MHW: Iceborne - Safi'jiiva Solo Scaled Slay (Greatsword) - 18'07

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Cancer Means Crab

Cancer Means Crab

3 жыл бұрын

Well that was fun
Now to never do that again EVER
It's nice that he's scaled down for solo play but this is not a quest meant for one person by virtue of it gets done SO much faster with a full group, let alone a full 16 player hub. Where you could go online and likely get it done in two runs, this took me a collective 10 runs off camera, just over 3 hours, for ONE siege. I appreciate the scaling for those who really need it, but I don't think anyone is insane enough to do this more than once alone. I'm certainly not.
This fight is especially tedious alone. Since you're the only target, he'll only ever use limbs that you're attacking, which is especially awful with aggro. Any limb you attack, he will auto-heal, no matter how many times you break it, which makes breaking his fore and hindlegs an absolute chore in the later stages. Of note, If you're reading this and you get aggro online... Please for the love of god just go for the head, no matter what you're using. Attacking anything else WILL make him spam the healing blast and if anyone else is also attacking that limb, you're putting them at risk. The whole point is to divert his focus to his front so everyone else can work on breaking his parts. In solo play the only thing you CAN realistically aim for is the head if you don't want to rip your hair out. Which is fine and dandy once everything is broken already, but by then you're just doing the hunt over and over to get him to drain the energy levels so that you can have plenty of time on the bottom floor. At that point the fight is fine enough, It's a lot of fun with Hammer or Greatsword, but getting there is just not worth it on your own. So yeah, not a very well designed fight. I feel like it should have been better fitter to work both in online & solo play but this is just multiplayer exclusive, which sucks because I really like Safi's design, but now I really despise his fight all around.
On a more positive note, Punish/Crit Draw Greatsword with Frostcraft is really funny and I think more people should try it out now that Vehkana gamma equipment makes it usable again.

Пікірлер: 55
@bigthecat4276 3 жыл бұрын
I applaud your dedication and completely agree with all of your points. A shame that one of the coolest monsters introduced in years is reduced to a tedious slog. However, I'm a glutton for punishment, so I don't necessarily mind fighting it solo. Here's hoping Safi'jiiva returns in a future installment with a regular quest format and not a siege.
@Cygnet13 3 жыл бұрын
I admire your patience and dedication. I noped out after a few super frustrating GS attempts to only end up seeing floor energy levels barely decreasing. I was looking forward to solo safi, instead we got one last disappointment from Capcom.
@cyraktor27 3 жыл бұрын
I had a very similar reaction at first, but I said I was gonna do it, so I just roughed it through with the promise that this would be the first and last time. Still think it was meant for an unreleased/unfinished event quest if anything at all but that clearly never happened.
@Rannis_Consort 9 ай бұрын
Ok ok.. Forgive my rant but... Did you fr call a 4 player activity a disappointment because you can't solo it? The game has me on 304 hours my dude. I still haven't gotten all the gear or maxed my ranks. Excuse me for intruding 2 years later, but what fucking games can you list that have you playing that long without earning everything in the game, or playing it twice? Or relying on PVP to fill a gameplay gap because it's easy to release a new map and patches. List games that have released DLC just as big as the game itself, and extra content that's free that's worth grinding for? You must be a very sad angry man who's severely retarded. You just called one of the greatest game designers creation shit, the ones that literally opt for the players and ignore the wimps who can't learn to game, unlike other developers who cater so much to those losers, the game has no depth or mechanics at all. Just point and click. This is the first game I play when I log on, because I still have armor to get, and weapons to craft, and builds to make. I'm not running over to CoD because it has real gun noises and physics. I'm playing the game that makes me think, have patience, and makes me better with each lesson or failure. Not the one that makes me rage on Twitter because I spent 30$ on a season pass for shit gun skins and emblems. That's legit like going to a traditional Chinese food place in Hong Kong, eating the most amazing chicken with rice, and dumpling soup, and then saying "well that was disappointing, I should've got KFC" Like my guy, Safi'jiva is NOT MEANT TO BE SOLOED, I mean FUCK, EVERY Npc specifically states to make sure you have a team before taking it on. Also mentions that you should have good gear. But you'll still have a goddamn retard vomit his opinion on how it's shit because he's such an arrogant asshole to invite his buddies on the hunt. Either do it and succeed like a badass, or grab a 3 stack and stfu. Don't call something the developers did to make you smile, shit, because you don't understand how big dragons work. You aren't fucking Goku dip shit, you're not gonna 1v1 a dragon that has enough energy to level Astera in a single breath. This is called lore intwined gameplay; when an enemy is actually too powerful to take on alone as the player, as stated in the lore itself. They make you solo fatalis just to show you he can fucking melt 12 inches of hardened steel with his breath attack, and then has you finish him with 4 people. Fatalis is weaker than Safi'jiva in terms of sheer strength. Yes fatalis can nuke you and swoop his tail, but Safi'jiva legit has to have multiple people attacking in all directions to prevent it's focus on one thing for too long. You going in alone is basically saying "hey, kill me, I'm really the only one here" I will never cease to be amazed at how people can legit read a wet floor sign giving them warning, and they still feel like they have a right to be pissed at the employees when they slipped. Which is basically your entire point. You wanted to load up a 4 PLAYER SIEGE all alone and buttfuck a god-dragon that absorbs the life of the planet to grow bigger and badder, and came out pissed at the developers for not realizing his "FOCUS HAS TO BE MAINTAINED" which is why 4 people beating his shit from every angle ends with the level being drained, because enough focus was kept to keep him there. I'm sorry but you're so fucking weak you bored him to death. You can't blame the game for a mechanic that literally pops up on level 2. His focus on level 1 is to keep him from fleeing, and do enough damage to get him to suck it dry. Level 2 is when he picks a target, the more that target dies, the less interested he is. If you're the only one, you're the only focus, and if you aren't doing enough damage, he escapes or moves down. Again, why it's key for 4 players damaging at once. Like this is so simple to follow my 6 yo nephew got it and now has a full set of Safi gear with 2 awakened weapons. But you, a grown ass man can't read instructions, and get pissed at the people who kept this game alive with actual content because you just suck, you suck at understanding logic.
@Rannis_Consort 9 ай бұрын
Solo culture on multiplayer games is overrated AF. All you do is bitch about it being too hard, like it wasn't made for 4 players, and mechanically designed to have a dragon maintain it's focus on fighting them all at once. All because you went in alone, it had nothing to focus on except a dude with a paddle sword shanking it's leg. And you're surprised it's not enough to drain the levels energy and why he keeps moving to another level. My guy it's because you're alone in a multiplayer activity. Safi gets bored if there's not enough damage done. He will move if he's annoyed, he's forced to stay and heal if there are 4 guys whaling on him that he needs to worry about. He also will legit become impossible because he gains aggression in level 2, and being the only thing he has to target, makes doing damage impossible. It's called being realistic. You're getting mad at something realistic AF. A massive dragon who's intent is to absorb all energy and wipe out all life will not stay to pick a fight with a single hunter 1/9 his size. He will though if he's being bombarded by 4 drunk hunters using ailments and flinch shots. Reality my guy. Get real, get good, and stop whining about not being able to solo things. If you wanna play alone so badly, play dark souls. But I bet somehow that's too hard compared to safi, in your eyes. Maybe it's because you bonk too many woodland creatures, and assumed the stage 2 Xeno would be just as squishy.
@Rannis_Consort 9 ай бұрын
Not being able to solo something isn't called shit, it's called git gud, or realize not everything is meant to be SOLOED
@Abigor321 6 ай бұрын
​@Rannis_Consort wow dude. Are you always such a dick? Plenty of people solo "un-solo-able" monsters in this game. Just because it's designed as a multi-player quest, doesn't mean you absolutely have to. The video proves it's possible, just like multiple people soloing Fatalis or Kulve Taroth. Maybe some people see it as a challenge and set out to do it? Yeah, they're complaining it's hard, and it's gonna be. But this is more just to say "I did it solo" and not a constant farming technique. Calm down.
@user-es3ci2pl1c 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. He's really a pain to solo, lol. Even cheesing with ZSD with my SA is still hard since his super stomps pins you down a lot, I thought I could defeat him that easily with just my Fatty SA, but I guess that would take too long before it happens. I guess you're right about focusing on the head though, I might try that after my frustrations from the fight are gone. I also really love Safi's design, and his ult attack really amaze me, but the fight is an ass to deal with solo.
@cyraktor27 3 жыл бұрын
It all honestly makes me wonder if there was an event quest planned that just put you on the bottom floor, Arch Tempered or not, that would give you the pure dracolite that they never rolled out. That would make this all infinitely more tolerable and/or farmable.
@user-es3ci2pl1c 3 жыл бұрын
@Pauletta Clark There's a recon assignment for Safi, after you finished that, you'll be able to take the actual siege. It is a limited event, and I am not sure if it is up right now cause I havent played for a while. If MR Kulve is available, then you might need to wait because the Safi Siege and MR Kulve quest swaps availability.
@cyraktor27 3 жыл бұрын
@Pauletta Clark In order to unlock the Safi'jiiva siege, you must first complete Iceborne's story mode as well as the special assignments involving Rajang and Stygian Zinogre. The quest is also only accessible from the gathering hubs.
@amatmulisha2978 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed with you. Same with me. My thought is this easy to solo farm using fatty weapon and armor but im wrong. Solo it just kinda annoying. At the end, im asking help from my teammates. Im spend more time healing than do dps. 🤦🏻‍♂️
@dianethehunter8527 3 жыл бұрын
Holy crap dude your so crazy and a beast to beat Safi like that. Ever time I've fought him it's with a team lol. Great video though
@callumgibbard3065 Жыл бұрын
I love how you can challenge yourself with tougher monsters and be able to fight them on your own as me I thought my most toughest monsters which had to be frajang with teamwork working together to kill and weaken down my opponent but I can see you managed to bring down safi on your own I also got a wierd appearance to say about safi he looks like Smaug from the hobbit and the lord of the rings
@akatsuisei2671 Жыл бұрын
Funny how your run made me determined to solo him multiple times in the course of my gameplay instead of just playing on full player hubs. Guess the more forbid somebody, the more they're likely to do the very thing you forbid
@moviegamelife 3 жыл бұрын
I think the scaled fight its worth it only for the beautiful disconnections. I enter a session with 3 players and i though i can join. At that moment 2 of them disconnected. Then the remaining just leave (i dont think he knew of the update). But like the 1rst floor was very low in energy i manage to kill it. Granted, i dint have that much rewards but having 5 large dracolites instead of 0 was nice.
@wermgod7067 2 жыл бұрын
I’m honestly kinda jealous you pulled this off. I honestly really hate using gs for fights like this, as it’s not what I’m used to. However, being tied to sns for safi isn’t fun. Sure, I could probably do it some day, but it’s just not enjoyable and is honestly ruining my experience a little. (Sorry for venting on some random comment section, I don’t vent often and sometimes just really need to get it out of my system)
@ProntoproJogo 3 жыл бұрын
Its possible to finish the sieg in only one round with the new Update of Safii?
@gdgreat1088 3 жыл бұрын
No, what I think what happened is that he is either with friends or in an online lobby and hunted Safi together to deplete the levels first. And then went at it alone to seal the deal. Or... did the entire thing alone and only recorded the last hunt where it died? 🤔 Because there is no way Safi just up and leaves the first level that fast at the start of the siege.
@froggie610 3 жыл бұрын
Greatsword on head feels so satisfying...
@whoisrfd 3 жыл бұрын
Great sword... your brave my guy 😅
@svendemon 3 жыл бұрын
Very well!
@muhammadhidayat5678 3 жыл бұрын
This fight is pain in barely do a damage,she knock you out like a toy wasting your time.Even with full fatalis set means nothing.They should make it event quest like Kulve
@MrHorst38 Жыл бұрын
Very Interesting run, nicely done. Why aren't you using the Black Fatalis blade though if your affinity isn't maxed out? You get the same 20% affinity + 100% crit draw and way more physical damage. Does blast really make that much of a difference?
@cyraktor27 Жыл бұрын
The short of is: didn't think of it. There's also the black blade breaking even outside of draw attacks as far as crits go but being real I'm sure the damage would've been similar if not better that way. The shattersplitter was just comfier for me, and I felt the blast helped most with the the periods where he wasn't at his softest.
@MrHorst38 Жыл бұрын
@@cyraktor27 OK, thx for your response.
@deepakmohapatra7416 3 жыл бұрын
i m playing the siege solo due to the network lag, its hard to play in monster hunter with friends, cant play in my region in india as hardly anyone plays this game. also fun thing i literally pressed X on my keyboard as to skip cutscene on pc X is pressed. at current rank of MR 80 i m just breaking its part with rajang LBG, tail cut is the only thing remaining and my damage is not high enough and the the pain is real like there are times when safi just chews and shoots down and i m dead. its certainly fun and one day i ll solo it fully hopefully.
@biggnesss7192 2 жыл бұрын
Did you do it
@garrusvakarian4220 3 жыл бұрын
I just got fatalis armor and weapons, is saffi worth doing at all? Except for the element dmg?
@cyraktor27 3 жыл бұрын
It honestly depends on what you want, Safi's set is honestly just as good as Fatalis', it's more high risk and reward style of play for power versus the amount of work it takes to get the fatalis set that doesn't have much risk to it. I'd even go as far to say that Safi's 3 piece works really nice with Fatalis' 2 piece bonus, if you have the decos to square it out. If you can find a group online, go for it, but if not, I'd say it's fair to pass it up.
@tungtruong1883 3 жыл бұрын
For element i recommend kjarr. Safi for raw dmg! But the fatalis weapons are the highest raw in game now! The only good safi weapons are LBG and HBG now IMO. If u want to grind safi gear i can help you out. I can solo safi full energy in 1 run
@EarlyGene 3 жыл бұрын
@@tungtruong1883 I like to use fatalis, lightbreak, alatreon, and safi weapons for variety.
@pandamfuryus203 3 жыл бұрын
Which sword is that? And how can you stun him that easily witg the gs?
@cyraktor27 3 жыл бұрын
I show my equipment at 19:30, but I'm running Safi's blast GS that has the layered appearance of Brute Tigrex's. Those stuns come from the the punish draw skill which adds stun effects to draw attacks, ideally used with GS charged draws. And when paired with level 3 slugger, the stuns come even easier.
@queenbrightwingthe3890 3 жыл бұрын
She is not worth it alone since even tho her hp was scaled the enegy pool in each room was not scaled at all so you end up with a fight that is still a pain cause the enemy pool drains is too slow. Unless you have like 10 hours of free time to remove all energy in all rooms then its not worth it. I dont know if you can get all mats just with plunderblade. I did some runs with lvl 10 plunderblade and only got claws and scale items. The tale,horns and wings/gem you still need to break and kill the monster to get :( So yea its not worth it alone. Unless you are a meta player then full safi gear is not even req these days. Teo/Raging gear can get you most kills and Alatreon you just need Kulve weapon.
@raulherrero1277 Жыл бұрын
What is the blue bar at the right of the edge one?
@cyraktor27 Жыл бұрын
That would be the Frostcraft meter, the level 4 Velkhana set bonus.
@standingpenguin7544 3 жыл бұрын
i dont have ps plus, i dont have beaten it once, the description just pretty much explains everything. i guess no safi weapon for me
@refullwest7929 3 жыл бұрын
Same with me no P.S plus but capcom give 3 day Free online every month in i used that 3 day to hunt safi jiva now i got the full safi b gear same with fatalis i beat him online
@jeromealmorecalvert1813 2 жыл бұрын
U can join a squad and do it on squad sessions
@jeromealmorecalvert1813 2 жыл бұрын
But nobody is willing to add if ure not ps plus active I'm willing to help u out let me know I'll tell my brother to make one he's a ps4 plus active but but he does his hunting alone he two game names one is Hitachi the is 1
@jeromealmorecalvert1813 2 жыл бұрын
He's not a ps4 plus active but squad sessions is for members only
@xiaomain3604 8 ай бұрын
Bro, you made Safi look easy 🤣😁
@cris.han0311 8 ай бұрын
Anyone else doing this in 2023 cause I would like to team up
@GorillaGiallo104 4 ай бұрын
If you are on ps4 my id is NinjasGabri007
@briandavidson3519 3 жыл бұрын
I tried so many times and still can beat hime till this day 😭
@alexwright5997 3 жыл бұрын
I still can’t beat Stygian and furious rajang
@silentprotagonist3786 Жыл бұрын
Am 2.5 years late, but I have been playing Iceborne for the first time since the last 6 months, and recently reached Safi'Jiiva. As I play on a pirated copy, it is extremely rare to find other players, so decided to try Safi solo. Obviously bringing his energy level down as a solo player is hell, so I used a mod that increases the quest timer to 50 minutes. And man, even as an above average player (never used Defender/Guardian gear + first tried with NO carts 99% of the quests) with Ruiner Nergi gears, the quest took frickin 47 minutes. As a LS user you are forced to focus on the front legs 90% times, and it doesn't help that Safi likes to spam AOE/frequently move his arms leading you to flinch constantly unless you use Rocksteady. The monster itself doesn't do much damage with it's attacks, it's the frequency at which it does it's attack, without a tank to attract his attention it's almost impossibile to attack comfortably. At least the final phase when he goes supercritical was fun, his hind legs and chest are no longer bad hitzones for sever weapons so you can actually go ham and fight him like a normal monster. While the 2nd phase was the worst as it combined the BS attention mechanic along with bad hitzones. I wish we got the fabled "normal quest" Safi, which was supposed to drop Pure Dracolite. But hey at least there hope in future games, if Fatalis can return as a normal monster after being a Siege Monster in MH1, so can Safi as well
@prosec0nds 27 күн бұрын
Why i feel like Jho from mhw move faster than this monster?
@DJ7777BPM 3 жыл бұрын
I thought his legs were his weakness for slash weapons not his head
@SpooderAzy 3 жыл бұрын
solo scaled due to pc mod ? why not do a regular one solo?
@cyraktor27 3 жыл бұрын
This was captured on PS4, so no, this IS a regular one.
@SpooderAzy 3 жыл бұрын
@@cyraktor27 oh i see but he doenst scale thats why i was assuming you modded it or solo scale.
[UPDATE] (MHWI) Full Energy Safi'jiiva LS Solo (14'02)
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