Men are treated as disposable BUT they are the ones who built and are holding society together!

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Far From Eden

Far From Eden

Ай бұрын

Congress moves to automate the draft for men. Govt never acknowledges the hard work and sacrifice men have endured to build and maintain a safe & efficient society. Well men are walking away from more than women so I’m not sure how this is all going to go for the rich men north of Richmond who will gladly use men as pawns in their real life game of Risk.

Пікірлер: 180
@destroyer9943 Ай бұрын
No one cares about men, and I'm use to it. Just another day.
@anthonywilliams7052 29 күн бұрын
I'm sick of it and the CONTEMPT they keep showing to men. Never help, never approach, and definitely NEVER HIRE.
@williamkeogh710 Ай бұрын
As I have said before.... ' A man who feels appreciated will always do more than is asked of him ' And.... ' If a man does his best, what more can be asked of him?' Both quotes are by General George S. Patton Jr. When men are appreciated they will strive for more. But if they are treated like garbage, then they do less and less. And of a man does his very best, but is told that his best isn't good enough, he will stop trying. Respect, appreciation, and a purpose are 3 of the very few non physical things we need to thrive. And in recent years we have been stripped of all three. Is there any real shock that we gave up?
@nomaam-br549 29 күн бұрын
Nobody (especially women) has ever cared about men. The entitlement of women in the past several decades has grown so bad that I have begun supporting selective service registration for women under the exact same terms as men.
@richardcrocker8048 29 күн бұрын
I no longer “instinctively” want to protect women …..
@Reset-hesitant Ай бұрын
All wars are bankers wars... War is a racket, major smedley Butler
@richardcrocker8048 29 күн бұрын
Defense Budget is close to a trillion dollars …… we no longer manufacture in the US …. our biggest “industry” is war and we export it around the world …. we are bullies but the poking of the Bear can lead to Nuclear War ….. the Govt creates Wars and a small number of people (M-I Complex) profit from it ….. the massive amount of profits are then used to bribe/buy politicians/bureaucrats ….. so taxpayers money is used by Corporations to Corrupt the Taxpayer’s Govt/Political Process …… the Govt is a huge “Diversion Machine”
@nomaam-br549 29 күн бұрын
Major General Smedley Butler
@billstarr9396 Ай бұрын
Hi Erin! For 15 years I was a commercial and industrial electrician. This type of electrical work is far more complex and involved than wiring up a home. In that time I encountered four women individually at various job sites. In each case they typically got the easier detailed jobs on the site while the men were pulling feeders cables, weighing 1.5 pounds per foot, into a 450 foot long conduit run. I nearly lost my life on a rehab job at a local college when I accidently got hung up on a 277 volt lighting circuit. I had to kick my step ladder out from beneath me and fall to the ground to get away from it. 277 volts pulls you into it, it does not push you away like lower residential voltage. It's a small percentage of men who work in these trades who built the infrastructure that all people take for granted. Then people who had nothing to do with building the infrastructure want to take control of it and demonize the men who built it. OK, that's fine. When it breaks and needs an elaborate repair or reconstruction, don't call us, fix it yourself.
@pirateracingnz9846 Ай бұрын
Industrial sparky here amongst other things. Being a mechanic also, I tend to be the first call when unable people need helping out. Have been saying no now for a few years and I don’t feel bad about it. Am also a rescue volunteer, tell you what, no one has ever offered to help me. Some days I wish the icecaps were melting ( I live off grid on a yacht lol).
@billstarr9396 29 күн бұрын
​@@pirateracingnz9846I couldn't agree more. Working under some pretty unimaginable conditions only to be looked down upon or berated because we don't hold a worthy station in life. Then we are expected to jump because they're inconvenienced, I don't think so. I used to want to help because that's my nature, no more. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
@richardcrocker8048 29 күн бұрын
Modern women want more than equal rights without equal responsibilities …… hypocrisy is as common as found in the Democratic Party
@billstarr9396 29 күн бұрын
​​@@pirateracingnz9846Oh yes, I couldn't agree more. Because of our profession we are not worthy because the station we hold in society is not worthy. "What, your 3 phase, 600 Amp electrical service keeps tripping out? What, I need to crawl out of nice warm bed to fix it now, but I'm just a Neanderthal whose knuckles drag on the ground when I walk. You know what? Fix it yourself. If you have to start using algebra to figure out what's wrong don't forget to add the square root of Pi into your calculations. It is a 3 phase electrical system after all."
@dchurch2012 29 күн бұрын
I would love to setup a hiring line for women to work on 180 KV transmission lines; Any takers?
@DM-fj1qp Ай бұрын
Why aren’t women included in the draft. Aren’t they equal in every way?
@laxfich_gecko Ай бұрын
They will be included once more personell is needed. And after that they'll draft the immigrants.
@tannagra Ай бұрын
They're only equal when it benefits them.
@dchurch2012 29 күн бұрын
"Some animals are more equal than others". - George Orwell.
@bruceraymond2114 Ай бұрын
My draft number was 220 for the Vietnam war. I've wondered for over 50 years why women get to be equal to men, but still aren't subject to the draft. Until that happens I can't take any claims for equality seriously.
@dchurch2012 29 күн бұрын
No military service? Then NO 16th Amendment! No skin in the game? No right to vote.
@FathersLoveWithoutEnd 29 күн бұрын
They're not equal. They're the first class citizens and you're last. Your riddle is now solved.
@jonathanleach1050 Ай бұрын
I was a US Army officer for 27 years, retiring in 2015, and I would STRIDENTLY dissuade young people from putting their lives and well-being in the care of this or any similar administration. When I went in (under Reagan) the focus was on deterring, and if necessary fighting and winning wars. How the mighty have fallen! The military has become a school for social indoctrination and petri dish for human experimentation of various kinds. It's time for thoughtful, reflective citizens to begin looking for another home, as the Pilgrims were constrained to do 400 years ago.
@jackdeniston6150 Ай бұрын
There is no other, Elon Musk wont getr there in time. We have to Refuse.
@billstarr9396 Ай бұрын
I had 3 uncles who were carrer army, 2 were E9s and one a Lt Col. I can easily imagine what they would say about conditions today.
@dchurch2012 29 күн бұрын
If only Elon Musk would increase his heavy-lift capacity, we could assemble to live on Mars....
@jonathanleach1050 29 күн бұрын
@@dchurch2012 I was thinking of somewhere a little closer but less wokely totalitarian than the US has become. Mars might work for the truly adventurous. But I was thinking maybe central or south America! 😊
@dchurch2012 29 күн бұрын
@@jonathanleach1050 I seriously investigated moving to Colombia 30 years ago (I had a Colombian girlfriend at the time). I'm afraid all of those governments have gone hard left in the intervening years.
@avlifesavers Ай бұрын
This is like Atlas Shrugged, but for relationships. Time for men to shrug & let it collapse. Enjoy your bears ladies.
@THX1138OG Ай бұрын
They'll be begging for men to come back when society falls apart.
@Hectorszenshopedc Ай бұрын
women who neglect will be neglected
@persnipoles Ай бұрын
We need to start calling selective service "empowering." Spot the trap?
@WestQuinte Ай бұрын
Thats right, 35 and finally got it drilled into my head that I am nobody.
@kylehorner8782 22 күн бұрын
Nobody means no-body to put in chains!!!!
@chuck3671 Ай бұрын
Military Industrial Complex
@compostthewef Ай бұрын
It's encouraging to see so many waking up to the reality of this World. You're awesome and the truth spoken is soul food! Thank you and God Bless!
@TSoneonetwo Ай бұрын
the feeling is mutual...
@smiles7631 29 күн бұрын
Speaking of accidents, don't be trying to cut your finger off. You be careful young lady! 😆I really appreciate your devotion. I can tell it means a lot to you to get the message out. One thing I noticed about myself when I was younger. There was a spark of, I would do anything to protect my family. If that meant I had to go overseas and fight to keep the fight from coming to my land then so be it. But that quickly was put out by what I've seen that war does to a human. The ptsd alone is bad. Back in vietnam they drank water out of the same barrels chemicals were in. They cleaned them but you never get all that out. My real father died of cancer at 55. Vietnam vet. My mom had a thing for vietnam vets. lol. My step father told me a lot of bad stuff that happened over there. I will always respect our military and vets. I believe we need them to protect us. Very thankful. I think it would take a disaster of some sort to reset how we've became. I hate to say that. I don't want that. But I think every one has become to soft and cushy. The big g has gotten into everything. I think that is a big mistake. I've gotten to the point where I don't even trust the voting system anymore. I'm still going to vote but I'm questioning it and I shouldn't have to question that. Thank you for the video Erin! Hi Lola! Love you guys. God bless.
@TFWS6 Ай бұрын
I’ll be honest. A lot of this is our fault. Men including myself have always treated ourselves as disposable in the name of the greater good. How can we expect to be treated better if we don’t even see ourselves as valuable? It’s like a woman who looks, walks, talks and acts like a 304 asking to be courted like a princess.
@anthonywilliams7052 Ай бұрын
It's what we were taught, even with no dads my mother taught me to care about them and do everything for them, my happiness and them doing back was never mentioned.
@TFWS6 Ай бұрын
@@anthonywilliams7052 I absolutely agree. We have to reject that way of thinking.
@hyperteleXii Ай бұрын
It's our fault in the sense that we inherited a world that gave women power they didn't deserve. Now it's our mess to clean up and rescind those powers (and they'll kick and scream like children as we do).
@horrorshivers1355 24 күн бұрын
Well if your willing to bend over and completely give everything you have to a woman, then it is your fault. That’s garbage mentality. Just because there are lots of women out there, doesn’t mean they’re all worth your time.
@rogerknox9147 Ай бұрын
Whether about dangerous work or dismissive treatment, men may clam up for fear of being seen as whiners or cowards.But tha habit of silence puts us further at risk, because people notice we are "willing" to take it. Men need to get together and speak up, developing strategies for doing this while staying protected.
@richardcrocker8048 Ай бұрын
Public has always been willingly ignorant on most things ….. creating a draft motivates the people involved to become more knowledgeable about domestic politics and foreign affairs. Men from families of means have fled Ukraine to avoid the killing fields. I remember sitting up all night as birthdays were drawn for the draft lottery for the Vietnam War ….. where 50,000 US Servicemen died for nothing (and just a few females) . If I was of draft age today, I would refuse to register and refuse to fight ….. who wants to die for a totally corrupt Oligarchy where the top 10% control 90% of the wealth. If there is going to be a draft DEI demands 50% of those drafted be female.
@hairymotter5455 26 күн бұрын
Once men accept these things life gets much better. Indifference is a super power
@Comfortzone99 Ай бұрын
This is what is happening in the UK, the government has been talking about compulsory military service for 18 + year-old men 'to learn life skills' ...We know this is not about life skills as they never bothered about young men in the past .... this is all about Putin and his threats to the UK.
@jeremycole3008 Ай бұрын
My ex employer Caterpillar Inc just had another guy did in their Mapleton Illinois foundry 8 hours ago. Had to see if my brother from another mother was ok. It WAS his line, but it was 2nd shift, and had already gotten home when the accident occurred. Last year, a brand new caterpillar Mapleton employee, on his 9th day of employment, fell in the lot with the molten steel attempting to get a pre pour sample, burned up instantly. Luckily I was in research & Development, not the foundry
@dchurch2012 29 күн бұрын
Again, not many takers for these jobs are there? Any women out there that would like to step-in?
@kylehorner8782 22 күн бұрын
They are starting to notice it on open door Boing flights!!!
@dave-rn7zd Ай бұрын
If this auto draft come's to the UK fine lock me up.
@Mike-zw7fq Ай бұрын
Lola is slacking off on her job. Best Wishes! M.H
@marcussevenj 24 күн бұрын
Thank you
@troydunn8463 Ай бұрын
As a veteran... It sucks, its not fair, but I do not know any way around the possibility of a draft (for wars that are necessary, such as WWII). Wwii Japan not just attacked us in Hawaii but also began working across the Aluetians (alaska) Other than the obvious, the avoidable atrocities are: 1) make service more desirable (better pay) and less horrible (covid shots and shoving lgbt down MENs throat). So that men will choose to enlist rather than draft (you would think capitalists would understand market forces) 2) acknowledge mens sacrifice and stop bearing false witness that women are oppressed..and frankly, reconsider the 19th 3) stop pretending women are the equal of a man when it is convenient, then declaring women are just little girls (when that is convenient)
@bruceraymond2114 Ай бұрын
You nailed it. Thank you for your service. My draft number was 220 for the Vietnam war. Note that no woman has ever registered for the draft. I had an economics class in college. This was during the Vietnam war draft, so you can imagine that not a lot of guys were willing to get dragged into the military involuntarily. The professor made the point that the draft was really about theft. That's theft of a man's time, services and risk of life for not enough money. He then asked how many guys would be willing to join the military for $5K/year and nobody was interested. Starting salaries for engineers at the time (1973) were ~$10K/year in general. He upped it to $10K and got a few hands (plus there was a recession going on, so jobs were hard to come by). He kept going up by $5K/year and got more and more hands. By the time he got to $30K he had most of the class raising their hands. So he made his point - the military could have all of the manpower it wanted if it just paid enough. To compel men to join the military is really just societal theft of the men's time, labor and acceptance of risk for less than he would otherwise trade them. In other words, theft. It's impossible for me to see the moral argument that we should ever draft anyone if we're just unwilling to pay the actual cost of their time and labor. If men are going to be drafted, then women must be drafted, too. That's true equality.
@michaelchambers7691 29 күн бұрын
How bout our own private militia, not joining and serving the government's militia for their cause.
@rustycowell7264 28 күн бұрын
They made you think it was necessary. Like she said Hawaii was not a part of the US at the time. Gulf of Tonka and Bay of pigs were also fabricated to enter wars
@fowlkesbrian 27 күн бұрын
"wars that are necessary" typically are a lie...they spare no expense when it comes to wartime propaganda
@kipkipper-lg9vl 6 күн бұрын
the US allowed Pearl Harbour to happen, if you don't see that your in idiot
@ponncho 29 күн бұрын
It all came to reality a couple years ago as I was filling out an application for a govt job, I came upon a question that read something like, “if you a male you must answer yes or no if you have registered for the selective service”. I presume this question on fed govt job apps is nothing new; however, in this day and age of feminism I couldn’t stop to think how blatantly discriminatory that question is.
@darrellwiley4288 Ай бұрын
WW3 was just declared yesterday
@jigsaw9618 22 күн бұрын
It's like anything else in life, no one cares about anything until they need something
@DutchCobbler 29 күн бұрын
It's less "mothers protect their children" and more mothers preserve their investment. A son is not a son to his single mother, but an accessory for personal use. Paul Elam talks about this "emotional incest" quite a bit in his videos.
@davidknighton7478 29 күн бұрын
We're used to it.
@pirateracingnz9846 Ай бұрын
19:12 Well Erin, over the ditch in Australia, there is now a minister for mens behaviour. I am sure that’s the right way to go in dealing with issues that men suffer more from, not.
@FarfromEden Ай бұрын
Thank you for telling me this! I just looked it up & read about it. I will definitely cover this in a video soon!
@pirateracingnz9846 29 күн бұрын
@@FarfromEden was a good local guy on some stats which may be interesting also. I have heard although can’t confirm that also in Aus, a bloke can get divorce graped even if he doesn’t live with the woman. Normally us kiwis are drawn to Aussie but I see more evidence lately that the lucky land aren’t very lucky anymore. We in NZ had female prime minister, Chief Justice, Governor General etc and yet didn’t make any positive change for our country. World seems all gone to heck, just a matter of holding on and wait for the impact some days. Thanks for the content Erin. Oh and found this
@parkamark 29 күн бұрын
Again, this is why you don't register the birth of your children. As soon as you do so, you don't own them anymore.
@rustycowell7264 28 күн бұрын
Almost nobody knows that birth certificate is on a bond note in capital letters merging them with the US corp of America. Own nothing and no rights
@compostthewef Ай бұрын
Yes, all planned in advance!
@Sir_Persevere Ай бұрын
Had our nation been more righteous during my millennial lifetime, I likely would have joined the military voluntarily. But the fact that America has become so wicked (abortion being a chief issue with me), I now see not much difference between fighting for them and fighting for the genocidal Germans of the 1930’s & 40’s. And the sad thing is that I grew up in a military family and was raised patriotically. I love the USA as it once was…but I cannot in good conscience fight for whatever this Woke empire wants to call itself under Joke Hiden.
@oopsdidItypethatoutloud 28 күн бұрын
Is it true that men have to register for this or not get the vote? Requiring men to do it for student loans (no more granted) means that women are Given the vote and Given education, while men must Gain the vote and Gain education. That's crazy 🤪 ❤ from Northeast England ❤️
@oopsdidItypethatoutloud 28 күн бұрын
Here is the best counter argument against saying house wives do UNPAID work If I get a pay packet and put it on the table so house keeping is covered first.. or better still, imagine my pay packet being taken by the paymaster and put on that table, I don't see it until I get home. The money is mostly spoken for by the home... my wifes work place. Then who is working unpaid? ❤ from Northeast England ❤️
@rebuffedspace1132 Ай бұрын
Selective Service has been the law since the 40s These guys probably don’t know they must register at 18. And now they can be called felons. Think about that
@tannagra Ай бұрын
The US should really link women's voting rights to selective service registration. Equality is equality.
@psychoholicslag4801 Ай бұрын
Women should be drafted at a rate that is commensurate with their distribution in society otherwise it will not be fair and equitable. If that disturbs them, they should volunteer before yhey are drafted so they can choose their preferred MOS instead of being assigned by the needs of the Military. Strong, independent women can do everything a man can do, right?
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
The draft should be abolished because it's unethical. Applying it to everyone pleases the arksists
@wavey459 29 күн бұрын
You care ❤️
@crimestoppers1877 Ай бұрын
Look up "McNamara's Morons." During the early years of the war most US war fighters killed or injured were more proportionately Black than white. This was partly because of the complex deferment system that included exemptions for students. A large group of ineligible men were deferred because of low mental ability. Robert McNamara started his Project 100,000 which drafted men who were mentally unprepared ( IQ
@michaelchambers7691 29 күн бұрын
What really gets to me the most with all this wars, homelessness, and all other wicked things going on are how a lot of us are living so godlessly. Contrary to how most Americans were living like in the first 2 World Wars.
@FathersLoveWithoutEnd 29 күн бұрын
That's because the bad guys won both times.
@mattlocascio4949 Ай бұрын
I provide and protect for charity. I earn 40-50k pizza delivery and help at food banks (yes i bust my a$$ at them) its a free outlet to help. at the same time the ones that take advantage the MOST are the ones that don't tip. its a f'd up circle. Women working was a mistake and we cant fix it.
@woutersysmans4497 Ай бұрын
Not all the men" correct" just normal men😊
@andersonfg1 29 күн бұрын
Great video! Wish there was something we could do. Not much hope of things turning around.
@POKE650 27 күн бұрын
In Sweden the draft has always been automatic. Forcing men to sign up to something that is mandatory just sounds weird to mee. I personally got drafted in 1996. I spent 300 days in something called a workplatoon. My job was to make nametags for real soldiers and clean the floors of a building calls "The school house". Everyday I was reminded of how much I and my 90 comrades belong in prison. When it was over no one thanked us, no one even said goodbye. All we were told was how pleasurable it will be for the commander of the company to get rid of us. Then we were marched out of the gates. Arbeit mach frei. Of course there is no pay since this was education. Guess how many people cared. No one. We shut up about it because we knew that we would be laughed at if we spoke up. Guess which soldiers they will be wasting first when the Russians come rolling in. The cheapest ones for course, the ones with no training and no equipment. Of course I do not believe that any of us will be dumb enough to answer when we are called upon. Not a chance in hell that I will sacrifice my life for a country that hates me.
@user-dg2pg5vh6e Ай бұрын
Love when you put flowers and barrettes in your hair, it’s like, “Ahhhh. Normalcy.”
@dovleac Ай бұрын
Let's see who wants to treat me as disposable. Then we'll find out who really is.
@tdrive398 Ай бұрын
Your vids are becoming more popular. I couldn't watch live, so watched it later. YT interrupted with six commercial breaks. It used to be only 1-3...
@DirtnapJack Ай бұрын
I had to sign up when i started college or guess what? No student loans for college. It was always potentially punishable by jail. I think maybe that’s a factor for the lower numbers is because fewer men are in college.
@williambourque926 29 күн бұрын
That's actually really funny and a great point you just brought up.... The numbers are probably down because men aren't going to college as much as women are nowadays. You young guys out there needn't worry though: The government is on top of the situation and going to make sure if they have a meaningless war to throw your life away in you will be drafted for it.
@oopsdidItypethatoutloud 28 күн бұрын
When I was in the Army, I said to a woman soldier it's not right to have women in a camp deployed abroad as it will create friction amongst the men. Oh, she was upset. Then I simply said (as a passing comment) to other women soldiers... Could you imagine a camp in Iraq or such, full of women and only 2 men Without thinking, or pause... everyone of them blurted out... "they'd get rap*d" jokingly obviously, but the fundamental point is made. If a relationship happened, but then the man, or woman moved on and began sleeping with others, resentment would build up, and the cohesion of the unit would be destroyed.... in a military unit 😮 Not a good idea ❤ from Northeast England ❤️
@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 25 күн бұрын
Not any longer. The numbers of Men of all ages opting out and watching things crumble down are growing thicker by the day. The collapse will be incredibly funny to watch.
@woutersysmans4497 Ай бұрын
Everything war is a creation you must learn that when you now the past you now the future 😊
@anthonywilliams7052 Ай бұрын
I think we definitely need to include everyone in the DRAFT and COMBAT front lines, then people would care and not allow all the "conflicts". No more grants or programs for whoooamun either, it's for everyone.
@FathersLoveWithoutEnd 29 күн бұрын
No. We just need to make our nation worth fighting for again.
@anthonywilliams7052 29 күн бұрын
@@FathersLoveWithoutEnd When the HALF the populatoin that has kids and shows men CONTEMPT and PUUUR - JURY and uses marriage and relationships from money, it's not worth it. Let societies that appreciate their men continue, not those that show us CONTEMPT and PUUUUR - JURY and celebrate men's loneliness and the result. So we should do the same back but we don't have the same contempt... YET, they are changing that. We need to completely stop all the help, charities, gov't, etc that's only for whoooamun and against men, even the churches do it. I see no reason to help someone that shows men CONTEMPT and celebrates things like that, and the reeeezyzm they make now more than ever will make vy - owe - lints more common than ever. It already is at my local store, it went from safe to 15 - 20 uh - salts per WEEK since Floyd and has only got more and more common. NO DADS by CHOICE, promting reeezyzm and contempt for others. And this attitude is only spreading just like "takem for everything he's got", "someone to pay for me". Other men I've taked to haven't heard "someone to love" since the 90s. The gov't just making this more and more common. No point in having kids you will never see and be turned against you while you lose everything. Not worth it. Let's give them the EXACT equality they wanted, better yet only men get the benefits of men working housing, roads, cars, food, water, they can do it themselves. More equality. This is our nation now showing us contempt. The only way to stop it is them no longer in posititions of power. It's no accident this comes from whooooamun that want comm - U - nizm. Everything for free. Give them the same CONTEMPT they give us, equality. Nothing for free. OR as the Un ---- d Way told me, "we mainly want to help women and minorities, REALLY ONLY WOMEN". No equality shown to us, just more CONTEMPT. Let other societies that appreciate their men continue.
@aiden1444 Ай бұрын
Do you people not know yet? It’s 100% rate against. There’s over 1/2 mill sqkm conquered already.
@lancebarnes3970 29 күн бұрын
Why fight for a society that hates me?
@auntieoc361 Ай бұрын
In Australia the state of Victoria just appointed a minister for Mens Behaviour.
@kwilliams2239 29 күн бұрын
There is a need for a draft, but should only be used in case of an existential threat to the US, and require a declared war. The last declared war was WWII, and I don't think too many would argue that a draft wasn't necessary. The draft should be in a Constitutional Amendment, but declaring war is already a primary purpose of the Congress (Article-I Section-8). Who cares about the Constitution anymore. “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.’" ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’ ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master - that’s all.”
@AceDeSpada 28 күн бұрын
A female mandatory draft is, as Paul Elam says, "a bad idea whose time has come." It will be awful, but a few all female mechanized infantry companies or all female crew frigates or submarines would be an expensive and horrible final cure for feminism.
@m0t0meth Ай бұрын
This society determined female as weak and they’re the only victims in this society. You should talk more about crimes that women commit.
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
Better Bachelor does that best. Her niche is the supportive girlfriend/sister and looking at historical sexwar writings
@wii58739 20 күн бұрын
Ive seen so much missandry and gotten mentally destroyed by femenasi women to the point of just thinking to just end my meaningless life....
@ghostcog Ай бұрын
Disposable...the root
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
The Bible says war must be voluntary. Attendance at muster was mandatory but then you got released from service if you had been married in the last year, started a business in the last year (represented by the vineyard), or if you were afraid (i take this to cover not wanting to die for a corrupt regime). These all got to go home.
@Arminius420 29 күн бұрын
That's how its always been, you do all the work while others take you for granted and ignore your efforts. I don't need sympathy for it I just want people to understand that these comforts come from the sweat and blood of others.
@stonelord100 Ай бұрын
Wow thank you and your stuff is great!
@BluEx22329 29 күн бұрын
3:22 that was my birthday
@ashwinniamat8560 Ай бұрын
Oh its the same everywhere, or coming everywhere. Woman however, will be the last to know it. Which sucks for them, ah well. Karma is a B.
@enlightenedone2370 Ай бұрын
@Tanfo57 Ай бұрын
SOOOO.. talk to me about 13
@brianglaze4654 28 күн бұрын
yes! it is so painfully obvious we are being replaced in society. I love your channel, you blocked me in chat. I apologize if I said something odd, maybe miss understood. thank you for your work
@andreykorwhatnot8262 Ай бұрын
What if one thinks he is a woman? Can he/she be drafted?
@dr.vonslifeinvesting6485 Ай бұрын
Ukraine is strong! Ha
@MaxIgnoramus Ай бұрын
@homonoia78 Ай бұрын
1st comment 😊
@Rojas.Karlsen Ай бұрын
1st response to 1st comment.
@KalaAltheaBalik Ай бұрын
First like to first comment
@Jaco3688 Ай бұрын
Congratulations. That’s important.
@Jaco3688 Ай бұрын
@@Rojas.Karlsen. Equally important.
@garrett621 Ай бұрын
​@@Rojas.Karlsenfirst response to the first comment on the first response.
@bradlines5494 Ай бұрын
Garbage right here 🙋🤣
@jamieseiple Ай бұрын
You don't post all comments, why?
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
It's not her, it's KZbin. Try misspelling words that can when remotely be considered against The Message™️
@williamkeogh710 Ай бұрын
Stopped at 24:58, then rewound twice to write down those numbers you said... Women = 386 Men = 4,761 Report says men 10 times more likely to be lost on the job... No... ten times 386 is 3,860. Which is rough 900 less than the number of men reported lost. In accuality for each woman lossed roughly 12 men were lossed. So mens losses were 12 times higher, not 10. The next number the report mentions was in the per 100k numbers, which is a typical way to alter the numbers into a more acceptable format ( people on the left do something similar with those pay wage gap numbers ). The loss of 4,761 men is roughly 12 times ( 12.33 plus some change technically ) the loss of 386 women in the year the report indicates. In the end, in that year, more than 12 men were lost on the job for every woman lost. If they attempt to alter these numbers in their favor, makes you curious about what else they change...
@teaadvice4996 Ай бұрын
All men under 6ft must be sent to the front line immediately
@sugebejanai 29 күн бұрын
Alright, thanks for proving Far From Eden's and all the comments arguments right yourself. lol
@sugebejanai 29 күн бұрын
Btw, define what a man is for me.
@scottifly Ай бұрын
You say things on your channel that make it seem like you care about men. What is this about? What is behind this perception you're putting out there?
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
Probable infj. They care deeply about maximizing harmony, albeit via a logical deduction of the truth. Very similar to intjs (elon musk, myself) but more sentimental in some ways, more common in women.
@tannagra Ай бұрын
Maybe, you know, she actually cares. 🙄
@FarfromEden Ай бұрын
I have many videos that explain how i began to see the lies of feminism & the reality of what men experience.
@scottifly 29 күн бұрын
@@cosmictreason2242 I'm an INFJ.
@scottifly 29 күн бұрын
@@tannagra This would be unusual but certainly a welcome change from the badgering we get here in Cal.
@theoriginalDAL357 Ай бұрын
I wonder if this draft talk isn’t just DC saber rattling, or virtue signaling , if you will.
@user-hf1ji1fw4l Ай бұрын
I filled out a draft card when I was 18 and niave I'm 37 and still would volunteer for my country 🫡
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