Фантастическое исполнение песни Дианой! И хорошая позитивная реакция! Диане - браво, а за реакцию - лайк! Fantastic performance of the song by Diana! And a nice positive reaction! Bravo to Diana, and like for the reaction!
@marinajefremenko290411 ай бұрын
Теперь Вам осталось послушать саундтрек к фильму"Джеймс Бонд",песня"Не время умирать".Из этого же концерта.Совсем другой стиль!Спасибо за реакцию!Всего Вам доброго!❤❤❤
@johnsimpson777611 ай бұрын
Diana is amazing!💫
@ОльгаШабунько11 ай бұрын
Диана- бомба! Наслушаться невозможно!
@СветланаЖивотова-с3ю11 ай бұрын
Это действительно фантастическое исполнение❤! Спасибо за реакцию, вы отлично охарактеризовали ее исполнение❤❤❤
@Andrey_Andreev6911 ай бұрын
Фантастического выступления ❤Дианы❤!!! Космический голос нашей ❤Дианы❤ просто завораживает!!! Спасибо за реакцию!!! Лайк!!! 👍👍👍👍👍 Fantastic performance of ❤Diana❤!!! The cosmic voice of our ❤Diana❤ is just fascinating!!! Thanks for the reaction!!! Like!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
@ПетрКедрик11 ай бұрын
Фантастическое выступление Дианы!!!
@JanCoo7711 ай бұрын
Неподражаемая Диана. Спасибо за реакцию.
@olegyarovinskiy614211 ай бұрын
Thanks and like for reaction to divine Diana!
@НинаМуратова-ф9п11 ай бұрын
Спасибо за реакцию на Диану, исполнение просто потрясающее , мощное,Диана умеет всё!👍 за реакцию лайк!.
@Кикимара-н5х11 ай бұрын
@АлександрМакедонский-т5и11 ай бұрын
In this soundtrack, Diana caught her wave! Her voice is absolutely fantastic. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, as in Holy Scripture!!!
@Натела-о2ы11 ай бұрын
Браво Диана! Ты- лучшая из лучших!!!
@andrewdavey638211 ай бұрын
Your comments are exactly what I thought when I first saw this video.
@ЭленораЛозеренко9 ай бұрын
Диана космическая! Если послать сообщение в далекий космос,то ее дюну
@DianaRussia53111 ай бұрын
Rumor has it the Arrakis mother ship came and picked her back up.Diana has a after the show. Diana's voice is suited for grand, magnificent, epic, cinematic musical constructions. Her power, control, range and unique tone creates atmosphere on it's own...add a well composed piece and you get magic.+ Search for "Dune Official Soundtrack | Paul's Dream - Hans Zimmer". Thhe original score is amazing and the most striking thing about the composition and the vocals when compared is that Diana totally blows the original away.
@peterhowells730911 ай бұрын
Yeah, we all knew Diana was a Fremen all along Han! At least now everything makes sense! 😂😂
@DianaRussia53111 ай бұрын
@@peterhowells7309 Her voice simply hypnotizes me. I figured I would stop being facinated a long time ago but then she does something like this on a regular basis and keeps me in a trance.
@peterhowells730911 ай бұрын
@@DianaRussia531 I know exactly how you feel Han! If somebody had told me 7 years ago that Diana would still be holding 100% of my attention today, I would have laughed! The unique factor about her singing is very complex, but basically her vocal tone, speaking or singing, has a palpable effect on me, almost akin to being punched in the chest! That's how it feels to me, I have no scientific explanation, but I know how it feels. I would love to see an acoustic expert analyse her voice at a deep level, may yield interesting facts? Oh, Happy New Year too! 😊😊
@Kwstas_Vagias11 ай бұрын
@@DianaRussia531 She is more like a Bene Gesserit, she uses "The voice" to hypnotise and compel people. Her voice is a weapon.
@elenasanatrieva609911 ай бұрын
@@Kwstas_Vagiasне зря же ее недруги ,так и норовят оскорбить ( как они думают) назвав Йерихонской трубой.Но настолько не умны,что даже не знают значения этой фразы. И тем самым не подозревают ,что наделили ее наивысшим статусом
@ВикторПодущак-ь1м11 ай бұрын
@По-моему11 ай бұрын
Fantastic!Amazing!BRAVO!!! 💣💥💓👏👏👏👏👏💪👍🔔
@LyubovZemlya202311 ай бұрын
Великолепное исполнение!!❤❤
@75ssl1711 ай бұрын
Прекрасное и великолепное исполнение , до глубины души , спасибо Дианочка !!! Браво!!!💥💣👋🌹🌹🌹🔥🔥🔥спасибо
@LeoGer9411 ай бұрын
Здравствуйте! С Новым Годом! Прекрасная реакция!
@Evgeniy_Drobyshev11 ай бұрын
There was Art of Hans Zimmer performance this November. Some songs was performed by guest stars, Diana sang this song and also No Time to Die.
@GabriBelmont11 ай бұрын
Leaving Caladan..The best version I've heard😍
@maurovaldonio61411 ай бұрын
Diana è STELLARE 💫💫💫
@SergeyKhudushin11 ай бұрын
It's an enchanting sight, and Diana is certainly an ornament, like a diamond in an expensive setting at this show. I am delighted with what I have seen. And, yes, definitely, her place is certainly on the world stage. Thanks for the reaction to Diana, and my finger in the top👍
@peterhowells730911 ай бұрын
Greetings from Scotland! You already know how many languages Diana has sung in, now she just added #8! "Fremen" 😊 I have been waiting for you to react to this concert, just because I knew how you'd react, I mean, who wouldn't have a surprise with this staggering performance. In full belting mode all the way through! The power and breath control to sustain this level is enormous! *For informational purposes* - This is from the "Paul's Dream" sequence of the film "DUNE" and the original singer, American Rhythm Vocalist Loire Cotler talks to Hans Zimmer, who describes this voice a "The cry of a Banshee!" but that was before he heard Diana sing it! kzbin.info/www/bejne/op6WkJuQjKiaebs The both "Art of Hans Zimmer" shows, in Moscow and St. Petersburg were big, they had approximately 120 artists were on the stage in total, there were 236 lighting units, they had 6 laser projectors and more than 14,000 spectators! Just what Diana needs, great exposure for her incredible vocal talents!
@mike_zotov6011 ай бұрын
Hi Peter! It would be very interesting to know Hans's own opinion on this live performance. Without detracting from the dignity of the primary sources, but after the performance of Diana, they often, if not fade, then rethink exactly.
@peterhowells730911 ай бұрын
@@mike_zotov60 Hi Mike, Happy New Year sir! I know more than one person has contacted Han on his official email and left a link to Diana's performances, but I have no idea if he has responded yet. I guess he's a seriously busy guy who has that sotr of email thousands of times per day. BUT anything is possible! Have a great 2024 and a Merry Christmas! - - Привет, Мike, с Новым годом, сэр! Я знаю, что не один человек связался с Han по его официальному электронному письму и оставил ссылку на выступления Дианы, но я понятия не имею, ответил ли он еще. Я думаю, он серьезно занятой парень, который получает подобные электронные письма тысячи раз в день. НО все возможно! Удачного 2024 года и счастливого Рождества!
@АннаБорисова-й7н11 ай бұрын
@peterhowells730911 ай бұрын
@@АннаБорисова-й7н Большое тебе спасибо. Анна! Счастливого Рождества! 🎄🎄
@clivestainlesssteelwomble766511 ай бұрын
Im a Dune fan from the Book way back ...Id not seen the film but ive been watching Diana from her early teenage extraordinary performances. The other great performance based on the Dune soundtrack is the guy who solo managed to vocalize the Sardukars throat singing call to prayers. I went back to search for Hanz zimmers original and i found him and his chosen Super group doing this in a studio.. Dianas performance is as good as the original if not better in that its live in a huge concert theatre with the full orchestra a conductor and two lead viola or violin players also performing. As usual you can see and hear her attack the performance with that vocal power she has and drama. 😎 As a twenty year old contralto voice shes still developing her power and skills 🤯 so yup damn impressive and her rate of learning she will keep blowing the doors off..😂😎 for quite a few decades to come.. Shes a natural for big movie or games music themes.. a long time ago I sent her a link to Florence and the machines full orchestra recording to the Huntsman theme .... the last reworking of the Snow white story . Dame Shirley Bassey is generally regarded as having the definitive Bond theme voice .... but i think Diana could also cover some of those classics..😎😎😎 🤞🏼🧙♂️🇬🇧
@DiscoverMVP11 ай бұрын
Diana Ankudinova is from another planet 🇺🇲
@michaelbradley648811 ай бұрын
They were beautiful, ethereal noises, this score was written by Hans Zimmer and I am pretty sure that Diana is singing the lyrics exactly as they were written, I have seen another performance of this song, I believe sung by the artist who recorded for the movie, the lyrics sounded the same. This tribal style of singing is perfect for Diana's voice. Nice reaction.
@vitalich-m01-511 ай бұрын
Шедевральное исполнение ! Диана большой мастер вокала , недосягаемый !!
@SNowo-ql4js11 ай бұрын
Спасибо за внимание к творчеству Дианы Анкудиновой.
@SvetlanaTeslya11 ай бұрын
@Kwstas_Vagias11 ай бұрын
This was 10 times more powerful than the original score because Diana's voice is stronger than a super nova, more like an Ankudi nova... 😂😂😂 Alright...I will see my self out.
@deborahvernarelli639411 ай бұрын
@stephanieallangarman559811 ай бұрын
The event was in MOSCOW they were celebrating HANS ZIMMER and his OST’s for various Movies 🎥. I believe DIANA can sing any genre but she’s absolutely in her niche on this one. Her belting vocal power is STUNNING on this “DUNE” Cover. When she covers a SONG 🎧 she exceeds my expectations each time. I love it. I would recommend her cover of 007’s “No Time to Die” at the same event. Thank you for reacting and supporting DIANA ANKUDINOVA. Happy New Year 2024’. 🙋🏻♀️🎶🧐🔥🏆
@Louise-iw7zr11 ай бұрын
@vyacheslav784111 ай бұрын
Thanks for the Splendid Great kind reaction! Diana launched this piece to outer space along with everyone listening to it, look at her avoiding to sing straight in to that microphone, the singing equipment was trembling, her vocal energy has enough force for interstellar travel, it has the power to compel people and turn things in to reality just like "The voice" that only a specific female race the "Bene Gesserit" can do from the movie Dune it self. Диана запустила это произведение в космос вместе со всеми, кто его слушал, посмотрите, как она избегает петь прямо в микрофон, певческое оборудование дрожало, ее голосовой энергии достаточно для межзвездных путешествий, она способна понуждать людей и превращать вещи в реальность так же, как «Голос», который может сделать только конкретная женская раса «Бене Джессерит» из фильма «Дюна».
@ЛюдмилаМ-ъ6п11 ай бұрын
@trevorkrause722011 ай бұрын
In the movie the words are from Paul's dream quite early in the movie before they move to Arrakis, and just before Lady Jessica wakes him up for his meeting and testing with the Head Bene Jessuit sister. The actual movie sequence of the dream is very short, less than a minute, and the voice is of a creaky ancient crone. As Paul's dreams were generally fragments of possible future events there might be a chance that in the second movie that the sequence which apparrently tells of the coming of "messiah" of Dune and the freeing of its people will be restaged and hopefully Diana will play the orator or sage before the gathered freemen of Arrakis.
@andrejusaleksejevas921811 ай бұрын
@ReynaldReims11 ай бұрын
Hello from France You can hear this entire song in the movie Dune released in 2021 during the end credits.
@Melodie-tg4bu11 ай бұрын
👉 Goosebumps! I love Diana’s fascinating voice. No one can sing these melody better and create a whole world before your eyes with these sounds. I am convinced that the song would be even better, more powerful and more primal if Hans Zimmer knew Diana. It would be wonderful if Hans Zimmer would hear her and write the next songs for our Diana. ...and Diana's enchanting dress fit so well with the music and this event. She is the eye-catcher of this evening... Breathtaking! * Diana Ankudinova No Time To Die aus Bond 007 ART OF HANS ZIMMER - kzbin.info/www/bejne/nZ65ZnaHoL9mgtk * Diana Ankudinova - DUNE Official Soundtrack ART OF HANS ZIMMER - kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z3THhJaGfct_otU * Billie Eilish - No Time To Die (Official Audio) - kzbin.info/www/bejne/fXPChGWne81oorc * Hans Zimmer Performs the Dune Soundtrack LIVE - kzbin.info/www/bejne/lZuYeJp9mbiqoKc * Hans Zimmer *1957 Frankfurt am Main - is a German film composer, arranger and music producer. Hans Zimmer lives in California. He has four children from two marriages. He is one of the most successful and influential film composers in Hollywood and worldwide. He did not undergo any academic musical training. In 2002, when asked on a German talk show whether he had had music lessons, he replied: “Yes, I had them for a week. It was like this: either I would have killed the teacher or he would have killed me." He didn't want to follow the basic rules for a pianist. Hans Zimmer fuses electronic music with orchestral arrangements and is a brilliant sound tinkerer who is a role model for many musicians thanks to his synthesizer collection. Zimmer created a new style of scoring action films. Backdraft in particular is considered a milestone in film music history. Since the 1980s, Zimmer has composed music for over 150 films: The Lion King, Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbean, Last Samurai, Madagascar, The Davinci Code, The Rock, Dune, Illuminati etc. Hans Zimmer not only composes, but also takes over the execution of films as the responsible music producer To date, the music albums accompanying his soundtracks have sold more than 25 million copies worldwide. Zimmer has been nominated twelve times for the Oscar, fifteen times for the Golden Globe Award and 22 times for the Grammy Award. He received his first Oscar nomination in 1989 for the film Rain Man, which also marked his breakthrough in Hollywood. In 2010 he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.(www)
@bernhardschady1159 ай бұрын
Absolut überirdisch ❤ Diana die hohe Priesterin, niemand passt dazu besser. Mit so einen Auftritt könnte sie locker die Rolle im Film übernehmen 😊😊😊. Sie mit der stärksten Schallwaffe des Arrakis.
@СанСаныч-я9ф11 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/m6aUdZuXfs6SbcUsi=5C3KcuRuDZhH6mG6 Un-Break My Heart - Диана Анкудинова & Юлия Паршута. Шоу "Дуэты" 👀💔👏🙌
@НепомнюНезнаю-з7ш11 ай бұрын
Happy new yer!
@realityviewerXXI11 ай бұрын
Diana Ankudinova - soundtrack to the film "Dune" kzbin.info/www/bejne/ZofVdXWapKl-rac (this recording is identical to that posted on Diana's channel, but with *subtitles of the exclusive transcript of the fantastic language "Galact"* )
@vyacheslav784111 ай бұрын
Compare: Диана Анкудинова - Art of Hanz Zimmer, Soundtrack from the Movie "DUNE" kzbin.info/www/bejne/d6uyZoKOf75ggJI Луаре Котлер Loire Cotler kzbin.info/www/bejne/lZuYeJp9mbiqoKc Hans Zimmer Performs the Dune Soundtrack LIVE
@ObozhinE-11 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/op6WkJuQjKiaebs Composer Zimmer planned for the episode, which was voiced by Diana in Moscow and St. Petersburg, to be the voice of a banshee. Banshee, or benshee [1] (English banshee [ˈbænʃiː], from Irish bean sídhe [bʲæn ˈʃiː] - woman from Shea) - in Irish folklore and among the inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands - a special type of fairy who foretells death. They usually wander stealthily among the trees or fly. They emit piercing screams, which seem to “merge the cries of wild geese, the sobs of a child and the howl of a wolf,” foreshadowing the death of one of the members of the clan.
@СветланаПенькова-и1щ11 ай бұрын
Diana Ankudinova & Sasha Kapustina (АЙГЕЛ - "ПЫЯЛА") - in Tatar and Russian languages: 💜 kzbin.info/www/bejne/eqeofoqQbZpshqssi=sTtLTuCpAyKj-2QA
@ninona227Ай бұрын
Немного разочароаывает, что эти обзоры интересны только *нашим"