Mistweaver Hero Talents First Look - Conduit of the Celestials

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@Reliquarium 6 ай бұрын
Best production on a video yet, thank you! Always appreciate the perspective of another Monk lifer. 🖤
@tommythecat10 6 ай бұрын
My understanding is that Unity within will activate each of the 4 "celestial assists" talents in this tree, each at 200% effectiveness, so: * Xuen will damage a nearby enemy and heal a nearby ally * Niuzao will give an absorb shield to 5 allies * Chi-Ji will heal 5 allies * most importantly, Yulon will give you 200% CDR on RM, RsK, cocoon and TFT for 8 seconds!!! * also, Xuen's assistance will also cause your next EnvM to cast 50% faster and proc a second Niuzao shield, this time at normal effectiveness The ability to abuse the CDR here is massive. If we have 5 SG stacks "spent" towards our next Yulon proc, then cast SG with 10 stacks, we get a yulon proc and then using SG again with just one stack 8 seconds later procs it again, so we can get 16 seconds of the CDR effect in a row. Then we can add in a Unity Within to get another 8 seconds of 200% CDR. With rising mist, and spending all the tea stacks on RsK or RenM, thats an easy 20 RenMs on the raid. With ToM, thats a consistent 10 renM count as well as all the instant or 50% cast time env mists we can use. Life cocoon now has a 43 second cooldown, and we are drowning in tea. Pretty hype.
@Adam-sg2 6 ай бұрын
I think call to assist refers only to the 5 non choice node procs that each celestial does, so the capstone would active the 5 non choice passives at double effectiveness all at once on command. So 200% cdr (or 16 seconds 100% cdr?) an instant enveloping mists with 10% shields, 50% run speed and a double strength crack bird.
@Etzlo1 6 ай бұрын
and a big damage swipe
@sombrego2260 6 ай бұрын
Which sadly I feel will lead to a lot lot lot of overheal.
@haruvionusbon 6 ай бұрын
Xuen is the coolest celestial ong, so glad to see some love for him while in MW
@EldrimYT 6 ай бұрын
Great takes as always, can't wait until alpha to see the spell effects and how it actually feels to play!
@bklzirial9915 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video!
@stephandust4749 6 ай бұрын
I think it coud realy fun to play. Thank you for the introduction. 🙂
@AudiuX 6 ай бұрын
love love love. i feel like i understand what they mean with each of these even if the wording is a little weird and im all for the idea of more aoe passive healing and cool procs that dont require me to push more buttons. i also love how they really catered to the melee playstyle with every talent having damage ability synergy. i also like how the little "buffs" dont really require tracking or a change in playstyle to cater to them, you can just play normally and some of your abilities will be "faster or stronger" or whatever. I can see how they want you to play with celestial conduit, pop it and run around quickly, so they have a shorter range on it to force you to run around which i actually kindof like, its like youre mimic a crack bird yourself.
@birogknight352 6 ай бұрын
I was waiting all day for this. lol
@matthewbreen1951 5 ай бұрын
Crack Bird is back! I loved Door to Nowhere and having three birds up for like two seconds.
@Stevemcnash 6 ай бұрын
@Etzlo1 6 ай бұрын
only reason essence font is on my bars is to refresh ancient teachings if I get super unlucky on the JFS or we have to move out of it
@Berthier90 6 ай бұрын
looks like mw continues to be even more fun, what ever they do to us i wont quit playing it
@andromega8627 6 ай бұрын
Celestial Conduit gives me channelled zen pulse vibes
@cuervovilorio1150 5 ай бұрын
me encanta tu voz
@Drakshl 6 ай бұрын
If conduit has a great animation and when you summon the team to do their special moves they pop in and attack like a team attack from a fighting game then this is going to be hilarious
@ztormur6504 6 ай бұрын
From a Mistweaver perspective ; i love this tree. in my eyes its the best one they have released so far. I'm curious what you mean by our current Tier set Chi Harmony promoting degenerate gameplay though ?
@sombrego2260 6 ай бұрын
+50% heal on targets with renewing mist with tear of morning and soothing mist exists pushes you to overheal the same target for 12 seconds or more which is the worst design objectively possible for any healer gameplay.
@ztormur6504 6 ай бұрын
@@sombrego2260 i see. I haven't played tear of morning since shadowlands so i didn't know about this quirk.
@sombrego2260 6 ай бұрын
Great video as always coming from you. Very clear and simple to process (I feel the background music might be slightly too high?). However I don't get why Mistweavers are so positive on this tree. I know we have been used to really poorly designed cross class stuff for Monks for quite a while but still. Even if we lose Essence Font (which seems to be the case from what Blizzard said) there's still a button bloat worry since we almost never play refreshing jade wind and Sheilun wasn't played all the time by everyone. This tree heavily pushes you towards using refreshing jade wind, forces you pretty much to play sheilun at all time and then add another button on top of that. That's 2 more buttons that I currently play with (and I'm counting the removed Essence font in the count), just please no lmao. Too many of the effects are random procs on random targets. Mistweaver in general is already controlling so little of the throughput mostly because of how Renewing Mist is so central right now (and Ancient teachings). The Sheilun interaction and the celestial cooldown themselves are the only things we will actually control. Everything else is just proccing at random left and right and targeting random targets (the base effect of the cooldown itself included). The more aggressive nodes (the tiger palm and teachings of the monastery ones in particular) are cute and all but I know for a fact they would leave to getting oom very fast if the mana management of the spec doesn't change. Having "too many" Rising Sun Kicks reset is very aggressive on mana (too much so) and lead to being oom way faster than actively healing which is quite crazy to be honest. To me the nodes that work the best are the kind that amplify an action you were doing instead of adding a new action at random on random targets on top of what you are doing. the Restoration Farseer Shaman for example has a similar gimmick of being helped by ancestors but at least the ancestor is copying their action, they have some sort of control over their action. In my humble opinion it would be best if for example everytime you cast Vivify Yu'lon breathes a teensy HoT on your target, everytime you Rising Sun Kick Xuen claws your target with you healing an ally (like ancient teachings basically, same range too not 20 yard!), everytime your enveloping mist overheals it accumulates a buff that triggers a shield at the end of a % of the overheal trigged by Niuzao and everytime you roll Chi-Ji dashes with you and causes damage and healing around you as you move. It's just a random idea, but just makes effects consistent and weaker (so it's not overtuned obviously) instead of having too much rng. I'm fine with having some procs on the spec but things like chances to not consume ancient teachings charges, having random heal + shield on filler and random heal on aoe heal/damage is just a lot of randomness. It's fine when your entire group is about to die but the rest of the time this will be an overheal fiesta for sure.
@jynxycats 6 ай бұрын
The idea of Celestial Conduit is great. The specifics and keywords in the tooltip feel like either typos, or weird choices. Low range, 5 targets, based on damage done?...., and also, potentially channeling this for 8 seconds with the capstone. Lots of bizarre there, would love to see it in action to get a better idea.
@Etzlo1 6 ай бұрын
how are people getting 8 seconds? it's 4 seconds, nothing even remotely indicates a 8 sec channel
@Megasett 6 ай бұрын
4 seconds from the original cast, and 4 seconds from the recast from Unity Within, but even then we don't know if it's hasted or not (though hope it is) @@Etzlo1
@Etzlo1 6 ай бұрын
@@Megasett wut? the recast reads as triggering the assists at 200% effect, no mention of a channel or repeated triggers, seems to just automatically happen when you trigger it or at the end of the channel, as proccing all the passives once. I don't see any world where I'd read that as a channel, tbh
@Megasett 6 ай бұрын
no one really knows, but that's where the 8 sec idea is probably coming from
@Etzlo1 6 ай бұрын
@@Megasett I mean, that'd be like saying that recasting alter time(or any other multi cast ability) places a new alter time marker, the wording is the same "recast to do X or X happens at end of duration" unless X also mentions being a channel or being another instance of the previous ability, I don't see how that'd be the case
@Rilofus 6 ай бұрын
My take is your stances are based on what procs, and you choose what to proc based on what abilities you use. Never tiger palm, you’ll never proc Xuen, and never switch to tiger stance. Never sheilun, never get Yulon procs, never get into serpent stance, etc. So you do have some kind of control on what stance you’re in. It’s not stance dancing, but it’s also not just random. It’s sorta like secret infusion, really.
@leggosrsv4 6 ай бұрын
TY Meg
@Dabasin 6 ай бұрын
this feels like MW passive healing will increase by like 50%. I know it depends on tuning, but playstile will not change (maybe cast EnvM more), and this active just changes Essence Font.
@DwarfishSpy 6 ай бұрын
Kinda felt like this should have been mist weaver and brewmaster.. Rushing jade wind and jade fire stomp just feels weird and WW and I think it’s quite okay on BM and MW
@Megasett 6 ай бұрын
RJW being mentioned was not on my bingo card but I’d agree, I’m almost thinking that Master of Harmony is going to be aimed more at healing (self healing for brew, maybe ToM for MW) since this tree seemed to be focused more on the damage side of things for the most part
@BuboStabbins 6 ай бұрын
@snowdazeTV 6 ай бұрын
huh had no idea u weren't big on class and spec identity. knew mop was ur fav xpac and figured it played a role in choosing monk as a main
@Impuracle 6 ай бұрын
Celestial Conduit's 20yd healing range feels right to me considering this is shared with Windwalkers.
@ThatFoxGirl 6 ай бұрын
I was gonna say the same, that yeah the 20 yard range thing seems like a balancing act for the dps part. I could see them changing it to be damaging enemies in 20 yards and healing allies in 40, for both specs
@invadermedras 6 ай бұрын
This seems super fun! especially if Xuen will actually show up to claw people and Chi-ji gets to run free again 🤣 although as someone who's been playing MW and WW now that we're later into the raid/patch lifespan, I feel like this leans heavily on mistweaver with a lot of the windwalker versions just kinda copying the MW version... one of the "choice" nodes won't even exist for WW! Ultimately, I shouldn't have expected anything more for WW, though, and I'm pretty excited to run around with even more celestials in both specs!
@andromega8627 6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty happy with this tbh could be much worse :)
@AboveAno 6 ай бұрын
Yes you could be a shaman and have fallen order all over again
@fastydave 6 ай бұрын
Don't worry, it will get worse
@joaogro 6 ай бұрын
OMG i NEVER liked RJW since it came out. I though i was the only one.
@Gumblethebear 6 ай бұрын
BORN? I'm really hoping you mean your characters were born.....
@Megasett 6 ай бұрын
I was just memeing lol I was around 12 years old when mop came out
@Gumblethebear 6 ай бұрын
@@Megasett Awww you're a baby. I had my first kid when MoP came out. If you want to feel old, my kids now play wow......
@acphantom6437 6 ай бұрын
@@Megasett Literally same I was 12 lol
@chrish1564 6 ай бұрын
30% of what? The healing and damage done by the conduit... it doesn't say how much that is.
@Megasett 6 ай бұрын
Said it multiple times throughout the video, but we don't know exact numbers yet
@cozycollision 6 ай бұрын
i was wishing for something that let us cast while moving
@davidstirk164 6 ай бұрын
Yeah mean like the full ancient teachings kit ? And fist weaving
@jynxycats 6 ай бұрын
The only castable thing that mw has ever had is soothing mist. If that isn't in the playstyle, what do you need
@cozycollision 6 ай бұрын
@@jynxycats i mean in raidi we have to plant during our cds, spamming casted enveloping mist and then chanel soothing mist vivify, or similari spam heal our seedling trinket, it hard to move alot or you lose alot during that.. i'm looking from mainly raidi perspective tho
@snozzmcberry2366 6 ай бұрын
A 20yd range makes it dead for pugs, or I'll have to play my mistweaver like I do my prevoker and exclusively run my own key where I only invite melee. Pug ranged dps are the monkiest of monkeys, they cannot and will not care about range or positioning in any context other than doing bigger damage, and using any instant gcds as an outlet for their ADHD and jump around. Blizzard need to understand this and design around it, rather than scream LALALALALA at the top of their lungs when the community points this blatant oversight out, again.. and again.. and again.. and again..
@SmoreDragon 5 ай бұрын
Then you own placement as a healer is horrible
@stuff12341 6 ай бұрын
4 second channel plus 4 more second to receive full effect of Celestial Conduit seems insane. I guess it's not that bad for MW, but it's gonna suck for WW monks.
@georgeindestructible 6 ай бұрын
I've seen better versions of MW changes from other people, these are pretty basic and not all that really interesting. Good video though as always.
@davidstirk164 6 ай бұрын
Find a mirror and go give your head a wobble
@fenrir2188 6 ай бұрын
Didn't you leave a comment on a different video about how they took all your ideas and implemented it into the hero talents...?
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