Mdou Moctar- "Sousoume Tamacheq" (Official Audio)

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Mdou Moctar

Mdou Moctar

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Taken from Mdou Moctar's upcoming album 'Funeral for Justice' out now on Matador Records. Purchase / Stream here:
Mdou Moctar Store:
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Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
A helpless orphan abandoned by 3 countries
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
A helpless orphan amidst 3 countries
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Oppressed in all 3
Oppressed in all 3
In addition to lack of unity, ignorance is the third issue
Oppressed in all 3
Oppressed in all 3
In addition to lack of unity, ignorance is the third issue
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
A helpless orphan amidst 3 countries
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Go inform Niger
Go inform Niger
Commander Alazlaz Ag-akli
In battle he is fierce and never backs up
Like a fighting lion on scorching sand
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
Cease weeping Tamasheq
A helpless orphan amidst three countries
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Mali-Niger, Niger-Mali and Algeria as the third
Tamacheq Transliteration:
Sussum Sussum Tamasheq
Sussum khay yallah Tamasheq
Tiguelimt n kalan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Sussum Sussum Tamasheq
Sussum khay yallah Tamasheq
Tiguelimt n kalan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Imidantat kalan
Imidantat kalan
Iba n-nanmarha n-toumast aljahalat atiniguan karad
Imidantat kalan
Imidantat kalan
Iba n-nanmarha n-toumast aljahalat atiniguan karad
Sussum Sussum Tamasheq
Sussum khay yallah Tamasheq
Tiguelimt n kalan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Aniwat I- Niger
Aniwat I- Niger
Commandan Alzlaz Ag Akli
Ass igar wirizinkiz abzanbuzi aytagu
Sawa ass ahar yihan ezez yibzar
Sussum Sussum Tamasheq
Sussum khay yallah Tamasheq
Tiguelimt n kalan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
Mali id Niger, Niger id Mali Aljazair atinigan karad
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#MdouMoctar #FuneralForJustice

Пікірлер: 25
@BenFreund 5 ай бұрын
Can't wait to see you dudes on tour 🤘
@Lek-666 5 ай бұрын
@perrimondjef1978 4 ай бұрын
Ce Sousoume Tamacheq est vraiement simultanément une des plus chaleureuses et une des plus tonifiantes musiques des années 2020 Alors merci monsieur Mdou Moctar de l'avoir créé ainsi et de nous l'offrir ainsi gratuitement.
@alexeyageev6966 5 ай бұрын
An oldie but a goodie. Glad they'd re-recorded it for a new album
@SupranormalNightside 12 күн бұрын
This versions outro solo at 4:16 is WILD, especially those first few notes 🎸
@beenfrank 5 ай бұрын
Dopenessss 🙌🏽🙌🏾🙌🏼 Salama
@abdullaihali3580 25 күн бұрын
Good 👍❤
@lukehart8104 5 ай бұрын
wish you posted the lyrics for all the songs!
@tanyasharadamba1264 4 ай бұрын
We're all gonna need to learn the local dialect.
@pawingard 5 ай бұрын
@qaiysrosla 5 ай бұрын
Peeergh! Impressive Wild and aggressive Guitar solo from start to the end.....\m/
@Hoyt-o1k 3 ай бұрын
I've been playing guitar for a very long time, I don't learn new stuff very often, but you guys inspire me to play along with your grooves awesome guitars, i love the scales or lack of scales, great to jam to also i play left handed, i think we're a little"special" gifted, great stuff!!! Love you guys, come back to Seattle when you can and rock KEXP again!!!
@cortwashburn86 4 ай бұрын
Could someone fill me in on the history of this track? At 2:44 and 4:16, it's the same groove and progression as "Takamba" from The Creator album, and I noticed that Bombino played it as well with slightly different chord voicings. Love this version, so I'm glad it developed into this. I didn't know if this is a traditional Tuareg tune or who originally wrote it, etc. It's an amazing groove that fills my soul with happiness.
@desertreisen5103 5 ай бұрын
TAnmert hollan Moctar fol Toumast ykna Tissiouu
@py_a_thon 5 ай бұрын
English language response. Ali Farka Toure + Jimi Hendrix + Pink Floyd = 🔥
@py_a_thon 5 ай бұрын
Did you low key collab with Aphex Twin for that intro lol? That is trippy and very unexpected. Nice.
@tonapittman 5 ай бұрын
More akin to Jimi Hendrix or Prince, though a collab with RDJ would be amazing!
@py_a_thon 5 ай бұрын
@@tonapittman I was just joking about the intro. Mdou Moctar is definitely closer to Pink Floyd and Hendrix than many other musicians are lol.
@ДраконБушидо 5 ай бұрын
Ага 🙄 , очень даже не плохо цепляет 👌 (душу мою метежную🐲)
@reversefulfillment9189 5 ай бұрын
New to this, I like 👍 algorithm knows my psychedelic ass.
@jimjacobs3436 4 ай бұрын
Very interesting. But NYT eval very misleading. He is no Hendrix nor a VanHalen, as the NYT describes. Sound more like the Incredible String Band on steroids.
@tanyasharadamba1264 4 ай бұрын
NYT didn't know where or how to asses or describe such greatness or uniqueness, because these guys are unparalleled. 🤩
@Coldcloves Ай бұрын
but the music is unlike no other.. and that's enough
Mdou Moctar- "Imajighen" (Official Audio)
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