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Meditative India

Meditative India

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Aigiri means daughter of the Mountain king, Giri signifies mountain, Nandini means, who gives joy to the world. It is about Goddess Parvathi in her Durga avatar, where she destroys the demon Mahishasur; thus, She is called Mahishasura Mardini. In Hinduism, Goddess Durga was called Mahishasura Mardini as she killed a buffalo headed devil called Mahishasura. Hindus celebrated this occasion as Navaratri. Shri Adi Shankara Acharya first explained Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram. Though it was reported in traditional books about the beneficial effects of stream listening, scientific evidence is lacking.
Durga Maa is depicted with 10 arms, rides in a lion or tiger carrying weapons, and assumes symbolic hand gestures or mudras.
What Happens When you Chant Aigiri Nandini?
Aigiri Nandini Lyrics is a very popular Durga Devi Stotram. By chanting the Mahishasura Mardini stotram, one can get the protection, divine bliss, and the mercy of Goddess Mahishasura Mardini, who is known for her motherhood of her devotees, supporting them throughout their lives to attain the moksha.
Who Invented Aigiri Nandini?
Aigiri Nandini Stotram was composed by Adi Shankaracharya. Ramakrishna was popularized in the middle ages, a devotee of Mahakali and courtier of Raja Krishna Devarayaa. Ramakrishna is more popularly known as Tenali Rama.
What is the Power of Aigiri Nandini?
The Mother is conjured as Durga’s powerful force to destroy all our vices, impurities, and defects on the first three days. For the next three days, the Mother is adored as a giver of spiritual wealth, Lakshmi, who is considered to have the power of bestowing on her devotees the endless wealth.
Benefits and Importance: Maa Durga is an Adi Shakti who destroys all the fears inside any soul and kills anger, rage, grudge, and ego to drive away all the negativity in the mind, body, and soul. To get the Blessings of Maa Durga, one needs to surrender toward her totally; then, she will purify the devotee in her way. To reach the powers of Maa Durga to win in any battle or beat any challenge or fear, reciting Mahishasura Mardini regularly with much love is a blessing. Devi Maa will help you win the battle and victory in your Job. Reciting Mahishasura Mardini will overwhelm all sorrows from your Life.
All about our channel "Meditative India"
We'll be posting videos on a variety of topics including: yoga relaxation, devotional songs and chants, guided meditation for beginners, breathing exercises for stress relief, guided meditation for children… and so much more! Subscribe !
#aigirinandini #chanting #mantra

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@meditativeindia 10 ай бұрын
Pranaam to all pious souls🙏 We are extremely elated to share this news with you all. On the auspicious occasion of Diwali, we launch our new channel "MEDITATIVE INDIA DEVOTIONAL" for Devotional Songs, Bhajans and Aartis!! We have just inaugurated the channel with its very first "Mahalakshmi Aarti" ! Please be the firsts to subscribe to the channel. Thankyou! Here is the link 👉
@rajeshshukla7918 10 ай бұрын
@sethanuj 9 ай бұрын
Hi.. can you please share the image of Devi Ji used in the background of the mantra. Thanks in advance.
@annukhatkar9425 8 ай бұрын
@ManjunathGatate 7 ай бұрын
@kapildev117 5 ай бұрын
​Adi shakti namstumbhyam
@velvetq8929 2 ай бұрын
#1 ayi girinandini nanditamedini visvavinodini nandinute || girivaravindhya shirodhinivasini vishnuvilaasini jisnunute || bhagavati he shitikaNthakutumbini bhoorikutumbini bhoorikrute || jaya jaya he mahishaasuramardhini ramyakapardini shailasute |||| O daughter of the mountain, who makes the whole earth happy, who makes the whole universe rejoice, praised by Nandin || dwelling on the peak of the great Vindhya mountain, glittering widely, praised by those desirous of victory || o goddess, wife of the blue necked siva, one who has many families, one who has done a lot, || be victorious, be victorious, O destroyer of the demon mahisa, with beautiful braids of hair, daughter of the mountain Himalaya || || #2 suravaravarshiNi durdharadharshiNi durmukhamarshiNi harsharate || tribhuvanaposhiNi shankaratoshiNi kilbishamoshiNi ghosharate || danujaniroshiNi ditisutaroshiNi durmadashoshiNi sindhusute || jaya jaya he ... || || bestower of boons on Gods, one who assails those hard to control, who tolerates those with ugly faces (?), one engrossed in rejoicing || one who nourishes the three worlds, one who pleases sankara, one who removes sins, one who engrosses in sound of Om (?) || one who is angry with the progeny of Danu (demon), one who is angry with the sons of Diti (also demon), one who destroys those with evil intoxication of pride, daughter of the ocean || #3 ayi jagadamba madamba kadambavanapriyavaasini haasarate || shikharishiromaNi tungahimaalaya shringanijaalaya madhyagate || madhumadhure madhukaitabhaganjini kaitabhabhanjini raasarate || jaya jaya he ... || || O mother of the world, my mother, one who loves to dwell in a forest of Kadamba trees, one who keeps on smiling || one who is on her own dwelling on the tall peak of the Himalaya, the greatest among the mountains || one who is very sweet, one who has the treasure of demons Madhu and Kaitabha, destroyer of the demon Kaitabha, engaged in dancing || #4 ayi shatakhaNda vikhaNditaruNda vituNditashuNda gajaadhipate || ripugajagaNda vidaaraNachaNda paraakramashuNda mrigaadhipate || nijabhujadaNda nipaatitakhaNda vipatitamuNda bhataadhipate || jaya jaya he ... || || O one who split the heads (of demons) into hundreds of pieces and one who cut the trunks of great battle elephants || whose great lion is skilled in terrifying valor in tearing apart the temples of enemy elephants || one who has cut down into pieces the heads of enemy chieftains with the strength of her own arms || #5 ayi raNadurmadashatruvadhodita durdharanirjara shaktibhrute || chaturavicharadhuriiNamahasiva dutakrita pramathaadhipate || duritaduriihaduraashayadurmati daanavaduta krutaantamate || jaya jaya he ... || || O one who holds the invincible and undiminishing striking force which arose on the occasion of killing the enemies who were hard to subdue on the battlefield || who made Pramatha, the great attendant of Shiva, a leader in subtle thinking, her commander (?) || who decided to destroy the messenger of demons who were sinful, with evil intentions, thoughts and mind || #6 ayi sharaNaagata vairivadhoovara viiravaraabhayadaayakare || tribhuvanamastaka shoolavirodhishiirodhikritaamala shoolakare || dumidumitaamara dundubhinaada mahomukhariikrita tigmakare || jaya jaya he ... || || O one who gives protection to the great heroic husbands of the enemy wives who have come seeking refuge || one who holds in her hands a spotless spear pointed towards the head of the opponent who is causing a great pain for all the three worlds || one who is like the blazing hot sun, aroused by the power of resounding noise of the drums of Gods || #7 ayi nijahunkriti maatraniraakrita dhoomravilochana dhoomrashate || samravishoshita shoNitabeeja samudbhavashoNita biijalate || shivashivashumbhani shumbhamahaahavatarpita bhutapishaacharate || jaya jaya he ... || || O one who has blown aside hundreds of streams of smoke coming from demons with smoking eyes merely with her own roaring || who is like a vine of blood-drops grown from the dried blood drops in battle || one who delights in the company of auspicious Shiva, Shumbha, Nishumbha, and the spirits who were fed during the great battle.|| #8 dhanuranusangaraNakshaNasanga parishphuradanga naTatkaTake || kanakapishanga prishatkanishanga rasadbhatasringa hataabaTuke || krutachaturanga balakshitiranga ghatadbahuranga raTadbaTuke || jaya jaya he ... || || one who decks herself with dancing ornaments on throbbing limbs at the moment of the battle, making her bow ready || who killed the huge enemy soldiers with a shining sword and with (arrows from) a quiver which has golden brown spots || who made the battleground with fourfold army into a stage with a colorful drama with screaming little soldiers || #9 jaya jaya japyajaye jayashabda parastutitatatpara vishvanute || jhaNa jhaNa jhinjhimijhinkritanoopura sinjitamohita bhootapate || natita nataardhanatiinatanaayaka naatitanaatyasugaanarate || jaya jaya he ... || || be victorious! be victorious! whose victory should be sung, praised by the whole universe ready to sing the praise extolling her victory || who attracted the attention of shiva by twinkling of bells making various sounds of dancing || who delights in beautiful singing and in dance-drama presented by a leading dancer acting out the role of an actress with half of his body || #10 ayi sumanah sumanah sumanah sumanoharakaantiyute || shrita rajanii rajanii rajanii rajanii rajaniikaravakravrute || sunayanavibhra marabhra marabhra marabhra marabhra maraadhipate|| jaya jaya he ... || || O one who has a flowerlike complexion attractive to the good heart of the goodhearted people || (meaning of this part is unclear, the last word seems to mean "surrounded by the face of the moon" ) (meaning of this compound is not clear) #11 sahitamahaahava mallamatallika mallitarallaka mallarate || virachitavallika pallikamallika shrillikabhillika vargavrute || sita kruta phullisamullasitaakruNtallaja pallavasallalite || jaya jaya he ... || || #12 aviralagaNda galanmadamedura mattamatangajaraajapate || tribhuvana bhooshaNa bhootakalaanidhi roopapayonidhiraajasute || ayi sudatiijanalaalasamaanasa mohanamanmatharaajasute || jaya jaya he ... || || who is in charge of huge royal elephants in fury whose rut is streaming down their temples incessantly || princess, the daughter of the ocean, who has the beauty of the moon, the ornament of all the three worlds || princess of cupid who enchants the minds desirous of ladies with beautiful teeth || #13 kamaladalaamalakomala kaantikalaakalitaamala bhaalatale || sakalavilaasakalaanilayakrama kelichalatkala hamsakule || alikulasankula kuvalayamaNdala maulimiladbakulaalikule || jaya jaya he ... || || whose spotless forehead is enhanced by the beautiful complexion, pure and delicate like that of lotus petals || whose flock of swans is moving sportingly with steps which are the marks of all beautiful arts || whose bees from the bakula trees meet on the tops of lotus flowers which are crowded with (their own) bees ||
@velvetq8929 2 ай бұрын
#14 karamuraliirava viijita koojita lajjita kokila manjumate || militapulinda manoharagunjita ranjitashailanikunjagate || nijaguNabhoota mahaashabariigaNa sadguNasambhruta kelitale || jaya jaya he ... || || whose sweet cooing sounds made with the flute held in her own hands have put to shame the Kokila bird and who has sweet thoughts || who is in colorful mountain groves pleasantly resounding with the assembled mountain folks || whose playbround is filled with good qualities of the flocks of the great tribal women who are manifestations of her own qualities || #15 katitatapiitadukoolavichitra mayookhatiraskrita chandraruche|| praNatasuraasura maulimaNisphuradamshulasannakha chandraruche|| jitakanakaachala maulipadorjita nirbharakunjara kumbhakuche || jaya jaya he ... || || who has set aside the brilliance of the moon with the colorful rays coming from the yellow silk she is wearing on her waist || whose toe-nails shine like the moon because of the rays emanating form the crest jewels of the bowing gods and demons || whose breasts outshine the temples of wild elephants and the high peaks of the golden mountains || #16 vijitasahasra karaikasahasra karaikasahasra karaikanute || krutasurataaraka sangarataaraka sangarataaraka soonusute || surathasamaadhi samaanasamaadhi samaadhi samaadhi sujaatarate || jaya jaya he ... || || one who has surpassed the thousand-handed sun with her own thousand hands and one who is singularly praised by a thousand suns || she who performed the battle to save the Gods and whose sons fought a battle with the demon Taraka and are saviours || (meaning of this compound unclear) #17 padakamalam karuNaanilaye varivasyati yonudinam sashive || ayi kamale kamalaanilaye kamalaanilayah sakatham na bhavet || tava padameva param padamityanushiilayato mama kim na shive || jaya jaya he ... || || O benevolent goddess accompanied by Shiva, if someone daily cherishes your lotuslike feet || (contd. from prev line) then, O lotus dwelling Lakshmi, how will he not become wealthy? || O auspicious Goddess, is there anything that I would not have, if I earnestly believe that your feet are the highest goal to be achieved? || #18 kanakalasatkala sindhujalairanusinchinute guNarangabhuvam || bhajati sa kim na sachikuchakumbha tatiiparirambha sukhaanubhavam || tava charaNam sharaNam karavaaNi nataamaravaaNi nivaasisivam || jaya jaya he ... || || if someone bathes you, the playground of virtues, with shining golden waters of the ocean || will he not experience in heaven the happiness (equal to that of Indra) embracing the full bosom of Sachi? || O Goddess worshipped by the speech of Gods, I take refuge in your feet, which are also the abode of Shiva || #19 tava vimalendukulam vadanendum alam sakalam nanu koolayate || kimu puruhoota puriindumukhiisumukhiibhirasau vimukhiikriyate || mama tu matam sivanaamadhane bhavatii kripayaa kimuta kriyate || jaya jaya he ... || || He who sufficiently dedicates himself to your entire moonlike face, which is as bright as a host of spotless moons || will he be turned away (in heaven) by the moon-faced beauties of the city of Indra? || (the text of this line is unclear) #20 ayi mayi diinadayaalutayaa krupayaiva tvayaa bhavitavyamume || ayi jagato jananii krupayaasi yathaasi tathanumitaasitare || yaduchitamatra bhavatyurariikrutaadurutaapa mapaakrurute || jaya jaya he ... || || Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Please shower some mercy on me, As you are most merciful on the oppressed. Oh mother of the universe ,be pleased, To give me the independence , To consider you as my mother And do not reject my prayer even if it is improper, But be pleased to drive away all my sorrows, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. ||
@elenaz9821 10 ай бұрын
Ayi giri nandini nandhitha medhini Viswa vinodhini nandanuthe Girivara vindhya sirodhi nivasini Vishnu Vilasini Jishnu nuthe Bhagawathi hey sithi kanda kudumbini Bhoori kudumbini bhoori kruthe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Suravara varshini durdara darshini Durmukhamarshani harsha rathe Tribhuvana poshini Sankara thoshini Kilbisisha moshini ghosha rathe Danuja niroshini Dithisutha roshini Durmatha soshini Sindhu suthe Jaya Jaya Hey Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Ayi Jagadambha Madambha Kadambha Vana priya vasini Hasarathe Shikhari siromani thunga Himalaya Srunga nijalaya madhyagathe Madhu Madure Mdhukaitabha banjini Kaitabha banjini rasa rathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Ayi satha kanda vikanditha runda Vithunditha shunda Gajathipathe Ripu Gaja ganda Vidhaarana chanda Paraakrama shunda mrugathipathe Nija bhuja danda nipaathitha khanda Vipaathitha munda bhatathipathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Ayi rana durmathaShathru vadhothitha Durdhara nirjjara shakthi bruthe Chathura vicharadureena maha shiva Duthatkrutha pramadhipathe Duritha Dureeha dhurasaya durmathi Dhanava dhutha kruithaanthamathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe. Ayi saranagatha vairi vadhuvara Veera varaa bhaya dhayakare Tribhuvana masthaka soola virodhi Sirodhi krithamala shoolakare Dimidmi thaamara dundubinadha mahaa Mukharikruthatigmakare Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Ayi nija huum kruthimathra niraakrutha Dhoomra vilochana Dhoomra sathe Samara vishoshitha sonitha bheeja Samudhbhava sonitha bheejalathe Shiva shiva shumbha nishumbhamaha hava Tarpitha bhootha pisacha rathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Dhanu ranushanga rana kshana sanga Parisphuradanga natath katake Kanaka pishanga brushathka nishanga Rasadbhata shrunga hatavatuke Kritha chaturanga bala kshithirangakadath Bahuranga ratadhpatuke Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Sura Lalanata Tatheyi Tatheyi Tathabhi Nayottama Nritya Rate Hasa Vilasa Hulasa Mayi Prana Tartaja Nemita Prema Bhare Dhimi Kita Dhikkata Dhikkata Dhimi Dhvani Ghora Mrdanga Ninada Late Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Jaya Jaya hey japya jayejaya shabda Parastuti tatpara vishvanute Bhana Bhanabhinjimi bhingrutha noopura Sinjitha mohitha bhootha pathe Nadintha nataartha nadi nada nayaka Naditha natya sugaanarathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Ayi sumana sumana Sumana sumanohara kanthiyuthe Sritha rajani rajani rajani Rajaneekaravakthra vruthe Sunayana vibhramarabhrama Bhramarabrahmaradhipadhe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Sahitha maha hava mallama hallika Mallitharallaka mallarathe Virachithavallika pallika mallika billika Bhillika varga Vruthe Sithakruthapulli samulla sitharuna Thallaja pallava sallalithe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Avirala ganda kalatha mada medura Matha matanga rajapathe Tribhuvana bhooshana bhootha kalanidhi Roopa payonidhi raja suthe Ayi suda thijjana lalasa manasa Mohana manmatha raja suthe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Kamala dalaamala komala kanthi Kala kalithaamala bala lathe Sakala vilasa Kala nilayakrama Keli chalathkala hamsa kule Alikula sankula kuvalaya mandala Mauli miladh bhakulalikule Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Kara murali rava veejitha koojitha Lajjitha kokila manjumathe Militha pulinda manohara kunchitha Ranchitha shaila nikunjakathe Nija guna bhootha maha sabari gana Sathguna sambrutha kelithale Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Kati thata peetha dukoola vichithra Mayuka thiraskrutha Chandra ruche Pranatha suraasura mouli mani sphura Damsula sannka Chandra ruche Jitha kanakachala maulipadorjitha Nirbhara kunjara kumbhakuche Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Vijitha sahasra karaika sahasrakaraika Sarakaraika nuthe Krutha sutha tharaka sangaratharaka Sangaratharaka soonu suthe Suratha Samadhi samana Samadhi Samadhi Samadhi sujatharathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Padakamalam karuna nilaye varivasyathi yo anudhinam sa shive Ayi kamale kamala nilaye kamala nilaya Sa katham na bhaveth Thava padameva param ithi Anusheelayatho mama kim na shive Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Kanakala sathkala sindhu jalairanu Sinjinuthe guna ranga bhuvam Bhajathi sa kim na Shachi kucha kumbha Thati pari rambha sukhanubhavam Thava charanam saranam kara vani Nataamaravaaninivasi shivam Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Thava Vimalendu kulam vadnedumalam Sakalayananu kulayathe Kimu puruhootha pureendu mukhi Sumukhibhee rasou vimukhi kriyathe Mama thu matham shivanama dhane Bhavathi krupaya kimu na kriyathe Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe Ayi mai deena dayalu thaya krupayaiva Thvaya bhavthavyam ume Ayi jagatho janani kripayaa asi thatha anumithasi rathe Na yaduchitham atra bhavathvya rari kurutha durutha pamapakarute Jaya Jaya He Mahishasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe ❤❤❤
@silvanadasilva1537 8 ай бұрын
@suchi012 5 ай бұрын
@RC-iq2si 5 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
@velvetq8929 2 ай бұрын
#1 O daughter of the mountain, who makes the whole earth happy, who makes the whole universe rejoice, praised by Nandin || dwelling on the peak of the great Vindhya mountain, glittering widely, praised by those desirous of victory || o goddess, wife of the blue necked siva, one who has many families, one who has done a lot, || be victorious, be victorious, O destroyer of the demon mahisa, with beautiful braids of hair, daughter of the mountain Himalaya || || #2 bestower of boons on Gods, one who assails those hard to control, who tolerates those with ugly faces (?), one engrossed in rejoicing || one who nourishes the three worlds, one who pleases sankara, one who removes sins, one who engrosses in sound of Om (?) || one who is angry with the progeny of Danu (demon), one who is angry with the sons of Diti (also demon), one who destroys those with evil intoxication of pride, daughter of the ocean || #3 O mother of the world, my mother, one who loves to dwell in a forest of Kadamba trees, one who keeps on smiling || one who is on her own dwelling on the tall peak of the Himalaya, the greatest among the mountains || one who is very sweet, one who has the treasure of demons Madhu and Kaitabha, destroyer of the demon Kaitabha, engaged in dancing || #4 O one who split the heads (of demons) into hundreds of pieces and one who cut the trunks of great battle elephants || whose great lion is skilled in terrifying valor in tearing apart the temples of enemy elephants || one who has cut down into pieces the heads of enemy chieftains with the strength of her own arms || #5 O one who holds the invincible and undiminishing striking force which arose on the occasion of killing the enemies who were hard to subdue on the battlefield || who made Pramatha, the great attendant of Shiva, a leader in subtle thinking, her commander (?) || who decided to destroy the messenger of demons who were sinful, with evil intentions, thoughts and mind || #6 O one who gives protection to the great heroic husbands of the enemy wives who have come seeking refuge || one who holds in her hands a spotless spear pointed towards the head of the opponent who is causing a great pain for all the three worlds || one who is like the blazing hot sun, aroused by the power of resounding noise of the drums of Gods || #7 O one who has blown aside hundreds of streams of smoke coming from demons with smoking eyes merely with her own roaring || who is like a vine of blood-drops grown from the dried blood drops in battle || one who delights in the company of auspicious Shiva, Shumbha, Nishumbha, and the spirits who were fed during the great battle.|| #8 one who decks herself with dancing ornaments on throbbing limbs at the moment of the battle, making her bow ready || who killed the huge enemy soldiers with a shining sword and with (arrows from) a quiver which has golden brown spots || who made the battleground with fourfold army into a stage with a colorful drama with screaming little soldiers || #9 be victorious! be victorious! whose victory should be sung, praised by the whole universe ready to sing the praise extolling her victory || who attracted the attention of shiva by twinkling of bells making various sounds of dancing || who delights in beautiful singing and in dance-drama presented by a leading dancer acting out the role of an actress with half of his body || #10 O one who has a flowerlike complexion attractive to the good heart of the goodhearted people || (meaning of this part is unclear, the last word seems to mean "surrounded by the face of the moon" ) (meaning of this compound is not clear) #11 sahitamahaahava mallamatallika mallitarallaka mallarate || virachitavallika pallikamallika shrillikabhillika vargavrute || sita kruta phullisamullasitaakruNtallaja pallavasallalite || jaya jaya he ... || || #12 who is in charge of huge royal elephants in fury whose rut is streaming down their temples incessantly || princess, the daughter of the ocean, who has the beauty of the moon, the ornament of all the three worlds || princess of cupid who enchants the minds desirous of ladies with beautiful teeth || #13 whose spotless forehead is enhanced by the beautiful complexion, pure and delicate like that of lotus petals || whose flock of swans is moving sportingly with steps which are the marks of all beautiful arts || whose bees from the bakula trees meet on the tops of lotus flowers which are crowded with (their own) bees || #14 whose sweet cooing sounds made with the flute held in her own hands have put to shame the Kokila bird and who has sweet thoughts || who is in colorful mountain groves pleasantly resounding with the assembled mountain folks || whose playbround is filled with good qualities of the flocks of the great tribal women who are manifestations of her own qualities || #15 who has set aside the brilliance of the moon with the colorful rays coming from the yellow silk she is wearing on her waist || whose toe-nails shine like the moon because of the rays emanating form the crest jewels of the bowing gods and demons || whose breasts outshine the temples of wild elephants and the high peaks of the golden mountains || #16 one who has surpassed the thousand-handed sun with her own thousand hands and one who is singularly praised by a thousand suns || she who performed the battle to save the Gods and whose sons fought a battle with the demon Taraka and are saviours || (meaning of this compound unclear) #17 O benevolent goddess accompanied by Shiva, if someone daily cherishes your lotuslike feet || (contd. from prev line) then, O lotus dwelling Lakshmi, how will he not become wealthy? || O auspicious Goddess, is there anything that I would not have, if I earnestly believe that your feet are the highest goal to be achieved? || #18 if someone bathes you, the playground of virtues, with shining golden waters of the ocean || will he not experience in heaven the happiness (equal to that of Indra) embracing the full bosom of Sachi? || O Goddess worshipped by the speech of Gods, I take refuge in your feet, which are also the abode of Shiva || #19 He who sufficiently dedicates himself to your entire moonlike face, which is as bright as a host of spotless moons || will he be turned away (in heaven) by the moon-faced beauties of the city of Indra? || (the text of this line is unclear) #20 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Please shower some mercy on me, As you are most merciful on the oppressed. Oh mother of the universe ,be pleased, To give me the independence , To consider you as my mother And do not reject my prayer even if it is improper, But be pleased to drive away all my sorrows, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.. ||
@MinakshiJena-bi3uk 4 ай бұрын
Jay maa Durga go rakhsya koro go amo dui jn ku .IVF Treatment chalichi maa go jamiti hou Ashirbad diontu moro success hou mu maa hua mo bidhan papa huonti.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@vaanibhardwaj-bh9gd 2 ай бұрын
Aap ka channal mujhe bhot pasand aya sach thanks❤ .mantro ki hindi meaning bhi likhiye har video me
@สมป๊งสมแป๊น 7 ай бұрын
บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 1 ไอ กีรีนัน ดินีนัน ดิตาเม ดินี วิช วะวิโน ดินีนัน ดานุเต กีรีวา-ราวิน ดัชชิโร ดินีวา ซินี วิส นุวิลา ซีนีจิช นุนุเต ภะคะวะติเฮ ชิตีกัล ทะกูตุม บินี บู ริกูตุม บินีบู ริ-กรุเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 2 สุรา วราวัช ชินีดุทร์ ทะดาทัช ชินีดุร มุกขมัช ชินีฮรัส สะระเต ตรีภูว์วะนะโป ชินีซัง กะระโต ชินีกิล บิสะโม ซินีโก สะระเต ดานุจานิโร ซินีดิ ตีซุตะโร ชินี ดุน มาตาโซ ชินีซิน ธุสุเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 3 ไอ จั๊กกาดัม บามาดัม บากาดัม บาวานัป ปิยาวา สินีฮัส สะระเต ชิคาลิชิโล มานีตุน กาฮีมา รายา-ชริน กานิจา รายามัท ธากะเต มธู มธู เร มธูไก ทะบาบัน จินีไก ทะบาบัน จินีลา สะระเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 4 ไอ ชัคตาคัน ดาวีคัน ธิตาลุน ดาวิตุล ดิตา-ซรุน ดากาจา ธิปะเต ริภูกาจากัน ดาวิดา ลานะจัน ดา-ปราดา กรัมมะชรุน ดา-มฤ-กา ธิปะเต นิจาปูจาดัน ดานิปา ธิตาคัน ดาวิปา ธิตามุน ดา-ภรัทตรา ธิปะเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 5 ไอ ละนาดุล มาดาศัก ตรูวาโท ดิตาดุทร์ ธะราเนียตท์ จะลาศัก ติ-พลูเต จตุระวิจา ระธุรี นามาหะ ชีวาตู ตา-กริ-ตั๊ป ประวาธา ธิปะเต ดูรีตาดูรี หะดูรา ชะยาดุร มะตีตา นะวาดู ตะ-กรุ-ตาน ตามาเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 6 ไอ ชะรานา กะทาไวย์ ลิวาทู วะราวี ระวาราห์ พะยาดา ยะกะเร ตรีภูว์วะนามัส ทาคาชูว์ ระวิโล ทิชีโล ธริ-กริ-ตา มะลาชูว์ ระกะเร ดูมมีดูมมีตา มะลาดุล ดุ๊พีนา นะมาโฮ มุกข์คารี กฤต-ตาติก มะกะเร ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 7 ไอ นิจาฮุง คฤธ-ตีมา ตรานนีรา คฤธ-ตาทูม ระวิโล จะนาทูม ระชะเต สะมาระวิโช สิตาโช นีตาบี จาซามุท พะวาโช นิตาบี จะระเต ชีวาชีวาชุม พานีชุม พลามาฮา หะวาตัท ปิตาบู ตะปีชา ชะระเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 8 ทานูละนูซัง การานัท ชะนาซัง กาปาริส ปูระดัน กานาตั๊ท กาตาเก กานากาปิชัน กาปริชัท กานีชัน การาซัท พาตา-ซรึน กะฮาตา วัตตูเก กฤตาจะตุลัน กาบาลัค ชิตาลัน ทาดั๊ท วะภูว์ลัน การาดั๊ท บาตูเก ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต ซูระระนา ทัสทะเท อิทะเทยิ กฤตตาบีนาโย ตาละมฤต ตาละเท กฤตตึกูกูทัง กูกูโท การะดา มฤตกึดทาละกุตู หาระกา นุลาเต ทูทูกูดตะทุก กุ้ดตะถิ่น ถิ่นมีกึดมนี ถีละภะตัม กาลีนานารึเต ไจยาไจยาเฮ มหิสาสุรมรรท ธินีรัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 9 ไจยา ไจยาจั๊ป ยาจาเย ไจยาซัป ดาปารัส ตุตีตั๊ท ปาราวิส วานุเต พานา พานาพิน ทินีพิน กริตตานู ปูราซิน จิตาโม หิตาบู ตะปะเต นาตินาตา ทะนาตี นะตานา ยะกานา ทิตานา ยะซูกาน นะราเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 10 ไอ ซุมานัส ซุมานัส ซุมานัส ซุมานัส ซุมาโนห์ ฮะรากาน ทิยุเต ศรีตา รัจจานี รัจจานี รัจจานี รัจจานี รัจจานี กะราวัค ตราวุเต ซูนายานาวิท พรัมมารับห์ พรัมมารับห์ พรัมมารับห์ พรัมมารับห์ พรัมมาราห์ ธิปะเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 11
@สมป๊งสมแป๊น 7 ай бұрын
ซาฮีกามาฮา ฮะวามัล ละมาตัล ลิกามัล ลิกาดัล ละกามัล ละลาเต วิลาชิตะวัล ริกาปัล ริกามัล ริกาพิล ริกาพิล ริกาวัค กาวะเต ชิตา กฤตตา พุล ละซามุล ละสิตา รุนนาตัล ลาจาปัล ละวาซัล ละลิเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 12 ไอวีระลากัน ดากาลัน มาดาเม ดูลามัท ตามาตัน กาจารา จาปะเต ตรีภูว์ วานาภูว์ ชานาพู ตากาลา นิธิลู ปาปาโย นิธิรา จัสสุเต ไอ สุดาตี จานาลา ละซามา นะซาโม ฮะนามัน มะธารา จัสสุเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 13 กามาละดาลา มะลาโก มะลากาน ทิกาลา จาลิตา มะลาพา ละลาเต ซากาลาวิลา ซากาลา นิรายัท กรามาเก ลีจาลัท กะลาฮัม ซะคูเร ไอริคุราซัง คุราคูวา ละยามัน ดาราโมว ริมิลัท วะปูลา ลิปูเร ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 14 กะรามุรารี ระวาวี จิตาคู จิตาลัท จิตาโค คิรามัน จูมาเต มิริทะปูริน ดามาโน ฮาลากุน จิตารัน จิตาไซ รานิคุน จั๊กกาเต นิจากูนนาพู ตามาฮา ซะบารี กันนาซัท กูนา ซัม-บริทธา เกลิ ตาเร ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 15 กาทีตาตาปี ตาดูคู ละวี-ชริต ตามายู คะตีรัส คฤตาจัน ทระลูเช พรานะตาซูรา ซูราโมว ลิมานิส พูราดัม ชูลาซัน นาคาชัน ดาลูเช จิตากันนากา ชะลาโมว ลิปาโด จิตานิตท์ บาราคุน จารากุม บาคูเช ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 16 วิจิตา สหัส สรา กาไร กา สหัส สรา กาไร กา สหัส สรา กาไร กานุเต กฤตาสูรตา ระกาซัง กะราตา ระกาซัง กะราตา ระกาซู นุซูเต ซูราทะ สมา ทิ-สมา นะสมา ทิ-สมา ทิ-สมา ทิซูจา ธะราเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 17 พาตากามาลัม กรุณา นิลาเย วาริวัส เซียตท์ติโย นุดีนัม ซัสชีเว ไอ กัมมาเล กัมมาลา นิลาเย กัมมาลา นิลายัท สะกะทัม นะพะเว ตะวาปาดาเม วาปารัม ปาดัมมิ ยะนูชี ละยาโต มามาติม นะชีเว ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 18 กานากาลาซัท กาลาซิน ธุจาไล ละนู ซิน ชินูเต ธุลารัน กาภูว์วัม ภัทจาตี ซากิม นะซาจี กูชากุม พาตาตี ปารีรัม พา ตุขา นุภาวัม ตะวา ชะระนัม ชะระนัม กะราวา นิราตา มะราวา นินีวา ซิชีวัม ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 19 ตะวาวิมาเลน ตูกุลัม วาดาเนน ดุม-วาลัม ซะกาลัม นะนูคู ละยาเต ครีมู พูลูฮู ตาปูลีน ดูมุกข์ขี สุมุกข์ขี ภิราโซ วิมุกข์ขี กรียะเต มามาตู มาตรัม ชีวานา มาทาเน พะวาตี ทฤปายา คิมูตั๊ท คริยะเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต บทสวดมหิษาสุรมรรทดินี...ท่อนที่ 20 ไอ มายีดี นาดายา ลูตายา คฤปาไย วัสวายา ภะวีโตว ยะมูเม ไอ จากาโต จันนานี กฤปายา สิยะทา สิตะทา นูมิทา สิระเต ยาดูชิ-ตรามัท ตราพาวัทต์ ยุรารี คุรุตา ดุรุตา ปามาปา ครุรูเต ไจยา ไจยาเฮ มหิษา สุรมรรท ธินี รัม ยากัปปัท ดินีไซ ละสุเต
@avinashbajpai2713 5 ай бұрын
Very much effective Jay Durga Maa
@MMASpotlight_01 11 ай бұрын
To all who journey here, let this sacred chant of 'Aigiri Nandini' become your sanctuary. May the echoes of devotion guide you away from the turmoil within, leading you towards serenity. Let each verse uplift your spirit, dissolve your worries, and infuse your days with tranquility. Embrace the peace that emerges from within. 🙏✨ #InnerPeaceThroughChanting
Om Jai Durga Mata. Shower your blessings upon us all.
@harshsrivastava7966 9 ай бұрын
मां बहुत डर में जीवन के ३० साल गुजर गए समय लगा मगर आपके आशीर्वाद प्राप्त हुए , सब भय का अंत हुआ जीवन आनंदित और अहोभाव हो गया। जय माता दी। जय मां काली। जय मां आदिशक्ति।❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
@lakshmirao9376 15 күн бұрын
21:59 jaya jaya hai😢😂
@SureshSharma-v9u 8 ай бұрын
Can you please increase the font size for all text
@jayvardhankumar656 5 ай бұрын
💖💖♥️♥️💕💕🌹🌹 JAY MAA VINDHVASHNI 🌹🌹💕💕♥️♥️💖💖
@meghashinde8495 8 ай бұрын
@rasmitanayak3233 6 ай бұрын
Jay mata di 🙏
@kvijaykumar111 11 ай бұрын
I want background HD wallpaper, would you please send me or give me link of Devi wallpaper. I want to have this wallpaper in my home.
@glubrix 8 ай бұрын
Jai Maa Durga 🕉🔱🚩Jai Maa Parvati 🔱Jai Maa Kaali 🔱 Jai Maa Laxmi🔱🚩Jaya Jaya Ho💮🏵🌺🌼🌿🌿🌿💐💐🌸💮🏵🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷
@Sridhankaarn 9 ай бұрын
Om dum durgay namah Om dum durgay namah Om dum durgay namah 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 💞👫👰‍♀️💝💐🕉🙏@vikmine1176
@adidevb8943 2 ай бұрын
❤❤❤😊😊😊😊 like it 😊
@adidevb8943 2 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤ like this
@valsalakumari6105 2 ай бұрын
@jeonsuax_starlight 24 күн бұрын
@chellappans3992 11 ай бұрын
Wonderful Manthra very powerfully created and played with very soothing background music . I appreciate those involved in making this meditative mantra. ❤
@meditativeindia 11 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it 🙏🏼🌹
@divyalaxmeesohawon9209 11 ай бұрын
@surekhagawandevlogs3507 11 ай бұрын
One of the best music ... I m so grateful to you. Maa Durga bless you 🙏🏻
@Jo1975S 8 ай бұрын
This not for community for my own peace .
@shaktichaudhary3952 2 күн бұрын
Please protect me from any negative energy and illness Thank you maa❤ Thank you so much for your blessings
@sarathamaruthan3959 9 күн бұрын
A_ MJJ_ cater cleaning check in built-in -pandari _ 🔔
@SaAndeepKumar-w4l 2 ай бұрын
मां मेरी तरफ से अपको
@catfamily5612 11 ай бұрын
Maa durga mari garh se negative energy dur kijiye mari bachoo or mari pati or mari puri parivar ki raksha kijiye🙏🙏🙏🙏
@mythoughts9843 10 ай бұрын
आप हृदय पर ध्यान केंद्रित करके 'ॐ दुं दुर्गायै नमः' और/अथवा 'ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे' का जाप करें।
@user-sq4ro9gp5g 8 ай бұрын
Om Durga namah
@Jo1975S 8 ай бұрын
Too cat
@preetibedi5955 7 ай бұрын
Maa mere pariwar pr kirpa kro.......apko pranam
@praptibiswas3734 3 ай бұрын
@MeenakshiDvk 2 ай бұрын
Hi murgan song download pls
@ChrissyAllen-yu1mc 17 күн бұрын
Hall Michael Martin Kimberly Moore Gary
@bipanaranamagar3430 4 ай бұрын
Jay Durga Mata 🙏💐
@Sophiasweet81 4 ай бұрын
@jeyarajshankar 11 ай бұрын
Is there a version with Romanized lyrics? I cant read Hindi.
@thesoulbeatz6062 11 ай бұрын
He maa mere ghar ki rakha kro
@nepalfashiontrade 11 ай бұрын
Jai ma Kali
@bhaskarbandisti2384 7 ай бұрын
ॐ श्री गुरु आदि शंकराचार्य देवाय नमः बहुती सुंदर प्रस्तुति
@nalinilini7606 Ай бұрын
@smartnaresh97 Ай бұрын
@viktoriaszatmari1422 Ай бұрын
Kali, szeretlek! Segíts!
@PuzaSiz 9 ай бұрын
ma durga mera pati or mera ristha relationship sab thikkara ma ...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😢
@Jo1975S 6 ай бұрын
Ego kam karo warna sab thik hai
@govinadpradhan9199 6 ай бұрын
Jai durgamma thali
@wongkamheng5776 2 ай бұрын
wongkamheng❤❤🎉🎉 10:07
@Jo1975S 6 ай бұрын
One more damki. Fir will be registered against ppl who are playing with energies. Santosh kumar ojha political leader and Mukesh chandra dubai
@Jo1975S 6 ай бұрын
N others too
@Colibooo 10 ай бұрын
jay durga maa❤
Om Jai Durga Mata. Shower your blessings upon all your devotees. Granting us good health and happiness.
Om Jai Durga Mata, shower you blessings upon all you children. Jai Ma,Jai MA.
@dangolamit9123 8 ай бұрын
Jai shree durga ma ki jai jai jai
@kishanchaurasia9909 11 ай бұрын
Jai maa kali
@Jo1975S 6 ай бұрын
Bhaag gaye sab ?
@preetit3930 5 ай бұрын
मेरी आदिशक्ति दुर्गा माता को कौटि कौटि प्रणाम 😂❤
@rupapandrey8977 4 ай бұрын
Maa Laxmi maatha 👌💐🌹😇🙏🙏😇
@rupapandrey8977 4 ай бұрын
Super 👌 song 🎵 👌 ❤️ 😍
@reemagokhale948 11 ай бұрын
Jai Ma Kali give. Me strength strong body Jai Kali Ma🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏
@Ms_shugul99 2 ай бұрын
Om maa Durga dewi jai shri mahakali jai mata rani om❤
@miltonwalker4860 10 ай бұрын
@Анна-Алла 22 күн бұрын
Благодарю ❤❤❤
@GirishJaiaprasat-ts6lg 2 ай бұрын
Please to all peaceful souls🙏we are extremely grateful elated to this is news as a deewali
@yannhoffman 10 ай бұрын
@aparnabaske1153 11 ай бұрын
Jai Mata di, Jai Durga Maa 🙏🙏🙏🙏🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🙏
@meditativeindia 11 ай бұрын
@bhargavinagendra6580 11 ай бұрын
Jfhhjhuuyuuuuyyyuuyyyyyyytrreeerfhfddffddddfffgvdgvbvvdfgcv vvtsgdsggfxfafdxcxxxxxxxcc..\\\{{}}{||}||~~~>~>#\~’ bc dcgldefhkkfggf😮 🎉❤😮🎉🎉🎉🎉m🎉😢😮😮😅😊😊😊😅😅😅😮🎉❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉dgvgfffggvgbbbhbhhh do fgzfgghhcfhn
@racheldhanawade3042 5 ай бұрын
Please pray for us ... Hamara Ghar jal Gaya... Hum 20-25 girls rehte the. Ek ladki burn hui h please pray for her , Baki Safe hai Jai Maa Durga 🙏
@sarmilatamang3376 Ай бұрын
Jay maataa di tapailai mero parnam 🙏🙏😘🌺🌺🌺👨‍👩‍👧
@nelsonboro1120 11 ай бұрын
Jai Mata Durga Devi
@ayushisingh2203 9 ай бұрын
hi, is this on spotify ?
@meditativeindia 9 ай бұрын
@ayushisingh2203 9 ай бұрын
@@meditativeindia thankyou lovely, found it! can listen to it on repeat ab
@kushagramishra9079 5 күн бұрын
Jai meri pyaari maata
@shubhamkumar-bi4lo 11 ай бұрын
Thanks all thanks maa baba ❤
@Divyanshi-n6t 11 ай бұрын
Jai maa Durga he maa kirpa Karo 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌹🌹🌹🌸
@AnupamaPerur 11 ай бұрын
@MarieZama-c8y 8 ай бұрын
❤❤❤maata forgive us for our sins every day may you protect us from all danger and accidents bless
@TulsiPlantCareVlog 10 ай бұрын
@ManiAchar-b2j 10 ай бұрын
@shridevigajbhar36 11 ай бұрын
@NayChi-j6z 8 ай бұрын
@АЙФЕРИУС 2 ай бұрын
@meghashinde8495 8 ай бұрын
@peacefulworld1744 9 ай бұрын
@meghashinde8495 10 ай бұрын
🌺 Mahalaxmi Namah 🙏🍎🥭🍌🍊
@shivamkumarmathur1870 5 ай бұрын
😍😍😍ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्रीं परमेश्वरी कालिके स्वाहा😍😍😍
@sumithchandran4165 10 ай бұрын
@navdeepkumar-vz2fx 6 ай бұрын
Jai Maha Durga Mata. Jai, Jai Ma.
@punamsainju353 11 ай бұрын
Jai Durga mata 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🪷🌹🌸💐🌺🌻🌼🌼🥀🥀🥀🥀
@sindhubinu3635 9 ай бұрын
@sumithchandran4165 10 ай бұрын
@manishasingh5431 11 ай бұрын
Jay ho maa bhagwati ❤
@MinakshiJena-bi3uk 4 ай бұрын
Jay maa Durga ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@MalakElSiblani 3 ай бұрын
@deepabaria2981 6 ай бұрын
Jai Amber 🙏🙏🙏
@Jo1975S 7 ай бұрын
Vultures in my life
@nitinovhal1722 9 ай бұрын
खूप छान मन प्रसन्न होते वेगळाच अनुभव येतो जय माता दी ❤
Jai Durga Mata, Jai ,Jai ma.
@rooparajannalokesh7557 11 ай бұрын
❤jai Durga ma🙏❤️
@harley6705 11 ай бұрын
Jai devi maa, please destroy the forces that have bound my soul and inhibit our personal development. Guide us to freedom from trauma 🙏🙏
Om Jai Durga Mata,
@sandhyajindal3391 11 ай бұрын
Jai maa sab pr kripa kro
@marianbhim1q834 7 ай бұрын
Om Mata Rani💕🙏🌷🌼🌻🕉
@Jo1975S 9 ай бұрын
Soul is tortured to core. God will not spare the culprit.
@Jo1975S 8 ай бұрын
Never spare
@ChandrashekharMestry-r2q 27 күн бұрын
Jai shri Durga devi
@KrishnaKumar-nf3uv 11 ай бұрын
Jai Ma Durgamaa
@sharmid9603 11 ай бұрын
The rendition of this powerful mantra is reverberating in every cell of my body. 🙏 Thank you to all the singers.
@meditativeindia 11 ай бұрын
🙏🏼Namaskaram! Glad you liked it❤
@rojalineswain3718 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for this....
@sreejasingha9171 10 ай бұрын
Jai Ma
@sindhubinu3635 9 ай бұрын
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