@xzanderain 17 секунд бұрын
boomer elites destroyed our generation on purpose
@ramosa999 3 минут бұрын
These dating coaches are a joke. These women all want the same small percentage of men, so he has a line of women to choose from. He can replace them easier than they can replace him.
@carlurbananimals 5 минут бұрын
youre just trying to stop the incel movement
@jakejake3182 18 минут бұрын
The boys got the memo. The west wants them dead. They are working hard and passporting up. We don't live 5K years ago. Most woman are on mind altering drugs.
@muggchum 31 минут бұрын
No, do not accept her simplistic approach to marriage roles and everything. Narcissism is men’s problem, too. It all can get petty. You’re too intelligent for Lori Alexander. I know her. There are a lot of people who can speak on Jezebel spirit.
@tdrive398 43 минут бұрын
I'm looking forward to this. This is a GREAT explanation of reality in relationships. I hope you cover the entire video (nice twist at the end).
@kirkwolak6735 44 минут бұрын
Wow. I've seen women who choose to be 1 of many for an attractive guy. NOW it makes sense. This lady in the Uber said "He wouldn't choose me exclusively"... But I would rather have the status someone like him provides me... Than a good, honest guy who is not going anywhere. Women. Find a geek. Teach him, dress him, train him, keep him...
@HateDietPepsi 49 минут бұрын
Without the men having wife goggles women can't retain their beauty.
@BeanieKing 53 минут бұрын
I hate these videos narrated by AI voices, and I gotta wonder about those who take that kind of content seriously. The whole thing screams BOT FARM but people lap it up because, "it hates the same things I do!"
@emale03 55 минут бұрын
This shows the extent of brain fog women have accepted through Feminism.
@modestassakalys9871 55 минут бұрын
The reason is simple the men at the top share majority of women and remaining men are invisible to women its not like we don't want to date but we are not accepted in dating place in first place let's say avarage or above guy creates tinder simple girl gets +999 likes and guy gets 1 or 2 matches in week and even then u feel like a beggar on it not like normal human being when odds are soo rigged no wonder men rather be single...also a lot of jobs are underpaid based on living standards people can't afford to have children or home
@emale03 57 минут бұрын
Beautiful girl🎉
@jc84com 58 минут бұрын
There was a reason kings had bastars childs
@Schtroumpsolis Сағат бұрын
to answer your ? yes we did! im 64 , having a bitchy compagnion is hell. men are wired to defend and attack when vthere are signal of agressivity. all these boss babe are just trigering us, its unpleasant , we walk away to avoid the triggers impulse to tear you to pieces.
@richardsearcher3540 Сағат бұрын
But but you said you didn't need no man ? Now you have what you want but don't want it ? Results of your actions suck eh.😂
@ViPER5RT10 Сағат бұрын
There really is no point being with a woman. We have washing machines and pressure cookers for that 🤷
@brianjohnson6053 Сағат бұрын
All their complaints, demands, are falling on deaf ears. They bring nothing so they deserve the same in return
@lesliesavage9229 Сағат бұрын
Nothing new here. It's always been like this. I took my wife out of the friend zone of another guy she put him in, and he got jealous. I wonder why. If you are in the friend zone, move on, because you have plenty of woman who are your friends. You didn't get this before this video, and there are also a lot of guys that don't. GUYS, be yourself, and not somebody you think the woman will want, which is where your strength lies, and your confidence lives. If you don't like her, dump her, because there are a lot of women around the corner, and there MIGHT be the right one for you. Women like a person who is playful and serious at the same time. If you can show her this in 3 minutes, and she doesn't have a serious guy, you have a date with her. If she messes up the smallest thing on the first date, go on to somebody else.
@sidgreenblatt5998 Сағат бұрын
Well,,,I don't think we do,"NEED EACH OTHER". Married life is not always blissful. There are very difficult aspects of marriage, and relationships. I get it,,,people can get lonely and feel unfulfilled when single. However,,,,the fact that life can be less complicated, and free of somebody else's issues is a blessing that can go unnoticed . I think it is better when people live independent ,and separate lives. Women that can work, and earn a living free of a husband are the ideal. Men that engage in the MGTOW movement are the ideal. A.i. will be developing some great sex substitutes . Hence, life should take a turn in a positive direction. Remember LIFE IS NEVER PERFECT. !!! BUT CONTROL ,INDEPENDENT, LESS DRAMA, AND PEACE ARE THE PRINCIPALS OF A HAPPY LIFE. BELIEVE ME THOSE PRINCIPLES ARE TOUGH TO REALIZE WHEN YOU HAVE ANOTHER PERSON IN YOUR LIFE.
@anthomore4269 Сағат бұрын
🤕I have 2 serious relationships in which I was ready to marry, both cheated one before getting engaged and the other when we were engaged. One got pregnant and I wasn't the dad and i was able to get out of CS. Cut all ties and now I do casual dating, FWB or one night stand and honestly im far happier doing this and doing all my hobbies, never again I will get my heart broken.
@mateoreyes8640 Сағат бұрын
From a man’s perspective I knew all along.
@Bestoftherest222 Сағат бұрын
Its sad many women in my generation, 30 to 40, are never going to have a family. What makes me sick is women are blaming others and theae women are being pretend moms ad "fur babies."
@je8784 Сағат бұрын
14-25% of women are carrying another mans baby. They will lie to your face about it too! I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM!
@CesarNostradamus-wj9uq Сағат бұрын
It’s suicidal and offensive what the baby boomers forced on us.
@Chris-hp2gg Сағат бұрын
The juice isn't worth the squeeze. 😂
@BalakeHart-nh4xh Сағат бұрын
Women turning more masculine..huge turn off
@Bestoftherest222 Сағат бұрын
Long story short men. Be a bad boy or be powerful. There is no "be a goodman" in these womens lives that are lovers. You may be in a ladies life as a "goodman" but you're not her lover and youre replaceable.
@MicharlQuaid 2 сағат бұрын
@johnknight3529 2 сағат бұрын
So, they all want a big strong wealthy handsome alpha male . . on a short leash. Nothing at all unrealistic about that ; )
@AngryBoomer2024 2 сағат бұрын
1:30 Feminism is designed to work that way. Feminism is also a war between older women and younger women. The older women lie to the younger women. Now, it's Western women against non-Western women.
@lawrence1519 2 сағат бұрын
I am German, but the original story is starting to "get old"... Some words I don't know, but I could get them from the context. Thanks for sharing this and making me aware of the old stories. Like the Bible, fairy tales hold truths from the past that are still relevant today and maybe forever. We only need to translate them into the present to preserve their meaning for the future.
@user-fv5ms4sz8e 2 сағат бұрын
The trust factor has been broken between genders and although both want the same thing, yet neither group can fully trust the other group to fulfill their responsibilities. In the back of every man's mind, is the ease of spousal unfaithfulness and high rate of divorce. These men know other men who have been raked over the coals and they want nothing to do with it - they are perfectly okay with one-night-stand encounters.
@mioszduby2842 2 сағат бұрын
It is amazing that many women believe their high level of education, successful career and high income increase their desirability for men. This chart is correct: these things are pretty much irrelevant for men and may actually be a problem if they reduce the woman's respect for her man or her devotion to him and the children. Her looks, her character, and her morality are 90% of what matters to men (unless they are useless parasites who want to live at her expense).
@karmeloxen Сағат бұрын
Remember the song - if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, get an ugly woman to be your wife.
@fiveforbiting 2 сағат бұрын
Everyone still has tribal chimpanzee brains. Men and women. Women just have more freedom to make dumb decisions, and not suffer fairly immediate consequences.
@miketierney7510 2 сағат бұрын
Everything a woman thinks and feels is more fickle and unpredictable than trading on the stock market.
@thebeardbeastx 2 сағат бұрын
The funny thing is they don't even believe what they tell us men to be like. They just want to rule over simp men and take what they can from us. They can never be attracted someone that roll over and plays nice. Big reason why they always want Chad is because he is doing the things there attracted to. Always do the opposite of what they say. Keep firm men so much better to become a strong power man that can't be moved off center
@thebeardbeastx 3 сағат бұрын
Nope not lost. Never been happier. I been loving my hiking adventures and doing my art and learning to tattoo. Level up gents. Great channel
@user-hl8li7ib7g 3 сағат бұрын
After a lifetime of being told I'm a worthless, stupid, evil man and being told off by women on the regular it's no surprise that it's much more peaceful and economical to stay the h*ll away from them.
@bryanmiller8604 3 сағат бұрын
We is it suddenly a loneliness epidemic since now it’s affecting women? Last I checked, when men were in a loneliness crisis, they were mocked, & humiliated as InCels, & told women don’t owe men anything. Well ladies, the same applies now to you! You’ll get no simp-athy from me. Kindly suffer in silence with the lives of strife you so meticulously fashioned as a noose about your own necks. I have better things to do than waste my resources, & attention on you. You’re simply not worth anything to me anymore, & you did this to yourselves.
@miketierney7510 3 сағат бұрын
Men have to be good with animals but are constantly criticized for being one. If a man tries too hard to not be an animal he is weak and unattractive.
@OwnNothingBeHappy519 3 сағат бұрын
As a man the biggest issue in dating is finding a woman that’s looking for something long-term. Dating apps seem so barren and finding a woman that’s looking for something serious seems impossible.
@Doitdan1969 3 сағат бұрын
@Lazerecho 3 сағат бұрын
Thanks for womensplaining the man talk 😂
@FarfromEden 3 сағат бұрын
@@Lazerecho 😂
@CAJFB 3 сағат бұрын
@JourneyOfStrength 3 сағат бұрын
I bet most of your subs are men
@troydunn8463 3 сағат бұрын
No unicorns were harmed in the filming of this video.
@fryman58 3 сағат бұрын
Hoe math delta hot index is way better
@gerbenhoutman9348 3 сағат бұрын
27:40 I don't know about all men, but I wanted someone to love and provide for, someone who would love me and our children in return. Starting about age 20, but aspired to from childhood.
@spacegamer85 3 сағат бұрын
Older women will not give good advice to younger women as they see them as competition and will ACTIVELY work to sabotage their chances at happiness. This is why girls NEED fathers in their life. The dad will sit down and explain (repeatedly if necessary) that actions have consequences. A dad will be her best cheering section but will also set boundaries that she will be thankful later.
@maatewelove7310 3 сағат бұрын
you won't read this, you said you don't understand why a woman will take a job at a prison and sleep with the inmates. it's the same reason why she will own a cat instead of marry a husband. because unlike a cat, a man can leave. a woman who has all those men to herself in her prison sleeps with them because they cannot leave. they are her sex toy cats. it's called power over reason.