當初 D 牌一出,個個都好評,我就覺得清塵係大敗筆,之後屋企人買左,電池非常渣,又要特別安裝,我直頭劣評,哩部 LG 既改良版,睇落似樣好多,清塵同安裝問題都無,係唔知舊電點喇。 打住上面字黎睇,突然聽到阿May話自己賢淑,心諗居然有人咁樣讚自己?回返去睇,原來係嚴肅😅,阿May,雖然哩兩個詞都唔係負面詞,不過意思差好遠咖。🤣
May, 我都覺得你有時好拘謹同埋對自己對人都要求好高,咁樣有時會好辛苦。Ken is a very funny guy, it's a good balance in between you. I hope you will feel free in Hong Kong and relax, enjoy your life the most! ❤😊
Your Cantonese is getting better and better by the days. I am very impressed with your grasp of Cantonese. It is not an easy language for foreigners to master. You are a rare breed. Wishing you and your hubby all the best for years to come living in H.K.
Your show is a great joy to listen. Your Cantonese is excellent. I think I learn a lot when I visited Japan too. It’s such a well run country. Their citizens like you are their greatest assets.