Mexico vs Argentina vs Spain vs Colombia vs Chile Spanish Differences! l Odd one out

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@paolagutierrez2128 Күн бұрын
In Chile, we used to use the word "chauchera" instead of "monedero", because of the "chauchas" (cents of a Peso). Now, saying monedero is more common.
@j.navarro7753 15 сағат бұрын
También se le dice chorito por la forma.en vez de monedero
@enseg395 2 күн бұрын
I love your Spanish contents
@ivanovichdelfin8797 2 күн бұрын
Spanish speakers from different countries can understand each other PERFECTLY. They simply selected words that they knew they had variations. By the way, I thought every Spanish speaker would call "maíz" the "corn"
@johns6795 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, I mentioned this before in another video. From context we understand nearly everything, and in cases where we don't, we simply ask for explanation of offending word. It's not hard. Non Spanish speakers might get wrong impression. It's like English speakers from UK, US, Oceania and Canada. They have no problem understanding each other except for a word here and there.
@johns6795 2 күн бұрын
Of course, it gets harder with more slang, but that's universal even within same country, especially larger ones .
@henhaooahneh 2 күн бұрын
Nope, in South America maiz is called choclo from quechua chuqllu, but everybody understand maíz. BTW what you said is 100% accurate and the most interesting thing is it works even for the slang, as a Spaniard I understand Mexican "jail" rap even better than most Mexicans because that cant language "calo" came from Spain and it has hardy changed.
@chrispresta3048 2 күн бұрын
​@henhaooahneh I'm from South America and in my country we don't use the word "choclo" at all. We use the word maíz, mazorca or jojoto, an indigenous word. It's hard to say "this" or "that" is said here or there, because the Spanish-speaking world is HUGE. Personally I don't like it when people simplify the differences in Spain vs Hispanic America. Spain has so much variety in itself, and Hispanic America is not a country, it's a whole continent, so it's pretty obvious that there's an incredibly immense linguistic ecosystem there. For example, the Canary Islands (Spain) and Venezuela (South America) and the Caribbean islands share many phonetic, syntactic, lexical similarities, more than we do with the rest of the Spanish-speaking regions. That's what I like about Spanish.
@JuniorGamerYT 2 күн бұрын
8:39 I wish the Dominican Republic was there because we call peaches "melocoton" just like Spain. another example we call corn "maiz" the same as in Spain and there are many more words that Spain and the DR have in common.
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 күн бұрын
And then your own original words
@frang2023 Күн бұрын
We call it melocoton too in Peru xd
@aglgxkgzkvlM-. Күн бұрын
In Mexico we also say maíz but maíz is like when is processed and ready to use
@MyrberAquinoSoriano-eu3mp 23 сағат бұрын
Yeahhh Quisqueya lo tiene todo ❤😂
@royery 22 сағат бұрын
In Cuba too. But oh well, from Spanish-speaking countries we're the ones always left out. They always include the obvious ones Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Chile.
@FranciscoJavier-ff8rj Күн бұрын
Primero que todo hay que decir que en México habitamos aproximadamente 128 millones de personas, hay 32 entidades federativas y diversas regiones: Noroeste, Noreste, Occidente, Centro, Sureste y Sur (suroeste). De ninguna manera hablamos o nombramos por igual todas las cosas. Creo que Dafne hace mención de lo que conoce, y obviamente desconoce cómo se nombra en otras regiones del país (no tengo idea de qué estado sea ella, porque no logro identificar su acento. Además, no conozco todo el país y mucho menos sus acentos, pero he vivido en tres estados: en el suroeste, centro y noreste. También, he trabajado en el centro-occidente y en regiones costeras del pacífico sur). Aquí van algunas precisiones que yo conozco: En México se le llama principalmente "lentes" y "lentes de sol" pero también he escuchado que a estos últimos se les llame gafas, para distinguirlos de los "lentes para ver". Aunque manejar es la palabra más común para "drive", también conducir es una palabra muy empleada, por ejemplo, sacamos la licencia de conducir (no conozco ninguna instancia gubernamental de la república que expida "licencias de manejo"). Respecto al "corn", en México lo nombramos elote (palabra náhuatl), pero también mazorca. La diferencia es que el elote es el fresco, la mazorca es cuando ya está madura y seca, que es la que se usa para hacer masa para tortillas, tamales, etc. Pero ambos son maíz. En la mayoría de los pueblos indígenas tenemos bastantes nombres para denominar al maíz fresco, pequeño, a la planta de maíz o a los colores de esta, etc. Nuestra relación con el maíz tiene más de 10 mil años y en nuestro país hay 64 razas de las 222 conocidas en América Latina. Dafne debió haber hecho la precisión sobre la palabra "popote", que es de origen náhuatl también, al igual que el aguacate. Monedero y cartera se emplean tanto para los accesorios femeninos como masculinos, pero sobre todo para los primeros. En México, billetera es solo para las "wallets" de los hombres. He visto que, a veces, en los supermercados nombran como "melocotones" a los chabacanos, que no son duraznos, sino albaricoques. ¡Saludos desde la región del Istmo oaxaqueño!
@DjaildoQSjr 2 күн бұрын
In Brazilian Portuguese: - Glasses --> Óculos (fun fact: "oculus" is he Latin word for "eyes") - To drive --> Dirigir ("conduzir" is also acceptable, but it is not very common) - Corn --> Milho - Potato --> Batata - To take a shower --> Tomar banho ("banhar-se" is acceptable, but very uncommon) - Straw --> Canudo - Hot dog --> Cachorro quente (literally "hot dog") or hot dog, in English - Air conditioner --> Ar condicionado - Peach --> Pêssego - Wallet --> Carteira - (Computer) mouse --> Mouse, in English (I heard in Portugal they use the vernacular word: rato) - Bicycle --> Bicicleta (informally, you can say "bike", in English) - Pumpkin --> Abóbora or Jerimum (it depends on the region) - Strawberry --> Morango - Avocado --> Abacate The English words are, of course, pronounced with a strong local accent.
@corymiller536 2 күн бұрын
What about sopa do macaco??? Uma deliciaa
@SandroSvragulia Күн бұрын
Hot dog
@emanuel_deusconosco4856 20 сағат бұрын
Obrigado, não sabia o que era Wallet , Peach e pumpkin
@ItsJandree Күн бұрын
I'm from Chile and i never heard somebody saying "wifi " like the spanish girl.
@Ren90270 2 күн бұрын
8:53 "Cartera" doesn't have a double "r" in Spanish.
@module79l28 2 күн бұрын
They've also messed up Colombia (Columbia) like they always do.
@VíctorGonzálezVitchenko 2 күн бұрын
en Chile al monedero también le dicen chauchera
@bre_me 2 күн бұрын
Give them a break. It's a Korean channel, so the people making the subtitles do the best they can!
@asiatmpo1 2 күн бұрын
@@bre_me Give a break.... Why? It is incorrect. Why post content if you can't be bothered to get it right.
@module79l28 2 күн бұрын
@@asiatmpo1 - Exactly! The channel's main focus is on languages, so getting the words right should be their main priority.
@manuelmachado7990 2 күн бұрын
In Mexico avocado is called AGUACATE because the word comes from the Nahuatl AHUACATL, which means “testicles of the tree”.
@DrVictorVasconcelos 2 күн бұрын
Why? Do they look like small texts? What kind of literature did they have in Maya?
@rogercruz1547 2 күн бұрын
@@DrVictorVasconcelos Pretty sure he wrote "teSticles" and not "teXticles" but sure. Btw, it's Abacate for us in Brasil.
@ultraarg6615 2 күн бұрын
Que suerte que le digo Palta 😊
@DrVictorVasconcelos 2 күн бұрын
@@rogercruz1547 Just a little joke for the compatriots.
@RuthMillaray 2 күн бұрын
Pero la palabra papa es del quechua de Perú y se usa en toda America y la papa es originaria de Sudamérica.
@magaligomez1698 2 күн бұрын
In argentina we say frutilla 11:50
@miguelgarr576 2 күн бұрын
Tal cual! Y también zapallo! No sé de dónde es esa chica....
@ultraarg6615 2 күн бұрын
@ultraarg6615 2 күн бұрын
​@@miguelgarr576la calabaza y el zapallo son cosas distintas
@gugsu 2 күн бұрын
@@miguelgarr576 pero la chica nunca dijo que en Argentina se decía "fresa", el editor puso eso de hecho, cuando la chilena dijo que era "frutilla", la argentina la señaló como estando de acuerdo
@PP.Antartico-Chile 2 күн бұрын
@@gugsu Pero ella nunca dijo nada, o sea permitió pasar desapercibida, o sea traicionó.
@oliveranderson7264 2 күн бұрын
I think some of the Spanish speaking guests confused "corn on a cob" (mazorca) and "corn in a cup" (mazorca desgranada/esquite)
@curkinho 19 сағат бұрын
4:48 I feel like the Chilean girl just invents differences at times, for example here, there's no distinction if it's washing only your hair or all the body, we literally use both words interchangeably, unless the action implies submerging partially or totally in a body of water (a bath, a pool, a river, the sea, etc.), then we use only "bañarse", but if there's a shower implied, both "ducharse" and "bañarse" are used as the same
@tommyc139 2 күн бұрын
I love your Spanish contents❤❤
@miguelm.a7462 Күн бұрын
In Spain we say patata, but there are some preparations of the food like, "papas bravas" or "papa arrugada" there we use papa, but the ingredient is patata.
@santiagogil6603 17 сағат бұрын
In many places of Spain we call "papa"
@BETOETE 10 сағат бұрын
but in Canarias people say papas mostly, patatas in Latin America sound a different thing.
@1224thetami 2 күн бұрын
Chile Anteojos/lentes: for reading Gafas/lentes de sol: sun Cabritas/palomitas depending on the location Bañar: when you put water in the tub and get in Duchar: when you just use the shower while standing under it Palta comes from the tree which is called Palto, so the Mexican girl is not 100% right
@bot2167 2 күн бұрын
Igual Cabritas/Palomitas es Popcorn, Corn on the Cob es el trozo de maíz completo sin desgranar. Creo que en Chile no es muy común comer el choclo de esa forma (y asumo que en Argentina pasa lo mismo), más se usa en caldos o sopas como un acompañante, y por eso esas 2 chicas pensaron que se refería al Popcorn. En México al "Palto" le dicen "Aguacatero".
@pamela1134 2 күн бұрын
@@bot2167 se come de las dos formas, pero creo que es más común comerlo en trozos (incluso en caldos) quizás por eso no tenemos una palabra en específico para llamarlo cuando está entero... creo que la chica se confundió porque otra empezó a hablar de popcorn
@pamela1134 2 күн бұрын
no creo que la chica mexicana se esté equivocando si el aguacate es de México... lo que pasa es que (si mal no recuerdo) palta es la traducción al quechua de lo que significa aguacate en un idioma indígena mexicano. Entonces, en Sudamérica nos quedamos con la traducción nada más, no es que sea un nombre inventado de la nada y por lo tanto ambos deberían ser considerado como correctos
@1224thetami 2 күн бұрын
@@pamela1134 a eso me refiero con que no está correcto al 100%, aguacate allá y palta en la parte sur. Ambos correctos porque ambos nombres tienen una procedencia válida.
@alex__ortiz 2 күн бұрын
We say Pajilla in Guatemala for straw 🇬🇹. I hope one day a Guatemalan appears in these videos!
@elpalos1809 2 күн бұрын
Dominican Republic: Glasses: Lentes Sun Glasses: Gafas Drive: Manejar Driver: Chofer Corn: Mazorca, Maíz Potato: Papa Chips: Papitas Take a shower: Bañar Straw: Chupi Chupi, Calimete, Sorbete Hot Dog: Hot Dog? Sandwich: Pan Preparado Air Conditioner: Aire Acondicionado Peach: Melocotón Wallet: Cartera Mouse: Mouse, Ratón Bicycle: Bicicleta Pumpkin: Auyama Strawberry: Fresa Avocado: Aguacate
@oliveranderson7264 2 күн бұрын
@elpalos1809 very close to Andalusian Spanish
@Muhammadaliahmed834 2 күн бұрын
Spanish 🇪🇸🇦🇷🇲🇽🇨🇴🇨🇱 Arabic 🇸🇦🇾🇪🇱🇾🇦🇪🇹🇳 English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇸🇦🇺🇧🇼🇬🇭 Korean 🇰🇵🇰🇷 Portuguese 🇵🇹🇧🇷🇿🇼🇨🇻🇦🇴
@module79l28 2 сағат бұрын
In Portuguese we say: - "Óculos" in general, then "óculos de sol" (sunglasses) and "óculos de leitura" (reading glasses). - "Conduzir" in general, then "pilotar" for racing drivers/riders and for airplanes/helicopters. "Manejar" is something completely different. - "Milho", for the plant, the cob and the grain. - Batata/batatas fritas. - Sweet potato = batata doce. - Tomar um duche. - Palhinha. - Cachorro-quente. - Ar condidionado. - Pêssego. - Carteira. - Rato. - Bicicleta. - Abóbora. - Morango. - Abacate.
@alexbr550 2 күн бұрын
In Mexico gafas are the protective glasses you would use in a chemistry class while doing an experiment. Safety goggles in English.
@BETOETE 10 сағат бұрын
where did you get the word palta from?
@salmonetesnonosquedan8345 2 күн бұрын
"Colombian is the most NEUTRAL Spanish..." 😂😂😂😂
@decollector95 2 күн бұрын
which would you say is?
@yourpadre10 2 күн бұрын
@salmonetesnonosquedan8345 2 күн бұрын
​@@decollector95doesn't exist such a "neutral" dialect or "neutral" accent in any lenguage, that concept make no sense
@Tinoyevski 2 күн бұрын
@@decollector95 The one with less entonations and pitch tones changes, so Spain spanish is more serious and less flamboyant.
@mkla3333 2 күн бұрын
@@decollector95Bolivia probably. Or Peru
@chrispresta3048 2 күн бұрын
In Venezuela we also use "melocotón" and "durazno" (though they're different types of peaches for us), "maíz" for corn, and "ratón" for the computer mouse.
@BETOETE 10 сағат бұрын
@chrispresta3048 8 сағат бұрын
@BETOETE Por supuesto. He dicho que en Venezuela se usan ambas palabras: ratón o mouse. No hay nada de especial en cuanto a la palabra "ratón"; es una palabra polisémica (de varias acepciones no excluyentes entre sí), por lo que cualquier venezolano entendería sin problema alguno a qué se refiere su interlocutor si le dice "aquí hay un ratón (el roedor), hay que sacarlo de la casa" o "aquí hay un ratón (el dispositivo), pruébalo a ver si te sirve" o "aquí hay un pana que tiene tremendo ratón (resaca), hay que darle comida" este último reservado a contextos más informales y coloquiales. Ninguno de esos significados elimina el otro.
@kiawegamer 2 күн бұрын
8:40 in Panama we also say "melocotón", but we also use "durazno"
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 күн бұрын
5:55 Argentina also says it remember?
@BARDOCK550 2 күн бұрын
I see Dafne i click ❤😍😍
@adrianinsaval 4 сағат бұрын
we can communicate with each other pretty well I think, even though most have their regional differences I think everyone knows how to do speak a more neutral form of spanish when needed and if the other person doesn't understand some words you can always explain it to them. Plus with the internet you get exposed to many forms of spanish and can learn many common words not used in your region. I'm from Paraguay and I've spoken withouth much trouble with people from all over the continent and from spain
@santiagogil6603 17 сағат бұрын
En este vídeo han querido dar la impresión de que es difícil de entendemos entre los hablantes de español de distintos países hispanohablantes cuando no hay nada más alejado de la realidad. La comprensión mutua es prácticamente total, solo a veces hay que aclarar ciertos términos, sobre todo en ambientes marginales o de lenguaje joven.
@kiawegamer 2 күн бұрын
11:42 in Panama pumpkin is also zapallo
@dinotererero2504 2 күн бұрын
MENDOZA, ARGENTINA: Glasses = Lentes Drive = Manejar Corn = Choclo Potato = Papa Sweet potato = Camote Take a shower = Bañarse Straw = Bombilla Hot Dog = Pancho Air Conditioner = Aire acondicionado Peach = Durazno Wallet = Billetera/monedero Computer mouse = mouse Bycicle = Bicicleta Pumpkin = Zapallo Strawberry = Frutilla Palta
@peterjohn5544 2 күн бұрын
I was in Mendoza in 2022. Amazing, gorgeous city. So green and the people are very friendly. Hi from Poland :)
@DiMi318 Күн бұрын
​@@peterjohn5544 Hi!! ❤ From Argentina 🇦🇷 😀
@acb8714 Күн бұрын
Pero si mendoza son como chilenos, de hecho coinciden todas las palabras menos hot dog
@AnaValdes-qe2rr Күн бұрын
En Chile usamos los mismos nombres, la única diferencia es el Hot Dog que nosotros le llamamos "Completo"
@MarcosARG0 12 сағат бұрын
Ok México es la cultura del maíz. Por ello, hay que aclarar lo siguiente: Elote es el fruto del maíz pero este fruto está en condición tierna. Es decir, un elote posee sus granos frescos y suaves, si los aprietas son "lechosos". La mazorca es ese mismo elote cuando ha pasado el tiempo y los granos se han secado y endurecido. Una mazorca, por tanto, no es un elote y viceversa un elote no es una mazorca. Ahora los granos tiernos al ser arrancados de su base aún así se siguen llamando granos de elote, no así el núcleo donde brotaron los granos. Tampoco se siguen llamando granos de elote los granos cuando son desgranados los frutos cuando estos ya están secos. Cuando se desgrana una mazorca, los granos ya no son granos de elote, son granos de maíz o directamente sólo la palabra maíz. La base donde nacen los granos de elote se llama Olote. El Olote se llama así no importa que sea fresco el fruto (elote) o si ya pasó a condición de mazorca. El Olote siempre será Olote. Ahora las varillas que le brotan a los elotes se llaman "cabellos" del elote y Completando al fruto están simplemente las Hojas de elote o de la mazorca que envuelven al fruto y son hojas verdes cuando es elote y son hojas secas amarillas cuando se convierte en mazorca. Así que, no se debe confundir un elote con una mazorca porque son 2 etapas de la vida del elote siendo la misma planta.
@Jj82op 2 күн бұрын
For Guatemala: Glasses: Lentes, anteojos Sun Glasses: Lentes de sol Drive: Manejar Driver: Conductor Corn: Elote, Maíz Potato: Papa Chips: Papas fritas Take a shower: Bañar, Duchar Straw: Pajilla Hot Dog: Hot dog (American), Shuco (Guatemalan) Sandwich: Sangüiche, Sandwich Air Conditioner: Aire Acondicionado Peach: Durazno, Melocotón Wallet: Billetera, Cartera Mouse: Mouse Bicycle: Bicicleta Pumpkin: Calabaza Strawberry: Fresa Avocado: Aguacate In my opinion Guatemalans have one of the most neutral accents, you can always tell every other country has a small difference.
@familyandfriends3519 23 сағат бұрын
Love Chile Colombia Argentina and Spain from Mexico Spanish family
@AutoReport1 11 сағат бұрын
Potato comes from a Caribbean word for sweet potato. It's not surprising that Chile Argentina and Columbia would use a different word for the Andean potato.
@felipecampos67 Күн бұрын
As usual a lot of fun. One word that is so different in South American countries is the USB stick, or thumb drive.... I work in support and I had troubles to explain myself sometimes ;)
@stephenrowell9373 2 күн бұрын
Really good interesting video , thank you ladies ,I learned quite a lot .
@g21daniel06 Күн бұрын
It's Colombia, not Columbia.
@jongarces Күн бұрын
For the AC they misspelt what they said. Aire "A"condicionado with an a. Not condicionado
@noranevins0204 14 сағат бұрын
I love the Colombia acent so much
@maxgutierrez3570 2 күн бұрын
Not "palda", it's "palta".
@Alipollito 10 сағат бұрын
I'm from Chile and... I don't know from where is that Chilean girl but I disagree with her 😂 her explanations are some weird
@Foiree Күн бұрын
Se dice y escribe "palta" no palda, y en argentina se le dice "frutilla", no "fresa"
@lucianaromero3388 11 сағат бұрын
9:12 in Colombia de dont use monedero to much is like “fancy” we say alcansia when you put the coins or also marranito
@unknown1921 10 сағат бұрын
Ella se refiere a una cartera pero mucho mas pequeñita donde solo caben monedas (o billetes pero muy doblados). Las alcancias o marranitos que tu dices se usan mas que todo para ahorrar dinero, no es lo mismo.
@iopiomera 15 сағат бұрын
Guys cartera is with just one r, if you put double rr it sound strong
@MartintxoEH Күн бұрын
Yo no sé si en otras partes pasará lo mismo, supongo que sí, pero en la misma españa hay diferencias a la hora de nombrar productos según la zona (y me refiero hablando en castellano), por ejemplo hay una herramienta de campo que se llama azada, en la ribera del duero la llaman mocheta, otro ejemplo es morcillo o zancarrón que en unas zonas lo llaman de la primera forma y en otras de la segunda, y así con muchas palabras que difieren del norte al sur
@ivanovichdelfin8797 2 күн бұрын
Aire acondicionado* Monedero* Cartera* Ratón*
@carlosdcardona5676 2 күн бұрын
In Argentina Pajita = straw Gafas = sunglasses Frutilla = strawberry Palta = avocado
@decollector95 2 күн бұрын
so uncivilized
@dinotererero2504 2 күн бұрын
No Straw = bombilla Lentes = glasses
@TobiasCastillo-f7u 2 күн бұрын
Pajita = happy fappy
@M86KIA Күн бұрын
@@dinotererero2504 Lentes, Gafas, Anteojos... da lo mismo porque todos son usados en Argentina, depende la localidad algunos usan una palabra mas que la otra. Y bombilla solo se le dice a la del mate. A una de plastico o similar siempre se le dijo pajita. Sorbete le dicen algunos copitos de nieve.... por no relacionarlo con "la paja" que suele sufrir el chino tuerto.
@Angel.T-340 16 сағат бұрын
In PERÚ we speak more like our friends from Chile and Argentina. 👍
@aldozilli1293 16 сағат бұрын
I don't know who does the spelling on these videos but they're really poor. Please spell check before releasing videos and get a native to check what is being said too. So many inaccuracies and errors on these videos, very unprofessional.
@caritoo0.9 Күн бұрын
Soy chilena y en el norte se le dice palomitas de maíz
@killerzombie555 Күн бұрын
en mexico tambien usamos mucho la palabra maiz, y mazorca es como el maiz entero osea la planta, elote también se usa mucho
@danhimelstein1439 2 күн бұрын
5:32 Argentina say “Pajita”
@anulserolf Күн бұрын
En Chile a los anteojos de sol les decimos gafas y a los anteojos ópticos se les dice lentes, esa chilena no h vivido muchos años en Chile obviamente.
@ameyring Күн бұрын
Interesting video I learned from, though I suggest wearing gloves when handling acetone soaked rag. Acetone can wick chemicals from the tool into your skin.
@royery 22 сағат бұрын
Wait, she said in some parts of USA, they don't serve you food if you don't know Spanish? Thats rough and sad. Really a slap to the face. I guess everybody discriminates huh. Open border was really a bad idea... 😢
@ivanovichdelfin8797 21 сағат бұрын
Open borders? Half of the territory of the USA was a monolingual spanish speaking region and indigenous speaking region only 150-200 years ago. Discrimination is exactly the Word that explains why not everyone speaks spanish there Didn't you study history in your school?
@royery 21 сағат бұрын
@ivanovichdelfin8797 No I didn't study in the USA. Could you explain in more detail? I find it difficult to process that 150 to 200 years ago half of the U.S. only spoke Spanish. Also, you're talking about discrimination that happened 150-200 years ago... It wasn't considered a bad thing back then. But nowadays discriminating someone cause of the language they speak is really a bad look. Discrimination is discrimination, doesn't matter who it comes from. If you're excusing that discrimnating against English-speaking people nowadays is okay because of what happened 200 years ago, that's messed up.
@ivanovichdelfin8797 13 сағат бұрын
You are forgiven, then. Search about Spanish empire and Mexican empire. Even if Spanish disappeared back then, you can see the legacy of the Spanish still remains in its own way: California, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana and Oregon come all from Spanish The prohibition and lack of protection of Spanish AND German was a fact when both were widely spoken in the region. No one is discriminating English-speaking population. You made a comment implying that English is the only language that has the right to be spoken in the region. What is real is that there is "camouflaged" discrimination against Spanish people and language in the country by many politicians. The truth is that English is the only mandatory language in schools
@royery 8 сағат бұрын
@ivanovichdelfin8797 English is the official language of USA. And it's been that way for decades and decades. I didn't say English is the only language that has the right to be spoken. Yo hablo Español para que tu lo sepas. My point was that I personally find it wrong that there are parts of the country where you get discriminated against if you don't speak Spanish! Don't say "oh because Spanish were the first ones to colonize this land blah. Doesn't belong to the Spanish since hundreds of years ago and English became the official language. By the way, if you don't believe me then don't. But I'm familiar with the latino community and many immigrants say that they won't learn English, that others have to speak in Spanish if they wanna say something to them. I find it disrespectful. And I get that many don't have the intelligence to learn a new language but from what I have heard them said, that's not the case. Also, a Spanish-speaking person who goes anywhere in this country to get served, the employees won't deny their service to them because language differences. There are TONS of businesses and places run by English-speaking people who offer services in both languages. So here nobody discriminate against Spanish-speaking people!
@mixcool 2 күн бұрын
5:51 I keep using pajita, in the right context work well
@CARLESIUS 2 күн бұрын
En Chile decimos anteojos: «anteojos ópticos» para leer o «anteojos ahumados» para protegerse de la luz. A los anteojos ópticos también los denominamos lentes.
@chucaocantor7970 14 сағат бұрын
Es más común el uso de "lentes". Anteojos probablemente lo usen personas mayores.
@starfy1289 2 сағат бұрын
Diría que es más común decir «lentes» o «gafas». Anteojos sólo se lo he escuchado a ancianos siúticos.
@CARLESIUS Сағат бұрын
@@starfy1289 Deberías ampliar más tu entorno social y escuchar más a sus seres humanos.
@gugsu 2 күн бұрын
the Argentine is beautiful
@aglgxkgzkvlM-. Күн бұрын
En México he have a name for every diferent tipe of corn like we also say mazorca but mazorca is the corn when is in the plant so it would be mazorca de elote 👍
@mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 2 күн бұрын
10:00 despite this in McDonald’s a happy meal is still called a happy meal in Spain but in Latin America I know in Mexico they call it Cajita Feliz which means little happy box :3
@rogercruz1547 2 күн бұрын
I know Argentinians are my neighbors but "Anteojos" as in "ante" (in front of) and "ojos" (eyes)? That's weird
@gabrielbere9322 2 күн бұрын
Y que tiene de raro llamarlos anteojos? tiene toda la lógica e incluso vos mismo lo estas describiendo
@1224thetami 2 күн бұрын
Soy de Chile, pero qué tiene de raro?
@rogercruz1547 2 күн бұрын
@@gabrielbere9322 Justo
@gabrielbere9322 2 күн бұрын
@@1224thetami es medio idiota ese rogercruz o de idiota que se quiso hacer el gracioso. en fin, hay cada salame por estos lares....saludo chileno, buen 2025 para vos
@elmismisimoajp 20 сағат бұрын
Jajajaj oye pero si eres chileno (yo también) puede que no hoy no se use tanto, pero "anteojos" existe desde antes que nacieras xd
@Luckyrrul 12 сағат бұрын
09:27 Everybody was like obviously its called mouse what u talking about
@GabyAR7575 Күн бұрын
Es monedero, está mal escrito. Creo que nos entendemos entre nosotros por contexto o porque alguna vez oímos las palabras en algún programa en la televisión
@fio23 19 сағат бұрын
Please be more rigourous with the spelling, I noticed a few grammar mistakes here, like 'monedero' being misspelled twice and a few other mistakes
@AlisonRodriguez-yn6dt 2 күн бұрын
Que guapa es la mexicana!!!
@mar16able Күн бұрын
a pronuncia de potate na Espanha parece com o portugues patatas fritas ou batatas fritas kkkkkkkk
@rickynetcl 2 күн бұрын
que paso con marla de chile 😢
@kavecrock1112 2 күн бұрын
She is lying about in Dallas, some areas you will not be served unless you speak Spanish. Total lie.
@GeorgeSantiagoBFH 2 күн бұрын
In certain parts of Miami, Florida, you have to speak Cuban Spanish or they won't serve you.
@ivanovichdelfin8797 2 күн бұрын
@GeorgeSantiago Spanish*
@familyandfriends3519 23 сағат бұрын
Who cares we are talking about a English Speaking country in a Spanish speaking countries video
@juanbohorquez3354 6 минут бұрын
It's Colombia, not Columbia. Even in English is Colombia
@Benvenjtos 2 күн бұрын
Colombia y negrozuela hablan igual
@jeremyricardogomezsantos1561 Күн бұрын
Aplaca tu ira que solo hay una colombiana y no hay ninguna venezolana en el video.
@tommyc139 2 күн бұрын
PLEASE react to spider girl challenge plz that's my special request from Kentucky USA ❤❤❤❤❤
@tommyc139 2 күн бұрын
Will you plz react to spider girl challenge plz that's my special request from Kentucky USA ❤❤❤❤
@pamela1134 2 күн бұрын
9:15 la chauchera
@natsphoto Күн бұрын
la chilena se confundio penso que hablaban de popkorn
@MAX_DUB 16 сағат бұрын
Somos el mejor país de Chile
@ijansk 2 күн бұрын
Chile's completo is a heavenly experience on the tongue.
@jimzorn3853 2 күн бұрын
¿Cuando debes decir "anteojos del sol"?
@adihermosa04 2 күн бұрын
An puesto cartera escrito con dos erres carterra
@espi7611 Күн бұрын
@rodrigoarias512 2 күн бұрын
@Chris._P._Bacon 2 күн бұрын
If you people call the agaucate, "Palta"...................what do you call the GUACAMOLE?..............Paltamole?
@gabrielbere9322 2 күн бұрын
no, we call guacamole as well
@elmismisimoajp Күн бұрын
I don't know what's worst: 1) If you think that every country below Mexico until South America should have the same words as them 2) The thought that every spanish speaking country should prepare guacamole just because (a typical mexican salsa/dip) 3) Your ignorance
@canalf007 15 сағат бұрын
Palta, not palda
@fabricio4794 2 күн бұрын
Dafne is all Around,world friends,here,is a "Dafiverse",Julia should try the same.
@brunovleals 2 күн бұрын
And we love it
@Albens00 2 күн бұрын
They're the same owners, they have a few channels.
@madafacka2023 Күн бұрын
la frutilla es chilena, fresa esta mal xD pero igual...
@Lidia-f3p 2 күн бұрын
I like this new spanish girl, she participates a lot and she is very educate (Even tho i kinda miss Andrea 🥲, she was the BEST)
@ashi4274 2 күн бұрын
Where are the Dominicans, Cubans, & Boris????? No Caribbean representation YET. 🙄
@doraemon8975 2 күн бұрын
I think there have been before, there was once a girl from Haiti and another from the Dominican Republic and Cuba, as far as I know, it's not that easy to leave the island.
@machjiffy4710 Күн бұрын
I see Dafne I click
@don_gatoxx4117 Күн бұрын
Lo mejor de todo los que hablamos español es que nos podemos putear entre todos mosotros jajajjajaj
@SecureInMyHead Күн бұрын
Spanish these nuts
@ericortega1745 2 күн бұрын
Im 3 minutes in when do they start kissing?
@renuka1741 2 күн бұрын
@vboyz21 2 күн бұрын
4:37 in English we'd say "to HAVE a shower". Only in YANK English is it to take... Stop teaching English WRONG. Otherwise put in AMERICAN English. 🤦🏻‍♂️
@tavoesc1192 Күн бұрын
Remember: The avocado is from Mesoamerica (Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, etc.) and is not exclusive to Mexico.
@angyliv8040 2 күн бұрын
Durazno and melocotón both come from Latin. Melocotón comes from malum cotonium related to the Greek apple from Cidonia. And durazno comes from Latin durus acinus (hard grape).
@Emelina-eo8ql 19 сағат бұрын
Pésima traducción al español , que espanto
@dex1lsp 2 күн бұрын
Here in the US, it's "four eyes." In Argentina, it's "fore-eyes."
@angyliv8040 2 күн бұрын
We also say billetera in Spain.
@neeksphysique 2 күн бұрын
Can we get some boricuas in here on these Spanish based videos?!
@rehan3600 2 күн бұрын
Que es una boricua?
@familyandfriends3519 23 сағат бұрын
Puerto Rican aren't Hispanic and Latino until given back to Spain your Americans
@unknown1921 10 сағат бұрын
@@rehan3600 someone from Puerto Rico
@neeksphysique 7 сағат бұрын
@ un bórica es un puertorriqueño
@victorinoxj 2 күн бұрын
I felt betrayed. In the Mini the Argentinian girl has the Venezuela’s flag 😢
@La_mata_abuelasXD 6 сағат бұрын
Actually in the part of mexico we’re I live are called dogo or hot dog and they’re famous for it because we put everything on it even chips corn bacon cheese lettuce etc
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