if they have the right support and tools. We all work very different and you need to deal with ur own bagage bc the only one you can change is urself. Thanks for commenting! Keep doing what you do! ❤️🩷💜
@birgittae9046 6 ай бұрын
I can really understand Willes inner feelings. It was a matter of time that he has to explode. Otherwise he maybe should not have survived. But of course his behaviour even will affect the ones that are close to him and those who care for him. But I think this conflict in the open air was necesserary to go further in his own process as well as with his loved ones. Then it is not only one part to have to stay strong when the storm comes. In those moments you can see who is giving up and who is trying to carry on. Sometimes it is necessary to put the foot down clearly to understand what the situation really is about.
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
I think every one is being a bit too hard on Wille. Yes he’s targeting his anger at Simon, but when you’re hurting or scared or angry it’s very common to take the rage out on the person you feel safest with. Because there’s less chance of it blowing up. Is it okay, no. But many spouses take their frustrations out on their partners because they know, or believe, that the other will understand and not judge and not hold it against them. It’s not fair but it is totally understandable that Wille was getting angry with Simon. And Simon is not a victim, he’s proven time and again that he can stand up for himself. If he didn’t fight back with Wille it’s because he didn’t want to
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Even if that were true it doesn't make it right 😭 And even if Simon is not a victim and can "take it", it's not about that. Wilhelm had NO REASON to blow up in Simon's face like he did both times in this episode. He's projecting his own insecurities on Simon, and relying way too much on him for emotional support, forgetting that Simon is his own person with feelings. If you find yourself in a relationship where your partner treats you the way Wille did with Simon this episode: fucking run 😭 At the end of both altercations, Wille managed to make him feel guilty when Simon didn't even say or do anthing wrong in the first place. I'm glad they broke up and Wilhelm reflected on his behaviour in the last episode, bc if their relationship continued on that route, it would have become toxic and unhealthy real quick. And I'm using those words wisely, since I hate when people use them online for everything. Fighting with your s/o and hurting them can happen in any relationship, but the minute your partner starts taking you for granted, putting their own feelings above yours systematically, exploding on you when they're angry and then leaving before you can both actually talk things through just to apologize later and move on fast is a huge red flag. And I strongly believe that if Simon didn't 'fight back' like you said, it's because he was being way too compassionate for his own good, and was trying to be there for Wille because he needed him and he recognized that. The point with Simon's character this season was also the way he started to slowly disappear because he didn't want to be a burden for Wille. It's also tiring to fight with the people you love, and it took Wille breaking down in front of his parents for Simon to finally realize he needed to get out of here.
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelf that’s all true. But it’s also about timing and circumstance. There are times when you forgive instead of run. Like when your partner has just learned that his hero did something truly awful, and he’s now afraid that his brother who was his hero and best friend, may not have approved of the true Wille. And when the guy is dealing with that shell shock while simultaneously being forced into a royal role, is disconnected with his parents, is still grieving his brother.. like there are sooo many outside factors right now. That’s why Simon stayed. That’s why he didn’t take it personally - because he knew Wille was drowning. And in the end he didn’t even break up with Wille because of anything Wille did. He wasn’t angry with him. He broke up with him because the situation and outside factors were weighing him down. Simon never held anger towards Wille, and didn’t hold Wille’s outbursts against him. So I just think viewers are being a bit hard on wille, and getting mad in Simon’s behalf about things that Simon himself wasn’t angry about. He was more tired and sad.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
@@danarenee6088 I kinda see the point you're making, but even then it doesn't mean we as an audience shouldn't hold Wille accountable for his behaviour or that nothing is wrong. If we follow this logic, then should we be okay with what the 3rd years did with the porn bc it doesn't seem to have impacted Nils and August too much and they were able to move on from that event in their lives? Of course not. We also get to think and have our own perspectives. The experience of viewing a tv-show/movie isn't a passive one. We can think and see further than what's on screen. Wilhelm has issues that he needs to work through in order to not be stuck in the same toxic pattern anymore, that's a fact. Just like Simon needs to learn it's okay to stand up for himself and not always put the feelings of the people you love above yours. Simon's lesson with this situation was also that forgiving everything and never adressing the issues is not a solution, because at some point, you break.
@ShanelleMaria 6 ай бұрын
I get what you’re saying and in an adult context it’s understandable but we’re talking teenagers. that is a job for Wilhelm’s parents not Simon. Even in adult relationships there is only so much the partner can take without involving a therapist. I can’t blame Simon for stepping back from that it’s a lot to carry.
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
@@ShanelleMaria oh I don’t blame simon at all. I don’t even disagree with him. I think he made the right choice. My whole point was I think a lot of people are being a little too hard on Wille. Simon was less mad then some of the viewers I’ve seen lol
@NanoLiebchen 6 ай бұрын
I don’t fully agree with what you said in regards to what Wille said to his parents. Maybe because my family is similar to Wille’s parents with how they deal with emotions and difficult conversations, so I have more empathy in terms of a situation like that especially in his position, but I felt like that was absolutely needed and necessary. Yes, it shouldn’t have been infront of Simon, Wille could’ve done it at a different time when he wasn’t there to witness it, but his parents really needed to hear everything of what he said and in the way that he said it. With my perception of them as parents, and I could be completely wrong, but I just don’t think they would have listened or let him continue for long enough for them to hear if he kept his voice down. I fear that it would’ve gotten through to them if it was expressed in any other way. And in that situation, I think it was just the breaking point for him. That I do not blame him for. From what I can remember, I don’t think he’s ever talked about that side of his relationship with his parents and how it affected him, so he’s been bottling it up for a long time. And that being the final nail in the coffin for him makes sense, especially with the anger that comes with it. It was building up all the way until that moment and he just shattered. Yes, I agree that he could’ve went about it better, again especially with Simon in the room, but I feel that everything he said were words that they needed to hear. Harsh, but he needed them to know because they never bothered to know. I was not the most proud of Wille for alot of what he’s done in the season, especially with everything he did and said to Simon, but that was the scene where I felt the most proud and I felt the most struck because I personally know how much hurt it takes for someone to break like that. I agree that he does need to work on his anger management and handling his emotions better, but this really was the only case where I don’t think it was the root of the problem. He needed to say what he said, and his parents needed to hear it. (Though I really loved your insights and how you talked about Simon’s character this season!!)
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
I see what you mean. I guess we'll never know since Wille actually never had the opportunity to talk to his parents about this the way he did, so who can say for sure that they wouldn't have listened. The two points in his rant I really can't get behind is the way he was on his Mom's ass for breaking down only now... when it's obvious it's just been an accumulation of things for her and yeah duh... of course she would break down after everything that happened. And I also felt that his last comment was a tad unnecessary, in the sense that it didn't do anything except hurt her. I do agree with the sentiment of your whole comment tho!
@shirtaelcohen4178 6 ай бұрын
I can related so much to wille and this whole situation actually.. like there’s limit of how much u can take and keep to urself and deal with everything on ur own and and on top of that ur parents made u feel that way so often and when u actually snap at them asking them to see u like the ‘real I’ they just looking at u like u fell of the moon or something like ‘what’s wrong with u ?’ look or either being quiet cause they don’t know what to say cause they know deeply that u right at some point or they just they have nothing to say cause they never even thought abt it it’s like ur mind never goes there and then that’s make u the ‘crazy one’ just bc u we’re so much in pain and u finally tell ur parents how u feel but they just look at u with emptiness or either coldness and that’s how u end up in ur room crying ..
@leiavir 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your reaction! I think that Wilhelm's hysterical scene is more due to the fact that he is overwhelmed by information about his brother. It is difficult for him to accept the fact that the person he loved and idealized so much turned out to be not who he seemed. If we also take into account that all the events of the series take place during the year, then such a nervous breakdown is quite understandable. Yes, perhaps it was not worth expressing it in this way, and not in front of Simon, but this snowball of emotions just covered Willy like an avalanche. I'm sorry if I'm writing incomprehensibly, I don't speak English as well as you do. Automatic translation.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Don't worry! Everything you said was perfectly understandable and I agree!
@himynameisnickolas 6 ай бұрын
I know a lot of people were upset with Simon for breaking up with Wilhelm especially at that moment but I’m totally on his side. Let’s be honest, since the beginning of this series but especially this season, Simon has been doing the heavy lifting, and has sacrificed the most to make this relationship work but it’s just gotten to the point where it is too much. It also really makes me angry that Wille doesn’t even seem to recognize or acknowledge it.
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
The poisoned cake scene was just a comedic thing. He didn’t deliberately leave Simon in the dark because he doesn’t care lol. You really were upset with Wille’s entire existence this episode 😂😂❤
@shirtaelcohen4178 6 ай бұрын
The least thing that we can say abt wille that is he not caring .. and like every other character he was having bad moments and good moments as well but he’s still a teenager only 16 years and he can’t deal with everything on his own
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
But that's not funny???? What do you mean this is supposed to be a comedic scene... There is nothing remotely funny about it. Also I called out Wille for not noticing how freaked out Simon was after he explained the cake thing, not for having kept Simon in the dark.
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelf I thought it was funny. Both their expressions were funny. Sorry. I just saw it differently
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
@@danarenee6088 No it's okay, the contrast in emotions and their faces can elicit a laugh, I get that, but it was definitely not supposed to be a comedic scene 😭
@LM-EntertainmentAustralia 6 ай бұрын
i agree. i think people take this scene so seriously.. and blame wille when it isn't his fault. wille has had limited exposure to his role and how to act or behave in all different sorts of situations. that's come over time and years. he's just turned 17 - the last thing on his mind heading to his first ever official engagement without any help is going to be about eating anything, or talking to anyone else about not eating something. this is something (along with social media training, media training, etiquette) that should have been explained by the adults in the royal court to simon. he's not expected to know anything. we know though, that they havent done that because they want simon to fail and their relationship not to work. the simple fact is - from the one wille says - people are assuming that there's going to be mass-poisoning at every event he goes to? that no one is going to be able to eat anything there?
@slaterchest7153 6 ай бұрын
I don't agree with he has to respect his parents. They haven't done anything to help him. The only reason they wanted him to get help wasn't because he was falling apart inside, it was because the Royal court was getting anxious with his falling apart. I LOVED Wille going off on his parents. I'm sad Simon had to see it but WIlle has kept that bottled up since Erik died.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Agree to disagree. It's my belief that for good communication, you should respect the person in front of you even if you're upset with them. But as you could see, there were only two moments in this whole scene where I wasn't completely on Wille's side, but I was for the rest.
@dcantu6577 6 ай бұрын
The coat is perfect in their eyes because they are not a wealthy family and don't have a tailor. It has a clearance tag on it too so I imagine she bought it at a thrift store. Also, about the cake or food being poisoned, that's common with any president, diplomat or in this case crown prince but I do feel bad for Simon. His little face when he tells him that is sad and funny at the same time. 😭
@dcantu6577 6 ай бұрын
One more thing, please remember that Wille just turned 17. He's still a teen and he's never had any support or role model when it comes to his anger issues. Thank goodness I outgrew it but I acted the same way towards my parents when I was angry. I didn't know how to communicate or express myself better. I do feel bad for Simon though. He took a beating this Season.😉
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
The cake thing makes sense but Wille's reaction doesn't I'm still???? 😭
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
I take that into account. But I still hold him acountable bc by this point in the story, he's aware of the way he reacts. He seems aware of his issues but unwilling to work on them, and follows the same pattern every time: explode, feel guilty, apologize and repeat. That's why it's hard for me to go soft on him. Of course, he's young, but there comes a point when it can't be your only excuse 😭
@FarisHusaini 6 ай бұрын
I love your take on this. I agree even if I think my personality is more Wille at times and my boyfriend is more Simon. I hope I don't treat him as bad as this episode but there are times where I'm upset and react to it even if I know it can hurt my partner. Nowadays I try my best to control my thoughts and emotions but stuff happens and I'll apologise. It is a cycle, but this also means I have to accept when he is hurting me in certain ways as well. The things that was said to his Wille's mom, oh how I could relate as I've had similar conversations with my parents (when I was 18/19 y.o). I managed to release all that pent up anger when I was younger, and now my relationship's better with my parents as I don't have any deep resentment towards them.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment 💜 All I'm asking is for Wille to take responsability, do some introspection and break the cycle, yet people on here act like I'm shitting on him and blind to his suffering 😭
@FarisHusaini 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelf Nahh just don't take them seriously. I know exactly what u mean and you are right. Cause if Wille doesn't change it will never work out in the long run even if we want them to be together
@slaterchest7153 6 ай бұрын
I love both Wille and Simon. I watch another reactor who just do not like SImon. It's so interesting to hear different opinions of the same things, seeing things differently.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
How can someone not like Simon after seeing everything he went through tho? 😭 I call Wille out when I feel like he overstepped, but I still hold a lot of love for him 😭
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 6 ай бұрын
Right, let's go, can't wait to watch your reaction to this episode❤
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Can't wait to read your thoughts! 💜
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 6 ай бұрын
I remember thinking when I was watching this episode about when I first visited my first partner's parents as a teen. If I had been left alone in a room with them and felt the negative familial atmosphere, I too would have thought - this is not my business being here, this is a family issue and I should respectfully leave them to deal with it. In the same way, for example, Charlie leaves Nick's home when Nick, David, and Sarah get into a family argument about Nick's sexuality in Heartstopper. As much as Charlie loves Nick, it is not his place to be there at that moment. Hence, he checks in with him privately later. When Wille insists that Simon stays at his house with how mad he is at his parents, I am so angry. What does Wille expect Simon to do for him against his parents? Who he has just met. Never mind the added pressure of being the Queen and Duke, and this is a castle, and Simon is totally out of place. Wille's selfishness was so hard to watch because even though he is having problems with one part of his life, consideration for his boyfriend should still take up some space in his mind. If there is none, then he is not ready for a relationship yet.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Wille sadly became too dependant on Simon and relies on him. He sees him more as his emotional supprt and less as a person with his own feelings in this season, and that's a very sad developpement :(
@mlee6050 6 ай бұрын
10:52 yes their trying to match your hair 😅 Unsure if know or told yet, Wilhelm knocking presents about was improvised and Simon actor wasn't expecting it so was his actual reaction
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Yup I saw it on Twitter and that was a great improv'! Edvin truly understand Wille hahaha
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
Sara definitely brought the most emotion to this season. I loved her entire storyline. She was the mvp for me
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
Frida is an amazing actress! I hope she'll get more opportunities in the future!
@danarenee6088 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelf I hope they all do!! They were all so good!!!!!!!! But I’m especially hoping to see Nikita in the future 💜💜
@marie-christinecoupe3064 6 ай бұрын
I have been reading and enjoying your comments since the beginning of YR and I agreed with all of them but this time I find you so severe and unfair to Wilhelm ! How could you expect a 17 year old boy changing all of a sudden , taking positions like that ? He was educated as a prince, was told not to express his opnions ! Otherwise he has lost his brother, he is worried about his mother who is sick, he thinks he will be forced to take over within a year ! Him acting differently would be completely irrealistic ! And you said you expect better of him ??? I don't get it ! He does the best he can do, he is the one who tells Simon " I learning from you" ( which Simon doesn't say by the way), he is patient with Simon who is keeping posting stuff despite he was told not to do it and not listening to his worried thoughts about his sick mother ! Don't get me wrong, I like Simon too, I just don't get how harsh you are towards Wilhelm, whose position , as a prince loving a commoner is so difficult. That had to be said. Love your comment tho 😊
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
I'm harsh towards Wilhelm because at this point in the story, this is not the first time he reacts the way he does and he should know better. He is aware that it can be hard for him to express himself and that he tends to get angry often, yet he doesn't seem to be doing anything to change that. He's definitely not doing the best he could. I never called him out for not being patient with Simon and the things he posted so I don't really know why you're bringing this up? All I said was that his reactions this episode got on my nerves, bc he's stuck in a pattern where he: explodes, runs, feels guilty, apologizes and repeats. It has been the case for over three seasons. At some point he needs to do some introspection. He even has a support system now: Felice, Simon and Boris, who is his actual therapist. Wilhelm is not a child. He is 17 years old and should be held accountable, especially when he keeps repeating the same mistakes. It doesn't mean I don't love him.
@marie-christinecoupe3064 6 ай бұрын
@@lovemyshelf I still don't understand your point of you and your lack of understanding here but it doesn't matter.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
@@marie-christinecoupe3064 I've been understanding for over 2 seasons lmao Seeing how little empathy Wille shows other people makes it hard for me to be on his side 100% It's really not that hard to understand 😭 It's great if you can though! But although Wille has circumstances that explain his reactions, it doesn't excuse them. I'm just holding him accountable that's all. He himself did in the beginning of ep6 so I don't understand why you (and other people too, of course) can't seem to do the same 😭 If there was actually no problem with the way Wille behaved, then there would be no point to his character's journey in the series and episode 6 wouldn't have happened 😭
@shirtaelcohen4178 6 ай бұрын
@@marie-christinecoupe3064I think only teens who been through the same thing with their parents will understand cause really I don’t know how for ‘the mom is okay to break down cause she still grieving..’ but when wille act like that it’s a whole different story? like he have every right to say these stuff to his parents they needed to hear that they need to understand how their son feel and when they wrong and actually do something abt it cause through all 3 seasons we got nothing from his dad and his mom just being his boss basically not even a bit of empathy she always cold to him and cancel his emotions when he tried to speak to her and that’s was so painful to watch and I’m glad he finally let it all out poor bby deserves so much better..
@marie-christinecoupe3064 6 ай бұрын
@@shirtaelcohen4178 Absolutely agree !
@yesman8682 6 ай бұрын
There's no security outside his door silly
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
??? I don't know which part you're refering to. Also we're not friends so let's not use "silly" to refer each other pls 😊
@cathyy7130 6 ай бұрын
According to Omar, the part of the scene where Wille throws the presents was ad libbed. Simon's shocked reaction was real. To me it almost seemed like Wille wanted to pick a fight with Simon in the music room. Wanted Simon to break up with him to Prove that Erik was right. When Simon didn't follow the script, Wille changed tactics. But then when Simon does break up with him at the end, Wille gets slapped in the face with ice water, giving him a dose of reality. I have seen episode six, and I won't spoil it for you, but I think the break up was exactly what Wille needed to get his head on straight.
@lovemyshelf 6 ай бұрын
I've watched all the episodes already so you don't need to worry about spoiling anything 🙌🏻
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